PFOCR Pathway Figure Associations 2023 Dataset (Archived)

Description Sets of genes/proteins extracted from pathway figures in research publications using optical character recognition
Measurement association by literature curation
Association protein-pathway associations extracted from figures in published literature
Category structural or functional annotations
Resource Pathway Figure Optical Character Recognition
Last Updated 2024 Oct 08
  1. 13173 genes
  2. 35464 pathways
  3. 307416 gene-pathway associations

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  • UMAP

pathway Gene Sets

35464 sets of proteins participating in pathways from the PFOCR Pathway Figure Association 2023 dataset.

Gene Set Description
PMC100005__F11 Formation of TrkA-src-aPKC complexes
PMC101242__F7 Up-regulation of RAD51 in 8-MOP-treated cells
PMC101920__F1 Late steps of AdoCbl biosynthesis in S
PMC102186__F9 Ras-mediated signaling pathways
PMC102215__F1 Pathways to Lignin Monomers.The "metabolic grid" shown in this scheme incorporates the results of recent studies suggesting previously unexpected substrate specificities for F5H and COMT (; ; )
PMC1052008__F1 Activation of PI3K/Akt signaling in adaptive versus maladaptive hypertrophy
PMC1052008__F3 GSK-3 as a convergence point in hypertrophic signaling
PMC1064894__F3 Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling pathways
PMC1065305__F1 Components of the AhR-mediated lacZ reporter assay
PMC1069556__F6 Effect of NS5A on the Beta-catenin signaling pathway
PMC1069621__F5 Two models for coupling of circadian and cell cycles
PMC1082717__F1 The mTOR pathway and the potential intersection with LMP2A-activated PI3-kinase/Akt signaling
PMC1083688__F2 Curbing the nuclear activities of Beta-catenin
PMC1083933__F2 Cell cycle trials in Salamanca
PMC1087229__F8 Signaling pathway of NGF-induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells
PMC1087506__F8 IRAK1 functions in the TLR and IL-1B pathway upstream of convergence with the TNFA pathway
PMC1087583__F5 The secretory pathway and UPR under different conditions
PMC1087795__F1 Schematic depiction of the S
PMC108819__F8 Signalling pathways for EGF activation of c-jun
PMC1088370__F1 Topologies of the three networks
PMC108887__F9 The CD5-induced signaling pathway, which is mediated by PI 3-kinase and Vav, resulting in the activation of Rac1
PMC1090600__F5 Illustration of the Rel/NFKB pathway
PMC109251__F9 Integration of growth factor-, retinoid-, and ECM-derived signaling pathways during normal mucosecretory cell differentiation
PMC111167__F1 BR biosynthesis pathway
PMC1120573__F4 Relation between some major controlling factors involved in apoptosis
PMC1124928__F4 Coagulation, fibrinolysis, and angiogenesis in cancer
PMC1133795__F3 Functions of NFKB1 and NFKB2 in immune cell biology
PMC1133850__F10 Vaccinia virus-stimulated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway is required for virus multiplication
PMC1134761__F4 Essential tension and constructive destruction: the spindle checkpoint and its regulatory links with mitotic exit
PMC1134985__F3 Exploring the functions of RNA interference pathway proteins: some functions are more RISCy than others?
