BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles Dataset

Description mRNA expression profiles for human tissues and cell types
Measurement gene expression by microarray
Association gene-cell type or tissue associations by differential expression of gene across cell types and tissues
Category transcriptomics
Resource BioGPS
Last Updated 2015 Apr 06
  1. 16379 genes
  2. 84 cell type or tissues
  3. 205445 gene-cell type or tissue associations

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cell type or tissue Gene Sets

84 sets of genes with high or low expression in each cell type or tissue relative to other cell types and tissues from the BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.

Gene Set Description
Adipocyte One of the fat-laden cells making up adipose tissue.
AdrenalCortex The outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces several steroid hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone.
Adrenalgland Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Amygdala The one of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere that is part of the limbic system and consists of an almond-shaped mass of gray matter in the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe.
Appendix A narrow blind tube usually about three or four inches (7.6 to 10.2 centimeters) long that extends from the cecum in the lower right-hand part of the abdomen, has much lymphoid wall tissue, normally communicates with the cavity of the cecum, and represents an atrophied terminal part of the cecum.
AtrioventricularNode A small mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers, located in the wall of the right atrium of the heart, that receives heartbeat impulses from the sinoatrial node and directs them to the walls of the ventricles.
Bonemarrow The soft, fatty, vascular tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of red blood cells and many white blood cells.
Caudatenucleus One of the centrally-located portions of the brain affected by Huntington's Disease. Speech and swallowing problems arise when this region and another region called the putamen are affected.
Cerebellum A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe.
CiliaryGanglion The ciliary ganglion is a parasympathetic ganglion located in the posterior orbit. It measures 1P2 millimeters in diameter and contains approximately 2,500 neurons (adapted from Wikipedia)
CingulateCortex A part of the brain situated in the medial aspect of the cortex. It is extended from the corpus callosum below to the cingulate sulcus above, at least anteriorly.
colon The part of the large intestine that extends from the cecum to the rectum.
Colorectaladenocarcinoma A malignant tumor usually arising from the epithelium lining the large intestinal mucosa. Colon carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies in both males and females, and is especially common in North America and Europe. Grossly, most colon carcinomas are polypoid or ulcerating lesions. Microscopically, adenocarcinoma is the most frequently seen morphologic subtype. Prognosis depends on the stage of the disease (depth of invasion, metastasis to regional/distal lymph nodes or other anatomic sites). -- 2004|An adenocarcinoma arising from the colon. It is more frequently seen in populations with a Western type diet and in patients with a history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Signs and symptoms include intestinal bleeding, anemia, and change in bowel habits. According to the degree of cellular differentiation, colonic adenocarcinomas are divided into well differentiated, moderately, and poorly differentiated. Morphologic variants include the mucinous adenocarcinoma and signet-ring adenocarcinoma. Lymphatic or hematogenous spread can occur early in the process and lead to systemic disease.|Tumors or cancer of the COLON or the RECTUM or both. Risk factors for colorectal cancer include chronic ULCERATIVE COLITIS; FAMILIAL POLYPOSIS COLI; exposure to ASBESTOS; and irradiation of the CERVIX UTERI.
DorsalRootGanglion A ganglion on the dorsal root of each spinal nerve that is one of a series of ganglia lodging cell bodies of sensory neurons.
GlobusPallidus The smaller and more medial part of the lentiform nucleus of the brain, separated from the putamen by the lateral medullary lamina. In official anatomic nomenclature, it is divided by the medial medullary lamina into two parts, lateral and medial, both of which have extensive connections with the corpus striatum, thalamus, and mesencephalon. The paleostriatum is the phylogenetically older part of the corpus striatum represented by the globus pallidus.
Heart 1: A hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood. 2: A structure in an invertebrate animal functionally analogous to the vertebrate heart.
