Description | Gene expression profiles for cell lines or tissues following transcription factor perturbation (knockdown/knockout) |
Measurement | gene expression by microarray or RNA-seq |
Association | gene-transcription factor associations by differential expression of gene following perturbation of trasncription factor |
Category | transcriptomics |
Resource | knockTF |
Citation(s) | |
Last Updated | 2023 Mar 06 |
Stats |
Gene Attribute
Gene Similarity
Attribute Similarity
566 sets of genes differentially expressed following trascription factor perturbation from the KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.
Gene Set | Description |
AGO1_02_162 | AGO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
AGO1_02_95 | AGO1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
AGO2_02_132 | AGO2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
AHR_01_283 | AHR siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ARID1A_01_108 | ARID1A shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
ARID1A_01_109 | ARID1A shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
ARID1A_01_114 | ARID1A siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line |
ARID1A_01_345 | ARID1A shRNA knock from uterus cell line |
ARID1B_01_298 | ARID1B shRNA knock from liver cell line |
ARID3A_02_193 | ARID3A siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ARID3A_02_50 | ARID3A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ARNT_01_240 | ARNT shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
ARNT_01_307 | ARNT shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
ARNT_01_315 | ARNT siRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line |
ARNT_01_317 | ARNT shRNA knock from placenta_tissue primary cell |
AR_01_192 | AR siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
AR_01_278 | AR shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
AR_01_323 | AR shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ATF2_01_206 | ATF2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ATF3_01_33 | ATF3 siRNA knock from colon cell line |
ATF3_02_180 | ATF3 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ATF3_02_54 | ATF3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ATM_01_219 | ATM shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ATM_01_29 | ATM siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
BACH1_01_58 | BACH1 esiRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
BACH1_01_59 | BACH1 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
BACH1_02_17 | BACH1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
BACH1_02_188 | BACH1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
BCL11A_01_09 | BCL11A siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
BCLAF1_01_214 | BCLAF1 shRNA knock from colon cell line |
BCLAF1_02_112 | BCLAF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
BCLAF1_02_142 | BCLAF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
BHLHE40_02_186 | BHLHE40 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
BRCA1_02_202 | BRCA1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
BRD4_01_119 | BRD4 shRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
BRD4_01_311 | BRD4 siRNA knock from ovary cell line |
CBFB_01_43 | CBFB shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
CCAR2_02_146 | CCAR2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CCAR2_02_86 | CCAR2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
CDAN1_02_197 | CDAN1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CDX2_01_357 | CDX2 siRNA knock from colon cell line |
CEBPD_01_74 | CEBPD siRNA knock from skin cell line |
CEBPZ_01_75 | CEBPZ siRNA knock from skin cell line |
CEBPZ_02_05 | CEBPZ CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CEBPZ_02_118 | CEBPZ shRNA knock from liver cell line |
CEBPZ_02_176 | CEBPZ siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CHD1_02_187 | CHD1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CHD2_02_196 | CHD2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CITED2_02_38 | CITED2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CPEB1_01_20 | CPEB1 shRNA knock from cervix cell line |
CREB1_01_04 | CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CREB1_01_194 | CREB1 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line |
CREB1_01_195 | CREB1 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line |
CREB1_01_272 | CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CREB1_01_273 | CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CREB1_01_274 | CREB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CTBP1_02_41 | CTBP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
CTCF_02_185 | CTCF siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
DLX1_02_55 | DLX1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
DPF2_02_14 | DPF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
DROSHA_02_01 | DROSHA CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line |
DROSHA_02_145 | DROSHA shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
E2F4_02_200 | E2F4 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
E2F6_02_205 | E2F6 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
EGR2_01_242 | EGR2 siRNA knock from muscle cell line |
EGR2_01_243 | EGR2 siRNA knock from neuroepithelium cell line |
EGR3_01_212 | EGR3 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
EGR3_01_34 | EGR3 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
EGR4_01_132 | EGR4 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
EHF_01_147 | EHF siRNA knock from corneal_epithelial primary cell |
ELF5_01_71 | ELF5 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ELK1_01_162 | ELK1 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
