Allen Brain Atlas Adult Mouse Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles Dataset

Description mRNA expression profiles for adult mouse brain tissues spanning ~2000 anatomically defined brain structures
Measurement gene expression by in situ hybridization
Association gene-tissue associations by differential expression of gene across tissues
Category transcriptomics
Resource Allen Brain Atlas
Last Updated 2015 Apr 06
  1. 14248 genes
  2. 2170 tissues
  3. 3091165 gene-tissue associations

Data Access



  • Attribute Similarity

  • Gene Attribute

  • Gene Similarity

tissue Gene Sets

2170 sets of genes with high or low expression in each tissue relative to other tissues from the Allen Brain Atlas Adult Mouse Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.

Gene Set Description
Infralimbic area, layer 2/3
r9 part of gigantocellular reticular area
Substantia nigra, reticular part
periventricular stratum of isBL
locus coeruleus
Posterior amygdalar nucleus
superficial stratum of r3Tr
periventricular stratum of SeStr
Lobules IV-V, granular layer
putamen Subcortical nucleus of telencephalic , which together with the caudate nucleus, forms the striatum. The putamen lies lateral to the internal capsule and medial to the external medullary lamina, and is separated from the caudate nucleus by the fibers of the internal capsule for most of its length, except at its anterior portion.
striohypothalamic nucleus
Medial pretectal area
Frontal pole, layer 1
suboptic nucleus
Periventricular region
pregeniculate nucleus
intermediate stratum of m2B
Lobule III
medial amygdala, anterodorsal part
Intermediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
Nucleus of the solitary tract, medial part
r7 part of gigantocellular reticular area
dorsolateral preisthmic part of periaqueductal gray
Cortical subplate The transient outer neural tube region that contains the first generated post-mitotic neurons that receive synaptic input from thalamic axons and in turn project axons to the developing cortical plate
Pontine reticular nucleus
sublayer 6a of CCx
Basic cell groups and regions
anterior olfactory area, dorsal part
Retrohippocampal region
layer 1 of LOT
precommissural pretectal domain
intermediate stratum of r1Lim
mantle zone of r8Tr
Nucleus sagulum
Taenia tecta
anterior olfactory area, ventral part
Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 2
Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 3
Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 1
r4 part of pontine raphe cell population
Taenia tecta, dorsal part, layer 4
Declive (VI), granular layer
dorsal tuberomammillary nucleus, intermediate part (histaminergic)
liminal alar domain of m2
Taenia tecta, dorsal part
r2 part of superior vestibular nucleus
r7 part of the vestibular column
periventricular stratum of r3Co
Epithalamus The caudal part of the roof and the adjoining lateral walls of the third ventricle of the diencephalon, comprising the habenular nuclei and their commissure, pineal body, and commissure of the epithalamus.
anterior tegmental nucleus A group of cells located ventral to the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle in the mouse ( Paxinos-2001 ) and rat ( Swanson-1998 )
intermediate part of isB
Primary somatosensory area, trunk
layer 3 of AOD cortex
isthmic portion of paranigral nucleus
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, layer 2/3
Ventral posterior complex of the thalamus
superficial stratum of RtC
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 2
Gustatory areas
superficial stratum of SeStr
Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate white layer
pyramidal layer of S
Purkinje cell layer of CbHCx
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 5
cerebellar hemisphere A paired regions of the cerebellum that lie outside and lateral to the central vermis[MP]. The cerebellum consists of three parts, a median and two lateral, which are continuous with each other, and are substantially the same in structure. The median portion is constricted, and is called the vermis, from its annulated appearance which it owes to the transverse ridges and furrows upon it; the lateral expanded portions are named the hemispheres. The lateral hemisphere is considered the portion of the cerebellum to develop most recently. [WP,unvetted].
dorsolateral (non-cerebellar) part of isA
polymorph layer of TuPal
dorsal part of THyB
r7 part of rostral ventromedial reticular area
m2 part of nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus
lateral part of m2A
mesomere 2 (preisthmus or caudal midbrain)
Ventral premammillary nucleus
parasubiculum A transitional zone between the presubiculum and the entorhinal area in the mouse (Paxinos-2001), the rat (Swanson-1998) and the primate (Zilles-1990). Defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture, it is more similar to the presubiculum than to the entorhinal area (Zilles-1990). (from Brain Info)
layer 6 of FCx
intermediate white layer of SC
dorsolateral IC periaqueductal gray
Crus 2, granular layer
Subparafascicular nucleus, parvicellular part
superficial stratum of r8Lim
mantle zone of cerebellar vermis
superficial stratum of r8BM
superficial stratum of r8BL
layer 2 of AOD cortex
liminal part of the r5 alar plate
lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, lateral part
Magnocellular nucleus
Lateral reticular nucleus, parvicellular part
nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, anterior part
nucleus of the inferior collicular brachium, rostral part
Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part
superficial stratum of PrS (cortical plate/marginal zone)
Gustatory areas, layer 4
intermediate stratum of r5Tr
alar plate of m1
Olfactory tubercle A small area of gray matter behind the olfactory trigone that is noted for receiving dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra and the reticular formation which have been implicated in schizoaffective disorders.
Islands of Calleja
mantle zone of SeDg
anterior paraventricular nucleus of thalamus The anterior of the two nuclei paraventriculares thalami.
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, anterolateral area
cerebellar white matter
intermediate stratum of Str
intermediate stratum of DgSe
root The usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates usually from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support, and differs from a stem especially in lacking nodes, buds, and leaves.
r4 part of lateral pontine nuclei
lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-ventral part
r4 alar plate
superficial stratum of ITTh
superficial stratum of S
subpallial amygdala
dorsolateral part of Lat
r7 portion of ambiguous motor nucleus
liminal periaqueductal gray of m2
paraventricular nucleus, peduncular or principal part
Field CA1, stratum radiatum
horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band
Periaqueductal gray Central gray matter surrounding the cerebral aqueduct in the mesencephalon. Physiologically it is probably involved in rage reactions, the lordosis reflex, feeding responses, bladder tonus, and pain.
Supramammillary nucleus, medial part
accumbens nucleus, shell domain
Parvicellular reticular nucleus
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division
mantle zone of CoPV
layer 6 of PaS
mantle zone of CoPL
intermediate stratum of PThE
Midbrain, sensory related
midbrain The middle of the three primary divisions of the developing vertebrate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain.
r8 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, interpolar part
lateral part of PcP
intermediate stratum of r6BI
r9 part of trigeminal transition zone
basal reticular formation of p1
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, descending division, lateral parvicellular part
nucleus of the stria medullaris (prethalamic)
intermediate stratum of r2BM
intermediate stratum of r2BI
r10 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Retrosplenial area
AOB, glomerular layer
external globus pallidum
r4 part of medial paralemniscal nucleus
r7 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
intercalate nucleus
lateral mammillary nucleus A component of the mammillary body.
intermediate part of r3B
anterior pretectal nucleus, ventral core part
Thalamus The largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and functions in the integration of sensory information.
layer 2 of PaS
Lingula (I)
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, oval nucleus
lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part, periventricular
r9 part of nucleus gracilis
Nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus
r3 part of basointermediate reticular formation
paraventricular nucleus, rostral part
Lateral septal nucleus, caudal (caudodorsal) part
Accessory olfactory bulb, granular layer
ventrolateral part of isA
r8 part of gigantocellular reticular area
Anterolateral visual area, layer 5
Field CA2, pyramidal layer
medial part of r6B
ventromedial nucleus
intermediate stratum of r4Tr
r9 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, interpolar part
triangular septal nucleus
layer 3 of PCx
neural plate The thickened dorsal plate of ectoderm that differentiates into the neural tube and neural crest; Ectoderm on the dorsal surface of the early vertebrate embryo that gives rise to the cells (neurons and glia) of the nervous system.
dorsal entopeduncular nucleus
Accessory olfactory bulb The accessory olfactory bulb, which resides on the dorsal-posterior region of the main olfactory bulb, forms a parallel pathway independent from the main olfactory bulb. It is the second processing stage of the accessory olfactory system. It receives axonal input from the vomeronasal organ, a distinct sensory epithelium from the main olfactory epithelium that detects pheromones, among other chemical stimuli. Like the main olfactory bulb, axonal input to the accessory olfactory bulb forms synapses with mitral cells within glomeruli. However, mitral cells in the accessory olfactory bulb project their axons to targets in the amygdala and hypothalamus where they may influence aggressive and mating behavior.
mantle zone of CbH
r1 alar plate
r6 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
Septohippocampal nucleus Part of septal nuclear complex. In the human, it refers to the most caudal of scattered clusters of neurons in the septum pellucidum that extend, on the underside of the corpus callosum, from the level of the medial septal nucleus to the CA fields ( Crosby-1962 ). In the rat it is associated with the lateral septal nucleus throughout its rostro-caudal course toward the CA fields ( Swanson-1998. Adapted from Brain Info.
intermediate stratum of r2Lim
r11 alar plate
hindbrain The posterior of the three primary divisions of the developing vertebrate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain that includes the cerebellum, the medulla oblongata, and in mammals the pons and that controls autonomic functions and equilibrium.
p1 part of the substantia nigra compacta
r7 part of trigeminal transition zone
Midbrain reticular nucleus
anterior nuclei
mantle zone of m1Lim
Superior colliculus, superficial gray layer Layer of the superior colliculus, lying just deep to the outermost stratum zonale (Carpenter, A Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 3rd ed., 1985, pg 175)
peripeduncular nucleus A group of neuron cell bodies that form a thin, caplike configuration over the dorsolateral aspect of the crus cerebri; many of its cells are acetylcholinesterase positive.
sublayer 6a of OCx
Prelimbic area, layer 5
Prelimbic area, layer 2
Prelimbic area, layer 1
r9 portion of vagal motor nucleus (postmigratory)
r7 part of the trigeminal column
isthmic liminal reticular area
superficial stratum of r7Co
Posterolateral visual area, layer 1
Posterolateral visual area, layer 4
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division, interfascicular nucleus
Entorhinal area, medial part, ventral zone, layer 1
Entorhinal area, medial part, ventral zone, layer 2
Entorhinal area, medial part, ventral zone, layer 3
induseum griseum Thin layer of cortex lying on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum. It has been debated whether it is more related to the hippocampus or the olfactory bulb (Shipley et al., Olfactory System In Paxinos The Rat Nervous System, 2nd ed)
Main olfactory bulb, mitral layer
Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, anterior part
intermediate stratum of r8BL
intermediate stratum of r8BM
intermediate stratum of r8BI
Orbital area, medial part, layer 2
Motor nucleus of trigeminal
Abducens nucleus Nucleus located beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle in the pontine tegmentum, containing motor neurons innervating the lateral rectus muscle of the eye (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg 533)
central part of MPO
Subgeniculate nucleus
liminal reticular formation of m2
superficial stratum of r9Lim
mantle zone of r6BM
Anterior olfactory nucleus A portion of the forebrain of vertebrates. It is found behind the olfactory bulb and in front of the piriform cortex (laterally) and olfactory tubercle (medially) in a region often referred to as the olfactory peduncle or retrobulbar area. The peduncle contains the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) as well as two other much smaller regions, the tenia tecta (or dorsal hippocampal rudiment) and the dorsal peduncular cortex.