PMC1138975__S1 High-throughput metabolic state analysis: the missing link in integrated functional genomics of yeasts
PMC1138975__S2 High-throughput metabolic state analysis: the missing link in integrated functional genomics of yeasts
PMC1140402__F2 The central carbon metabolism of E
PMC1142215__F2 Models for the action of the Nck/Dock signaling pathways in R-cell growth cones
PMC1143566__F2 A schematic diagram for the hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway
PMC1143566__F4 Schematic diagram for the Wnt signaling pathway
PMC114459__F1 Mechanisms of ISG induction
PMC115962__F5 IFNG signaling pathway showing the defects in the human fibroblast mutants B3, B9, and B10
PMC1160519__F6 Cardiac glycosides inhibit TNFA/NFKB signaling by blocking recruitment of TRADD to the TNFR
PMC116060__F6 Proposed signal transduction pathways involved in PKC-mediated SRE activation
PMC1168613__F1 Comparison of the D
PMC1168797__F7 Repair and/or tolerance of AFB1-induced DNA damage in S
PMC1168814__F8 The regulation of replication-dependent histone H4 genes at the G1/S phase cell cycle transition via the cyclin E/CDK2/p220/HiNF-P pathway relative to the E2F/pRB pathway
PMC1169236__F2 Metabolic reconstructions of the polyamine pathway based upon pam and sam analyses of poor-prognosis human NE tumors
PMC1172066__F8 Model depicting how inner ear polarity is generated in response to extracellular signals
PMC1173149__F10 TAp63Alpha-induced apoptosis
PMC1174965__F4 Regulation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling by suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1)
PMC1175050__F1 NFKB pathway regulates inflammation, dendritic cell (DC) development and function, and thymic selection and regulatory T cell production
PMC1176393__F2 Regulatory network of stress responses to drought, salt, and cold: specificity and cross-talk
PMC1176468__F9 Crosstalk model of ATF3 and c-myc in serum induction
PMC1180390__F5 Signaling pathways implicating p120-RasGAP
PMC1182485__F8 Schemes of the Ethylene Biosynthetic, Signaling, and Response Pathways.Key elements of the pathways are displayed in a linear manner and are connected by arrows
PMC1183194__F4 Pathway-analyses based on decreased (green) and increased (red) genes detected in fibrosarcoma cells after 24 h treatment with doxorubicin
PMC1183194__F5 Pathway-analyses based on decreased (green) and increased (red) genes detected in fibrosarcoma cells after 24 h treatment with doxorubicin
PMC1183194__F6 Pathway-analyses based on decreased (green) and increased (red) genes detected in fibrosarcoma cells after 24 h treatment with doxorubicin
PMC1183479__F8 Activation of protein synthesis in cardiomyocytes by the hypertrophic agent phenylephrine requires the activation of ERK and involves phosphorylation of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2)
PMC1186689__S1 Interferon-Gamma-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of MEKK4 via Pyk2 is regulated by annexin II and SHP2 in keratinocytes
PMC1186734__F6 Glucocorticoid Receptor-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks
PMC1190322__F10 CdGAP mediates cross talk between the Ras/MAPK pathway and the regulation of Rac1 activity
PMC1190355__F8 A model of IRAK1c regulation of inflammation
PMC1193534__F1 Comparative Genomics of Natural Killer Cell Receptor Gene Clusters
PMC1193608__F8 Model of HAV interaction with the dsRNA-induced IRF-3 activation pathway
PMC1195384__F2 Folate pathway in Plasmodium falciparum and the proposed mode of action of the diaminopteridines, analogs of folate precursors
PMC1195968__F1 RSV binding and triggering of cellular responses
PMC1197416__F6 Several signaling pathways converge to drive actin polarization
PMC1199368__F5 Candidate genes that are involved with the metabolism of androgen and estrogen
PMC1201250__F7 Mechanism of TgHSP70 tolerance in PMs from WT mice
PMC1201344__F4 Fasting effects on fatty acid composition
PMC1201361__F6 Anandamide as an intracellular messenger inducing Ca2+ influx via TRPV1
PMC1201394__F4 Cell Cycle Arrest and Cell Death Are Controlled by p53-dependent and p53-independent Mechanisms in Tsg101-deficient Cells
