KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations Dataset

Description Gene expression profiles for cell lines or tissues following transcription factor perturbation (knockdown/knockout)
Measurement gene expression by microarray or RNA-seq
Association gene-transcription factor associations by differential expression of gene following perturbation of trasncription factor
Category transcriptomics
Resource knockTF
Last Updated 2023 Mar 06
  1. 17964 genes
  2. 566 transcription factor perturbations
  3. 105586 gene-transcription factor perturbation associations

Data Access



  • Gene Attribute

  • Gene Similarity

  • Attribute Similarity

  • UMAP

transcription factor perturbation Gene Sets

566 sets of genes differentially expressed following trascription factor perturbation from the KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.

Gene Set Description
AGO1_02_162 AGO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
AGO1_02_95 AGO1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
AGO2_02_132 AGO2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
AHR_01_283 AHR siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ARID1A_01_108 ARID1A shRNA knock from ovary cell line
ARID1A_01_109 ARID1A shRNA knock from ovary cell line
ARID1A_01_114 ARID1A siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line
ARID1A_01_345 ARID1A shRNA knock from uterus cell line
ARID1B_01_298 ARID1B shRNA knock from liver cell line
ARID3A_02_193 ARID3A siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ARID3A_02_50 ARID3A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ARNT_01_240 ARNT shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
ARNT_01_307 ARNT shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
ARNT_01_315 ARNT siRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line
ARNT_01_317 ARNT shRNA knock from placenta_tissue primary cell
AR_01_192 AR siRNA knock from prostate cell line
AR_01_278 AR shRNA knock from prostate cell line
AR_01_323 AR shRNA knock from prostate cell line
ATF2_01_206 ATF2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ATF3_01_33 ATF3 siRNA knock from colon cell line
ATF3_02_180 ATF3 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ATF3_02_54 ATF3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ATM_01_219 ATM shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ATM_01_29 ATM siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
BACH1_01_58 BACH1 esiRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
BACH1_01_59 BACH1 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
BACH1_02_17 BACH1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
BACH1_02_188 BACH1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
BCL11A_01_09 BCL11A siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
BCLAF1_01_214 BCLAF1 shRNA knock from colon cell line
BCLAF1_02_112 BCLAF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
BCLAF1_02_142 BCLAF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
BHLHE40_02_186 BHLHE40 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
BRCA1_02_202 BRCA1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
BRD4_01_119 BRD4 shRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
BRD4_01_311 BRD4 siRNA knock from ovary cell line
CBFB_01_43 CBFB shRNA knock from prostate cell line
CCAR2_02_146 CCAR2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CCAR2_02_86 CCAR2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
CDAN1_02_197 CDAN1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CDX2_01_357 CDX2 siRNA knock from colon cell line
CEBPD_01_74 CEBPD siRNA knock from skin cell line
CEBPZ_01_75 CEBPZ siRNA knock from skin cell line
CEBPZ_02_05 CEBPZ CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CEBPZ_02_118 CEBPZ shRNA knock from liver cell line
CEBPZ_02_176 CEBPZ siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CHD1_02_187 CHD1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CHD2_02_196 CHD2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CITED2_02_38 CITED2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CPEB1_01_20 CPEB1 shRNA knock from cervix cell line
CREB1_01_04 CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CREB1_01_194 CREB1 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line
CREB1_01_195 CREB1 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line
CREB1_01_272 CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CREB1_01_273 CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CREB1_01_274 CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CTBP1_02_41 CTBP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
CTCF_02_185 CTCF siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
DLX1_02_55 DLX1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
DPF2_02_14 DPF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
DROSHA_02_01 DROSHA CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line
DROSHA_02_145 DROSHA shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
E2F4_02_200 E2F4 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
E2F6_02_205 E2F6 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
EGR2_01_242 EGR2 siRNA knock from muscle cell line
EGR2_01_243 EGR2 siRNA knock from neuroepithelium cell line
EGR3_01_212 EGR3 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
EGR3_01_34 EGR3 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
EGR4_01_132 EGR4 siRNA knock from lung cell line
EHF_01_147 EHF siRNA knock from corneal_epithelial primary cell
