Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles Dataset

Description RNA-seq gene expression profiles for cancer cell lines
Measurement gene expression by RNA-seq
Association gene-cell line associations by differential expression of gene across cell lines
Category transcriptomics
Resource Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015
Last Updated 2015 Apr 06
  1. 13942 genes
  2. 650 cell lines
  3. 1357824 gene-cell line associations

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  • Attribute Similarity

  • Gene Attribute

  • Gene Similarity

cell line Gene Sets

650 sets of genes with high or low expression in each cell line relative to other cell lines from the Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.

Gene Set Description
105KC cell line derived from cartilage
143B Human fibroblast osteosarcoma cell line lacking the thymidine kinase (TK) gene.
501A cell line derived from skin
537 MEL cell line derived from skin
624 MEL Human melanoma cell line.
786-O Human renal cell adenocarcinoma cell line, established from a 58 years old caucasian male.
888 Human melanoma cell line.
928 MEL cell line derived from skin
A-431 Human epidermoid carcinoma established from the solid tumor of an 85-year-old woman; cells were reported to have large numbers of EGF binding sites; cell line was used as indicator cell line for anti-TGF binding.
A172 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from glioblastoma. TKG0183(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
A2058 Human skin melanoma cell line, established from a 43 years adult caucasian male.
A2780 Human ovarian carcinoma cell line.
A549 Human lung carcinoma established from an explanted lung tumor which was removed from a 58-year-old Caucasian man in 1972; cells were described to induce tumors in athymic mice and to synthesize lecithin.
AMO-1 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
ATRFLOX disease: colorectal carcinoma
BEN Human lung carcinoma; established from the supraclavicular tumor cells-containing lymph node of a 71-year-old man with poorly differentiated carcinoma of the lung.
BFTC-909 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell
BHY Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line.
BICR 10 cell line derived from oral cavity
BICR 22 cell line derived from upper aerodigestive tract
BICR 31 cell line derived from upper_aerodigestive_tract
BICR 78 cell line derived from oral cavity
BJAB The malignant human B-cell-line BJAB is a EBV-negative Burkitt-like lymphoma cell line.
BT-20 Human, Caucasian, breast, carcinoma cell line. Morphology: epithelial-like; species: human, Caucasian female 74 years old; tissue: breast; tumor: carcinoma.
BXPC-3 Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line, established from a 61 year old human female.
C-33 A
C170 cell line derived from colon
C2BBE1 The C2BBe1 (brush border expressing) cell line was cloned in 1988 from the Caco-2 cell line by limiting dilution.
CA SKI A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from uterine cervical epidermoid carcinoma. TKG0366(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
CACO-2 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human colon carcinoma. Backup of ECA86010202.
CAL 27 Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma established from the poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue removed from a 56-year-old man before treatment in 1982.
CAL 54
CAL-120 disease: adenocarcinoma, breast
CAL-148 disease: adenocarcinoma, breast
CAL-85-1 disease: adenocarcinoma, breast
CAR-1 Human rectal carcinoma cell line.
CFPAC-1 This line was derived from a pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma (liver metastasis) from a patient with cystic fibrosis.
CI-1 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
CL-11 Human lung adenocarcinoma cell line.
CL-34 cell line derived from large_intestine
COLO 201 A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America.
COLO 205
COLO 320DM disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma
COLO 678
COLO 679
COLO 680N disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
COLO 699 Non-small cell lung cancer cell line.
COLO 741 disease: carcinoma, colon
COLO 792 disease: malignant melanoma
COLO 794 cell line derived from skin
COLO 800
COLO 829 disease: malignant melanoma
COLO 849
COLO 853
COLO 857
COR-L26 cell line derived from lung
COR-L279 disease: carcinoma, small cell
COR-L47 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell
COR-L88 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell
COV318 cell line derived from ovary
COV362 cell line derived from ovary
COV413A cell line derived from ovary
COV413B cell line derived from ovary
COV434 cell line derived from ovary
COV504 cell line derived from ovary
COV644 cell line derived from ovary
CPC-N disease: carcinoma, small cell
CW-2 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Colon carcinoma. CEA-positive, nude mouse-transplantable.
CX-1 Human colon adenocarcinoma cell line; established from the tumor tissue of a 44-year-old woman with well-differentiated colon adenocarcinoma in 1984; cell line is a subclone of cell line HT-29.
DAUDI A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Burkitt's lymphoma. Sensitive to lymphokine-activated killer cells but resistant to natural killer cells. Back up culture of ECA3011.
