516 sets of genes with high or low expression in each tissue relative to other tissues from the Allen Brain Atlas Prenatal Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
Gene Set |
Description |
abducens nucleus
Nucleus located beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle in the pontine tegmentum, containing motor neurons innervating the lateral rectus muscle of the eye (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg 533)
agranular insular cortex (area Iag)
amygdalostriatal transition area
anterior amygdaloid area
anterior cortical nucleus
anterior hypothalamic nucleus
A nucleus of nerve cells in the anterior hypothalamic region.
anterior nucleus of pulvinar
anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus
anteromedial nucleus of thalamus
anteroventral nucleus of thalamus
arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus
A nucleus of nerve cells in the posterior hypothalamic region, extending into the median eminence and almost entirely surrounding the base of the infundibulum.
area postrema
A small, elevated area in the lateral wall of the inferior recess of the fourth ventricle; one of the few loci in the brain where the blood-brain barrier is lacking; a chemoreceptor area associated with vomiting. A tongue-shaped structure in the caudal region of the fourth ventricle of the brain.
basal nucleus of Meynert
A group of neurons in the basal forebrain that has wide projections to the neocortex and is rich in acetylcholine and choline acetyltransferase. It undergoes degeneration in paralysis agitans and Alzheimer's disease.
basal ventral medial nucleus
basolateral nucleus (basal nucleus)
basomedial nucleus (accessory basal nucleus)
bed nucleus of stria terminalis
Neural nuclei situated in the septal region. They have afferent and cholinergic efferent connections with a variety of forebrain and brainstem areas including the hippocampus, the lateral hypothalamus, the tegmentum, and the amygdala. Included are the dorsal, lateral, medial, and triangular septal nuclei, septofimbrial nucleus, nucleus of diagonal band, nucleus of anterior commissure, and the nucleus of stria terminalis.
body of caudate
callosal sling
caudal (posterior) extramural migratory stream
caudal division of IPC (area 39)
caudal ganglionic eminence
The caudally located, distinct elevation of a transient proliferating cell mass of the fetal subventricular zone, located adjacent to the lateral ventricle
caudal portion of VFC (area 44)
caudal presubiculum (postsubiculum)
caudal prosubiculum
caudal putamen
caudal subdivision of medial nucleus
caudal subdivision of paraventricular nucleus
central nuclear group
central nucleus of inferior colliculus
central part of CEl
central portion of GPi
centromedian nucleus of thalamus
In the anatomy of the brain, the centromedian nucleus, also known as the centrum medianum, (CM or Cm-Pf) is a part of the intralaminar nucleus (ILN) of the thalamus. There are two centromedian nuclei arranged bilaterally. It contains about 2000 neurons per cubic millimetre and has a volume of about 310 cubic millimetres with 664,000 neurons in total. [WP,unvetted].
cerebellar vermis
A subregion of the cerebellar cortex, consisting of the most medial zone of the cerebellar cortex, stradding the midline. May be continuous with the lateral cerebellar hemispheres in some areas of the cerebellum, e.g., dorsally, or separated by deeper fissures in others (e.g., ventrally)
choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
cochlear nuclei
core of nucleus accumbens
corpus callosum
The great band of commissural fibers uniting the cerebral hemispheres of higher mammals including humans.
CP in caudal hippocampus
CP in caudal subicular cortex
CP in midlateral temporal cortex
CP in retrosplenial cortex
CP in rostral hippocampus
CP in temporal polar cortex
cuneate nucleus
One of the dorsal column nuclei, the cuneate nucleus is a wedge-shaped nucleus in the closed part of the medulla oblongata. It contains cells that give rise to the cuneate tubercle, visible on the posterior aspect of the medulla. It lies laterally to the gracile nucleus and medial to the spinal trigeminal nucleus in the medulla. [WP,unvetted].
deep layers of caudal entorhinal cortex
deep layers of olfactory entorhinal cortex
deep layers of rostral entorhinal cortex
dentate (lateral) nucleus
Dorsal claustrum
dorsal cochlear nucleus
The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN, also known as the 'tuberculum acousticum'), is a cortex-like structure on the dorso-lateral surface of the brainstem. Along with the ventral cochlear nucleus, it forms the cochlear nucleus, where all auditory nerve fibers from the cochlea form their first synapses. [WP,unvetted].