ELK1_01_354 | ELK1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ELK3_01_318 | ELK3 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
EP300_01_297 | EP300 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line |
ERF_02_34 | ERF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ERG_01_17 | ERG siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
ERG_01_216 | ERG siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ERG_01_28 | ERG shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ERG_01_316 | ERG siRNA knock from cervix cell line |
ESR1_01_01 | ESR1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ESR1_01_111 | ESR1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ESR2_01_229 | ESR2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ESRRA_01_115 | ESRRA shRNA knock from colon cell line |
ESRRA_01_280 | ESRRA shRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
ESRRG_01_173 | ESRRG siRNA knock from placenta_tissue in vitro differentiated cell |
ETS1_01_244 | ETS1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ETS1_01_76 | ETS1 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
ETS2_01_149 | ETS2 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
ETV1_01_161 | ETV1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ETV1_01_179 | ETV1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ETV1_01_35 | ETV1 shRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ETV1_01_36 | ETV1 shRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ETV4_01_356 | ETV4 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ETV5_01_304 | ETV5 siRNA knock from soft_tissue stem cell |
ETV6_01_91 | ETV6 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
EWSR1_02_122 | EWSR1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
EWSR1_02_167 | EWSR1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FIP1L1_02_103 | FIP1L1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
FIP1L1_02_147 | FIP1L1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FLI1_01_12 | FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
FLI1_01_13 | FLI1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium cell line |
FLI1_01_14 | FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
FLI1_01_15 | FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
FLI1_01_16 | FLI1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
FOSL1_01_171 | FOSL1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
FOS_01_99 | FOS siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
FOXA1_01_104 | FOXA1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
FOXA1_01_105 | FOXA1 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
FOXA1_01_233 | FOXA1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
FOXC2_01_236 | FOXC2 siRNA knock from lymph primary cell |
FOXK2_02_31 | FOXK2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXM1_01_122 | FOXM1 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line |
FOXM1_01_223 | FOXM1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
FOXM1_01_77 | FOXM1 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
FOXM1_02_37 | FOXM1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXO1_01_106 | FOXO1 shRNA knock from bone cell line |
FOXO1_01_270 | FOXO1 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
FOXO1_01_321 | FOXO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXO1_01_322 | FOXO1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXO3_01_267 | FOXO3 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
FOXP1_01_208 | FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXP1_01_209 | FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXP1_01_210 | FOXP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
FOXP1_01_234 | FOXP1 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
FOXP1_01_88 | FOXP1 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
FUS_02_124 | FUS shRNA knock from liver cell line |
FUS_02_155 | FUS shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
GABPA_01_113 | GABPA siRNA knock from lung cell line |
GABPA_01_190 | GABPA shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
GABPA_01_191 | GABPA shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
GATA1_02_60 | GATA1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
GATA2_01_193 | GATA2 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
GATA2_01_61 | GATA2 siRNA knock from endothelium cell line |
GATA2_02_28 | GATA2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
GATA3_01_120 | GATA3 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
GATA3_01_163 | GATA3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
GATA3_01_347 | GATA3 siRNA knock from oral_cavity cell line |
GATA6_01_247 | GATA6 siRNA knock from colon cell line |
GLI2_01_143 | GLI2 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
GRHL2_01_289 | GRHL2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
GRHL2_01_363 | GRHL2 CRISPRko knock from ovary cell line |
GRHL2_01_364 | GRHL2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
GRHL3_01_336 | GRHL3 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
GTF2B_01_362 | GTF2B siRNA knock from cervix cell line |
GTF2F1_02_110 | GTF2F1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
GTF2F1_02_157 | GTF2F1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HDAC8_02_51 | HDAC8 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HDGF_02_104 | HDGF shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HES1_01_266 | HES1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue_blood cell line |
HIC1_01_205 | HIC1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
HIF1A_01_156 | HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HIF1A_01_220 | HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HIF1A_01_224 | HIF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HIF1A_01_228 | HIF1A siRNA knock from blood cell line |