DB disease: large cell lymphoma
DEOC-1 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from malignant melanoma. Cell growth is slow.
DLD-1 Human colon adenocarcinoma established from a colorectal adenocarcinoma.
DMS 273 disease: carcinoma, small cell
DMS 454 disease: carcinoma, small cell
DMS 53
DMS 79
DOR 13 cell line derived from ovary
DU 145 A immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from brain metastasis of prostate carcinoma. TKG0604(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
DU4475 disease: ductal carcinoma
EB2 disease: Burkitts lymphoma (B lymphocyte primary)
EBC-1 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0481(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
EFO-27 Human ovary adenocarcinoma cell line; established from the solid omental metastasis of a mucinous papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary of a 36-year-old woman in 1979.
EJM cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
EKVX Non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell line.
EPLC-272H disease: carcinoma, epidermoid
FADU Cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx.
FARAGE disease: non-Hodgkins lymphoma
G-361 Homo sapiens (human); skin; malignant melanoma cell line; established from a 31 year old caucasian male.
G-402 A human cell line derived from some renal leiomyeloblastoma
G111 cell line derived from brain
G112 cell line derived from brain
G118 cell line derived from brain
G120 cell line derived from brain
G121 cell line derived from brain
G122 cell line derived from brain
G124 cell line derived from brain
G130 cell line derived from brain
G140 cell line derived from brain
G141 cell line derived from brain
G142 cell line derived from brain
G22 cell line derived from brain
G28T cell line derived from brain
G44 cell line derived from brain
G59 cell line derived from brain
G61 cell line derived from brain
G84 cell line derived from brain
G96 cell line derived from brain
GRANTA-519 disease: lymphoma, B cell
GTL-16 cell line derived from stomach
H322T cell line derived from lung
HCA-7 HCA-7 cell line was originally derived from human colonic carcinoma.
HCC1011 cell line derived from kidney
HCC1143 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC1162 cell line derived from uterus
HCC1187 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC12 cell line derived from kidney
HCC1263 cell line derived from colon
HCC1319 cell line derived from kidney
HCC1419 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC1428 disease: adenocarcinoma (mammary gland primary)
HCC1482 cell line derived from uterus
HCC1493 cell line derived from breast
HCC1500 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC1534 cell line derived from lung
HCC1569 disease: primary metaplastic carcinoma
HCC1576 cell line derived from adrenal
HCC1599 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC1806 disease: primary acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma
HCC202 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC2157 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC2218 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC2270 cell line derived from lung
HCC2279 cell line derived from lung
HCC2302 cell line derived from lung
HCC2688 cell line derived from breast
HCC2885 cell line derived from lung
HCC2911 cell line derived from breast
HCC33 cell line derived from lung
HCC364 cell line derived from lung
HCC4011 cell line derived from lung
HCC4017 cell line derived from lung
HCC60 cell line derived from ovary
HCC630 cell line derived from ovary
HCC70 disease: primary ductal carcinoma
HCC89 cell line derived from kidney
HCT 116 Human colon colorectal carcinoma cell line from a male organism. Human colon carcinoma cell line; established from the primary colon carcinoma of an adult man.
HEL Human erythroleukemia, established from the peripheral blood of a 30-year-old man with erythroleukemia (AML M6) in relapse (after treatment for Hodgkin's disease) in 1980; cells were described to be capable of spontaneous and induced globin synthesis.
HELA Human cervix carcinoma established from the epitheloid cervix carcinoma of a 31-year-old black woman in 1951. Later diagnosis changed to adenocarcinoma, first aneuploid, continuously cultured human cell line.
HEP G2 Human hepatocellular carcinoma, established from the tumor tissue of a 15-year-old argentine boy with hepatocellular carcinoma in 1975.
HEP-2 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Supports growth of arvovirus and measles virus. A sabuline of HeLa cell (HeLa contamination). TKG0403 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
HEY Human ovarian carcinoma cell line.
HGC-27 This human gastric carcinoma cell line was established by culture of the metastatic lymph node from a gastric cancer patient diagnosed histological as undifferentiated carcinoma.
HL-60 Human acute myeloid leukemia established from the peripheral blood of a 35-year-old woman with acute myeloid leukemia (AML FAB M2) in 1976.
HM7 High-mucin variant cell line, derived from parental cell line LS174T.
HMY-1 cell line derived from skin
HN Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line.