Hypothalamus The ventral part of the diencephalon that forms the floor and part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle. Anatomically, it includes the preoptic area, optic tract, optic chiasm, mammillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum, and neurohypophysis, but for physiological purposes the neurohypophysis is considered a distinct structure. The hypothalamus may be divided into five regions or areas (area hypothalamica rostralis, area hypothalamica dorsalis, area hypothalamica intermedia, area hypothalamica lateralis and area hypothalamica posterior) or into three longitudinal zones (periventricular zone, medial zone, and lateral zone). The hypothalamic nuclei constitute that part of the corticodiencephalic mechanism that activates, controls and integrates the peripheral autonomic mechanisms, endocrine activity, and many somatic functions, e.g., a general regulation of water balance, body temperature, sleep, and food intake, and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The hypothalamus secretes vasopressin and oxytocin, which are stored in the pituitary, as well as many releasing factors (hypophysiotropic hormones), by means of which it exerts control over functions of the adenohypophysis.
Kidney 1: One of a pair of vertebrate organs situated in the body cavity near the spinal column that excrete waste products of metabolism, in humans are bean-shaped organs about 4 1/2 inches (11 1/2 centimeters) long lying behind the peritoneum in a mass of fatty tissue, and consist chiefly of nephrons by which urine is secreted, collected, and discharged into a main cavity whence it is conveyed by the ureter to the bladder. 2: Any of various excretory organs of invertebrate animals.
Liver 1: A large very vascular glandular organ of vertebrates that secretes bile and causes important changes in many of the substances contained in the blood (as by converting sugars into glycogen which it stores up until required and by forming urea). 2: Any of various large compound glands associated with the digestive tract of invertebrate animals and probably concerned with the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Lung One of the usually paired compound saccular thoracic organs that constitute the basic respiratory organ of air-breathing vertebrates.
Lymphnode Any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, are distributed along the lymphatic vessels, and contain numerous lymphocytes which filter the flow of lymph.
MedullaOblongata The part of the vertebrate brain that is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord and that contains the centers controlling involuntary vital functions.
OccipitalLobe This lobe is located at the back of the head and is involved in vision and reading.
OlfactoryBulb A bulbous anterior projection of the olfactory lobe that is the place of termination of the olfactory nerves and is especially well developed in lower vertebrates (as fishes).
Ovary One of the typically paired essential female reproductive organs that produce eggs and in vertebrates female sex hormones.
Pancreas A large lobulated gland of vertebrates that secretes digestive enzymes and the hormones insulin and glucagon.
PancreaticIslet Irregular microscopic structures scattered throughout the pancreas and comprising its endocrine part (the endocrine pancreas). In humans, they are composed of at least four types of cells: the alpha cells, which secrete glucagon; the beta cells, which are the most abundant and secrete insulin; the delta cells, which secrete somatostatin; and the PP cells, which secrete pancreatic polypeptide. Degeneration of the beta cells, whose secretion (insulin) is important in carbohydrate metabolism, is the major cause of type I diabetes mellitus.
ParietalLobe The upper central lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, separated from the temporal lobe below by the lateral sulcus, but continuous at the posterior end of that sulcus, and separated from the frontal lobe by the central sulcus. Behind, it is continuous with the occipital lobe on the lateral surface, but separated from it by the parietooccipital sulcus on the medial surface.
Pituitary A small oval endocrine organ that is attached to the infundibulum of the brain, consists of an epithelial anterior lobe joined by an intermediate part to a posterior lobe of nervous origin, and produces various internal secretions directly or indirectly impinging on most basic body functions.
Placenta The vascular organ in mammals except monotremes and marsupials that unites the fetus to the maternal uterus and mediates its metabolic exchanges through a more or less intimate association of uterine mucosal with chorionic and usually allantoic tissues; also: an analogous organ in another animal.
Pons A broad mass of chiefly transverse nerve fibers conspicuous on the ventral surface of the brain of man and lower mammals at the anterior end of the medulla oblongata.
PrefrontalCortex The prefrontal cortex is the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain, lying in front of the motor and premotor areas.
Prostate A firm partly muscular partly glandular body that is situated about the base of the mammalian male urethra and secretes an alkaline viscid fluid which is a major constituent of the ejaculatory fluid.
retina The sensory membrane that lines the eye, is composed of several layers including one containing the rods and cones, and functions as the immediate instrument of vision by receiving the image formed by the lens and converting it into chemical and nervous signals which reach the brain by way of the optic nerve.