HIF1A_01_348 | HIF1A siRNA knock from oral_cavity cell line |
HIF1A_01_86 | HIF1A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
HIF1A_01_87 | HIF1A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
HINFP_02_36 | HINFP CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HMBOX1_02_58 | HMBOX1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HMGA1_01_158 | HMGA1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
HMGA1_02_75 | HMGA1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HMGN1_02_79 | HMGN1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HMGN2_02_20 | HMGN2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HMGN3_02_45 | HMGN3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HNF1A_01_02 | HNF1A shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HNF1B_01_103 | HNF1B shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
HNF4G_01_320 | HNF4G shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
HNRNPH1_02_08 | HNRNPH1 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HNRNPK_02_136 | HNRNPK shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HNRNPK_02_91 | HNRNPK shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HNRNPLL_02_125 | HNRNPLL shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HNRNPL_02_160 | HNRNPL shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HNRNPL_02_96 | HNRNPL shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HNRNPUL1_02_109 | HNRNPUL1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HNRNPUL1_02_156 | HNRNPUL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HOXA10_01_358 | HOXA10 siRNA knock from uterus primary cell |
HOXA1_01_110 | HOXA1 siRNA knock from lung_fibroblast cell line |
HOXA5_01_305 | HOXA5 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
HOXB4_02_64 | HOXB4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HOXB7_01_169 | HOXB7 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
HOXB7_01_170 | HOXB7 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
HOXB9_02_15 | HOXB9 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HOXC6_01_333 | HOXC6 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
HOXD9_01_70 | HOXD9 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line |
HSF1_01_112 | HSF1 siRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line |
HSF1_01_155 | HSF1 shRNA knock from skin cell line |
HSF1_01_178 | HSF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
HSF1_02_73 | HSF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
HSF2_01_78 | HSF2 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
ID1_01_117 | ID1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
ID1_01_118 | ID1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
ID1_01_133 | ID1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium stem cell |
ID1_01_134 | ID1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium stem cell |
IKZF1_01_138 | IKZF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
IKZF2_01_137 | IKZF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ILF2_02_152 | ILF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ILF2_02_70 | ILF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ILF2_02_88 | ILF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
ILF3_02_148 | ILF3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ILF3_02_94 | ILF3 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
IRF2_01_100 | IRF2 shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell |
IRF4_01_262 | IRF4 shRNA knock from lymph cell line |
IRF6_01_101 | IRF6 shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell |
IRF7_01_282 | IRF7 siRNA knock from bronchus primary cell |
IRX1_01_227 | IRX1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
JUND_02_16 | JUND CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
JUN_01_164 | JUN siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
JUN_01_172 | JUN siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
JUN_01_230 | JUN shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line |
JUN_01_291 | JUN siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
KAT2B_02_184 | KAT2B siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
KLF2_01_226 | KLF2 shRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
KLF2_02_29 | KLF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
KLF3_01_221 | KLF3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
KLF4_01_339 | KLF4 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
KLF4_01_341 | KLF4 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
KLF7_01_340 | KLF7 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
KLF7_01_342 | KLF7 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
KLF9_01_222 | KLF9 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
LDB1_02_35 | LDB1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
LEF1_01_142 | LEF1 siRNA knock from lymph cell line |
LIN28A_01_215 | LIN28A siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
LIN28B_01_153 | LIN28B siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
LMNA_02_175 | LMNA siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
LMNB1_02_195 | LMNB1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
LMNB2_02_191 | LMNB2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MAF1_02_81 | MAF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MAFG_02_189 | MAFG siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MAFK_02_183 | MAFK siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MAF_01_165 | MAF siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
MAX_02_192 | MAX siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MAZ_02_199 | MAZ siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MEF2A_01_265 | MEF2A shRNA knock from fetal_spinal_cord cell line |