HNT-34 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: AML with Ph' chromosome and t(3;3)(q21;q26). Expressing EVI-1 and BCR/ABL mRNA.
HOP-62 Non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell line.
HOP-92 Non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell line.
HS 255.T
HS 294T Human melanoma cell line.
HS 38.T
HS 578T
HS 675.T disease: colorectal cancer
HS 683 Human brain glioma cell line. Hs 683 was isolated from explant cultures of a glioma taken from the left temporal lobe of a 76 year old male Caucasian.
HS 695T disease: amelanotic melanoma (skin primary)
HS 69ST cell line derived from skin
HS 746T disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary
HS 766T Human pancreatic cancer cell line.
HS 839.T
HS 852.T
HS 895.T disease: melanoma (skin primary)
HS 936.T
HS 940.T disease: malignant melanoma
HT-115 Human colon carcinoma cell line.
HT-144 Homo sapiens (human), morphology: fibroblast, tissue: metastatic site: subcutaneous tissue malignant melanoma, established from a 29-year-old caucasian men.
HUH-1 cell line derived from liver
HUH-7 HuH-7 is a well differentiated hepatocyte derived cellular carcinoma cell line that was originally taken from a liver tumor in a 57-year-old Japanese male in 1982. The line was established by Nakabayshi, H. and Sato, J. HuH-7 is an immortal cell line of epithelial-like tumorigenic cells. It usually grow in 2D monolayers.
IM-95 cell line derived from stomach
IM-95M cell line derived from stomach
IMR-32 Human neuroblastoma, established from an abdominal mass (diagnosed as neuroblastoma) of a 1-year-old caucasian boy in 1967.
JHH-1 cell line derived from liver
JHH-2 cell line derived from liver
JHH-4 cell line derived from liver
JHH-5 cell line derived from liver
JHH-7 cell line derived from liver
JIYOYE disease: Burkitts lymphoma
JJ012 Human chondrosarcoma cell line.
JJN-3 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
JL-1 cell line derived from pleura
JURKAT, CLONE E6-1 disease: acute T cell leukemia
K-562 Human chronic myeloid leukemia in blast crisis established from the pleural effusion of a 53-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in blast crisis in 1970.
KARPAS-1106P cell line derived from lymph node
KARPAS-620 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KASUMI-1 Human acute myelocytic leukemia cell line; derived from the peripheral blood of a 7-year-old japanese boy with acute myelocytic leukemia in relapse after bone marrow transplantation.
KCI-MOH1 cell line derived from pancreas
KG-1 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human acute myeloid leukemia. The variant subline (RCB1928 KG-1a) CD3-,CD13+,CD14-,CD15+,CD19-,CD33+
KHM-1B cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KLM-1 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. RCB1972 is derived from the same patient. TKG0490 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
KM-12 Human colon carcinoma cell line.
KMM-1 A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human myeloma. Lambda- chain producing.
KMS-11 KMS-11 cell line was derived from four patients with multiple myeloma. These cells represent a later stage of B-cell differentiation, and shows characteristics of plasma cells by secreting surface kappa chain immunoglobulins.
KMS-12-BM cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KMS-12-PE cell line derived from bone marrow
KMS-21BM cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KMS-26 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KMS-27 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KMS-28BM cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KMS-28PE cell line derived from blood
KMS-34 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
KP-2 Human pancreatic cancer cell line of primary pancreatic origin.
KP-3 Human pancreatic cancer cell line, obtained from liver metastases of pancreatic tumors.
KP4 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. Mother cell line of KP4-1, -2, and -3.
KPL-4 cell line derived from breast
KU812 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chronic myelogeneous leukemia, Ph1 chromosome (+),basophi-like cells.
KYSE-140 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-150 Human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell line; established from the poorly differentiated esophageal squamous cell carcinoma resected from upper (cervical) esophagus of a 49-year-old Japanese woman after receiving radiotherapy.
KYSE-180 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-270 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-450 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-510 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-520 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
KYSE-70 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
L-363 Multiple myeloma cell line expressing syndecan-1.
LCLC-103H disease: carcinoma, large cell
LCLC-97TM1 disease: carcinoma, large cell
LN-18 Human brain, cerebrum; right temporal lobe, glioblastoma; glioma; grade IV cell line; established from a 65 years old white male.
LN-229 Human brain, right frontal parieto-occipital cortex, glioblastoma cell line; established from a 60 years old white female.