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
The main division of the lateral geniculate body; consists of two magnocellular layers [TA] (strata magnocellularia [TA]) and four parvocellular layers [TA] (strata parvocellularia [TA]) and serves as a processing station in the major pathway from the retina to the cerebral cortex, receiving fibers from the optic tract and giving rise to the geniculocalcarine radiation to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe.
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (vagal nucleus)
dorsal raphe nucleus
A large raphe nucleus extending from the anterior part of the pons through the mesencephalon; its neurons are serotoninergic.
dorsal subdivision of VLC
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
dorsorostral division of MFC (area 32)
Edinger-Westphal nucleus (accessory oculomotor nucleus)
endopiriform nucleus
external granular (germinal) layer of lower rhombic lip
external granular (germinal) layer of upper rhombic lip
external segment of globus pallidus
facial nucleus
the group of motor neurons residing in the pons that innervate the muscles of facial expression
gigantocellular reticular nuclei
gracile nucleus
Nucleus in the caudal medulla that receive projections primarily from ipsilateral dorsal root ganglion cells via the posterior column of the spinal cord
granular layer of caudal dentate gyrus
granular layer of rostral dentate gyrus
head and face region of M1
head of caudate
hypoglossal nucleus
Nucleus forming a longitudinal cell column in the medulla, close beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle, containing motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the tongue (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg 453)
indusium griseum
A thin layer of gray matter on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum.
inferior colliculus
Part of the midbrain tectum, consisting of paired predominantly gray matter elevations on the dorsal aspect of the midbrain, located caudal to the superior colliculus, dorsal to the periaqueductal gray of the cerebral aqueduct and rostral to the cerebellum. According to Neuronames, the inferior colliculus comprises the central, pericentral and external nucleus and two predominantly white matter structures, the brachium of the inferior colliculus and the commissure of the inferior colliculus (MM).
inferior nucleus of pulvinar
inferior olive, dorsal nucleus
inferior olive, medial nucleus
inferior olive, principal nucleus
inner CP in (rostral) midinferior temporal cortex (area 36)
inner CP in caudal cingulate cortex
inner CP in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
inner CP in caudal perirhinal cortex
inner CP in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
inner CP in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex
inner CP in dorsomedial frontal cortex
inner CP in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
inner CP in dysgranular insular cortex
inner CP in frontal polar cortex
inner CP in granular insular cortex
inner CP in inferolateral temporal cortex
inner CP in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
inner CP in medial temporal-occipital cortex
inner CP in midcingulate cortex
inner CP in midinferior temporal cortex
inner CP in midlateral extrastriate cortex
inner CP in orbital frontal cortex
inner CP in posterior parahippocampal cortex
inner CP in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
inner CP in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
inner CP in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
inner CP in primary auditory cortex
inner CP in primary somatosensory cortex
inner CP in primary visual cortex
inner CP in rostral cingulate cortex
inner CP in rostral perirhinal cortex
inner CP in subgenual (subcallosal) cingulate cortex
inner CP in superolateral temporal cortex
inner CP in temporal polar cortex
inner CP in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
inner CP in ventromedial extrastriate cortex
inner portion of lateral ganglionic eminence
inner portion of medial ganglionic eminence
inner SZ in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
inner SZ in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
inner SZ in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex
inner SZ in dorsomedial frontal cortex
inner SZ in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
inner SZ in frontal polar cortex
inner SZ in inferolateral temporal cortex
inner SZ in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
inner SZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
inner SZ in midlateral extrastriate cortex
inner SZ in midlateral temporal cortex
inner SZ in orbital frontal cortex
inner SZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