PMC1201514__F1 Regulation of the PIS1-encoded Phosphatidylinositol Synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Zinc
PMC120783__F7 GPI biosynthetic pathways in T
PMC1215521__F7 Possible gene regulation in macrophage THP-1 stimulated by theophylline
PMC1216340__F10 Schematic model depicting potential mechanism that might contribute to epithelial-specific regulation of the CFTR gene
PMC122866__F4 The pathway of PUFA synthesis in C
PMC1234333__F7 Knockdown of Smad4 affects only a subset of TGF-Beta-regulated target genes and functions
PMC1235815__F7 Possible ATM pathways contributing to polyomavirus replication (see Discussion)
PMC1236692__F3 Caspase signaling and its modulation
PMC1236696__F1 IKK/NFKB signaling pathways
PMC1236698__F2 Molecular mechanisms of autophagy
PMC1236700__F2 Regulation of the extrinsic pathway by Hsps
PMC123677__F3 The action of S-phase checkpoints in the suppression of spontaneous genome instability
PMC1237009__F1 Will the Real Cholesterol Transporter Please Stand Up
PMC1237076__F7 Wnt-NLK pathway inhibits the activity of Myb family of proteins by two different mechanisms
PMC124938__F7 The proposed c-Kit signal transduction pathway in PGCs
PMC125938__F8 An essential role for Prox1 in the induction of the lymphatic endothelial cell phenotype
PMC126023__F7 Endogenous DNA abasic sites cause cell death in the absence of Apn1, Apn2 and Rad1/Rad10 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PMC126171__F5 Different telomere damage signaling pathways in human and mouse cells
PMC1262773__F4 Endocrine regulation of the testis
PMC1280267__F7 Model schema for the phosphorylation of CRMP-2 by Rho kinase, Cdk5, and GSK-3B
PMC128142__F1 Proposed biosynthetic pathway of GPI in the ER of P
PMC1287678__F9 Putative signaling pathway of the evolutionarily conserved Toll/NFKB pathway utilizing the E
PMC1288263__F2 Mammalian sex determination: a molecular view
PMC1288546__F1 Human SHH-PTCH-GLI pathway (left) and its links to human diseases (right)
PMC128926__F2 Activation of the NFKB pathway by IL-1
PMC129737__F5 Model for repair of camptothecin-induced replicative damage
PMC1297571__F6 Simplified diagram of the proposed signalling events leading to Cyp7b gene transcription in synovial fibroblasts
PMC1297590__F2 Ubiquitination of key signaling in anergic T cells
PMC1297640__F1 Systems and molecular complexity in glycobiology
PMC1297683__F3 Final network resulting from applications of our integration method to the 18 types of evidence for yeast galactose utilization and a set of network analysis tools
PMC1304358__F3 Examples of extreme signaling pathways of the JAK-STAT signaling network
PMC1304643__F2 Probability flux distributions for human red blood cell
PMC1307592__F2 Some of the negative feedback mechanisms discussed at the meeting
PMC1307593__F2 A model of phytochrome signal transduction
PMC1312313__F8 NO• regulation of the cell cycle
PMC1315902__F2 Multiple roles for kinases in DNA replication
PMC1316260__F3 Computational modelling of the receptor-tyrosine-kinase-activated MAPK pathway
PMC1316260__F6 Computational modelling of the receptor-tyrosine-kinase-activated MAPK pathway
PMC1322299__F1 Tweaking Microtubules to Treat Scleroderma
PMC1323499__F1 New Approaches to Vaccine Adjuvants: Inhibiting the Inhibitor
PMC1326163__F4 TSH-cAMP signaling pathway in thyrocytes and its negative feedback regulators
PMC1326326__F3 Proposed regulation of Cdc25A at the G1 and intra-S-phase checkpoints
PMC1327675__F3 Interactive map (pathway) of 46 genes/proteins created in PathwayAssist® from the list of transcripts up-regulated in the testes of ABP-transgenic mice
PMC1327682__F3 Schematic overview of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae central carbon metabolism
PMC133602__F6 The yeast glyoxylate bypass pathway and its possible connection with other predicted changes
PMC134648__F8 Role of Axin2 in Wnt signal transduction
PMC1350949__F7 Proposed model of the HCMV-induced apoptotic signaling pathways
PMC1351030__F8 Krüppel-like factor 5 mediates the transforming activity of oncogenic H-Ras.