MEIS2_02_30 | MEIS2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MITF_01_207 | MITF shRNA knock from skin cell line |
MITF_01_24 | MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line |
MITF_01_25 | MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line |
MITF_01_79 | MITF siRNA knock from skin cell line |
MITF_02_85 | MITF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MLXIP_01_03 | MLXIP shRNA knock from embryo_kidney stem cell |
MLXIP_01_92 | MLXIP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MSX1_01_281 | MSX1 siRNA knock from tooth primary cell |
MTF1_01_310 | MTF1 siRNA knock from colon cell line |
MXD3_02_83 | MXD3 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MXI1_02_173 | MXI1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
MYBL2_01_148 | MYBL2 shRNA knock from bone_marrow primary cell |
MYB_01_102 | MYB shRNA knock from fetal_liver primary cell |
MYB_01_44 | MYB siRNA knock from cord_blood primary cell |
MYB_01_48 | MYB shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
MYCN_01_160 | MYCN siRNA knock from autonomic_ganglia cell line |
MYCN_01_296 | MYCN siRNA knock from brain cell line |
MYC_01_231 | MYC siRNA knock from white_adipose_tissue stem cell |
MYC_01_237 | MYC shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line |
MYC_01_324 | MYC siRNA knock from colon cell line |
MYT1L_01_264 | MYT1L shRNA knock from fetal_spinal_cord cell line |
NANOG_01_94 | NANOG shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
NFATC1_02_22 | NFATC1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NFATC3_01_166 | NFATC3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
NFE2L1_02_32 | NFE2L1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NFE2L2_01_335 | NFE2L2 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
NFE2L2_01_60 | NFE2L2 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
NFE2L2_02_174 | NFE2L2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NFKB1_01_167 | NFKB1 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
NFKB2_01_261 | NFKB2 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NFYA_01_131 | NFYA shRNA knock from cervix cell line |
NFYA_01_287 | NFYA shRNA knock from colon cell line |
NFYA_01_288 | NFYA shRNA knock from lung cell line |
NFYA_01_355 | NFYA siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
NFYA_02_76 | NFYA CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NFYB_01_238 | NFYB siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
NFYB_02_24 | NFYB CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NKX2-1_01_66 | NKX2-1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
NKX2-1_01_67 | NKX2-1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
NONO_02_149 | NONO shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NONO_02_65 | NONO CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NONO_02_93 | NONO shRNA knock from liver cell line |
NR2C2_02_77 | NR2C2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NR2E1_01_306 | NR2E1 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium primary cell |
NR2F2_01_07 | NR2F2 siRNA knock from foreskin primary cell |
NR2F2_01_176 | NR2F2 siRNA knock from ovary cell line |
NR2F2_01_177 | NR2F2 siRNA knock from ovary cell line |
NR2F2_01_89 | NR2F2 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
NR2F2_01_90 | NR2F2 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
NR2F2_02_19 | NR2F2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NR3C1_01_141 | NR3C1 siRNA knock from uterus primary cell |
NR4A1_01_174 | NR4A1 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
NR4A1_02_84 | NR4A1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
NR5A1_01_52 | NR5A1 shRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line |
NR5A2_01_182 | NR5A2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
NRF1_02_62 | NRF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
OTX2_01_268 | OTX2 siRNA knock from brain cell line |
OVOL2_01_313 | OVOL2 siRNA knock from corneal_epithelial primary cell |
PAX2_01_72 | PAX2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
PAX3_01_26 | PAX3 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
PAX3_01_27 | PAX3 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
PAX3_01_359 | PAX3 shRNA knock from soft_tissue cell line |
PCBP1_02_115 | PCBP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
PCBP1_02_137 | PCBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PCBP2_02_123 | PCBP2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
PCBP2_02_135 | PCBP2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PGR_01_188 | PGR siRNA knock from uterus primary cell |
PITX2_01_54 | PITX2 siRNA knock from eye primary cell |
PITX2_01_55 | PITX2 siRNA knock from eye primary cell |
POLR2G_02_09 | POLR2G CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
POLR2G_02_130 | POLR2G shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
POLR3A_01_139 | POLR3A siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
POSTN_01_293 | POSTN shRNA knock from brain cell line |
POU5F1_01_05 | POU5F1 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
POU5F1_01_42 | POU5F1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
POU5F1_01_95 | POU5F1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
PRDM14_01_45 | PRDM14 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
PROX1_01_06 | PROX1 siRNA knock from foreskin primary cell |
PRPF4_02_128 | PRPF4 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
PSIP1_02_158 | PSIP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PSIP1_02_99 | PSIP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
PTBP1_02_07 | PTBP1 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PTBP1_02_120 | PTBP1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