inner SZ in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
inner SZ in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
inner SZ in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
inner SZ in primary somatosensory cortex
inner SZ in primary visual cortex
inner SZ in superolateral temporal cortex
inner SZ in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
inner SZ in ventromedial extrastriate cortex
Intercalated nucleus of amygdala
intercalated nucleus of medulla
intermediate portion of DFC (area 9/46)
internal segment of globus pallidus
interpeduncular nucleus
interpositus (intermediate) nucleus
IZ in caudal cingulate cortex
IZ in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
IZ in caudal perirhinal cortex
IZ in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
IZ in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex (V2)
IZ in dorsomedial frontal cortex
IZ in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
IZ in dysgranular insular cortex
IZ in frontal polar cortex
IZ in granular insular cortex
IZ in inferolateral temporal cortex
IZ in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
IZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
IZ in midcingulate cortex
IZ in midlateral extrastriate cortex (area 19)
IZ in midlateral temporal cortex
IZ in orbital frontal cortex
IZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
IZ in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
IZ in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
IZ in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
IZ in primary auditory cortex
IZ in primary somatosensory cortex
IZ in primary visual cortex
IZ in rostral cingulate cortex
IZ in subgenual (subcallosal) cingulate cortex
IZ in superolateral temporal cortex
IZ in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus
lateral ganglionic eminence
A distinct elevation of a transient proliferating cell mass of the fetal subventricular zone; this mass contributes most of its cells to the striatum; however, neocortex, thalamus, septum and olfactory bulb neurons are also partly derived from the LGE
lateral habenular nucleus
The more dispersed of the two nerve cell groups situated deep to the habenular trigone; it receives fibers from the stria medullaris thalami and projects to the raphe nuclei, reticular formation of mesencephalon, pars compacta of substantia nigra, and hypothalamus and basal forebrain.
lateral hemisphere of cerebellum
lateral hypothalamic area, anterior part
lateral hypothalamic area, tuberal part
lateral intermediate part of entorhinal cortex
lateral nucleus
lateral nucleus of pulvinar
lateral orbital frontal cortex (area 12/47)
lateral parabrachial nucleus
The lateral parabrachial nucleus induces thirst by stimulating the median preoptic nucleus. It gets its name from its location relative to the superior cerebellar peduncles, which is also known as the 'brachia conjunctiva'. [WP,unvetted].
lateral portion of the shell
lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus
lateral reticular nucleus (principal part)
lateral septal nucleus
Regional part of the septal nuclei, lying dorsal and slightly lateral to the medial septal nucleus. The lateral septum receives the bulk of projections of areas projecting to the septal nuclei (Adapted from Brodal, 1981).
lateral subdivision of area 9
lateral subdivision of BNST
lateral tuberal nuclei
Nerve cell nuclei situated ventrally in the intermediate hypothalamic region, mainly in the lateral hypothalamic area.
laterodorsal part of putamen
laterodorsal subdivision of area 8
laterorostral part of entorhinal cortex
layer I of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer I of piriform cortex
layer II of area 35c
layer II of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer II of piriform cortex
layer II of rostral entorhinal cortex
layer III of area 35c
layer III of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer III of piriform cortex
layer III of rostral entorhinal cortex
layer IIIa of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer IIIb of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer IIIu of area 35c
layer IIIu of area 35r
layer V of area 35c
layer V of caudal entorhinal cortex
layer VI of area 35c
layer VI of caudal entorhinal cortex
LGE-VZ border region
limitans nucleus
lower (caudal) rhombic lip
lower limb region of M1
magnocellular (medial) division of MD
magnocellular division of VA
medial ganglionic eminence
A distinct elevation of a transient proliferating cell mass of the fetal subventricular zone; this mass contributes most of its cells to the neocortex; however, hippocampal neurons, thalamus, septum and olfactory bulb neurons are also partly derived from the MGE.