PMC1351175__F11 Proposed Receptor Ck - dependent signaling pathway involved in hTERT gene regulation at the transcriptional level
PMC1351245__F1 Delayed Dark Adaptation in 11-cis-Retinol Dehydrogenase-deficient Mice
PMC1352320__F1 Genome Wide Analysis Reveals Inositol, not Choline, as the Major Effector of Ino2p-Ino4p and Unfolded Protein Response Target Gene Expression in Yeast
PMC1356334__F7 Alignment of sequences adjacent to Y200 for human TRPV1-4
PMC1359062__F1 Ciliated cell differentiation into goblet cells requires 2 signals
PMC1361361__F7 Shp-1 mediates the anti-proliferative activity of TIMP-2 in human microvascular endothelial cells
PMC136456__F7 The modulation of cellular signaling pathways by NS5A
PMC1369209__F3 Models for ECT-2 activation and its role in activating the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway
PMC137067__F1 The Hedgehog signaling pathway
PMC137069__F1 Hh-signaling pathway
PMC1371031__F4 Model on Bcr effects on Beta-catenin
PMC137498__F6 Regulation of Cdc25A by Chk1
PMC1375233__F2 Association between human TLRs and adaptors determine each TLR-specific signaling pathway
PMC1375233__F5 Two signaling pathways of TLR in myeloid DCs
PMC1380241__F1 CoQ10biosynthetic pathway with eight known biosynthetic enzymes denoted as COQ1-COQ8
PMC1382215__F1 The de novo arginine biosynthetic pathway
PMC1383482__F1 Tumor Necrosis Factor by Microbial Pathogens
PMC1383515__F6 Proposed tentative mechanism underlying MAFA-mediated selective inhibition of FcɛRI-induced cytokine gene transcription
PMC1383550__F2 Two branches of the class I PI3K pathway
PMC1383660__F5 Intracellular signalling pathways activated by leptin
PMC1383660__F6 Intracellular signalling pathways activated by leptin
PMC1383714__F8 Plasma-membrane-associated sialidase (NEU3) differentially regulates integrin-mediated cell proliferation through laminin- and fibronectin-derived signalling
PMC1386115__F3 Integration of lipid metabolic and inflammatory signaling in macrophages by LXRs
PMC1386711__F4 MAPK signaling pathway mapping
PMC138687__F1 The TGFB signaling pathway, showing the activation cascade and points of inhibition (??)
PMC138693__F2 Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling and cancer
PMC138723__F1 Simplified model of some of the components of p53 signalling
PMC138773__F1 EGFR transactivation by GPCRs and cytokine receptors
PMC138838__F1 Signaling through mammalian and Drosophila Toll-family receptors (TLRs)
PMC1389768__F1 The Challenge of Characterizing Operations in the Mechanisms Underlying Behavior
PMC1390683__F2 Model illustrating a role of BRCA1 in the C2/M cell cycle checkpoint
PMC139100__F8 Gelsolin-induced epithelial cell invasion is dependent on Ras-Rac signaling
PMC139153__F1 Biosynthetic Pathway of JA.DAD1, the lipolytic enzyme, had long been sought and was identified in this study
PMC139401__F2 TLR signal transduction pathways
PMC139433__F2 Cell cycle arrest by transforming growth factor (TGF)B and their deregulation in cancer
PMC1395315__F1 Methionine-Homocysteine metabolism and related pathways
PMC1395315__F5 Elevated Homocysteine is associated with atherosclerosis
PMC1397816__F1 Inhibition of canonical Wnt signalling pathway in the absence of Wnt signals
PMC1397816__F2 Activation of canonical Wnt signalling pathway in the presence of Wnt signals
PMC1397816__F5 Inhibition of Wnt signalling by a Fz-dependent pathway
PMC139817__F7 Regulatory interactions between SRF and TCF