ELF5_01_71 ELF5 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ELK1_01_162 ELK1 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
ELK1_01_354 ELK1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ELK3_01_318 ELK3 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
EP300_01_297 EP300 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line
ERF_02_34 ERF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ERG_01_17 ERG siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
ERG_01_216 ERG siRNA knock from prostate cell line
ERG_01_28 ERG shRNA knock from prostate cell line
ERG_01_316 ERG siRNA knock from cervix cell line
ESR1_01_01 ESR1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ESR1_01_111 ESR1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ESR2_01_229 ESR2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ESRRA_01_115 ESRRA shRNA knock from colon cell line
ESRRA_01_280 ESRRA shRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
ESRRG_01_173 ESRRG siRNA knock from placenta_tissue in vitro differentiated cell
ETS1_01_244 ETS1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ETS1_01_76 ETS1 siRNA knock from skin cell line
ETS2_01_149 ETS2 siRNA knock from lung cell line
ETV1_01_161 ETV1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
ETV1_01_179 ETV1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
ETV1_01_35 ETV1 shRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ETV1_01_36 ETV1 shRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ETV4_01_356 ETV4 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
ETV5_01_304 ETV5 siRNA knock from soft_tissue stem cell
ETV6_01_91 ETV6 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
EWSR1_02_122 EWSR1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
EWSR1_02_167 EWSR1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FIP1L1_02_103 FIP1L1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
FIP1L1_02_147 FIP1L1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FLI1_01_12 FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
FLI1_01_13 FLI1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium cell line
FLI1_01_14 FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
FLI1_01_15 FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
FLI1_01_16 FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
FOSL1_01_171 FOSL1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
FOS_01_99 FOS siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
FOXA1_01_104 FOXA1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
FOXA1_01_105 FOXA1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
FOXA1_01_233 FOXA1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
FOXC2_01_236 FOXC2 siRNA knock from lymph primary cell
FOXK2_02_31 FOXK2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXM1_01_122 FOXM1 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line
FOXM1_01_223 FOXM1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
FOXM1_01_77 FOXM1 siRNA knock from skin cell line
FOXM1_02_37 FOXM1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXO1_01_106 FOXO1 shRNA knock from bone cell line
FOXO1_01_270 FOXO1 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
FOXO1_01_321 FOXO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXO1_01_322 FOXO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXO3_01_267 FOXO3 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
FOXP1_01_208 FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXP1_01_209 FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXP1_01_210 FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
FOXP1_01_234 FOXP1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
FOXP1_01_88 FOXP1 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
FUS_02_124 FUS shRNA knock from liver cell line
FUS_02_155 FUS shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
GABPA_01_113 GABPA siRNA knock from lung cell line
GABPA_01_190 GABPA shRNA knock from prostate cell line
GABPA_01_191 GABPA shRNA knock from prostate cell line
GATA1_02_60 GATA1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
GATA2_01_193 GATA2 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
GATA2_01_61 GATA2 siRNA knock from endothelium cell line
GATA2_02_28 GATA2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
GATA3_01_120 GATA3 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
GATA3_01_163 GATA3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
GATA3_01_347 GATA3 siRNA knock from oral_cavity cell line
GATA6_01_247 GATA6 siRNA knock from colon cell line
GLI2_01_143 GLI2 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
GRHL2_01_289 GRHL2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line
GRHL2_01_363 GRHL2 CRISPRko knock from ovary cell line
GRHL2_01_364 GRHL2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line
GRHL3_01_336 GRHL3 siRNA knock from skin cell line
GTF2B_01_362 GTF2B siRNA knock from cervix cell line
GTF2F1_02_110 GTF2F1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
GTF2F1_02_157 GTF2F1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HDAC8_02_51 HDAC8 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HDGF_02_104 HDGF shRNA knock from liver cell line
HES1_01_266 HES1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue_blood cell line
HIC1_01_205 HIC1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
HIF1A_01_156 HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line
HIF1A_01_220 HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line