PTBP1_02_131 | PTBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PTBP1_02_144 | PTBP1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
PTEN_01_218 | PTEN shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
PTEN_01_276 | PTEN shRNA knock from lung cell line |
PTEN_01_301 | PTEN shRNA knock from skin cell line |
PTEN_01_302 | PTEN shRNA knock from lung cell line |
PTEN_01_303 | PTEN shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
RAD21_02_190 | RAD21 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RARA_01_51 | RARA siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
RBBP7_02_74 | RBBP7 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBFOX2_02_101 | RBFOX2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBFOX2_02_139 | RBFOX2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM14_02_03 | RBM14 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line |
RBM15_02_143 | RBM15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM15_02_171 | RBM15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM15_02_87 | RBM15 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM17_02_100 | RBM17 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM17_02_138 | RBM17 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM22_02_168 | RBM22 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM22_02_92 | RBM22 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM25_02_119 | RBM25 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM25_02_166 | RBM25 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM34_02_121 | RBM34 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM34_02_141 | RBM34 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RBM39_02_111 | RBM39 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
RBM39_02_151 | RBM39 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RCOR1_02_204 | RCOR1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RELA_01_30 | RELA siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
RELA_01_80 | RELA siRNA knock from skin cell line |
RELA_02_39 | RELA CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RELB_01_294 | RELB siRNA knock from lung cell line |
REST_01_136 | REST siRNA knock from uterus in vitro differentiated cell |
REST_01_145 | REST siRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line |
REST_01_211 | REST siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
REST_01_337 | REST siRNA knock from skin cell line |
REST_01_338 | REST siRNA knock from skin cell line |
RFX5_02_61 | RFX5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RNF2_02_68 | RNF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_159 | RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_22 | RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_23 | RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_245 | RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_314 | RUNX1 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
RUNX1_01_343 | RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_344 | RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_47 | RUNX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX1_01_93 | RUNX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
RUNX2_01_361 | RUNX2 shRNA knock from ovary cell line |
RUNX2_01_62 | RUNX2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SAFB2_02_102 | SAFB2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SAFB2_02_150 | SAFB2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SAFB_02_11 | SAFB CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SALL4_01_277 | SALL4 shRNA knock from lung cell line |
SALL4_01_98 | SALL4 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SETDB1_02_52 | SETDB1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SF1_01_146 | SF1 siRNA knock from adrenal_gland cell line |
SF1_01_271 | SF1 siRNA knock from endometrial_tissue tissue |
SIX4_01_269 | SIX4 siRNA knock from ovary cell line |
SIX5_02_78 | SIX5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SMAD2_01_248 | SMAD2 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
SMAD2_01_351 | SMAD2 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
SMAD3_01_249 | SMAD3 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
SMAD3_01_352 | SMAD3 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
SMAD4_01_250 | SMAD4 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
SMAD5_02_48 | SMAD5 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SMARCA4_02_47 | SMARCA4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SNAI1_01_69 | SNAI1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
SNAI2_01_225 | SNAI2 shRNA knock from skin primary cell |
SNAI2_01_292 | SNAI2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SNRNP70_02_126 | SNRNP70 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SNW1_02_49 | SNW1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SOX11_01_213 | SOX11 shRNA knock from lymph cell line |
SOX17_01_300 | SOX17 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
SOX17_01_360 | SOX17 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
SOX2_01_349 | SOX2 shRNA knock from neuroepithelium primary cell |
SOX2_01_350 | SOX2 siRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
SOX2_01_46 | SOX2 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line |
SOX2_01_96 | SOX2 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
SOX2_01_97 | SOX2 shRNA knock from embryo stem cell |
SOX4_01_140 | SOX4 shRNA knock from parotid_gland cell line |
SOX4_01_260 | SOX4 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SOX7_01_299 | SOX7 siRNA knock from umbilical_vein cell line |
SOX9_01_308 | SOX9 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