PMC139865__F12 Innate immunity pathways in Drosophila
PMC140043__F8 RelB is required for Peyer's patch development: differential regulation of p52-RelB by lymphotoxin and TNF
PMC140192__F7 Epidermal growth factor signaling via Ras controls the Smad transcriptional co-repressor TGIF
PMC140507__F1 The PI 3-kinase pathway by RNAi
PMC140665__F8 Interaction between the Wnt/Beta-catenin and Wnt/Ca2+ pathways
PMC140731__F6 Human replication protein Cdc6 prevents mitosis through a checkpoint mechanism that implicates Chk1
PMC1409799__F4 MAPK signaling pathways
PMC1410746__F3 Genmapp view of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling pathway
PMC1410804__F7 Cdc42 regulates HF differentiation and cell-cell contacts in keratinocytes by modulating the turnover of Beta-catenin and plakoglobin
PMC1413672__F6 Activation of PI3K signaling by PV
PMC1413813__F8 The signaling pathway regulating the expressions of SMAlpha-actin, SM-MHC, and calponin in SMCs on polymerized collagen in response to PDGF-BB/IL-1B costimulation
PMC1415320__F6 The proposed TGFB1 signaling mechanism that promotes EMT
PMC1420312__F5 Impact of SV40 ST on the Notch, Wnt, and Hedgehog Pathways
PMC1421247__F3 Molecular Biology of Barrett's Adenocarcinoma
PMC1421301__F1 Interferon Regulatory Factor Expression in Human Breast Cancer
PMC1421310__F1 High-Throughput Drug Screening of the DPC4 Tumor-Suppressor Pathway in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells
PMC1431703__F5 Comparison of results with the known response pathway
PMC1431720__F7 Cytokine release in RAW 264.7 macrophages
PMC1434604__F1 Sites of action for reactive oxygen species in the regulation of the insulin signaling pathway
PMC1435694__F1 Chemistry of the retinoid cycle reactions in the vertebrate retina
PMC1435944__F6 Graphical Interface for the KnowledgeNet of candidate genes for hypertension
PMC1436036__F12 Core signaling pathway downstream from V2R occupation in IMCD
PMC1440308__F6 Alternative Th network
PMC1440308__F7 Alternative Th network
PMC1440398__F2 CDC maturation upon virus infection
PMC1440856__F1 Omega-6 and -3 fatty acids & Prostate Cancer
PMC1446957__F5 In vitro keratinocyte mitosis
PMC1447421__F10 Hypothetical model describing the roles of Rad18 and PolK in the BPDE-induced S-phase checkpoint
PMC1448211__F7 Real time pathway analysis of cell-cycle related genes mediated via TS overexpression in HCT-C18 (TS+) cells using actual gene expression data
PMC1449579__F5 F igure 5.–
PMC1449671__F4 Conservation of the NFKB signaling pathway from horseshoe crab to human
PMC1450137__F4 Proposed mechanisms underlying the control of Mesp2 expression
PMC1456930__F5 The molecular pathways controlling AB generation during aging
PMC1456973__F6 Aspartate and aspartate transport in the pathway of prostate citrate production
PMC1464269__F1 Regulation of lactate production at the onset of ischaemia is independent of mitochondrial NADH/NAD+: insights from in silico studies
PMC1475580__F1 Sequence of events in ATM→ATR dependent signaling of DSBs in S/G2 cells
PMC1475884__F2 TNF receptor (TNFR) pathway of signaling
PMC1479092__F1 The mitochondrial generated ROS-mediated activation of the p38 MAPK stress response pathway
PMC1479345__F3 Pathway analysis
PMC1479345__F4 Pathway analysis
PMC1479345__F5 How dietary arachidonic- and docosahexaenoic- acid rich oils differentially affect the murine hepatic transcriptome.