HIF1A_01_224 HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line
HIF1A_01_228 HIF1A siRNA knock from blood cell line
HIF1A_01_348 HIF1A siRNA knock from oral_cavity cell line
HIF1A_01_86 HIF1A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
HIF1A_01_87 HIF1A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
HINFP_02_36 HINFP CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HMBOX1_02_58 HMBOX1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HMGA1_01_158 HMGA1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
HMGA1_02_75 HMGA1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HMGN1_02_79 HMGN1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HMGN2_02_20 HMGN2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HMGN3_02_45 HMGN3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HNF1A_01_02 HNF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line
HNF1B_01_103 HNF1B shRNA knock from ovary cell line
HNF4G_01_320 HNF4G shRNA knock from prostate cell line
HNRNPH1_02_08 HNRNPH1 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HNRNPK_02_136 HNRNPK shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HNRNPK_02_91 HNRNPK shRNA knock from liver cell line
HNRNPLL_02_125 HNRNPLL shRNA knock from liver cell line
HNRNPL_02_160 HNRNPL shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HNRNPL_02_96 HNRNPL shRNA knock from liver cell line
HNRNPUL1_02_109 HNRNPUL1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
HNRNPUL1_02_156 HNRNPUL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HOXA10_01_358 HOXA10 siRNA knock from uterus primary cell
HOXA1_01_110 HOXA1 siRNA knock from lung_fibroblast cell line
HOXA5_01_305 HOXA5 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
HOXB4_02_64 HOXB4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HOXB7_01_169 HOXB7 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
HOXB7_01_170 HOXB7 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
HOXB9_02_15 HOXB9 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HOXC6_01_333 HOXC6 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
HOXD9_01_70 HOXD9 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line
HSF1_01_112 HSF1 siRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line
HSF1_01_155 HSF1 shRNA knock from skin cell line
HSF1_01_178 HSF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
HSF1_02_73 HSF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
HSF2_01_78 HSF2 siRNA knock from skin cell line
ID1_01_117 ID1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
ID1_01_118 ID1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
ID1_01_133 ID1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium stem cell
ID1_01_134 ID1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium stem cell
IKZF1_01_138 IKZF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
IKZF2_01_137 IKZF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ILF2_02_152 ILF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ILF2_02_70 ILF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ILF2_02_88 ILF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
ILF3_02_148 ILF3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ILF3_02_94 ILF3 shRNA knock from liver cell line
IRF2_01_100 IRF2 shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell
IRF4_01_262 IRF4 shRNA knock from lymph cell line
IRF6_01_101 IRF6 shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell
IRF7_01_282 IRF7 siRNA knock from bronchus primary cell
IRX1_01_227 IRX1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
JUND_02_16 JUND CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
JUN_01_164 JUN siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
JUN_01_172 JUN siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
JUN_01_230 JUN shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line
JUN_01_291 JUN siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
KAT2B_02_184 KAT2B siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
KLF2_01_226 KLF2 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
KLF2_02_29 KLF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
KLF3_01_221 KLF3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
KLF4_01_339 KLF4 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
KLF4_01_341 KLF4 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
KLF7_01_340 KLF7 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
KLF7_01_342 KLF7 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
KLF9_01_222 KLF9 siRNA knock from liver cell line
LDB1_02_35 LDB1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
LEF1_01_142 LEF1 siRNA knock from lymph cell line
LIN28A_01_215 LIN28A siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
LIN28B_01_153 LIN28B siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
LMNA_02_175 LMNA siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
LMNB1_02_195 LMNB1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
LMNB2_02_191 LMNB2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MAF1_02_81 MAF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MAFG_02_189 MAFG siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MAFK_02_183 MAFK siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MAF_01_165 MAF siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
MAX_02_192 MAX siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MAZ_02_199 MAZ siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MEF2A_01_265 MEF2A shRNA knock from fetal_spinal_cord cell line