Piriform area An area in the rhinencephalon, pear-shaped in some species but not in humans; it includes the lateral olfactory process or gyrus, the limen insulae, the uncus, and part of the parahippocampal gyrus; subdivided into the prepiriform area, the periamygdaloid area, and the entorhinal area.
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part, rostral dorsomedial part
accumbens nucleus, core domain
Agranular insular area, dorsal part, layer 6a
Ventral cochlear nucleus The ventral cochlear nucleus (or anterior, or accessory), placed between the two divisions of the cochlear nerve, is on the ventral aspect of the inferior peduncle. Composed of several regions of distinct cell types, this nucleus serves primarily as a relay station for ascending auditory information. Bushy cells in the anterior ventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN), which receive end bulbs of held from auditory nerve fibers, project to the superior olivary complex through the trapezoid body and intermediate acoustic stria. Other cell types project to the lateral lemniscus and the inferior colliculus directly. [WP,unvetted].
r3 part of basomedial reticular formation
Copula pyramidis, molecular layer
Crus 2, molecular layer
r10 part of vagal motor nucleus
periventricular stratum of r6BM
p1 part of the pararubral nucleus
superficial stratum of the VAP
OB glomerular layer
Nucleus ambiguus, ventral division
isthmic part of the periaqueductal gray
liminal alar domain of m1
mantle zone of m2AL
dorsal peduncular cortex, periventricular part
periventricular stratum of r4Ve
granule cell layer of the DG
mantle zone of m2AD
mantle zone of Ist
dorsomedial tegmental nucleus
subbrachial nucleus, caudal part
white matter of cerebellar vermis
lateral spiriform nucleus
lateral part of JcP
Orbital area, lateral part, layer 2/3
r8 part of nucleus of Roller
r9 part of the vestibular column
r1 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
perimammillary part of PHyB
layer 4 of InsCx
p3 portion of the substantia nigra pars compacta
superficial stratum of r4BI
anterior digastric muscle trigeminal motor cell group
superficial stratum of r4BM
superficial stratum of r4BL
medial pallium (hippocampal allocortex)
medial amygdala, posteroventral part
mantle zone of r8BM
Field CA1, stratum lacunosum-moleculare
mantle zone of r5Tr
mantle zone of r8BI
layer 1 of PaS
striatum (corpus striatum)
Paramedian lobule, granular layer
basal part of terminal hypothalamus
ventromedial preoptic nucleus
horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band, transitional part
Agranular insular area, dorsal part, layer 2/3
r2 part of vestibular nucleus Y
reuniens nucleus, main part
Frontal pole, layer 2/3
layer 2 of InsCx
Median preoptic nucleus The median preoptic nucleus is located along the midline in a position significantly dorsal to the other 3 preoptic nuclei, at least in the macaca fascicularis brain. It wraps around the top (dorsal), front, and bottom (ventral) surfaces of the anterior commissure. The median preoptic nucleus generates thirst. Drinking decreases noradrenaline release in the median preoptic nucleus.
basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part
Anteromedial nucleus, ventral part
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus A group of nerve cell bodies found in the ventral portion of the intermediate hypothalamic region; it is involved in diverse functions, for example, food intake and sexual behavior.
presubiculum A modified six-layered cortex between the subiculum and the main part of the parahippocampal gyrus.
Dentate gyrus, granule cell layer Granule cell layer is also called the DG principal cell layer. This one of the three layers of dentate gyrus that lies deep to the molecular layer and is made of densely packed layer that is four to eight granule cells thick.
interanterodorsal nucleus
Superior olivary complex, medial part
superficial stratum of r6Tr
medial part of r7B
superficial stratum of r2Tr
lateral pallium Subdivision of pallium that is located laterally.
Isocortex The newer, six-layered portion of the cerebral cortex, showing stratification and organization characteristic of the most highly evolved type of cerebral tissue.
mantle zone of m1AL
intermediate stratum of 5BL
intermediate stratum of TSPaA
mantle zone of m1AD
Parafascicular nucleus
Basomedial amygdalar nucleus
alar plate of p1
Accessory olfactory bulb, mitral layer
mantle zone of p1B
Thalamus, polymodal association cortex related
Geniculate group, ventral thalamus
pyramidal layer of IG
Secondary motor area
subbrachial nucleus, rostral part
superficial stratum of PSPa
intermediate part of the arcuate nucleus
medullary hindbrain (medulla)
Parabrachial nucleus, medial division
r10 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, caudal part
Intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus
ventrolateral part of alar p1
lateral periretromammillary nucleus
Interpeduncular nucleus
medial basal reticular formation of m1
posterodorsal tegmental nucleus
intermediate stratum of Hb
r6 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, pars oralis
superficial stratum of r7BL
superficial stratum of r7BM
Supramammillary nucleus, lateral part
peduncular paraventricular area of PHyA
m2 part of substantia nigra compacta
periventricular stratum of SC
periventricular stratum of AOB
Retrosplenial area, lateral agranular part
posteromedial visual area, layer 2/3
r9 part of the basolateral reticular formation
retrotrapezoid nucleus The loose collection of neurons that reside in the rostral medulla close to the medullary surface, ventral and immediately caudal of nVII, that are crucial for CO2 sensing in the brain
isthmic alar plate
periventricular stratum of JcPV
Medial amygdalar nucleus, anteroventral part
periventricular stratum of JcPL
Retrosplenial area, lateral agranular part, layer 6a
intermediate stratum of p2Lim
diagonal domain
sublayer 6a of FCx
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, laterocentral division
r2 part of vestibular sensory column
Ansiform lobule A lobule comprising the greater part of the hemisphere of the cerebellum; its superior and inferior surfaces are separated by the horizontal fissure into major parts known as crus I (superior semilunar lobule) and crus II (inferior semilunar lobule).
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 6b
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 6a
Postpiriform transition area
Arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
medial part of the isB
ventral endopiriform nucleus
layer 6 of RSC
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division, superior lateral part
Subiculum The zone of transition between the parahippocampal gyrus and Ammon's horn of the hippocampus.
oculomotor nucleus, Edinger-Westphal subnucleus
isthmic liminal part of the periaqueductal gray
colliculus superior
Medial group of the dorsal thalamus
intermediate stratum of r3Ve
posteromedial visual area, layer 6a
intermediate stratum of Ist
posteromedial visual area, layer 6b
mantle zone of r3Ve
periventricular stratum of r6Co
layer 3 of VPrP cortex
lateral part of r9B
mantle zone of m2ADL
mantle zone of r2BM
mantle zone of r2BL
mantle zone of r2BI
Lateral hypothalamic area The lateral hypothalamus or lateral hypothalamic area is a part of the hypothalamus. It is concerned with hunger. Damage to this area can cause reduced food intake. Stimulating the lateral hypothalamus causes a desire to eat, while stimulating the ventromedial hypothalamus causes a desire to stop eating. [WP,unvetted].
Pyramus (VIII)
juxtacommissural pretectal domain
retromammillary area, medial part
periventricular stratum of isBI
Fastigial nucleus the most medial of the cerebellar nuclei; it receives its afferent input from Purkinje cells of the flocculonodular lobe and the vermis, and most of its efferent connections travel via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the vestibular nuclei and to the medullary reticular formation
r7 part of basomedial reticular formation
periventricular stratum of r3Lim
dorsomedial preoptic area, intermediate part
mantle zone of PThE
r5 part of the cochlear column
Copula pyramidis .[MP].
superficial stratum of CoPV
dorsolateral part of m2A
superficial stratum of p2ZL
r10 basal plate
central amygdaloid nucleus, medial part
r6 part of basomedial reticular formation
periventricular stratum of AStr
Inferior colliculus, dorsal nucleus
intermediate stratum of RtC
Claustrum The one of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere that consists of a thin lamina of gray matter between the lentiform nucleus and the insula.
lateral preoptic area, PO1 part
intermediate isthmic part of the dorsal raphe nucleus
central part of MD
lateral (dentate) cerebellar nucleus
mantle zone of r9Lim
medial amygdala, anteroventral part
mantle zone of r1Tr
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis
ventral striatum Those portions of the striatum located generally inferior to a plane representing the anterior commissure; includes the nucleus accumbens and some nuclei of the olfactory tubercle; may function in motor activities with emotional or motivational origins.
magnocellular diagonal band nucleus
Medial septal nucleus A nucleus in the septal area, coextensive with the diagonal band of Broca; it has afferent and cholinergic efferent connections with a variety of forebrain and brain stem areas including the hippocampus, the lateral hypothalamus, the tegmentum, and the amygdaloid bodies.
r1 part of superior vestibular nucleus
mantle zone of InsCx
Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 1
Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 5
Anterior cingulate area
Uvula (IX), molecular layer
ventral juxtacommissural pretectal nucleus
parvocellular part of the r9LRt
Subiculum, ventral part
corticoid layer of TuStr
layer 3 of PaS
intermediate stratum of the PBC
septopallidal transition area
posterior (ventral) nucleus
m1 part of parabrachialis pigmentosus
paralemniscal isthmic area
r3 alar plate
intermediate stratum of r1BI
intermediate stratum of r1BM
intermediate stratum of r1BL
mammillary area
Dorsal tegmental nucleus
interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure
Dorsal peduncular area, layer 5
Orbital area, medial part, layer 1
Dorsal peduncular area, layer 1
Orbital area, medial part, layer 5
septopallidal core nucleus
intermediate stratum of TG
mantle zone of m2B
Gustatory areas, layer 2/3
mantle zone of p2B
Koelliker-Fuse subnucleus
layer 3 of AOV cortex
A4 noradrenergic cell group
layer 1 of ERCx
lateral preoptic nucleus, PO2 part
superficial stratum of OCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
intermediate stratum of PO1
intermediate stratum of PO2
r2 part of median raphe nucleus
r5 part of the trigeminal column
superficial stratum of m2ADL
superficial stratum of SC
Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus
oval paracentral nucleus
mantle zone of r1Lim
Striatum-like amygdalar nuclei
intermedioposterior nucleus
posteroventral part of alar p3
r4 part of trigeminal sensory column
p2 part of the zona limitans core population
superficial stratum of r4Co
intermediate stratum of POH
interstitial nucleus of the zona limitans
intralaminar nuclei
lambdoid septal zone
trochlear nucleus Nucleus in the midbrain at the level of the inferior colliculus near the midline, containing the motor neurons giving rise to the trochlear nerve, innervating the contralateral superior oblique extraocular muscle of the eye (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed, 1981, pg. 533).