medial geniculate nuclei
medial habenular nucleus
medial intermediate part of entorhinal cortex
medial mammillary nucleus
A component of the mammillary body.
medial nucleus of pulvinar
medial parabrachial nucleus
The Medial parabrachial nucleus is a nucleus of the pons which constitutes part of the pneumotaxic center. It gets its name from its location relative to the superior cerebellar peduncles, which is also known as the 'brachia conjunctiva'. [WP,unvetted].
medial portion of STH
medial portion of the shell
medial preoptic nucleus
The medial preoptic nucleus is bounded laterally by the lateral preoptic nucleus, and medially by the preoptic periventricular nucleus. It releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone, controls copulation in males, and is larger in males than in females.[WP,unvetted].
medial septal nucleus
A nucleus in the septal area, coextensive with the diagonal band of Broca; it has afferent and cholinergic efferent connections with a variety of forebrain and brain stem areas including the hippocampus, the lateral hypothalamus, the tegmentum, and the amygdaloid bodies.
medial subdivision of area 10
medial subdivision of central nucleus
medial superior olive
medial vestibular nucleus
The one of the four vestibular nuclei on each side of the medulla oblongata that sends ascending fibers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the cerebrum on the opposite side of the brain and sends descending fibers down both sides of the spinal cord to synapse with motor neurons of the ventral roots.
mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
medioventral part of putamen
MGE-Lateral region
midbrain reticular formation
Part of the reticular formation located in the midbrain tegmentum
midline nuclear complex
molecular layer of caudal subiculum
molecular layer of rostral subiculum
motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing cells that give rise to motor innervation of the jaw through the trigeminal nerve. It receives both crossed and uncrossed fibers from the cerebral cortex (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed., 1996, pg 248).
multiform (lateral) division of MD
MZ in caudal cingulate cortex
MZ in caudal perirhinal cortex
MZ in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
MZ in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex (V2)
MZ in dorsomedial frontal cortex
MZ in dorsomedial parietal cortex
MZ in dysgranular insular cortex
MZ in frontal polar cortex
MZ in granular insular cortex
MZ in inferolateral temporal cortex
MZ in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
MZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
MZ in midcingulate cortex
MZ in midinferior temporal cortex
MZ in midlateral extrastriate cortex (area 19)
MZ in orbital frontal cortex
MZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
MZ in posterodorsal (superior) parietal cortex
MZ in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
MZ in posteroventral (inferior) parietal cortex
MZ in primary auditory cortex
MZ in primary somatosensory cortex
MZ in primary visual cortex
MZ in retrosplenial cortex
MZ in rostral cingulate cortex
MZ in rostral entorhinal cortex
MZ in rostral midinferior temporal cortex (area 36)
MZ in rostral perirhinal cortex
MZ in superolateral temporal cortex
MZ in temporal polar cortex
MZ in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
MZ in ventromedial extrastriate cortex (VP)
nucleus coeruleus
nucleus of diagonal band
A brain structure that is part of the septal nuclear complex. It is connected with the hippocampus, hypothalamus and amygdala.
nucleus subputaminalis
oculomotor nucleus
olfactory bulb
A bulbous anterior projection of the olfactory lobe that is the place of termination of the olfactory nerves and is especially well developed in lower vertebrates (as fishes).
olfactory part of entorhinal cortex
olfactory tubercle
A small area of gray matter behind the olfactory trigone that is noted for receiving dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra and the reticular formation which have been implicated in schizoaffective disorders.