Salivarygland The glands of the oral cavity whose combined secretion constitutes the saliva.
SkeletalMuscle A usually voluntary muscle made up of elongated, multinucleated, transversely striated muscle fibers, having principally bony attachments.
Skin The integument of an animal (as a fur-bearing mammal or a bird) separated from the body usually with its hair or feathers.
small_intestine The part of the intestine that lies between the stomach and colon, consists of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, secretes digestive enzymes, and is the chief site of the absorption of digested nutrients. The proximal portion of the intestine.
SmoothMuscle Muscle tissue that lacks cross striations, that is made up of elongated spindle-shaped cells having a central nucleus, and that is found in vertebrate visceral structures (as the stomach and bladder) as thin sheets performing functions not subject to conscious control by the mind and in all or most of the musculature of invertebrates other than arthropods.
Spinalcord The cord of nervous tissue that extends from the brain lengthwise along the back in the vertebral canal, gives off the pairs of spinal nerves, carries impulses to and from the brain, and serves as a center for initiating and coordinating many reflex acts.
SubthalamicNucleus A biconvex mass of gray matter on the medial side of the junction of the internal capsule and the crus cerebri; its chief connections are with the globus pallidus.
SuperiorCervicalGanglion The uppermost ganglion on the sympathetic trunk, lying behind the internal carotid artery and in front of the second and third cervical vertebrae; it gives rise to postganglionic fibers to the heart via cervical cardiac nerves, to the pharyngeal plexus and thence to the larynx and pharynx, and to the head via the external and internal carotid plexuses.
TemporalLobe One of the two parietal lobes of the brain located behind the frontal lobe at the top of the brain. Parietal Lobe, Right - Damage to this area can cause visuo-spatial deficits (for example, the patient may have difficulty finding their way around new, or even familiar, places). Parietal Lobe, Left - Damage to this area may disrupt a patient's ability to understand spoken and/or written language. The parietal lobes contain the primary sensory cortex which controls sensation (touch, pressure). Behind the primary sensory cortex is a large association area that controls fine sensation (judgment of texture, weight, size, shape).
Testis A typically paired male reproductive gland that produces sperm and that in most mammals is contained within the scrotum at sexual maturity.
Thalamus The largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and functions in the integration of sensory information.
Thymus A glandular structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions especially in the development of the body's immune system, is present in the young of most vertebrates typically in the upper anterior chest or at the base of the neck, and tends to atrophy in the adult.
Thyroid A two-lobed endocrine gland found in all vertebrates, located in front of and on either side of the trachea in humans, and producing various hormones, such as triiodothyronine and calcitonin.
Tongue A fleshy movable process of the floor of the mouths of most vertebrates that bears sensory end organs and small glands and functions especially in taking and swallowing food and in humans as a speech organ.
Tonsil The human palatine tonsils and the nasopharyngeal tonsil are lymphoepithelial tissues located in strategic areas of the oropharynx and nasopharynx, although most commonly, the term tonsils refers to the palatine tonsils that can be seen in the back of the throat.
Trachea 1: The cartilaginous and membranous tube descending from the larynx and branching into the right and left main bronchi. It is kept patent by a series of about twenty transverse horseshoe-shaped cartilages. Called also windpipe. 2: One of a system of minute tubes ramifying throughout the body of a terrestrial arthropod and delivering air to the tissues. Called also tracheal tubule.
TrigeminalGanglion A ganglion on the sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, situated in a cleft within the dura mater (trigeminal cave) on the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and giving off the ophthalmic and maxillary and part of the mandibular nerve; it contains the cells of origin of most of the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve.
Uterus An organ of the female mammal for containing and usually for nourishing the young during development previous to birth.
UterusCorpus The Corpus uteri, or body of uterus, is the part of the uterus above the isthmus, comprising about two thirds of the non-pregnant organ.
WholeBlood 1: The fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the body. 2: A comparable fluid of an invertebrate.