lateral SC part of the periaqueductal gray
medial (main) part of Med
central subpallium (classic basal ganglia)
superficial stratum of r2Lim
Posterior pretectal nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is rostrally contiguous with the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. Cells of the caudal pretectal nucleus are slightly smaller and less orderly around a central neuropil than those of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain.
shell of P-DMH
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, layer 3
superficial stratum of r9Tr
caudal linear (raphe) nucleus
Superior colliculus, motor related, deep white layer
superficial stratum of InsCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
caudal secondary prosencephalon
r6 part of trigeminal transition zone
retromammillary area, lateral part
superficial stratum of r9BI
Paracentral nucleus one of the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, located medial to the central lateral nucleus.
superficial stratum of r9BL
superficial stratum of r9BM
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 1
Intercalated amygdalar nucleus
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 5
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 4
superficial stratum of r5Co
periventricular stratum of DTTh
intermediate stratum of r6Ve
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, layer 5
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, layer 1
r2 part of basolateral reticular formation
reticular formation of p2Lim
nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract
Linear nucleus of the medulla
r6 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
lateral part of the lateral habenular nucleus
dorsofrontal pretectal nucleus
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division, medial magnocellular part
Parasubiculum, layer 2
Parasubiculum, layer 3
Parasubiculum, layer 1
prethalamic (p3) zona limitans domain
intermediate stratum of r6BL
r2 part of the ventral parvicellular reticular formation
r7 part of parapyramidal nucleus
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, fusiform nucleus
Lateral visual area
r10 alar plate
superficial part of arcuate nucleus
r7 part of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus
sublayer 6b of CCx
Cerebral nuclei
superficial stratum of r8BI
dorsal part of PHyB
Agranular insular area, ventral part
Secondary motor area, layer 2/3
intermediate stratum of PcPV
Pyramus (VIII), molecular layer
Subiculum, dorsal part, stratum radiatum
intermediate stratum of PcPD
lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part
intermediate stratum of m1Lim
intermediate stratum of PcPL
Diagonal band nucleus
r3 part of spinal trigeminal sensory column, oral part
molecular layer of CbVCx
medial habenular nucleus
periventricular stratum of APal
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, ventral nucleus
intermediate stratum of Pal
Copula pyramidis, granular layer
periventricular stratum of r1BL
periventricular stratum of r1BM
intermediate stratum of IC
AOB, internal plexiform layer
fasciola cinerea A posterior and upward extension of the dentate gyrus, forming a transitional area between the dentate gyrus and the indusium griseum.
mantle zone of r9Tr
superficial stratum of r2BL
ventrolateral periolivary nucleus
r1 part of principal trigeminal sensory nucleus
dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus, central part
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, medial zone, layer 1
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, medial zone, layer 2
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, medial zone, layer 3
periventricular stratum of r3Ve
periventricular stratum of Ist
dorsomedial part of VMH
p1Lim part of periaqueductal gray
Gustatory areas, layer 5
Pontine gray
Ventral tegmental nucleus A nucleus of brain that is part of a ventral tegmental area.
intermediate stratum of r10Tr
intermediate stratum of m1AL
basal plate of p1
basal plate of p3
basal plate of p2
Basolateral amygdalar nucleus
intermediate stratum of m1AD
Dorsal nucleus raphe
Fields of Forel
intermediate part of r9B
r10 part of gigantocellular reticular area
Medial amygdalar nucleus, posterodorsal part
lateral part of r8B
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, molecular layer
Piriform area, pyramidal layer
Supplemental somatosensory area
intermediate stratum of PSPa
r1 roof plate
liminal part of the r9 alar plate
layer 2 of ERCx
rostral interpeduncular nucleus
periventricular stratum of r10BM
Pontine central gray
cerebellar vermis A subregion of the cerebellar cortex, consisting of the most medial zone of the cerebellar cortex, stradding the midline. May be continuous with the lateral cerebellar hemispheres in some areas of the cerebellum, e.g., dorsally, or separated by deeper fissures in others (e.g., ventrally)
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 6a
mantle zone of r2Co
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 6b
ventrolateral part of VMH
amygdalo-striatal transition
suprachiasmatic nucleus A small group of neurons situated immediately dorsal to the optic chiasma in the anterior hypothalamus.
prerubral area
r3 part of basolateral reticular formation
mesomere 1
pretectal tegmentum
Orbital area, lateral part, layer 6a
Hippocampal region
OB inner plexiform layer
r8 basal plate
liminal part of the r6 alar plate
Subparafascicular nucleus The term subparafascicular nucleus refers to a cell group located ventral to the parafascicular nucleus in the thalamus. Identified by internal structure, it is present in the human ( Mai-1997 ), the macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ), the rat ( Swanson-1998 ), and the mouse ( Hof-2000 ).
Globus pallidus, internal segment
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, juxtacapsular nucleus
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, anteromedial area
r3 part of the trigeminal motor nucleus
pallidal amygdala
Orbital area, ventrolateral part
r5 part of basolateral reticular formation
layer 6 of PrS
ventral part of PcP
Nucleus of Roller
r10 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
Prelimbic area, layer 6a
Prelimbic area, layer 6b
dorsal periolivary nucleus
Primary motor area, Layer 1
periventricular stratum of r8Ve
Primary motor area, Layer 5
r5 part of ventral lateral lemniscal nucleus
periventricular stratum of r4Lim
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division, ventral lateral part
lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, ventral part
intermediate stratum of r4Ve
r7 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Vermal regions
medial part of r1B
Precommissural nucleus
Piriform-amygdalar area, molecular layer
Nucleus of the trapezoid body
r3 basal plate
superficial stratum of r5BM
superficial stratum of r5BI
r10 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
layer 2 of PrS
OB granular layer
superficial stratum of r4Ve
superficial stratum of AHy
r6 part of nucleus prepositus
r1 part of basolateral reticular formation
r8 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
Field CA3, stratum radiatum
mantle zone of p3B
substantia nigra reticulata, m1 part
mantle zone of r10BL
periventricular stratum of p1B
Dorsal peduncular area
Crus 1
r5 part of the vestibular column
Crus 2
Basomedial amygdalar nucleus, posterior part
layer 1 of OCx
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 2/3
superficial stratum of PCPD
mantle zone of r9BI
subethmoid nucleus
mantle zone of r9BL
mantle zone of r9BM
alar plate of p2 (alar thalamus)
cerebellar nuclei of CbH
r8 part of inferior olive
superficial stratum of r10Tr
r10 part of nucleus gracilis
Perihypoglossal nuclei
Intermediate reticular nucleus A nucleus of brain that is part of a intermediate reticular formation.
Nucleus accumbens A nucleus forming the floor of the caudal part of the anterior prolongation of the lateral ventricle of the brain.
superior periolivary nucleus
neuropeptide-S nucleus
periventricular stratum of r2Ve
r9 part of external cuneate nucleus
Field CA3, stratum pyramidale
Paraflocculus, molecular layer
liminal nucleus
mantle zone of r1BM
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus
superficial mantle of isBM
PcPV part of the periaqueductal gray
Cerebellar nuclei
Hemispheric regions
r1 part of basointermediate reticular formation
Subiculum, ventral part, molecular layer
Lateral habenula
Simple lobule, molecular layer
intermediate stratum of DG
r4 part of basolateral reticular formation
Somatosensory areas
anteroventral periventricular preoptic nucleus
lateral part of r7B
Posterior hypothalamic nucleus A nucleus of nerve cells in the posterior hypothalamic region, above the lateral and medial nuclei of the mammillary body; it has major brain stem connections via periventricular fibers and the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.
Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 3
mantle zone of the PBC
Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 1
Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 5
Pallidum, medial region
upper dorsal perifornical nucleus
supragenual nucleus
intermediate stratum of r3Lim
lateral part of Med
Visual areas
Temporal association areas
superficial stratum of JcPL
ventral premammillary nucleus (migrated)
Main olfactory bulb The main olfactory bulb has a multi-layered cellular architecture. In order from surface to the center the layers are: Glomerular layer, External plexiform layer, Mitral cell layer, Internal plexiform layer, Granule cell layer[WP].
mantle zone of VTTh
dorsolateral part of Int
periventricular stratum of PalSe
r1 part of vestibulocerebellar nucleus
AOB, mitral cell layer
intermediate stratum of r3BI
mantle zone of r1Ve
intermediate stratum of r3BM
r1 part of vestibular sensory column
periventricular stratum of PcPV
intermediate stratum of r2Ve
Agranular insular area
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 2/3
periventricular stratum of PcPL
molecular layer of S
Basolateral amygdalar nucleus, anterior part
Facial motor nucleus Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the face. Some neurons that project to the cerebellum have also been identified in some species.
layer 1 of CCx
periventricular stratum of OB
anterior pretectal nucleus, ventral superficial part
Primary visual area, layer 2/3
Uvula (IX)
Dorsal peduncular area, layer 6a
liminal part of the r7 alar plate
Bed nucleus of the anterior commissure
JcPV part of the periaqueductal gray
Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus, lateral part
pallium Dorsal part (roof region) of the telencephalon[GO].
Postpiriform transition area, layers 3
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, pyramidal layer
superficial stratum of r6BI
pontine hindbrain
superficial stratum of p3ZL
r7 part of paragigantocellular nucleus
layer 6b of RSC
tuberal nucleus
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, mediocentral division
mantle zone of SC
superficial stratum of PCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned
Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 2b
dorsal peduncular cortex, intermediate part
r9 part of the lateral reticular nucleus
Lobule II
mantle zone of r3Tr
Midbrain, behavioral state related
superficial dorsofrontal area
shell part of the anterobasal nucleus
Anterodorsal nucleus
perilemniscal isthmic area
periventricular stratum of isLim
mantle zone of PCx
magnocellular interstitial nucleus of the posterior commissure
preisthmic midbrain tectum
Field CA2, stratum oriens
intermediate stratum of JcPL
pyramidal layer of taenia tecta
basal plate of m1
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, parvicellular division, medial parvicellular part, dorsal zone
superficial stratum of Hb
paraseptal subpallium
Flocculus, granular layer
Main olfactory bulb, glomerular layer
ventral posteromedial nucleus
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus
superficial stratum of CA
layer 5 of PCx
cortex of cerebellar hemisphere
p1 portion of the paranigral nucleus
superficial stratum of r10BM
layer 5 of RSC
Periventricular zone
centromedian nucleus
posterior triangular nucleus
Anterior group of the dorsal thalamus
Ammon's horn One of the two interlocking gyri composing the hippocampus, the other being the dentate gyrus.