PMC1479345__F6 Pathway analysis
PMC1479345__F7 Pathway analysis
PMC1479816__F3 Pathways involved in mesenchymal cell proliferation and differentiation induced by G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs)
PMC1480427__F1 ω3 LC-PUFA and ω6 LC-PUFA biosynthetic pathways
PMC1480599__F7 Host-Specific Response to HCV Infection in the Chimeric SCID-beige/Alb-uPA Mouse Model: Role of the Innate Antiviral Immune Response
PMC1481516__F2 Metabolic pathway and bioenergetics of net citrate production in prostate cells
PMC1481658__F11 Enhanced PIP3 signaling in POMC neurons causes KATP channel activation and leads to diet-sensitive obesity
PMC1482580__F4 EDA signaling in hair follicle development
PMC1482699__F5 GenMAPP growth hormone (Gh) signaling pathway
PMC1483059__F10 Peculiar structure of the juxtanuclear actin network
PMC1483149__F1 Glucose transport and sensing in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis and metabolic harmony
PMC1483167__F1 Liver X receptor opens a new gateway to StAR and to steroid hormones
PMC1487177__F7 AKT-1/PKB Signaling
PMC1489534__F3 Regulation of cell wall gene expression during the cell cycle (A) and in response to external stimuli (B)
PMC14940__F10 A signaling pathway of c-Met for cell scattering
PMC149906__F5 A model to explain the effects of varying Fgf8 dosage on cell survival
PMC1501017__F2 Different pathways involved in apoptosis
PMC1501125__F1 WNT Pathway in Colorectal Carcinomas Stratified by Microsatellite Instability
PMC1502028__F4 EGFR and mTOR signaling network, and signaling mediator effects associated with rapamycin and/or EKI-785 treatments
PMC1502396__F1 The interaction between the AR and the ErbB/MAPK pathway
PMC1502426__F1 Chromophore regeneration in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors
PMC1502453__F5 Hoxc8-regulated transcriptional network in vivo
PMC1502529__F6 Network modeling
PMC1503662__F7 UV-induced apoptotic signaling pathway
PMC150381__F2 Interplay of the major genetic alteration in pancreatic carcinoma with the cell cycle
PMC1508148__F1 Pathway diagram of genes tested for association
PMC150988__F1 JAK-STAT signaling and the generation of Th1 and Th2 cells
PMC151022__F1 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC151039__F1 The classical pathway for bile acid synthesis begins with CYP7A1, which converts cholesterol into 7Alpha-hydroxycholesterol
PMC151063__F9 p53 induction and activation of DDR1 kinase counteract p53-mediated apoptosis and influence p53 regulation through a positive feedback loop
PMC151138__F1 Signaling and transcriptional pathways of Th1 differentiation and the potential role of c-Rel
PMC151255__F5 Sugar Sensing and Signaling in Plants
PMC151358__F5 JNK-dependent apoptosis signaling pathway
PMC151822__F2 Signaling UPR-mediated cell death
PMC1522081__F7 Involvement of MACF1 in the Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway
PMC1525002__F4 Sequence logo [41] of putative regulatory motif
PMC1525228__F9 Diagram depicting the mechanism by which NGF may inhibit GSK-3B and promote axon growth
PMC1525234__F6 Working model of regulatory mechanisms controlling cell death in response to mating pheromones
PMC1526532__F1 Genomic Analysis of the Opi- Phenotype
PMC1526546__F1 Innate model of lupus pathogenesis: central role of TLR-activated MZ-B cells and pDCs
PMC1526596__F1 P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade in T cells
PMC1526619__F1 Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway
PMC1526619__F2 The canonical transforming growth factor (TGF)B/Smad signaling pathway
PMC152905__F6 Rev1 is essential for DNA damage tolerance and non-templated immunoglobulin gene mutation in a vertebrate cell line
PMC1533821__F2 Recognition of pathogens by cytosolic PRRs
PMC153558__F3 Model of the maternal Radar signaling pathway mediating early steps of dorsoventral axis formation
PMC153613__F4 Highlights of key changes in cell cycle, differentiation, and metabolism-related transcripts
PMC1538848__F3 Expression data analysis and visualization on the PANTHER website
PMC1539153__F6 Model for control of carbon source-dependent growth and development by GPR-4 and heterotrimeric G proteins in N