SOX9_01_309 | SOX9 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
SP100_01_82 | SP100 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
SP1_01_81 | SP1 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
SP1_02_67 | SP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SP2_02_42 | SP2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SP3_01_290 | SP3 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SPDEF_01_107 | SPDEF shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SPDEF_01_135 | SPDEF shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SPDEF_01_189 | SPDEF siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
SRF_02_21 | SRF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF3_02_127 | SRSF3 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SRSF4_02_04 | SRSF4 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line |
SRSF4_02_12 | SRSF4 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF4_02_154 | SRSF4 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF7_02_02 | SRSF7 CRISPRedit knock from liver cell line |
SRSF7_02_06 | SRSF7 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF7_02_133 | SRSF7 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF7_02_89 | SRSF7 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SRSF9_02_13 | SRSF9 CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF9_02_134 | SRSF9 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SRSF9_02_90 | SRSF9 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SSB_02_107 | SSB shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SSB_02_164 | SSB shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT1_01_154 | STAT1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT1_01_21 | STAT1 shRNA knock from upper_aerodigestive_tract cell line |
STAT1_01_83 | STAT1 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
STAT1_02_23 | STAT1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT2_02_18 | STAT2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT3_01_168 | STAT3 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
STAT3_01_180 | STAT3 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line |
STAT3_01_181 | STAT3 siRNA knock from oesophagus cell line |
STAT3_01_184 | STAT3 siRNA knock from urothelial cell line |
STAT3_01_334 | STAT3 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
STAT3_01_49 | STAT3 siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
STAT3_01_84 | STAT3 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
STAT5A_02_182 | STAT5A siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT5A_02_72 | STAT5A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT5_01_239 | STAT5 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
STAT5_01_279 | STAT5 shRNA knock from prostate cell line |
STAT6_01_32 | STAT6 siRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
STAT6_01_50 | STAT6 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
STAT6_01_85 | STAT6 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
STAT6_02_57 | STAT6 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SUB1_02_117 | SUB1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
SUB1_02_161 | SUB1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
SYNCRIP_02_10 | SYNCRIP CRISPRedit knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TAF15_02_106 | TAF15 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
TAF15_02_140 | TAF15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TAF15_02_163 | TAF15 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TAL1_01_152 | TAL1 shRNA knock from umbilical_cord_blood primary cell |
TAL1_01_217 | TAL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TAL1_01_251 | TAL1 shRNA knock from bone_marrow primary cell |
TAL1_01_40 | TAL1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TAL1_01_41 | TAL1 shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
TAL1_02_201 | TAL1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TARDBP_02_116 | TARDBP shRNA knock from liver cell line |
TARDBP_02_129 | TARDBP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TARDBP_02_169 | TARDBP shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TARDBP_02_80 | TARDBP CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TBL1XR1_02_178 | TBL1XR1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TBL1XR1_02_43 | TBL1XR1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TCF3_01_116 | TCF3 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
TCF4_01_185 | TCF4 siRNA knock from autonomic_ganglia cell line |
TCF4_01_241 | TCF4 siRNA knock from brain cell line |
TCF7L1_01_346 | TCF7L1 shRNA knock from colon cell line |
TCP1_02_194 | TCP1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TEAD2_02_33 | TEAD2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TEAD4_01_151 | TEAD4 shRNA knock from stomach cell line |
TEAD4_02_40 | TEAD4 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TFAP2C_01_150 | TFAP2C shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
TFAP2C_01_312 | TFAP2C siRNA knock from lung cell line |
TFAP2C_01_53 | TFAP2C siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
TFAP4_01_295 | TFAP4 siRNA knock from brain cell line |
TFDP1_02_71 | TFDP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
THAP1_02_46 | THAP1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TLE2_02_53 | TLE2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TLX1_01_246 | TLX1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TLX1_01_263 | TLX1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TOX_01_331 | TOX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TOX_01_332 | TOX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TP53_01_10 | TP53 shRNA knock from dermal_fibroblasts induced pluripotent stem cell |