Primary motor area
superficial stratum of Str
r4 liminal central gray
laterodorsal tegmental nucleus A nucleus situated in the brainstem, spanning the midbrain tegmentum and the pontine tegmentum.
dorsal tier of thalamus
Primary somatosensory area
Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
roof plate of p2 (epithalamic roofplate)
terminal nucleus of the stria medullaris
r8 part of the paragigantocellular nucleus
r7 portion of the hypoglossal motor nucleus
superficial stratum of PPaA
superficial stratum of r9Ve
mantle zone of VAP
m2 alar plate
Gracile nucleus Nucleus in the caudal medulla that receive projections primarily from ipsilateral dorsal root ganglion cells via the posterior column of the spinal cord
external part of AOD
Primary visual area, layer 6b
Primary visual area, layer 6a
r9 part of basointermediate reticular formation
intermediate (interpositus) cerebellar nucleus
mantle zone of CoPD
external part of AOV
Dentate gyrus A serrated strip of gray matter under the medial border of the hippocampus and in its depths; it is an archaeocortex which develops along the edge of the hippocampal fissure and which consists of molecular, granular, and polymorphic layers.
anterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal superficial part
intermediate stratum of r6Tr
medial part of r2B
Lateral septal complex The lateral septal area; largest nuclear mass in this region, plays a pivotal role in various physiological processes, such as aggression, emotion, thermoregulation, water and food intake and sexual behaviour.
Secondary motor area, layer 1
Secondary motor area, layer 5
mantle zone of p1Lim
layer 4 of RSC
Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus
telencephalic vesicle
Primary somatosensory area, barrel field, layer 2/3
mantle zone of r4Lim
Entorhinal area The inferior and posterior parts of the piriform area, including the caudal part of the parahippocampal gyrus.
superficial stratum of m1AL
intermediate stratum of r2Tr
Agranular insular area, ventral part, layer 2/3
r5 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
r3 part of vestibular sensory column
r4 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
periventricular stratum of CoPV
intermediate stratum of p2B
rostromedial tegmental nucleus
periventricular stratum of r7Ve
lateral wings of the dorsal raphe nucleus
cingulate cortex A part of the brain situated in the medial aspect of the cortex. It is extended from the corpus callosum below to the cingulate sulcus above, at least anteriorly.
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus A sharply defined band of cells in the wall of the third ventricle in the anterior hypothalamic region; many of its cells are neurosecretory in function, secreting oxytocin, which is carried to the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) by the fibers of the paraventriculohypophysial tract.
Inferior colliculus Part of the midbrain tectum, consisting of paired predominantly gray matter elevations on the dorsal aspect of the midbrain, located caudal to the superior colliculus, dorsal to the periaqueductal gray of the cerebral aqueduct and rostral to the cerebellum. According to Neuronames, the inferior colliculus comprises the central, pericentral and external nucleus and two predominantly white matter structures, the brachium of the inferior colliculus and the commissure of the inferior colliculus (MM).
periventricular stratum of p1Lim
periventricular stratum of p3ZL
periventricular stratum of Hb
Medial geniculate complex, medial part
mantle zone of m1B
parabigeminal nucleus Cholinergic cell group that is located ventral to the brachium of the inferior colliculus (in rat) and has reciprocal connectivity with the superior colliculus (Adapted from Paxinos, The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, 1995, pg 865
Suprageniculate nucleus
lower basal perifornical nucleus
Anteromedial visual area, layer 6b
Anteromedial visual area, layer 6a
Septofimbrial nucleus
mantle zone of p2Lim
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb
Inferior colliculus, external nucleus
intermediate stratum of CoPV
intermediate stratum of CoPL
intermediate stratum of r2BL
lateral part of alar m1
intermediate stratum of r6BM
intermediate stratum of CoPD
Vestibular nuclei
mantle zone of r8Lim
layer 3 of OCx
Agranular insular area, dorsal part, layer 5
isthmic vestibulocerebellar nucleus
Agranular insular area, dorsal part, layer 1
Prelimbic area
superficial stratum of DTTh
nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, ventral part
periventricular stratum of PO2
periventricular stratum of PO1
r7 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
lateral part of MPO
superficial stratum of r3Co
Tuberomammillary nucleus The tuberomammillary nucleus is a subnucleus of the posterior third of the hypothalamus. It consists of, largely, histaminergic and is involved with the control of arousal, sleep and circadian rhythm. Axons of the tuberomammillary nucleus project primarily to the cerebral cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia, basal forebrain, and hypothalamus. The projections to the cerebral cortex directly increase cortical activation and arousal, and projections to acetylcholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain and dorsal pons do so indirectly, by increasing the release of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex. [WP,unvetted].
reticular formation of basal m2
superficial stratum of SePal
mantle zone of r10BM
mantle zone of RtC
preisthmic tegmentum
mantle zone of r10BI
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part, middle dorsomedial part, dorsal zone
superficial stratum of m1AD
Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
intermediate stratum of r10Ve
intermediate stratum of SC
r9 part of the trigeminal column
superficial stratum of r7Lim
Spinal vestibular nucleus
zona incerta complex
r11 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, caudal part
cuneiform nucleus
r3 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
mantle zone of r7Co
lateral part of r6B
intermediate stratum of r9Ve
intermediate stratum of CbH
Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, medial part
rostral paraventricular nucleus
occipital cortex This lobe is located at the back of the head and is involved in vision and reading.
mantle zone of the IG
periventricular stratum of r1Ve
olfactory bulb, principal part
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part
Ectorhinal area/Layer 5
posterior part of Int
lateral part of preisthmic periaqueductal gray
r10 part of the trigeminal column
Lingula (I), granular layer
anteromedial nucleus
Retrosplenial area, lateral agranular part, layer 6b
layer 1 of PrS
Anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral part
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, lateral zone
intermediate stratum of VPrP
Parastrial nucleus
hypothalamic amygdala
periventricular stratum of r8BM
basal peduncular hypothalamus
layer 2 of FCx
Primary motor area, Layer 2/3
liminal part of r4 alar plate
posterobasal nucleus, intermediate part
r2 part of the trigeminal motor nucleus
Orbital area
Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus
periventricular stratum of r8Tr
superficial stratum of the IG
Pedunculopontine nucleus
mantle zone of ITTh
r1 part of intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
shell of T-DMH
mantle zone of DgSe
core part of DTg
principal pretectal nucleus
alar plate of p3 (alar prethalamus)
Agranular insular area, ventral part, layer 6a
dorsal juxtacommissural pretectal nucleus
medial part of r3B
intermediate stratum of isBL
p1B part of the periaqueductal gray
intermediate stratum of isBI
retromammillary area
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 1
Reticular nucleus of the thalamus
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 5
superficial stratum of r4Tr
r3 part of magnocellular medial vestibular nucleus
mantle zone of r4BI
mantle zone of r4BM
mantle zone of r4BL
r4 part of magnocellular medial vestibular nucleus
Orbital area, medial part, layer 6a
intermediate stratum of p3B
r1 part of the 'mesencephalic' trigeminal nucleus
lower dorsal lateral hypothalamic area
Field CA1, stratum pyramidale
Central amygdalar nucleus, medial part
periventricular stratum of r2BM
terminal subparaventricular area of THyA
r6 part of the cochlear column
Hypothalamic medial zone
rhombomere 1 Hindbrain segment or neuromere 1.
retrohypothalamic nucleus
rhombomere 7 the seventh transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
mantle zone of TPaA
medial pretectal nucleus
intermediate stratum of VTTh
liminal part of the r10 alar plate
Lobules IV-V
Field CA3, stratum oriens
superficial layers of TG
periventricular stratum of RtC
upper dorsal lateral hypothalamic area
rhombomere 9
lateral part of MM
r3 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
layer 5 of FCx
mantle zone of RMa
anterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal core part
Anteromedial visual area, layer 5
PcPL part of the periaqueductal gray
mantle zone of r2Tr
Subceruleus nucleus
r4 basal plate
Field CA3, stratum lacunosum-moleculare
anteroventral nucleus
thalamic tegmentum
Brain stem The part of the brain composed of the mesencephalon, pons, and medulla oblongata and connecting the spinal cord with the forebrain and cerebrum.
Agranular insular area, ventral part, layer 1
basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part
Agranular insular area, ventral part, layer 5
intermediate stratum of r4Lim
Cerebellum A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe.
r6 part of magnocellular medial vestibular nucleus
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, lateral zone
perimammillary part of THyB
mantle zone of OCx
temporal muscle trigeminal motor cell group
liminal part of the r8 alar plate
r4 part of vestibular sensory column
reticular formation of p1Lim
superficial stratum of PaS (cortical plate/marginal zone)
medial tuberal nucleus
lateral (parvicellular) part of MD
Endopiriform nucleus, ventral part
layer 6 of PCx
insular cortex The insula is a portion of the cerebral cortex that is not visible until the margins of the lateral sulcus are opened up, or, as in this case, removed. The insular cortex is roughly triangular. Originally part of the superficial cortex, in higher mammals it became submerged beneath the expanding cortex around it, thereby remaining relatively close to the basal ganglia of the hemisphere. Complete submergence of the insular cortex is a feature of the human brain and is not found even in other primates.
periventricular stratum of m1Lim
ventropallial amygdalopiriform area
mantle zone of SePal
Pallidum, dorsal region
r9 alar plate
lateral part of r5B
isthmic part of basolateral isthmic reticular formation
OB outer plexiform layer
intermediate stratum of AStr
r1 part of trigeminal sensory column
mantle zone of r7BL
mantle zone of r7BM
plexiform layer of TuPal
mantle zone of r7BI
dorsal part of PcP
mantle zone of PalSe
ventral part of CoP
basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part
basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventral part
Flocculus the small lobe of the cerebellum at the posterior border of the middle cerebellar peduncle anterior to the biventer lobule that receives input from the inferior and medial vestibular nuclei and sends fibers back to the vestibular nuclei, and processes and integrates these signals to allow for the constant maintenance of balance
Anteromedial visual area
intermediate stratum of p3ZL
alar part of terminal hypothalamus
dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract
p2 portion of the substantia nigra pars compacta
mantle zone of r6Tr
periventricular stratum of IC
Superior olivary complex A a collection of brainstem nuclei that functions in multiple aspects of hearing and is an important component of the ascending and descending auditory pathways of the auditory system.
intermediate stratum of Mam
Lobule III, molecular layer
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, parvicellular division, anterior parvicellular part
r3 part of cochlear sensory column
periventricular stratum of TTe
mantle zone of r7Lim
layer 1 of PCx
intergeniculate leaflet
r4 part of medial pontine nuclei
Central lobule The central lobule is a small square lobule, situated in the anterior cerebellar notch. It overlaps the lingula, from which it is separated by the precentral fissure; laterally, it extends along the upper and anterior part of each hemisphere, where it forms a wing-like prolongation, the ala lobuli centralis. [WP,unvetted].
Subthalamic nucleus A biconvex mass of gray matter on the medial side of the junction of the internal capsule and the crus cerebri; its chief connections are with the globus pallidus.