PMC1550314__S1 Ras activation in response to phorbol ester proceeds independently of the EGFR via an unconventional nucleotide-exchange factor system in COS-7 cells
PMC1550774__F6 The role of EIN5 in the ethylene signal transduction pathway
PMC1551980__F1 Ubiquitin Signaling in the NFKB Pathway
PMC1551980__F3 Ubiquitin Signaling in the NFKB Pathway
PMC1551980__F4 Ubiquitin Signaling in the NFKB Pathway
PMC155294__F4 Representation of the cell cycle control pathway within TIGR Orthologous Gene Alignment (TOGA)
PMC1553197__F8 Model of CISK-mediated inhibition of CXCR4 sorting and degradation
PMC155330__F7 slpr, encoding Drosophila MLK, is the MKKK for the Jun kinase pathway during dorsal closure in the fly
PMC1553448__F7 Transcript expression of BMP signaling pathway members
PMC155355__F7 Model outlining the roles of GAI/RGA-like GA-signaling components in the plant life cycle
PMC155392__F3 Predicted pathways for degradation, transport, and metabolism of chitin by M
PMC1555642__F1 Severe facial clefting in Insig-deficient mouse embryos caused by sterol accumulation and reversed by lovastatin
PMC1555658__F2 Cholesterol precursors and facial clefting
PMC155638__F1 MAP kinase signalling pathways
PMC155638__F3 Hypoxic activation of apoptosis pathways
PMC1557712__F2 Molecular control of alveolar morphogenesis
PMC1557825__F4 Ordering and correlation network diagrams for the significant pathways
PMC1559555__F1 GSH metabolic pathway
PMC1559676__F1 The unfolded protein response
PMC1560089__F7 Proposed LITAF signaling pathway
PMC1564158__F2 Predicting Essential Components of Signal Transduction Networks: A Dynamic Model of Guard Cell Abscisic Acid Signaling
PMC1564204__F6 Schematic pathway of lipid turnover induced by Pi stress
PMC1569532__F1 Different types of regulatory T cells
PMC1570177__F1 Mathematical Modeling Identifies Inhibitors of Apoptosis as Mediators of Positive Feedback and Bistability
PMC1571066__F2 TGFB superfamily signalling pathway (see text for explanation)
PMC1571066__F5 Model of SMAD7 role in control of blood vessel calibre (see text for explanation)
PMC1571327__F6 FGF, Wnt and Tbx3 in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions regulating mammary gland initiation
PMC1572165__F3 Schematic drawing that shows the importance of cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix-interactions in endothelial cell survival
PMC1573858__F1 AT1 receptor signal transduction pathways that result in transcriptional NA neuromodulation (a) and increased firing rate (b) in neuronal cultures
PMC1574111__F3 Proposed mechanism for FK506-potentiated neurite outgrowth
PMC1579207__F1 Regulation of the ubiquitin ligase SCFMet30 and its connection to cell cycle control
PMC1579207__F3 Cadmium-induced regulation of SCFMet30
PMC1584297__F9 Cross-talk between the NFKB and the STAT3 pathways
PMC15871__F3 PI3'K signaling modules in mammals and nematodes have implications for cancer
PMC1592599__F1 TNFA signaling pathway leading to apoptosis or proliferation of the cells
PMC1592643__F3 An altered balance of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules in trauma patients' T cells could indicate specifically increased vulnerability to apoptotic depletion
PMC1594921__F5 Presymptomatic and symptomatic infections including the inflammatory cytokines TNFA, IFNG, and ILB
PMC1594921__F6 Immunological regulatory IL-10 and MAP kinase pathways
PMC15989__F4 Hypothetical LYar and LYas cells
PMC1599906__F3 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC1599931__F1 Phosphatidylinositide 3'-OH kinase/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
PMC1600679__F7 Summary of changes in the Wnt/Beta-catenin pathway in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
PMC1601944__F1 HIF-dependent VHL pathways in oncogenesis
PMC1601945__F1 Model of RNF11 interactions in the TGFB receptor signaling pathway
PMC1601946__F1 E3 ubiquitin ligases regulating the TGFB signaling pathway
PMC1602337__F9 TWEAK-Fn14 signaling system may play a role in stroke pathophysiology
PMC1603666__F9 Erk- and PI3K-Akt-dependent cascades regulating mTOR signaling
PMC1609106__F8 Regulation of insulin pathway phenotypes by AKT-1 and PDK-1 activation
PMC1609340__F1 Outline of the TLR signalling pathway
PMC1616944__F1 Regulation of DNA synthesis by Mec1-checkpoint pathway