MEIS2_02_30 MEIS2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MITF_01_207 MITF shRNA knock from skin cell line
MITF_01_24 MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line
MITF_01_25 MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line
MITF_01_79 MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line
MITF_02_85 MITF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MLXIP_01_03 MLXIP shRNA knock from embryo_kidney stem cell
MLXIP_01_92 MLXIP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MSX1_01_281 MSX1 siRNA knock from tooth primary cell
MTF1_01_310 MTF1 siRNA knock from colon cell line
MXD3_02_83 MXD3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MXI1_02_173 MXI1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
MYBL2_01_148 MYBL2 shRNA knock from bone_marrow primary cell
MYB_01_102 MYB shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell
MYB_01_44 MYB siRNA knock from cord_blood primary cell
MYB_01_48 MYB shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
MYCN_01_160 MYCN siRNA knock from autonomic_ganglia cell line
MYCN_01_296 MYCN siRNA knock from brain cell line
MYC_01_231 MYC siRNA knock from white_adipose_tissue stem cell
MYC_01_237 MYC shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line
MYC_01_324 MYC siRNA knock from colon cell line
MYT1L_01_264 MYT1L shRNA knock from fetal_spinal_cord cell line
NANOG_01_94 NANOG shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
NFATC1_02_22 NFATC1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NFATC3_01_166 NFATC3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
NFE2L1_02_32 NFE2L1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NFE2L2_01_335 NFE2L2 siRNA knock from lung cell line
NFE2L2_01_60 NFE2L2 siRNA knock from lung cell line
NFE2L2_02_174 NFE2L2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NFKB1_01_167 NFKB1 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
NFKB2_01_261 NFKB2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NFYA_01_131 NFYA shRNA knock from cervix cell line
NFYA_01_287 NFYA shRNA knock from colon cell line
NFYA_01_288 NFYA shRNA knock from lung cell line
NFYA_01_355 NFYA siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
NFYA_02_76 NFYA CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NFYB_01_238 NFYB siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
NFYB_02_24 NFYB CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NKX2-1_01_66 NKX2-1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
NKX2-1_01_67 NKX2-1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
NONO_02_149 NONO shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NONO_02_65 NONO CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NONO_02_93 NONO shRNA knock from liver cell line
NR2C2_02_77 NR2C2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NR2E1_01_306 NR2E1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium primary cell
NR2F2_01_07 NR2F2 siRNA knock from foreskin primary cell
NR2F2_01_176 NR2F2 siRNA knock from ovary cell line
NR2F2_01_177 NR2F2 siRNA knock from ovary cell line
NR2F2_01_89 NR2F2 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
NR2F2_01_90 NR2F2 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
NR2F2_02_19 NR2F2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NR3C1_01_141 NR3C1 siRNA knock from uterus primary cell
NR4A1_01_174 NR4A1 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
NR4A1_02_84 NR4A1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
NR5A1_01_52 NR5A1 shRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line
NR5A2_01_182 NR5A2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
NRF1_02_62 NRF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
OTX2_01_268 OTX2 siRNA knock from brain cell line
OVOL2_01_313 OVOL2 siRNA knock from corneal_epithelial primary cell
PAX2_01_72 PAX2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line
PAX3_01_26 PAX3 siRNA knock from skin cell line
PAX3_01_27 PAX3 siRNA knock from skin cell line
PAX3_01_359 PAX3 shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line
PCBP1_02_115 PCBP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
PCBP1_02_137 PCBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PCBP2_02_123 PCBP2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
PCBP2_02_135 PCBP2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PGR_01_188 PGR siRNA knock from uterus primary cell
PITX2_01_54 PITX2 siRNA knock from eye primary cell
PITX2_01_55 PITX2 siRNA knock from eye primary cell
POLR2G_02_09 POLR2G CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
POLR2G_02_130 POLR2G shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
POLR3A_01_139 POLR3A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
POSTN_01_293 POSTN shRNA knock from brain cell line
POU5F1_01_05 POU5F1 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
POU5F1_01_42 POU5F1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
POU5F1_01_95 POU5F1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
PRDM14_01_45 PRDM14 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
PROX1_01_06 PROX1 siRNA knock from foreskin primary cell
PRPF4_02_128 PRPF4 shRNA knock from liver cell line
PSIP1_02_158 PSIP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PSIP1_02_99 PSIP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
PTBP1_02_07 PTBP1 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PTBP1_02_120 PTBP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