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 4
mantle zone of Pal
reticular complex
r4 part of ventral lateral lemniscal nucleus
r7 part of the dorsal cochlear nucleus
subpallium The subpallium is the ventral telencephalon of a birds brain.
p3 portion of the substantia nigra pars reticulata
r3 part of parvicellular medial vestibular nucleus
Geniculate group, dorsal thalamus
r9 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Agranular insular area, dorsal part
Simple lobule, granular layer
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 2/3
cortex of cerebellar vermis
Ventral anterior-lateral complex of the thalamus
intermediate stratum of AOB
superficial stratum of r3BI
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division
superficial stratum of r3BL
Endopiriform nucleus
periventricular stratum of CbH
Postsubiculum, layer 2
Postsubiculum, layer 3
Postsubiculum, layer 1
Primary motor area, Layer 6b
Primary motor area, Layer 6a
Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
ventral isthmic part of dorsal raphe nucleus
Koelliker-Fuse nucleus
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, parvicellular division
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb
pallidum (globus pallidus complex)
Anterior amygdalar area
mantle zone of m2Lim
superficial stratum of cerebellar vermis
septohypothalamic nucleus The term septohypothalamic nucleus refers to a group of cells located between the lateral septal nucleus and the anterior commissure in the mouse ( Paxinos-2001 ). Some authors regard it as part of the lateral septal nucleus ( Swanson-1998 ).
superficial stratum of TTe
lateral part of r3B
superficial stratum of OB
Medial amygdalar nucleus, posteroventral part
m1Lim (VL) part of the periaqueductal gray
periventricular stratum of r2Co
intermediate stratum of r5BM
Nucleus of reunions
Paramedian lobule The anterior portion of the posteroinferior lobule of the cerebellum, the posterior portion being the semilunar lobule inferior; the two are continuous with the tuber of the vermis.
Lateral reticular nucleus, magnocellular part
r6 (gustatory) part of solitary complex
Medial septal complex
Folium-tuber vermis (VII), granular layer
mantle zone of r6Lim
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division, dorsal lateral part
r4 part of reticulotegmental nucleus, shell portion
sublayer 6b of FCx
r6 part of posteroventral cochlear nucleus
dorsal cortical nucleus of inferior colliculus
olivary pretectal nucleus Small distinct nucleus in the pretectum of mammals involved in the pupillary light reflect. In rats, it is an olive shaped (anterior) nucleus lying ventral to the brachium of the superior colliculus (Paxinos, The rat nervous system, 2nd ed, 1995, pg. 862). Physiologically, it is identified by neurons sensitive to luminance changes.
superficial stratum of r1BM
Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus
Field CA1
Field CA3
Field CA2
septostriatal part of the olfactory tuberculum
superficial stratum of p1B
central lateral nucleus
mantle zone of PPaA
mantle zone of POH
r2 part of trigeminal sensory column
Anterior olfactory nucleus, dorsal part
nucleus sagulum, deep part
ventral part of PHyB
mantle zone of r2Lim
mammillary part of THyB
parietal cortex The upper central lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, separated from the temporal lobe below by the lateral sulcus, but continuous at the posterior end of that sulcus, and separated from the frontal lobe by the central sulcus. Behind, it is continuous with the occipital lobe on the lateral surface, but separated from it by the parietooccipital sulcus on the medial surface.
Tuberomammillary nucleus, ventral part
m1 part of paranigral nucleus
plexiform layer of TuStr
r3 part of anteroventral cochlear nucleus
internal cortical nucleus of inferior colliculus
Primary somatosensory area, nose, layer 6b
Primary somatosensory area, nose, layer 6a
periventricular stratum of m2AD
periventricular stratum of m2AL
layer 6b of PaS
medial mammillary nucleus A component of the mammillary body.
mantle zone of PO2
mantle zone of PO1
r8 part of basointermediate reticular formation
peduncular nucleus of the stria medullaris
r10 part of external cuneate nucleus
Cerebrum An enlarged anterior or upper part of the brain; especially: the expanded anterior portion of the brain that in higher mammals overlies the rest of the brain, consists of cerebral hemispheres and connecting structures, and is considered to be the seat of conscious mental processes.
shell of p3ZL
striatal amygdala
mantle zone of SeStr
Primary somatosensory area, nose
Parapyramidal nucleus
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 1
sublayer 6a of InsCx
superficial stratum of DgSe
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 5
red nucleus, parvicellular part
r3 pontine raphe nucleus
Primary somatosensory area, mouth
preoptic telencephalon
paraventricular nucleus, lateral part
r11 part of the trigeminal column
r2 part of nucleus subcoeruleus
intermediate stratum of ITTh
microcellular tegmental nucleus
mantle zone of r5Co
Taenia tecta, ventral part
periventricular stratum of m1AD
Dentate gyrus, polymorph layer
periventricular stratum of m1AL
Lateral vestibular nucleus The one of the four vestibular nuclei on each side of the medulla oblongata that is situated on the inner side of the inferior cerebellar peduncle beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle and that sends fibers down the same side of the spinal cord through the vestibulospinal tract.
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 2/3
posteromedial visual area, layer 4
posteromedial visual area, layer 5
rostral ventrolateral reticular area
posteromedial visual area, layer 1
r6 part of gigantocellular reticular area
mantle zone of isBI
Nucleus prepositus
mantle zone of isBM
mantle zone of isBL
internal granular layer of CbHCx
nucleus sagulum, superficial part
intermediate periretromammillary nucleus
Parabrachial nucleus, medial division, external medial part
Main olfactory bulb, granule layer
Nucleus of the posterior commissure
sublayer 6b of PCx
superficial stratum of PO2
superficial stratum of PO1
Field CA2, stratum radiatum
rhombomere 10
rhombomere 11
layer 3 of FCx
layer 3 of PrS
periventricular stratum of Dg
superficial stratum of LPrP
periventricular stratum of r10Tr
lateral part of r4B
r1 part of vestibular nucleus Y
superficial stratum of CoPL
Mus musculus
dorsolateral TG part of the periaqueductal gray
superficial stratum of CoPD
intermediate stratum of r9Tr
Pretectal region Region between dorsal thalamus and optic tectum[pub]. It receives binocular sensory input from retinal ganglion cells of the eyes, and is the region responsible for maintaining the pupillary light reflex. [WP,unvetted].
superficial stratum of POH
lateral part of the isB
Superior colliculus, sensory related
periventricular stratum of r7Tr
Fundus of striatum
lateral trapezoid nucleus
Central amygdalar nucleus
paraventricular nucleus, dorsal part
layer 2 of AOV cortex
periventricular stratum of the PBC
posteromedial cortical amygdaloid area
Superior vestibular nucleus The one of the four vestibular nuclei on each side of the medulla oblongata that is situated dorsal to the lateral vestibular nucleus at the junction of the floor and lateral wall of the fourth ventricle and that sends ascending fibers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the cerebrum on the same side of the brain.
superficial stratum of PHyB-D
r5 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
parvicellular part of Lat
periventricular stratum of r6Tr
superficial stratum of PHyB-P
superficial stratum of PHyB-V
mantle zone of r5BM
r7 alar plate
isthmic basal plate
tectal gray formation
commissural pretectal domain
nucleus incertus
r8 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Basolateral amygdalar nucleus, posterior part
mantle zone of r5Lim
sublayer 6b of OCx
intermediate stratum of ZIC
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 2/3
lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-dorsal part
lateral tuberal nucleus Nerve cell nuclei situated ventrally in the intermediate hypothalamic region, mainly in the lateral hypothalamic area.
r3 part of lateral pontine nuclei
r5 (gustatory) part of solitary complex
layer 5 of PrS
external cortical nucleus of inferior colliculus
Superior colliculus, optic layer
superficial stratum of Mam
lateral posterior nucleus A narrow strip of cell groups on the dorsomedial surface of the thalamus. It includes the lateral dorsal nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus, and the PULVINAR.
Posterolateral visual area, layer 5
periventricular stratum of SeDg
intermediate stratum of SeDg
r5 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
Posterior complex of the thalamus
parastrial preoptic nucleus
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 6b
Retrosplenial area, ventral part, layer 6a
periventricular stratum of r7BM
layer 4 of OCx
periventricular stratum of r9BM
intermediate stratum of p1B
ventral part of THyB
paraterete nucleus
superficial stratum of r6BL
r7 part of spinal trigeminal nucleus, interpolar part
Anterior olfactory nucleus, external part
septostriatal transition area (accumbens)
Cuneate nucleus One of the dorsal column nuclei, the cuneate nucleus is a wedge-shaped nucleus in the closed part of the medulla oblongata. It contains cells that give rise to the cuneate tubercle, visible on the posterior aspect of the medulla. It lies laterally to the gracile nucleus and medial to the spinal trigeminal nucleus in the medulla. [WP,unvetted].
r8 (gustatory) part of solitary complex
r7 part of nucleus prepositus
Triangular nucleus of septum
r6 part of dorsal cochlear nucleus
dorsal subnucleus of MG
intermediate stratum of r8Tr
dorsolateral part of m1A
mantle zone of THyB-D
Interbrain The posterior subdivision of the forebrain.
medial (fastigial) cerebellar nucleus
periventricular stratum of r5Tr
periventricular stratum of r9Tr
intermediate stratum of TTe
superficial stratum of the Fc
Midbrain, motor related
substantia nigra compacta, isthmic part
mantle zone of r4Ve
Rhomboid nucleus One of the median nuclei of the thalamus, bordering the third ventricle and ventral to the central medial nucleus.
r8 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
Lingula (I), molecular layer
r6 part of rostral ventromedial reticular area
preopto-hypothalamic area
Dorsal cochlear nucleus The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN, also known as the 'tuberculum acousticum'), is a cortex-like structure on the dorso-lateral surface of the brainstem. Along with the ventral cochlear nucleus, it forms the cochlear nucleus, where all auditory nerve fibers from the cochlea form their first synapses. [WP,unvetted].
mantle zone of p2ZL
dorsal part of m2A
Medullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part
r8 part of lateral reticular nucleus
mantle zone of THyB-V
Striatum dorsal region
intermediate part of THyB
superficial gray layer of SC
mantle zone of THyB-P
Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, parvicellular part
Purkinje cell layer of CbVCx
mantle zone of THyB-I
superficial stratum of p2B
Basolateral amygdalar nucleus, ventral part
intermediate gray layer of SC
superficial stratum of r1BI
superficial stratum of r1BL
Cortical amygdalar area, anterior part, layer 2
periventricular stratum of TPaA
r2 basal plate
Pallidum, caudal region
superficial stratum of TPaA
periventricular mantle of isBM
Medullary reticular nucleus, ventral part
Inferior olivary complex A folded band of gray matter that encloses a white core (hilum nuclei olivaris inferioris) and that produces the elevation called the oliva on the medulla oblongata. It is a nuclear complex that receives heavy projections from the spinal cord, mesencephalon, and cerebral cortex and projects fibers via the contralateral inferior cerebellar peduncle, mostly to the neocerebellum, with a few going to the vermis.