TP53_01_11 | TP53 siRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line |
TP53_01_175 | TP53 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
TP53_01_286 | TP53 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TP53_01_31 | TP53 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
TP53_01_37 | TP53 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
TP53_01_38 | TP53 shRNA knock from skin cell line |
TP53_01_68 | TP53 shRNA knock from bone_marrow in vitro differentiated cell |
TP63_01_183 | TP63 shRNA knock from bladder cell line |
TP63_01_196 | TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line |
TP63_01_197 | TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line |
TP63_01_198 | TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_199 | TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_200 | TP63 siRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line |
TP63_01_201 | TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_202 | TP63 siRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_325 | TP63 shRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line |
TP63_01_326 | TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_327 | TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_328 | TP63 shRNA knock from immortalized_keratinocyte cell line |
TP63_01_329 | TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_330 | TP63 shRNA knock from head_and_neck cell line |
TP63_01_39 | TP63 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
TRIM28_02_63 | TRIM28 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
TWIST1_01_252 | TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue |
TWIST1_01_253 | TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue |
TWIST1_01_254 | TWIST1 shRNA knock from stomach tissue |
U2AF1_02_165 | U2AF1 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
U2AF1_02_97 | U2AF1 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
U2AF2_02_105 | U2AF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
U2AF2_02_113 | U2AF2 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
U2AF2_02_170 | U2AF2 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
UBTF_02_198 | UBTF siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
UBTF_02_56 | UBTF CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
USF1_02_26 | USF1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
USF2_02_25 | USF2 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
VEZF1_02_179 | VEZF1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
WHSC1_02_66 | WHSC1 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
WT1_01_08 | WT1 siRNA knock from liver cell line |
XBP1_01_203 | XBP1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
XBP1_01_204 | XBP1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
XRCC5_02_114 | XRCC5 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
XRCC5_02_159 | XRCC5 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
YBX1_01_255 | YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_256 | YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_257 | YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_258 | YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_259 | YBX1 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_63 | YBX1 siRNA knock from lung cell line |
YBX1_01_64 | YBX1 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
YBX1_01_65 | YBX1 siRNA knock from colon cell line |
YBX3_02_153 | YBX3 shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
YBX3_02_98 | YBX3 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
YY1_01_18 | YY1 shRNA knock from cervix cell line |
YY2_01_19 | YY2 shRNA knock from cervix cell line |
ZBTB33_02_82 | ZBTB33 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZC3H11A_02_44 | ZC3H11A CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZEB1_01_232 | ZEB1 siRNA knock from cervix cell line |
ZEB2_01_56 | ZEB2 shRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ZEB2_01_57 | ZEB2 siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ZFX_01_144 | ZFX shRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZFX_01_157 | ZFX shRNA knock from central_nervous_system cell line |
ZFX_02_172 | ZFX siRNA knock from prostate cell line |
ZFX_02_206 | ZFX siRNA knock from mammary_gland cell line |
ZIC2_01_121 | ZIC2 siRNA knock from pancreas cell line |
ZIC5_01_284 | ZIC5 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
ZIC5_01_285 | ZIC5 siRNA knock from skin cell line |
ZMIZ1_02_181 | ZMIZ1 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF100_01_124 | ZNF100 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF143_02_59 | ZNF143 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF148_01_73 | ZNF148 shRNA knock from peripheral_blood primary cell |
ZNF180_02_177 | ZNF180 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF24_01_353 | ZNF24 siRNA knock from embryo_kidney cell line |
ZNF254_01_127 | ZNF254 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF25_01_319 | ZNF25 siRNA knock from bone_marrow cell line |
ZNF384_02_203 | ZNF384 siRNA knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF384_02_27 | ZNF384 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF395_02_69 | ZNF395 CRISPRi knock from haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue cell line |
ZNF431_01_128 | ZNF431 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF43_01_125 | ZNF43 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF622_02_108 | ZNF622 shRNA knock from liver cell line |
ZNF665_01_129 | ZNF665 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF708_01_130 | ZNF708 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF85_01_126 | ZNF85 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |
ZNF91_01_123 | ZNF91 siRNA knock from gastrointestinal_tissue cell line |