PTBP1_02_131 PTBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PTBP1_02_144 PTBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
PTEN_01_218 PTEN shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
PTEN_01_276 PTEN shRNA knock from lung cell line
PTEN_01_301 PTEN shRNA knock from skin cell line
PTEN_01_302 PTEN shRNA knock from lung cell line
PTEN_01_303 PTEN shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
RAD21_02_190 RAD21 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RARA_01_51 RARA siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
RBBP7_02_74 RBBP7 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBFOX2_02_101 RBFOX2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBFOX2_02_139 RBFOX2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM14_02_03 RBM14 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line
RBM15_02_143 RBM15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM15_02_171 RBM15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM15_02_87 RBM15 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM17_02_100 RBM17 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM17_02_138 RBM17 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM22_02_168 RBM22 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM22_02_92 RBM22 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM25_02_119 RBM25 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM25_02_166 RBM25 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM34_02_121 RBM34 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM34_02_141 RBM34 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RBM39_02_111 RBM39 shRNA knock from liver cell line
RBM39_02_151 RBM39 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RCOR1_02_204 RCOR1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RELA_01_30 RELA siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
RELA_01_80 RELA siRNA knock from skin cell line
RELA_02_39 RELA CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RELB_01_294 RELB siRNA knock from lung cell line
REST_01_136 REST siRNA knock from uterus in vitro differentiated cell
REST_01_145 REST siRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line
REST_01_211 REST siRNA knock from prostate cell line
REST_01_337 REST siRNA knock from skin cell line
REST_01_338 REST siRNA knock from skin cell line
RFX5_02_61 RFX5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RNF2_02_68 RNF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_159 RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_22 RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_23 RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_245 RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_314 RUNX1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
RUNX1_01_343 RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_344 RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_47 RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX1_01_93 RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
RUNX2_01_361 RUNX2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line
RUNX2_01_62 RUNX2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SAFB2_02_102 SAFB2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SAFB2_02_150 SAFB2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SAFB_02_11 SAFB CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SALL4_01_277 SALL4 shRNA knock from lung cell line
SALL4_01_98 SALL4 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SETDB1_02_52 SETDB1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SF1_01_146 SF1 siRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line
SF1_01_271 SF1 siRNA knock from endometrial_tissue tissue
SIX4_01_269 SIX4 siRNA knock from ovary cell line
SIX5_02_78 SIX5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SMAD2_01_248 SMAD2 siRNA knock from liver cell line
SMAD2_01_351 SMAD2 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
SMAD3_01_249 SMAD3 siRNA knock from liver cell line
SMAD3_01_352 SMAD3 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
SMAD4_01_250 SMAD4 siRNA knock from liver cell line
SMAD5_02_48 SMAD5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SMARCA4_02_47 SMARCA4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SNAI1_01_69 SNAI1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
SNAI2_01_225 SNAI2 shRNA knock from skin primary cell
SNAI2_01_292 SNAI2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SNRNP70_02_126 SNRNP70 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SNW1_02_49 SNW1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SOX11_01_213 SOX11 shRNA knock from lymph cell line
SOX17_01_300 SOX17 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
SOX17_01_360 SOX17 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
SOX2_01_349 SOX2 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium primary cell
SOX2_01_350 SOX2 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell
SOX2_01_46 SOX2 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line
SOX2_01_96 SOX2 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
SOX2_01_97 SOX2 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell
SOX4_01_140 SOX4 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line
SOX4_01_260 SOX4 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SOX7_01_299 SOX7 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line