peduncular (caudal) hypothalamus
basointermediate isthmic reticular formation
Prelimbic area, layer 2/3
mantle zone of r5BL
septodiagonal transition area
mantle zone of r5BI
r2 part of principal trigeminal sensory nucleus
ventral reuniens nucleus
intermediate stratum of r7Lim
rostral secondary prosencephalon
mantle zone of r2Ve
lateral IC periaqueductal gray
OB mitral cell layer
intermediate stratum of APal
r3 part of medial pontine nuclei
layer 2 of LOT
Nodulus (X), granular layer
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 4
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 5
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 1
r3 part of trigeminal sensory column
dorsolateral part of Med
intermediate stratum of PalSe
Supplemental somatosensory area, layer 6b
superficial stratum of r1Tr
submedius thalamic nucleus
Supraoptic nucleus A sharply defined nucleus of nerve cells in the anterior hypothalamic region, immediately above the lateral part of the optic chiasm; many of its cells are neurosecretory in function, secreting vasopressin, which is carried to the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) by the fibers of the supraopticohypophysial tract; other cells are osmoreceptors, which respond to increased osmotic pressure to signal the release of vasopressin by the neurohypophysis.
medial part of MPO
r4 part of dorsal cochlear nucleus
molecular layer of CbHCx
hippocampus (cortex Ammonis)
r5 basal plate
Central amygdalar nucleus, capsular part
Barrington's nucleus
medial trapezoid nucleus
isthmic part of the intermediate lateral lemniscal nucleus
parasubthalamic nucleus (migrated)
Posterior limiting nucleus of the thalamus
dorsal pallium/isocortex
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 5
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 1
ventral part of JcP
r9 portion of ambiguous motor nucleus (postmigratory)
Infralimbic area, layer 6a
Infralimbic area
Superior olivary complex, periolivary region
core of T-DMH
Lobule III, granular layer
superficial stratum of IC
AOB, granular layer
Medial preoptic nucleus, lateral part
pallidal septum
island of Calleja major
intermediate stratum of r8Lim
Superior colliculus, motor related
posteromedial visual area
Ectorhinal area/Layer 6a
intermediate stratum of r7BM
intermediate stratum of r7BL
septopallidal shell area
intermediate stratum of r7BI
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division, transverse nucleus
reticular formation of JcPL
mantle zone of VPrP
CoPV part of the periaqueductal gray
External cuneate nucleus
ventral tier of thalamus
ventral posterolateral nucleus The ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) is a nucleus of the thalamus. Together with the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) it constitutes the ventral posterior nucleus. [WP,unvetted].
medial geniculate nucleus The medial geniculate nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus that acts as a relay for auditory information. It receives its input from the inferior colliculus and sends information out to the auditory cortex. Nucleus within the medial geniculate body.
Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, posterior part
Field CA2, stratum pyramidale
hilus of the DG
intermediate mantle of isBM
lateral superior olive
Olfactory tubercle, pyramidal layer
Superior colliculus, motor related, deep gray layer
lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-intermediate part
periventricular stratum of m1B
Hippocampal formation Hippocampus (proper) plus dentate gyrus and subiculum[definition derived from NIF comments and ontology alignment].
lateropallial prepiriform area
isthmic roof plate
r3 part of dorsal cochlear nucleus
medial preoptic nucleus The medial preoptic nucleus is bounded laterally by the lateral preoptic nucleus, and medially by the preoptic periventricular nucleus. It releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone, controls copulation in males, and is larger in males than in females.[WP,unvetted].
amygdalohippocampal area A cytoarchitecturally defined portion of the periamygdalar area and the cortical amygdalar nucleus at the caudal extreme of the amygdala.
Entorhinal area, medial part, ventral zone
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part
superficial stratum of m2B
superficial stratum of p3B
Striatum Either of a pair of masses of nervous tissue within the brain that contain two large nuclei of gray matter separated by sheets of white matter.
liminal part of alar p2
liminal part of alar p1
peduncular part of dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
superficial stratum of r6Co
r2 part of ventral lateral lemniscal nucleus
Bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract
intermediate stratum of SeStr
layer 5 of CCx
layer 4 of FCx
r8 portion of the hypoglossal motor nucleus
r10 part of basomedial reticular formation
mantle zone of CA
Nucleus of the optic tract
liminal part of alar r1
abducens motor nucleus
Posterodorsal preoptic nucleus
Lateral group of the dorsal thalamus
layer 2 of RSC
Interanteromedial nucleus of the thalamus
Perireunensis nucleus
periventricular stratum of TG
m1Lim part of the midbrain reticular formation
subpallial septum
r8 portion of ambiguous motor nucleus
prethalamic tegmentum
caudal zona incerta
central part of VMH
intermediate stratum of p2ZL
dorsomedial preoptic area, superficial part
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, caudal part
Anterior olfactory nucleus, medial part
Somatomotor areas
Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer, sublayer a
Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer, sublayer c
Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer, sublayer b
intermediate part of r5B
lateral part of r10B
Medial geniculate complex, dorsal part
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, rhomboid nucleus
prethalamic eminence
r1 part of lateral pontine nuclei
Primary somatosensory area, barrel field
r7 (gustatory) part of solitary complex
Lateral septal nucleus, rostral (rostroventral) part
Nucleus of Darkschewitsch
Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 2/3
Parabrachial nucleus A nucleus of the parabrachial area, which in the human brain is a horseshoe-shaped strip of gray matter comprising the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus, the lateral parabrachial nucleus and the medial parabrachial nucleus.
intermediate stratum of r7Tr
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division, strial extension
superficial stratum of TSPaA
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, central part
Accessory facial motor nucleus
Nodulus (X), molecular layer
layer 3 of CCx
liminal part of r2 alar plate
Gustatory areas, layer 6b
Gustatory areas, layer 6a
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 6a
Primary somatosensory area, lower limb, layer 6b
upper basal perifornical nucleus
lateral part of r2B
cerebellar nuclei of CbV
layer 4 of PaS
JcPL part of the periaqueductal gray
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 6
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 4
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 5
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 2
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 3
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 1
m2 part of paranigral nucleus
ventral lateral nucleus
Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus, dorsal part
isthmus proper
Hypothalamic lateral zone
mantle zone of PrS
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 1
Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
periventricular stratum of r6Ve
striatal septum
medial part of r10B
Pons, motor related
Lateral septal nucleus Regional part of the septal nuclei, lying dorsal and slightly lateral to the medial septal nucleus. The lateral septum receives the bulk of projections of areas projecting to the septal nuclei (Adapted from Brodal, 1981).
mantle zone of r9Ve
medial amygdala, posterodorsal part
r6 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Dorsal premammillary nucleus
subthalamic nucleus (migrated)
r6 part of the basolateral reticular formation
r10 part of the vestibular column
mantle zone of r10Lim
intermediate part of StrSe
Orbital area, medial part
periventricular stratum of m2ADL
Lobule II, granular layer
terminal hypothalamus (rostral hypothalamus)
r9 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
medial part of r8B
Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus
superficial stratum of Ist
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part, caudal dorsomedial part
Pallidum, ventral region
lateral part of alar p3
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 1
ventrolateral part of m2A
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 5
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 4
Posterolateral visual area, layer 6b
Posterolateral visual area, layer 6a
submammillothalamic nucleus
intermediate stratum of m2ADL
Mammillary body White fibrous tissue that replaces the regressing corpus luteum in the human ovary in the latter half of pregnancy, or soon after ovulation when pregnancy does not supervene.
r7 part of cochlear column
preoptic alar plate
Lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract
p3 part of the ZL core
Anterolateral visual area, layer 6a
Anterolateral visual area, layer 6b
mantle zone of Mam
Medial amygdalar nucleus
Locus ceruleus
Supratrigeminal nucleus
r3 roof plate
preopto-hypothalamic band
Medial amygdalar nucleus, anterodorsal part
mantle zone of Str
Substantia innominata Nerve tissue immediately inferior to the anterior perforated substance, and anterior to the globus pallidus and ansa lenticularis.
Superior olivary complex, lateral part
Olfactory areas
dorsolateral SC part of the periaqueductal gray
intermediate stratum of r9BM
Main olfactory bulb, outer plexiform layer
mantle zone of r8Ve
periventricular stratum of r9Lim
lateropallial amygdalopiriform area
Cortical amygdalar area
r2 part of cochlear sensory column
superficial stratum of r3Lim
intermediate stratum of r8Ve
superficial stratum of cerebellar hemisphere
dorsal part of JcP
first (dorsal) preoptic domain
frontal cortex Front part of the brain, involved in planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of higher cognitive functions including behavior and emotions.
Presubiculum, layer 1
Presubiculum, layer 2
Presubiculum, layer 3
mantle zone of r3Co
layer 1 of FCx
reticular nucleus
periventricular stratum of r5Ve
periventricular stratum of r7Co
deep white layer of SC
oculomotor nucleus, main part
mediodorsal nucleus
r6 part of the vestibular column
intermediate part of r4B
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus The main division of the lateral geniculate body; consists of two magnocellular layers [TA] (strata magnocellularia [TA]) and four parvocellular layers [TA] (strata parvocellularia [TA]) and serves as a processing station in the major pathway from the retina to the cerebral cortex, receiving fibers from the optic tract and giving rise to the geniculocalcarine radiation to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe.
p2 portion of the parabrachial pigmented nucleus
periventricular stratum of r9Ve
mantle zone of r4Tr
parabrachial part of the periaqueductal gray
Taenia tecta, ventral part, layer 2
Taenia tecta, ventral part, layer 3
Cochlear nuclei
Taenia tecta, ventral part, layer 1
mantle zone of r8BL
layer 4 of ERCx
superficial stratum of TG
Superior central nucleus raphe, lateral part
r2 part of trigeminal transition zone
layer 1 of InsCx
Central amygdalar nucleus, lateral part
mantle zone of LAP
central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
Thalamus, sensory-motor cortex related
Anteromedial visual area, layer 2/3
Pons A broad mass of chiefly transverse nerve fibers conspicuous on the ventral surface of the brain of man and lower mammals at the anterior end of the medulla oblongata.
mantle zone of r6Ve
Pons, behavioral state related
habenula (old epithalamus)
superficial stratum of m1B
mantle zone of OB
Anteromedial nucleus, dorsal part
ethmoid nucleus
lateral part of r1B
intermediate stratum of SePal
Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus
intermediate part of PHyB
r7 part of the nucleus of Roller
parvicellular (lateral) subparafascicular nucleus
r5 part of dorsal cochlear nucleus
ventral pallium The pallial region located next to the pallium-subpallium boundary.
Cortical plate The outer neural tube region in which post-mitotic neuroblasts migrate along radial glia to form the adult cortical layers[MP].