LNCAP Human prostate carcinoma, established from the left supraclavicular lymph node metastasis from a 50-year-old man with prostate carcinoma in 1977; cells were described to be androgen-sensitive.
LOU-NH91 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell
LOVO A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: CEA-producing colon adenocarcinoma. Back up culture of ECA2739. Cell growth is slow.
LOX-IMVI Human melanoma cell line.
LS 174T
LS 180 Human, Caucasian, colon, adenocarcinoma, colorectal, cell line. Morphology: epithelial; Species: human, Caucasian female 58 year old; Tissue: colon; Tumor: adenocarcinoma, colorectal.
LS1034 disease: colorectal carcinoma
LXFL529 cell line derived from lung
M059J disease: malignant glioblastoma; glioma
M059K disease: malignant glioblastoma; glioma
MCAS cell line derived from ovary
MCF-7 A immortal human breast-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from breast adenocarcinoma. TKG0479 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
MCF10DCIS.COM cell line derived from breast
MDA-MB-134-VI disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland primary)
MDA-MB-157 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary)
MDA-MB-330 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary)
MDA-MB-415 disease: adenocarcinoma (mammary gland primary)
MDA-MB-435 Was originally considered to be a breast cancer cell line but has since been identified as a melanoma cell line.
MDST8 cell line derived from large_intestine
ME-1 disease: hybridoma
ME-180 disease: epidermoid carcinoma (cervix primary)
MEL-HO Human melanoma; established from the primary tumor of a woman with melanoma in 1976; cells express mRNA of the oncogene c-myc.
MEWO Human skin malignant melanoma cell line.
MFM-223 Human breast carcinoma; established from the pleural effusion of a post-menopausal breast cancer patient without any prior treatment (tumor: widespread ductal mammary carcinoma T4 N2 M1 with histological grade III); cells were described to express androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptors.
MIA PACA-2 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0227(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.)
MKN-1 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Potentially differentiatable to both direction of adenomatous and squamous epithelial cells.
MKN-45 Human gastric adenocarcinoma, established from the poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach (medullary type) of a 62-year-old woman.
MKN-7 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: c-erbB-2 expressing gastric adenocarcinoma. Differentiated type.
MKN-74 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Once they were hypodiploids. Cell growth is slow.
MM.1S Human B lymphoblast multiple myeloma cell line.
MOLM-16 Human acute myeloid leukemia cell line; established in 1999 from the peripheral blood of a 77-year-old Japanese woman at relapse of acute myeloid leukemia (AML M0) after failed chemotherapy.
MOLP-2 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
MOLP-8 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
MS751 disease: epidermoid carcinoma (cervix primary)
MV-4-11 Human acute myelocytic leukemia cell line.
MX-1 Human breast carcinoma cell line; established in vitro from the primary infiltrating duct carcinoma of a 40 year-old caucasian female.
NCI-H1048 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1092 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1435 Non-small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H146 Small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H1568 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1573 disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1581 disease: large cell adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H1623 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1648 disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1651 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H1666 disease: adenocarcinoma; bronchoalveolar carcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1693 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1734 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H1770 disease: neuroendocrine carc- cinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1781 disease: adenocarcinoma; bronchoalveolar carcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1792 disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1793 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H1838 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H1869 disease: squamous cell carcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H1882 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1915 Human non-small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H1930 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H1944 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H196 Small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H2023 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2030 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2052 disease: mesothelioma (pleura primary)
NCI-H2073 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H2081 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H209 Small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H2106 disease: large cell neuro- endocrine carcinoma (lung primary)
NCI-H2110 disease: non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2135 disease: non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H2171 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2172 disease: non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H2196 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2198 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H2228 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H2369 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2373 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2452 disease: mesothelioma
NCI-H2461 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2595 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2596 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2722 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2795 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H28 disease: mesothelioma (pleura primary)
NCI-H2803 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2804 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H2810 cell line derived from lung
NCI-H292 Mucoepidermoid human lung carcinoma cell line; established from a black female 32 years old; Morphology: epithelial.
NCI-H322T cell line derived from lung
NCI-H345 Small cell lung cancer cell line.
NCI-H446 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H510A disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (unknown primary)
NCI-H596 Human lung adenosquamous carcinoma cell line; derived in 1983 from a tumor mass in the chest wall of a patient with adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung.
NCI-H650 disease: bronchioalveolar carci- noma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H727 disease: carcinoid
NCI-H810 disease: large cell; neuroendocrine; carcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-H820 disease: papillary adenocarci- noma (lung primary)
NCI-H847 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H889 Human small cell lung cancer cell line, established from a 69 years old caucasian female, derived from the lymph node, stage E carcinoma.