SOX9_01_308 SOX9 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
SOX9_01_309 SOX9 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
SP100_01_82 SP100 siRNA knock from skin cell line
SP1_01_81 SP1 siRNA knock from skin cell line
SP1_02_67 SP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SP2_02_42 SP2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SP3_01_290 SP3 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SPDEF_01_107 SPDEF shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SPDEF_01_135 SPDEF shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SPDEF_01_189 SPDEF siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
SRF_02_21 SRF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF3_02_127 SRSF3 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SRSF4_02_04 SRSF4 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line
SRSF4_02_12 SRSF4 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF4_02_154 SRSF4 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF7_02_02 SRSF7 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line
SRSF7_02_06 SRSF7 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF7_02_133 SRSF7 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF7_02_89 SRSF7 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SRSF9_02_13 SRSF9 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF9_02_134 SRSF9 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SRSF9_02_90 SRSF9 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SSB_02_107 SSB shRNA knock from liver cell line
SSB_02_164 SSB shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT1_01_154 STAT1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT1_01_21 STAT1 shRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line
STAT1_01_83 STAT1 siRNA knock from skin cell line
STAT1_02_23 STAT1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT2_02_18 STAT2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT3_01_168 STAT3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
STAT3_01_180 STAT3 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line
STAT3_01_181 STAT3 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line
STAT3_01_184 STAT3 siRNA knock from urothelial cell line
STAT3_01_334 STAT3 siRNA knock from liver cell line
STAT3_01_49 STAT3 siRNA knock from prostate cell line
STAT3_01_84 STAT3 siRNA knock from skin cell line
STAT5A_02_182 STAT5A siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT5A_02_72 STAT5A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT5_01_239 STAT5 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
STAT5_01_279 STAT5 shRNA knock from prostate cell line
STAT6_01_32 STAT6 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
STAT6_01_50 STAT6 siRNA knock from lung cell line
STAT6_01_85 STAT6 siRNA knock from skin cell line
STAT6_02_57 STAT6 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SUB1_02_117 SUB1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
SUB1_02_161 SUB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
SYNCRIP_02_10 SYNCRIP CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TAF15_02_106 TAF15 shRNA knock from liver cell line
TAF15_02_140 TAF15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TAF15_02_163 TAF15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TAL1_01_152 TAL1 shRNA knock from umbilical_cord_blood primary cell
TAL1_01_217 TAL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TAL1_01_251 TAL1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow primary cell
TAL1_01_40 TAL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TAL1_01_41 TAL1 shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
TAL1_02_201 TAL1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TARDBP_02_116 TARDBP shRNA knock from liver cell line
TARDBP_02_129 TARDBP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TARDBP_02_169 TARDBP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TARDBP_02_80 TARDBP CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TBL1XR1_02_178 TBL1XR1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TBL1XR1_02_43 TBL1XR1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TCF3_01_116 TCF3 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
TCF4_01_185 TCF4 siRNA knock from autonomic_ganglia cell line
TCF4_01_241 TCF4 siRNA knock from brain cell line
TCF7L1_01_346 TCF7L1 shRNA knock from colon cell line
TCP1_02_194 TCP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TEAD2_02_33 TEAD2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TEAD4_01_151 TEAD4 shRNA knock from stomach cell line
TEAD4_02_40 TEAD4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TFAP2C_01_150 TFAP2C shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
TFAP2C_01_312 TFAP2C siRNA knock from lung cell line
TFAP2C_01_53 TFAP2C siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
TFAP4_01_295 TFAP4 siRNA knock from brain cell line
TFDP1_02_71 TFDP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
THAP1_02_46 THAP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TLE2_02_53 TLE2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TLX1_01_246 TLX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TLX1_01_263 TLX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TOX_01_331 TOX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TOX_01_332 TOX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TP53_01_10 TP53 shRNA knock from dermal_fibroblasts induced pluripotent stem cell
TP53_01_11 TP53 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line