Inferior colliculus, central nucleus
periventricular stratum of r1Lim
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, lateral zone, layer 2
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, lateral zone, layer 3
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, lateral zone, layer 1
Folium-tuber vermis (VII), molecular layer
Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal
superficial stratum of r5Tr
alar plate of evaginated telencephalic vesicle
layer 6 of OCx
dorsal paracommissural tectal nucleus, m1 part
Nucleus of the solitary tract
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part
lower dorsal perifornical nucleus
ventral entopeduncular nucleus
Pyramus (VIII), granular layer
ventral nuclei
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, interpolar part
liminal part of alar isthmus
Paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
layer 1 of RSC
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 2/3
r2 part of basointermediate reticular formation
Superior colliculus, motor related, intermediate gray layer
posterior paraventricular nucleus The posterior of the two nuclei paraventriculares thalami.
reticular formation of CoPD
intermediate stratum of TPaA
intermediate stratum of r3Tr
Anteromedial visual area, layer 4
episupraoptic nucleus
reticular formation of CoPL
Anteromedial visual area, layer 1
r2 part of prepontine raphe nucleus
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 6a
Primary somatosensory area, mouth, layer 6b
intermediate part of r8B
basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part
r2 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
mantle zone of the Fc
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus A nucleus of nerve cells in the anterior hypothalamic region.
superficial stratum of r10Ve
layer 5 of PaS
Parasolitary nucleus
Ventral group of the dorsal thalamus
intermediate stratum of r10Lim
Dopaminergic A13 group
superficial stratum of r7Ve
periventricular stratum of VTTh
r7 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
Hypothalamus The ventral part of the diencephalon that forms the floor and part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle. Anatomically, it includes the preoptic area, optic tract, optic chiasm, mammillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum, and neurohypophysis, but for physiological purposes the neurohypophysis is considered a distinct structure. The hypothalamus may be divided into five regions or areas (area hypothalamica rostralis, area hypothalamica dorsalis, area hypothalamica intermedia, area hypothalamica lateralis and area hypothalamica posterior) or into three longitudinal zones (periventricular zone, medial zone, and lateral zone). The hypothalamic nuclei constitute that part of the corticodiencephalic mechanism that activates, controls and integrates the peripheral autonomic mechanisms, endocrine activity, and many somatic functions, e.g., a general regulation of water balance, body temperature, sleep, and food intake, and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The hypothalamus secretes vasopressin and oxytocin, which are stored in the pituitary, as well as many releasing factors (hypophysiotropic hormones), by means of which it exerts control over functions of the adenohypophysis.
retropontine reticular area
mantle zone of CCx
Entorhinal area, lateral part
r7 part of the basointermediate reticular formation
isthmic part of mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
Lobules IV-V, molecular layer
Central lateral nucleus of the thalamus
tegmental field of p3 (Forel's field)
mantle zone of r3BI
intermediate stratum of r1Ve
Medial vestibular nucleus The one of the four vestibular nuclei on each side of the medulla oblongata that sends ascending fibers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the cerebrum on the opposite side of the brain and sends descending fibers down both sides of the spinal cord to synapse with motor neurons of the ventral roots.
mantle zone of r3BL
mantle zone of r3BM
intermediate stratum of DTTh
ventral tuberomammillary nucleus, superficial part (histaminergic)
periventricular stratum of PPaA
terete nucleus
bed nucleus of stria terminalis, lateral amygdaloid division
r1 part of dorsal parvicellular reticular formation
Red nucleus Large round nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum, consisting of a magnocellular and parvicellular portion in most species studied.
layer 3 of ERCx
Secondary motor area, layer 6a
Secondary motor area, layer 6b
periventricular stratum of ITTh
Piriform area, molecular layer
Main olfactory bulb, inner plexiform layer
Anterolateral visual area
collicular (rostral) midbrain tectum
Temporal association areas, layer 5
r7 part of basolateral reticular formation
Pallidum The smaller and more medial part of the lentiform nucleus of the brain, separated from the putamen by the lateral medullary lamina. In official anatomic nomenclature, it is divided by the medial medullary lamina into two parts, lateral and medial, both of which have extensive connections with the corpus striatum, thalamus, and mesencephalon. The paleostriatum is the phylogenetically older part of the corpus striatum represented by the globus pallidus.
layer 5 of OCx
Cortical amygdalar area, anterior part, layer 1
Basomedial amygdalar nucleus, anterior part
r9 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
layer 4 of PCx
Infralimbic area, layer 6b
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part, medial zone
r5 part of A5 noradrenergic cell group
intermediate stratum of m2Lim
Midbrain raphe nuclei Midline nuclei found in the midbrain, includes the dorsal raphe nucleus and the rostral linear nucleus of raphe.
dorsal part of m1A
superficial stratum of r8Tr
alar part of peduncular hypothalamus
paraventricular nucleus, cap part
Field CA1, stratum oriens
r10 part of basointermediate reticular formation
navicular nucleus
Field CA3, stratum lucidum
nucleus of the inferior collicular brachium, caudal part
mantle zone of S
r4 part of cochlear sensory column
core part of the anterobasal nucleus
mantle zone of JcPD
Field CA3, pyramidal layer
Primary visual area, layer 1
periventricular stratum of the VAP
Primary visual area, layer 4
Primary visual area, layer 5
mantle zone of JcPL
mantle zone of JcPV
r2 part of basomedial reticular formation
r6 part of basointermediate reticular formation
Magnocellular reticular nucleus
intermediate stratum of r9BI
superficial stratum of VPrP
intermediate stratum of p1Lim
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 4
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 5
r2 part of anteroventral cochlear nucleus
r9 part of paragigantocellular nucleus
nucleus of Barrington
Submedial nucleus of the thalamus
internal globus pallidus
intermediate stratum of RMa
Anterior olfactory nucleus, posteroventral part
Subparafascicular nucleus, magnocellular part
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division
ventrolateral part of alar m1
Lobule II, molecular layer
intermediate stratum of r4BI
lower basal lateral hypothalamic area
superficial stratum of r6Lim
intermediate stratum of r4BL
intermediate stratum of r4BM
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 6b
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 6a
Simple lobule
superficial stratum of PcPV
superficial stratum of AOV
Olfactory tubercle, polymorph layer
superficial stratum of AOB
bed nucleus of the external capsule
superficial stratum of AOD
superficial stratum of PcPL
superficial stratum of LAP
Nucleus x
Nucleus y
Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus
intermediate stratum of PHyB-V
Superior central nucleus raphe
intermediate part of r7B
intermediate stratum of PHyB-P
Globus pallidus, external segment
anterior part of Int
intermediate stratum of PHyB-D
periventricular stratum of r4Co
intermediate stratum of PHyB-I
mantle zone of AOB
posterolateral cortical amygdaloid area
mantle zone of AOD
r4 part of lateral vestibular nucleus
superficial stratum of r3BM
layer 3 of InsCx
mantle zone of AOV
r1 part of basomedial reticular formation
Cerebral cortex The surface layer of gray matter of the cerebrum that functions chiefly in coordination of sensory and motor information.
JcP contribution to LTL
Cortical amygdalar area, posterior part
Medullary reticular nucleus
r5 part of the oral Sp5 subnucleus
diencephalon The posterior subdivision of the forebrain.
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part
Nucleus ambiguus A region of histologically disparate cells located just dorsal to the inferior olivary nucleus in the lateral portion of the upper medulla. It receives upper motor neuron innervation directly via the corticobulbar tract This nucleus gives rise to the efferent motor fibers of the vagus nerve terminating in the laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, as well as to the efferent motor fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) terminating in the stylopharyngeus. [WP,unvetted].
r10 part of solitary complex
r5 alar plate
Piriform-amygdalar area, polymorph layer
mantle zone of r10Ve
m1B part of the periaqueductal gray
superficial stratum of isLim
mammillary part of PHyB
intermediate stratum of r10BI
parvicellular interstitial nucleus of the posterior commissure
intermediate stratum of r10BL
Midbrain reticular nucleus, retrorubral area
Retrochiasmatic area
Ventral tegmental area Unpaired midbrain region situated in the ventromedial portion of the reticular formation. The VTA is medial to the substantia nigra and ventral to the red nucleus, and extends caudally from the posterior hypothalamus in the diencephalon. The VTA contains dopamine neurons that project to various limbic and cortical areas and is a critical component of the brain's reward circuitry.
Flocculus, molecular layer
medial (magnocellular) part of MD
mantle zone of Hb
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part, ventrolateral part
Interstitial nucleus of Cajal The largest and most prominent of the cell groups of the medial longitudinal fasciculus
intermediate stratum of OB
intermediate stratum of m1B
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, 6b
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part, 6a
preoptic area The most anterior part of the hypothalamus, lying adjacent to the lamina terminalis and superior to the optic chiasm, and comprising the lateral and medial preoptic nuclei, the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei; and the anterior hypothalamic nucleus.
p1 part of the substantia nigra reticulata
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 6a
posterior intralaminar nucleus
Primary somatosensory area, unassigned, layer 6b
mantle zone of TG
intermediate stratum of isLim
r3 part of lateral vestibular nucleus
r9 part of spinal vestibular nucleus
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, magnocellular nucleus
m1AD (DM) part of periaqueductal gray
layer 4 of CCx
corticoid layer of TuPal
intermediate stratum of m2AL
Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex
r3 part of reticulotegmental nucleus, shell portion
mantle zone of PaS
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division, principal nucleus
ventral tuberomammillary nucleus, intermediate part (histaminergic)
p3 portion of paranigral nucleus
liminal part of r3 alar plate
secondary prosencephalon
Medial geniculate complex, ventral part
Nucleus ambiguus, dorsal division
mantle zone of PHyB-D
mantle zone of p3ZL
Central medial nucleus of the thalamus
red nucleus, magnocellular part
layer 2 of CCx
periventricular stratum of RMa
pterigoid muscle trigeminal motor cell group
ventral paracommissural tectal nucleus, m1 part
Posterior parietal association areas
periventricular stratum of Pal
Infralimbic area, layer 1
Infralimbic area, layer 2
Infralimbic area, layer 5
Parasubthalamic nucleus
forebrain The anterior of the three primary divisions of the developing vertebrate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain that includes especially the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus and that especially in higher vertebrates is the main control center for sensory and associative information processing, visceral functions, and voluntary motor functions.
caudal interpeduncular nucleus
rostral interstitial nucleus
superficial stratum of DG
lateral parabrachial nucleus The lateral parabrachial nucleus induces thirst by stimulating the median preoptic nucleus. It gets its name from its location relative to the superior cerebellar peduncles, which is also known as the 'brachia conjunctiva'. [WP,unvetted].