outer CP in (rostral) midinferior temporal cortex (area 36)
outer CP in caudal cingulate cortex
outer CP in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
outer CP in caudal perirhinal cortex
outer CP in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
outer CP in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex
outer CP in dorsomedial frontal cortex
outer CP in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
outer CP in dysgranular insular cortex
outer CP in frontal polar cortex
outer CP in granular insular cortex
outer CP in inferolateral temporal cortex
outer CP in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
outer CP in medial temporal-occipital cortex
outer CP in midcingulate cortex
outer CP in midinferior temporal cortex
outer CP in midlateral extrastriate cortex
outer CP in orbital frontal cortex
outer CP in posterior parahippocampal cortex
outer CP in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
outer CP in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
outer CP in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
outer CP in primary auditory cortex
outer CP in primary somatosensory cortex
outer CP in primary visual cortex
outer CP in rostral cingulate cortex
outer CP in rostral perirhinal cortex
outer CP in subgenual (subcallosal) cingulate cortex
outer CP in superolateral temporal cortex
outer CP in temporal polar cortex
outer CP in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
outer CP in ventromedial extrastriate cortex
outer plexiform zone in extrastriate cortex
outer portion of lateral ganglionic eminence
outer portion of medial ganglionic eminence
outer SZ in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
outer SZ in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
outer SZ in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex
outer SZ in dorsomedial frontal cortex
outer SZ in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
outer SZ in frontal polar cortex
outer SZ in inferolateral temporal cortex
outer SZ in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
outer SZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
outer SZ in midlateral extrastriate cortex
outer SZ in midlateral temporal cortex
outer SZ in orbital frontal cortex
outer SZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
outer SZ in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
outer SZ in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
outer SZ in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
outer SZ in primary somatosensory cortex
outer SZ in primary visual cortex
outer SZ in superolateral temporal cortex
outer SZ in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
outer SZ in ventromedial extrastriate cortex
parabigeminal nucleus
Cholinergic cell group that is located ventral to the brachium of the inferior colliculus (in rat) and has reciprocal connectivity with the superior colliculus (Adapted from Paxinos, The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, 1995, pg 865
parafascicular nucleus of thalamus
parasolitary nucleus
parasubicular cortex (parasubiculum)
parataenial nucleus of thalamus
paraventricular nucleus
The nucleus paraventricularis anterior thalami and nuclues paraventricularis posterior thalami, two of the nuclei mediani thalami; they are situated on the dorsomedial wall of the thalamus, juxtaposed to the third ventricle.
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
A sharply defined band of cells in the wall of the third ventricle in the anterior hypothalamic region; many of its cells are neurosecretory in function, secreting oxytocin, which is carried to the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) by the fibers of the paraventriculohypophysial tract.
paravermis of cerebellum
pedunculo(pontine) tegmental nucleus
The pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) (or pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, PPTN) is located in the brainstem, caudal to the substantia nigra and adjacent to the superior cerebellar peduncle. It is composed by a wide variety of neurochemical cell types, including cholinergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic cells. In the classical sense, the PPN is considered to be one of the main components of the reticular activating system. [WP,unvetted].
periaqueductal gray substance, dorsolateral portion
periaqueductal gray substance, ventral portion
peripheral portion of GPi
periventricular nucleus, preoptic portion
pineal body
A small, cone-shaped organ in the brain of most vertebrates that secretes the hormone melatonin.
polymorphic layer of caudal subiculum
polymorphic layer of rostral subiculum
polysensory temporal cortex (area 22p)
pontine nucleus
The massive gray matter filling the basilar pons. The nuclei are of fairly homogeneous architecture and project to the cortex of the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere by way of the middle cerebellar peduncle. The pontine nuclei form a major way-station in the impulse conduction from the cerebral cortex of one hemisphere to the posterior lobe of the opposite cerebellum.
pontobulbar body
posterior cortical nucleus
posterior hypothalamic nucleus
A nucleus of nerve cells in the posterior hypothalamic region, above the lateral and medial nuclei of the mammillary body; it has major brain stem connections via periventricular fibers and the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.
precommissural nucleus
premotor cortex (area 6)
prepositus hypoglossal nucleus
pretectal nuclear complex
principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
The principal sensory nucleus (or chief sensory nucleus of V) is a group of second order neurons which have cell bodies in the dorsal Pons. It receives information about discriminative sensation and light touch of the face as well as conscious proprioception of the jaw via first order neurons of CN V. Most of the sensory information crosses the midline and travels to the contralateral ventral posteriomedial (VPM) of the thalamus via the Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract, but information of the oral cavity travels to the ipsilateral Ventral Posteriomedial (VPM) of the thalamus via the Dorsal Trigeminothalamic Tract. [WP,unvetted].