NCI-H920 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary)
NCI-H929 Human multiple myeloma cell line; established from the pleural effusion of a 62-year-old white woman with myeloma (IgAkappa) at relapse.
NCI-N417 Small cell lung cancer cell line.
NIH:OVCAR-3 Human caucasian ovary adenocarcinoma cell line; established from a 60 years old caucasian female.
NTERA-2 A human embryonal carcinoma (EC) stem cell line used as a model system for the study of neuronal differentiation
NUGC-2 Human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line established from a 56-year-old female.
NUGC-3 Human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line established from a 72-year-old male.
NUGC-4 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from signet ring cell carcinoma of stomach. TKG0449 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
OAW42 disease: cystoadenocarcinoma
OCI-AML2 Human acute myeloid leukemia cell line; established from the peripheral blood of a 65-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia.
OCI-AML3 Human acute myeloid leukemia cell line; established from the peripheral blood of a 57-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia.
OCI-AML5 Human acute myeloid leukemia cell line; established from the peripheral blood of a 77-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia.
OCI-M1 Human acute myeloid leukemia cell line; established from erythroleukemia blasts, AML M6, of a 62-year-old patient following a 7-year chlorambucil treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
OCI-M2 Human acute myelocytic leukemia cell line; established in 1984 from the leukemic cells of a 56-year-old patient with erythroleukemia, AML-M6, representing the end stage of a previously identified myelodysplastic syndrome.
OCUM-1 cell line derived from stomach
OKAJIMA cell line derived from stomach
OUMS-23 cell line derived from large_intestine
OV56 cell line derived from ovary
OV7 cell line derived from ovary
OVCA 420 Human epithelial ovarian cancer cell line.
OVCA 429 Human epithelial ovarian cancer cell line.
OVCA 432 Human epithelial ovarian cancer cell line.
OVCAR433 Human epithelial ovarian cancer cell line.
OVISE Human ovarian carcinoma cell line from clear cell adenocarcinoma.
OVKATE Human ovarian carcinoma cell line from serous papillary adenocarcinoma.
OVMANA Human ovarian carcinoma cell line from clear cell adenocarcinoma.
OVSAHO Human ovarian carcinoma cell line from serous papillary adenocarcinoma.
OVTOKO Human ovarian carcinoma cell line from clear cell adenocarcinoma.
PA-1 Human ovary ascites teratocarcinoma cell line. The line was established from cells taken from ascitic fluid.
PANC 02.03
PANC 03.27
PANC 04.03
PANC 05.04
PANC 08.13
PE/CA-PJ15 cell line derived from upper_aerodigestive_tract
PE01 cell line derived from ovary
PFEIFFER disease: diffuse large cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma (B lymphocyte primary)
PK-45H A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, the same patient as RCB2141. TKG0491(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
PK-45P A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic carcinoma. RCB1973 is derived from the same patient. TKG0493(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
PK-59 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0492 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
PK-8 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from liver metastasis of pancreas carcinoma. TKG0383 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
PL-21 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
PL45 disease: ductal adenocarcinoma; same patient as Panc 10.05 cells
PLC/PRF/5 Human malignant liver hepatoma cell line; established from a 24-years-old human male. The line was originally contaminated with mycoplasma, and was cured by treatment with BM-cycline. The cells secrete HBsAg.
PSN1 Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line.
QGP-1 Human pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor cell line.
RERF-GC-1B cell line derived from stomach
RERF-LC-KJ A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese lung adenocarcinoma, highly metastatic in SCID mice. Also refer to RCB0444 RCRF-LC-AI. Cell growth is slow.
RERF-LC-OK cell line derived from lung
RKN cell line derived from soft_tissue
RMG-I Human tumor cell line from ovarian mesonephroid adenocarcinoma.
RMUG-S cell line derived from ovary
RPMI 2650 Human nasal septum squamous cell carinoma cell line; established from the pleural effusion of a 52-year-old man with anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal septum in 1962.
RPMI 8226
RPMI-7951 Human skin malignant melanoma cells that can be ordered from ATCC. This is a hyperdiploid human cell line with the modal chromosome number of 49, occurring in 24% of cells. Polyploid cells occurred at 22%, which is high. Cells are adherent, and were first harvested in 1971 from a metastatic site in a lymph node.