superficial stratum of CCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
Piriform-amygdalar area, pyramidal layer
Subiculum, dorsal part
Primary somatosensory area, barrel field, layer 6b
Primary somatosensory area, barrel field, layer 6a
medial part of r9B
Anteroventral preoptic nucleus
layer 2 of OCx
mantle zone of APal
Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve
Cortical amygdalar area, anterior part
mantle zone of PcPD
Lateral visual area, layer 6a
Lateral visual area, layer 6b
mantle zone of PcPL
substantia nigra reticulata, isthmic part
retroreuniens nucleus
posterior tegmental nucleus
mantle zone of PcPV
mantle zone of AHy
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medioseptal division
zonal layer of SC
Medial preoptic nucleus, medial part
Primary visual area
internal granular layer of CbVCx
r4 part of posteroventral cochlear nucleus
Nodulus (X)
pallidal islands of Calleja
superficial stratum of Pal
r9 part of the inferior olive
layer 1 of AOV cortex
r7 basal plate
intermediate stratum of r10BM
r5 part of basointermediate reticular formation
superficial stratum of isBI
Subparaventricular zone
layer 3 of RSC
Posterolateral visual area, layer 2/3
subcuneiform nucleus
mantle zone of StrSe
Lateral septal nucleus, ventral part
intermediate stratum of r5BI
r3 part of ventral lateral lemniscal nucleus
vertical nucleus of the diagonal band
p2 portion of the substantia nigra pars reticulata
laterodorsal nucleus
prepontine hindbrain
superficial stratum of THyB-I
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division
superficial stratum of THyB-D
sublayer 6b of InsCx
mantle zone of r6BI
Medial amygdalar nucleus, posterodorsal part, sublayer a
Medial amygdalar nucleus, posterodorsal part, sublayer b
Medial amygdalar nucleus, posterodorsal part, sublayer c
p1 part of parabrachial pigmented nucleus
mantle zone of r6BL
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part, layer 2/3
superficial stratum of THyB-V
superficial stratum of THyB-P
Subparafascicular area
dorsomedial nucleus, terminal part
mantle zone of TTe
Ectorhinal area
superficial stratum of r7BI
lateral part of alar p2
mantle zone of PSPa
m1 (rostral) midbrain tegmentum
layer 6 of InsCx
Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus, parvicellular part
dorsal part of alar p3
dorsal part of alar p2
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, descending division
layer 6 of CCx
core of P-DMH
Crus 1, granular layer
mantle zone of IC
intermediate pretectal nucleus
periventricular stratum of r5BM
superficial stratum of r3Ve
r5 part of magnocellular medial vestibular nucleus
intermediate stratum of r3BL
para-abducens nucleus
r4 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
Lateral amygdalar nucleus
Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, ventral part
r9 (gustatory) part of solitary complex
m2 basal plate
r2 part of dorsal cochlear nucleus
Retrosplenial area, dorsal part
r4 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
Orbital area, lateral part
Medial preoptic area
Paraflocculus .[MP].
r10 part of basolateral reticular formation
parabrachial complex
superficial stratum of the PBC
pararubral nucleus, m1 part
Inferior salivatory nucleus In the brain, the inferior salivatory nucleus is a cluster of neurons controlling the parasympathetic input to the parotid gland. It is one of the components of the glossopharyngeal nerve. [WP,unvetted].
superficial stratum of r5Ve
intermediate stratum of PPaA
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part, middle dorsomedial part, ventral zone
Pons, sensory related
sublayer 6a of PCx
r5 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
p3 portion of parabrachial pigmented nucleus
Subiculum, ventral part, stratum radiatum
superficial stratum of r2BM
dorsal spiriform nucleus
Zona incerta A narrow layer of gray matter extending throughout most of the diencephalon, ventral to and separated from the thalamus by the thalamic fasciculus and laterally continuous with the reticular nucleus of the thalamus.
superficial stratum of r2BI
mantle zone of r7Ve
mantle zone of ZIC
Subiculum, dorsal part, pyramidal layer
lateral part of CoP
dorsal endopiriform nucleus
intermediate stratum of r9Lim
terminal paraventricular area of THyA
layer 3 of LOT
Endopiriform nucleus, dorsal part
r4 part of basointermediate reticular formation
Retrosplenial area, ventral part
layer 2 of VPrP cortex
substantia innominata/basal nucleus, transitional part
mantle zone of PHyB-P
mantle zone of PHyB-V
mantle zone of PHyB-I
mantle zone of r1BI
Anterior cingulate area, ventral part
mantle zone of r1BL
periventricular stratum of Str
superficial stratum of r7Tr
Anterior olfactory nucleus, layer 1
Hypoglossal nucleus Nucleus forming a longitudinal cell column in the medulla, close beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle, containing motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the tongue (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg 453)
layer 1 of AOD cortex
intercalated amygdaloid nuclei Discrete clusters of cells intercalated among the major amygdaloid nuclei. They stain darkly in Nissl stains and have been identified in all mammals. The main groups lie between the lateral-basolateral nuclear coplex and the central and medial nuclei. Additional cell groups have been described by some in other locations (Millhouse, O. E. The intercalated cells of the amygdala. J Comp Neurol 247: 246-271, 1986)., Groups of cells located between the lateral basolateral amygaloid nuclear complex and the central nucleus of the amygdala. They stain darkly in Nissl stains and have been identified in all mammals. (Millhouse, O. E. The intercalated cells of the amygdala. J Comp Neurol 247: 246-271, 1986)
Anterior pretectal nucleus
intermediate stratum of JcPD
superficial stratum of SeDg
Retrosplenial area, lateral agranular part, layer 2/3
lateral TG part of the periaqueductal gray
lateral subhabenular nucleus
intermediate stratum of JcPV
Temporal association areas, layer 6a
Nucleus of the solitary tract, lateral part
ventropallial prepiriform area
intermediate stratum of LAP
intermediate stratum of r1Tr
intermediate part of r6B
Striatum ventral region
periventricular stratum of r2Lim
polymorph layer of TuStr
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 2/3
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division, central lateral part
periventricular stratum of r5Co
Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, horizontal part
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 6b
Anterior cingulate area, dorsal part, layer 6a
Anteroventral periventricular nucleus
r9 basal plate
Uvula (IX), granular layer
intermediate stratum of r5Ve
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 2/3
superficial stratum of ERCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
anteroventral part of alar thalamus
Midbrain trigeminal nucleus
intermediate stratum of the VAP
rostral periolivary nucleus
rhombomere 2 the second transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
rhombomere 3 the third transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
intermediate stratum of THyB-I
rhombomere 6 the sixth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
Parabrachial nucleus, medial division, medial medial part
rhombomere 4 the fourth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
rhombomere 5 the fifth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
rhombomere 8 the eighth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order
dorsolateral isthmic part of the dorsal raphe nucleus
Substantia nigra, compact part
intermediate stratum of THyB-D
striatal part of olfactory tuberculum
r2 alar plate
intermediate stratum of THyB-P
intermediate stratum of THyB-V
Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part
Accessory olfactory bulb, glomerular layer
periventricular stratum of r10Lim
deep gray layer of SC
intermediate part of r2B
substantia innominata/basal nucleus
superficial stratum of r6Ve
medial parabrachial nucleus The Medial parabrachial nucleus is a nucleus of the pons which constitutes part of the pneumotaxic center. It gets its name from its location relative to the superior cerebellar peduncles, which is also known as the 'brachia conjunctiva'. [WP,unvetted].
second (ventral) preoptic domain
Medial geniculate complex
parvocellular part of r8LRt
Posterior parietal association areas, layer 1
mantle zone of LPrP
Olfactory tubercle, molecular layer
medial part of the lateral habenular nucleus
Major island of Calleja
r8 part of the vestibular column
superficial stratum of r5BL
periventricular stratum of m2Lim
substantia nigra compacta, m1 part
Piriform area, polymorph layer
superficial stratum of r11Tr
Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, dorsal part
layer 6a of PaS
r1 part of dorsal raphe nucleus
Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, ventral part
intermediate tier of thalamus
Folium-tuber vermis (VII)
temporotympanic muscle trigeminal motor cell group
m2 part of pararubral nucleus
periventricular stratum of p2Lim
r6 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formation
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 6a
Primary somatosensory area, upper limb, layer 6b
Frontal pole, cerebral cortex
mantle zone of ERCx
Parabrachial nucleus, lateral division, external lateral part
superficial stratum of FCx (cortical plate/marginal zone)
r6 basal plate
intermediate part of r1B
Interposed nucleus
Orbital area, lateral part, layer 1
Orbital area, lateral part, layer 5
intermediate stratum of cerebellar vermis
Tegmental reticular nucleus
subpretectal nucleus
r8 part of parvocellular medial vestibular nucleus
r6 part of paragigantocellular nucleus
layer 1 of LPrP cortex
medial part of r4B
mantle zone of r6Co
r9 portion of the hypoglossal motor nucleus
mantle zone of TSPaA
caudate nucleus One of the centrally-located portions of the brain affected by Huntington's Disease. Speech and swallowing problems arise when this region and another region called the putamen are affected.
Supramammillary nucleus
Paraflocculus, granular layer
Paramedian lobule, molecular layer
Dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex
entorhinal cortex The entorhinal cortex (EC) is an important memory center in the brain. In rodents, the EC is located at the caudal end of the temporal lobe. In primates it is located at the rostral end of the temporal lobe and stretches dorsolaterally. It is usually divided into medial and lateral regions with three bands with distinct properties and connectivity running perpendicular across the whole area.
r8 alar plate
r2 liminal central gray
rostral zona incerta
r3 part of trigeminal transition zone
r8 part of linear nucleus
Entorhinal area, lateral part, layer 2a
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part
r3 liminal central gray
Nucleus of the solitary tract, commissural part
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, dorsomedial nucleus
mantle zone of Dg
posterior part of anterior hypothalamic nucleus
r9 part of nucleus of Roller
AOB, outer plexiform layer
intermediate stratum of LPrP
Sublaterodorsal nucleus
medial superior olive
Dorsal peduncular area, layer 2/3
Midline group of the dorsal thalamus
r6 part of ventral gigangocellular reticular area
Pontine reticular nucleus, caudal part
septopallidal part of the olfactory tuberculum
Cerebellar cortex The superficial gray matter of the cerebellum. It consists of three layers, the stratum moleculare, stratum granulosum, and stratum purkinjense.
layer 5 of InsCx
Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, oral part
r8 part of basolateral reticular formation
mantle zone of r10Tr
superficial stratum of r5Lim
layer 2 of LPrP cortex
Field CA2, stratum lacunosum-moleculare
r8 part of the trigeminal column
ventral subnucleus of MG
mantle zone of AStr
r4 part of descending trigeminal sensory nucleus, oral part
superficial stratum of r2Co
Dorsal column nuclei
ventral pallidum
pallidal part of olfactory tuberculum
mantle zone of isLim
Superior colliculus, zonal layer
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone
central layers of TG
intermediate part of r10B
optic fiber layer of SC
Medulla, motor related
Declive (VI)
Parataenial nucleus
intermediate stratum of r9BL
r5 part of posteroventral cochlear nucleus
intermediate stratum of r5Lim
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 1
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 4
Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 5
layer 6a of PrS
Subiculum, dorsal part, molecular layer
Orbital area, ventrolateral part, layer 6a
r9 part of basomedial reticular formation