pyramidal cells of caudal CA4
pyramidal cells of rostral CA4
pyramidal layer of caudal subiculum
pyramidal layer of rostral subiculum
raphe magnus nucleus
raphe obscurus nucleus
red nucleus
Large round nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum, consisting of a magnocellular and parvicellular portion in most species studied.
reticular nucleus of thalamus
reticulotegmental nucleus
retroparafascicular area of thalamus
reuniens nucleus (medioventral nucleus) of thalamus
rostral (anterior) extramural migratory stream
rostral division of OFCi (area 11)
rostral division of VL
rostral migratory stream
In rodents, the anterior region of the SVZ produces neuroblasts that migrate in chain toward the olfactory bulb along the so-called rostral migratory stream (RMS).
rostral part of entorhinal cortex
rostral presubiculum
rostral putamen
rostral subdivision of medial nucleus
rostral subdivision of paraventricular nucleus
rostral ventral respiratory cell group
SG in caudal entorhinal cortex
SG in caudal perirhinal cortex
SG in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
SG in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
SG in dysgranular insular cortex
SG in frontal polar cortex
SG in granular insular cortex
SG in inferolateral temporal cortex
SG in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
SG in medial temporal-occipital cortex
SG in midinferior temporal cortex
SG in midlateral extrastriate cortex (area 19)
SG in midlateral temporal cortex
SG in posterior frontal cortex (motor cortex)
SG in primary auditory cortex
SG in primary somatosensory cortex
SG in primary visual cortex
SG in rostral entorhinal cortex
SG in rostral perirhinal cortex
SG in temporal polar cortex
SG in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
solitary nucleus
Gray matter located in the dorsomedial part of the medulla oblongata associated with the solitary tract. The solitary nucleus receives inputs from most organ systems including the terminations of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. It is a major coordinator of autonomic nervous system regulation of cardiovascular, respiratory, gustatory, gastrointestinal, and chemoreceptive aspects of homeostasis. The solitary nucleus is also notable for the large number of neurotransmitters which are found therein.
SP in caudal cingulate cortex
SP in caudal hippocampal proper
SP in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
SP in caudal perirhinal cortex
SP in caudal subicular cortex
SP in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
SP in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex (V2)
SP in dorsomedial frontal cortex
SP in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
SP in dysgranular insular cortex
SP in entorhinal cortex
SP in frontal polar cortex
SP in granular insular cortex
SP in inferolateral temporal cortex
SP in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
SP in medial temporal-occipital cortex
SP in midcingulate cortex
SP in midinferior temporal cortex
SP in midlateral extrastriate cortex (area 19)
SP in midlateral temporal cortex
SP in orbital frontal cortex
SP in perirhinal cortex
SP in posterior parahippocampal cortex
SP in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
SP in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
SP in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
SP in primary auditory cortex
SP in primary somatosensory cortex
SP in primary visual cortex
SP in rostral cingulate cortex
SP in rostral midinferior temporal cortex (area 36)
SP in rostral perirhinal cortex
SP in subgenual (subcallosal) cingulate cortex
SP in superolateral temporal cortex
SP in temporal polar cortex
SP in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
SP in ventromedial extrastriate cortex (VP)
spinal (inferior) vestibular nucleus
spinal trigeminal nucleus
stratum lacunosum-moleculare of caudal CA1
stratum lacunosum-moleculare of rostral CA1
stratum oriens of caudal CA1
stratum oriens of rostral CA1
stratum pyramidale of caudal CA1
stratum pyramidale of caudal CA2
stratum pyramidale of caudal CA3
stratum pyramidale of rostral CA1
stratum pyramidale of rostral CA2
stratum pyramidale of rostral CA3
stratum radiatum of caudal CA1
stratum radiatum of rostral CA1
subgenual (subcallosal) division of MFC (area 25)
subgranular zone of caudal dentate gyrus
subgranular zone of rostral dentate gyrus
subparafascicular nucleus of thalamus
substantia nigra, compact part
substantia nigra, reticular part
subthalamic nucleus
A biconvex mass of gray matter on the medial side of the junction of the internal capsule and the crus cerebri; its chief connections are with the globus pallidus.