RT-112 Human urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma established from the transitional cell carcinoma histological grade G2 excised from a female patient with untreated primary urinary bladder carcinoma in 1973.
RT4 Human urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma; established from a recurrent well-differentiated transitional papillary tumor of the urinary bladder (clinical stage T2, histological grade G1, treated with gold grains 2 years earlier and diathermy after recurrence 10 months later) of a 63-year-old man in 1968.
SC-1 A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal cell line derived from wild mouse. Sensitive to leukemia viruses.
SCC-15 Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell line.
SCC-25 Human squamous cell carcinoma cell line; established from the biopsy of a squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue of a 70-year-old man.
SCC-9 disease: squamous cell carcinoma
SCLC-21H disease: carcinoma, small cell
SCLC-22H disease: carcinoma, small cell
SET-2 Acute myeloid leukemia cell line. Human essential thrombocythemia cell line; established from the peripheral blood of a 71-year-old woman with essential thrombocythemia at megakaryoblastic leukemic transformation.
SIG-M5 disease: leukemia, acute monocytic
SJCRH30 The line was established from cells from the bone marrow of a child with rhabdomyosarcoma. Derived from a metastatic site of the bone marrow. The cells show ultrastructural elements of primitive skeletal muscle differentiation.
SK-CO-1 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary)
SK-MEL-24 disease: malignant melanoma
SK-MEL-30 Human melanoma derived from tumor tissue (subcutis metastasis) of a 67-year-old Caucasian man with malignant melanoma in 1975.
SK-MEL-31 disease: malignant melanoma
SK-MEL-5 Human caucasian skin melanoma cell line; established from a 24 year old Caucasian female. Derived from: axillary node.
SK-N-DZ Neuroblastoma cell line derived in 1978 from a bone marrow metastasis from a 2 years old caucasian female child with poorly differentiated embryonal neuroblastoma.
SK-N-FI Neuroblastoma cell line; derived in 1979 from a bone marrow metastasis from a 11 year old Caucasian male with poorly differentiated embryonal neuroblastoma.
SK23 cell line derived from skin
SNU-1 disease: gastric carcinoma
SNU-216 Gastric cancer cell line.
SNU-484 Human gastric cancer cell line.
SNU-601 cell line derived from stomach
SNU-620 Human gastric cancer cell line.
SNU-638 Human gastric cancer cell line.
SNU-668 cell line derived from stomach
SNU-719 cell line derived from stomach
SNU-C1 disease: adenocarcinoma colon primary)
SU-DHL-8 cell line derived from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue
SU.86.86 Homo sapiens (human) pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line. The line was developed from a wedge biosy of a liver metastasis of a pancreatic ductal carcinoma.
SUIT-2 Human pancreatic cancer cell line.
SUM 1315M02 cell line derived from breast
SUM 229PE Human breast cancer cell line from a primary tumor.
SUP-B15 disease: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
SW 1116
SW 1417
SW 1463
SW 1573
SW 1990
SW 403
SW 48
SW 480
SW 527 disease: Pagets disease
SW 620
SW 780 disease: transitional cell carcinoma
SW 837
SW 900
SW 948
SW 982 disease: synovial sarcoma
T98G A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from glioblastoma multiforme (Caucasian). Hyperpentaploid chromosome count. TKG0471(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
TCC-PAN2 cell line derived from pancreas
TK-10 TK-10 was derived from a specimen of primary RCC obtained following a left radical nephrectomy in a 43-year-old male on August 21, 1980.
TOV-112D TOV-112D is a human epithelial cell line initiated in October of 1992 from a patient with early onset ovarian cancer. The patient was of French-Canadian descent with an unknown family history of ovarian cancer.
TYK-NU.CP-R cell line derived from ovary
U-2 OS
U-2932 cell line derived from blood
U-698-M disease: lymphoma, B cell
U266B1 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma
UACC-812 disease: ductal carcinoma
UCSD-242L cell line derived from skin
UKE-1 Acute myeloid leukemia cell line.
UM-UC-1 cell line derived from urinary_tract
UMC-11 disease: carcinoid
VMRC-LCD cell line derived from lung
WM-266-4 Homo sapiens (human) skin melanoma cell line. The WM-266-4 cell line was derived from a metastatic site of a malignant melanoma from a 58 year old female organism.
YMB-1 Human breast cancer cell line; established from a 55 year-old human female.
YMB-1-E Human breast cancer cell line; established from a 55 year-old female.