TP53_01_175 TP53 siRNA knock from lung cell line
TP53_01_286 TP53 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TP53_01_31 TP53 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
TP53_01_37 TP53 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
TP53_01_38 TP53 shRNA knock from skin cell line
TP53_01_68 TP53 shRNA knock from bone_marrow in vitro differentiated cell
TP63_01_183 TP63 shRNA knock from bladder cell line
TP63_01_196 TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line
TP63_01_197 TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line
TP63_01_198 TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_199 TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_200 TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line
TP63_01_201 TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_202 TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_325 TP63 shRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line
TP63_01_326 TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_327 TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_328 TP63 shRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line
TP63_01_329 TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_330 TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line
TP63_01_39 TP63 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
TRIM28_02_63 TRIM28 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
TWIST1_01_252 TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue
TWIST1_01_253 TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue
TWIST1_01_254 TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue
U2AF1_02_165 U2AF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
U2AF1_02_97 U2AF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line
U2AF2_02_105 U2AF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
U2AF2_02_113 U2AF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line
U2AF2_02_170 U2AF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
UBTF_02_198 UBTF siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
UBTF_02_56 UBTF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
USF1_02_26 USF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
USF2_02_25 USF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
VEZF1_02_179 VEZF1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
WHSC1_02_66 WHSC1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
WT1_01_08 WT1 siRNA knock from liver cell line
XBP1_01_203 XBP1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
XBP1_01_204 XBP1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
XRCC5_02_114 XRCC5 shRNA knock from liver cell line
XRCC5_02_159 XRCC5 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
YBX1_01_255 YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_256 YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_257 YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_258 YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_259 YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_63 YBX1 siRNA knock from lung cell line
YBX1_01_64 YBX1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
YBX1_01_65 YBX1 siRNA knock from colon cell line
YBX3_02_153 YBX3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
YBX3_02_98 YBX3 shRNA knock from liver cell line
YY1_01_18 YY1 shRNA knock from cervix cell line
YY2_01_19 YY2 shRNA knock from cervix cell line
ZBTB33_02_82 ZBTB33 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZC3H11A_02_44 ZC3H11A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZEB1_01_232 ZEB1 siRNA knock from cervix cell line
ZEB2_01_56 ZEB2 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ZEB2_01_57 ZEB2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ZFX_01_144 ZFX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZFX_01_157 ZFX shRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line
ZFX_02_172 ZFX siRNA knock from prostate cell line
ZFX_02_206 ZFX siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line
ZIC2_01_121 ZIC2 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line
ZIC5_01_284 ZIC5 siRNA knock from skin cell line
ZIC5_01_285 ZIC5 siRNA knock from skin cell line
ZMIZ1_02_181 ZMIZ1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF100_01_124 ZNF100 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF143_02_59 ZNF143 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF148_01_73 ZNF148 shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell
ZNF180_02_177 ZNF180 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF24_01_353 ZNF24 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line
ZNF254_01_127 ZNF254 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF25_01_319 ZNF25 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line
ZNF384_02_203 ZNF384 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF384_02_27 ZNF384 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF395_02_69 ZNF395 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line
ZNF431_01_128 ZNF431 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF43_01_125 ZNF43 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF622_02_108 ZNF622 shRNA knock from liver cell line
ZNF665_01_129 ZNF665 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF708_01_130 ZNF708 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF85_01_126 ZNF85 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line
ZNF91_01_123 ZNF91 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line