superficial layers of caudal presubiculum
superficial layers of olfactory entorhinal cortex
superior colliculus
Either of two prominences of the midbrain concerned with vision.
supraoptic nucleus
A sharply defined nucleus of nerve cells in the anterior hypothalamic region, immediately above the lateral part of the optic chiasm; many of its cells are neurosecretory in function, secreting vasopressin, which is carried to the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) by the fibers of the supraopticohypophysial tract; other cells are osmoreceptors, which respond to increased osmotic pressure to signal the release of vasopressin by the neurohypophysis.
SZ in caudal cingulate cortex
SZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
SZ in midcingulate cortex
SZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
SZ in rostral cingulate cortex
SZ in subgenual cingulate cortex
tail of caudate
transient Purkinje cell clusters
upper (rostral) rhombic lip
upper limb region of M1
ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus
A nucleus anteriorly located within the ventral nuclei of the thalamus, posterior to the reticular nucleus, anterior to the ventral lateral nucleus, and lateral and medial to the internal and external medullary laminae, respectively; it is subdivided into magnocellular and principal divisions.
ventral claustrum
ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus
The ventral lateral nucleus (VL) is a nucleus of the thalamus. [WP,unvetted].
ventral medial nucleus of thalamus
Ventral pallidus
ventral posterior inferior nucleus
ventral posterior lateral nucleus
ventral posterior medial nucleus
ventral tegmental area
Unpaired midbrain region situated in the ventromedial portion of the reticular formation. The VTA is medial to the substantia nigra and ventral to the red nucleus, and extends caudally from the posterior hypothalamus in the diencephalon. The VTA contains dopamine neurons that project to various limbic and cortical areas and is a critical component of the brain's reward circuitry.
ventricular (matrix) zone of cerebellum
ventricular (matrix) zone of pons
ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
A group of nerve cell bodies found in the ventral portion of the intermediate hypothalamic region; it is involved in diverse functions, for example, food intake and sexual behavior.
VZ in caudal cingulate neocortex
VZ in caudal entorhinal cortex
VZ in caudal hippocampal proper
VZ in caudal midinferior temporal cortex (area TF)
VZ in caudal subicular cortex
VZ in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
VZ in dorsomedial extrastriate cortex (V2)
VZ in dorsomedial frontal cortex
VZ in dorsomedial parietal cortex (area 7m)
VZ in frontal polar cortex
VZ in hypothalamic portion
VZ in inferolateral temporal cortex
VZ in lateral temporal-occipital cortex
VZ in medial temporal-occipital cortex
VZ in midcingulate neocortex
VZ in midlateral extrastriate cortex (area 19)
VZ in midlateral temporal cortex
VZ in orbital frontal cortex
VZ in postamygdaloid region
VZ in posterior parahippocampal cortex
VZ in posteroinferior (ventral) parietal cortex
VZ in posteror frontal cortex (motor cortex)
VZ in posterosuperior (dorsal) parietal cortex
VZ in primary somatosensory cortex
VZ in primary visual cortex
VZ in rostral cingulate neocortex
VZ in septal region
VZ in subcallosal region
VZ in subgenual cingulate neocortex
VZ in superolateral temporal cortex
VZ in thalamic region
VZ in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
VZ in ventromedial extrastriate cortex (VP)
zona incerta
A narrow layer of gray matter extending throughout most of the diencephalon, ventral to and separated from the thalamus by the thalamic fasciculus and laterally continuous with the reticular nucleus of the thalamus.