PMC1617297__F2 Cell-signaling networks induced by Pichinde virus infection as analyzed using the Ingenuity pathway analysis knowledge base
PMC1618798__F2 Intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
PMC1618798__F3 Extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
PMC1622797__F5 Proposed molecular model of dietary omega-3 fatty acid interference with IL-1 signaling pathways leading to COX-2 induction in EC
PMC1622889__F1 Anti-apoptosis of families of HSPs
PMC1635984__F3 MRNA expression levels in TGFBeta-treated T84 epithelial cells compared to control cell culture
PMC1636619__F8 Oncogene cooperation in malignant rasV12, scrib-/- tumors
PMC1636849__F8 Schematic summary of the signaling pathway leading to Nanog repression
PMC164216__F5 TLR signaling pathways
PMC165090__F8 Schematic model for the roles of p120 catenin in the signaling pathways leading to growth factor-induced RhoA stimulation and cell migration
PMC16561__F6 The signaling pathway from the upstream protein-tyrosine kinases, Lyn/Syk/Btk, to cytokine gene expression through intermediate signaling proteins, PKCBI/JNK
PMC1664647__F1 Schematic representation of the Fas pathway used in the mechanistic model
PMC1664664__F2 Neurotrophin signalling
PMC1664665__F2 Regulation of the axon cytoskeleton by PI3K signalling
PMC1665458__F7 Proteins differentially regulated in RCC involved in carbohydrate metabolism are shown overlaid on the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathway KEGG #00010 diagram
PMC1667087__F9 F igure 9.–
PMC167103__F4 Feed-forward regulation of ABA signaling mediated VP1 and ABI3
PMC1679905__F6 Signalling routes emanating from the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
PMC1681468__F5 Ellipsis in drawing association states of proteins using an 'address'
PMC1681468__F6 Combinations of multiple states of complexes
PMC1681473__F1b (B) The bow-tie architecture also exists at the signal transduction level
PMC1681476__F1 An SBGN process diagram (A) and a molecular interaction map (B) of a signaling pathway triggered by ligand binding to EGFR molecules
PMC1682009__F1 Activation of the Akt pathway through binding of a ligand to a receptor, tyrosine kinase
PMC1682015__F2 Example pathway structures based on Z-scores of reactions, which demonstrate the metabolomic response of the selected reactions in the reported case studies, namely, the effect of an altered redox metabolism and aerobic/anaerobic growth
PMC1682017__F4 Effect of increased HER2 expression on phosphorylation sites within the EGFR signaling network
PMC1682017__F5 Effect of HRG stimulation versus EGF stimulation in high HER2-expressing cells
PMC1683566__F5 Integration of gene expression with the proposed mechanistic pathway initiated by comfrey treatment leading to tumorigenesis
PMC1698511__F3 PKR is an intermediary component in TLR signaling
PMC1698524__F5 Model linking HSP70 induction to p33ING1b-induced apoptosis
PMC1698527__F10 Model for the transduction of DNA damage signals to the splicing machinery
PMC1698636__F6 F igure 6.–
PMC1698810__F8 Model for the involvement of JAB1 in TNFA signaling pathway
PMC1698952__F4 Aspects of PRLR signaling as related to mammary gland function
PMC1705513__F1 Inflammatory pathway in psoriasis
PMC1705980__F2 Schematic model of autophagic regulation
PMC1716201__F1 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia requires BCL2 to sequester prodeath BIM, explaining sensitivity to BCL2 antagonist ABT-737
PMC1716221__F1 Dominant role for glucose in B cell compensation of insulin resistance
PMC1728094__F1 The receptor for IL-6 consists of the ligand binding component (IL-6R) and the signal-transducing gp130
PMC17313__F1 Known genes of tryptophan metabolism in E
PMC17314__F1 An integrated view of the biology of Halobacterium NRC-1
PMC1751079__F1 Inhibitory signals of the Toll-like receptor (TLR)4-induced MyD88-dependent signaling pathway
PMC1751493__F2 In normal prostate epithelial cells (a), TGFB binds to the TBRI and TBRII receptors, activating the SMAD signalling pathway and inducing the transcription of IGFBP-3 and other regulatory genes
PMC1754372__F2 Th1- and Th2-like lymphocytes, and the key regulatory cytokines and their interactions in SS
PMC1756898__F1 Unraveling the Genetics of Human Obesity
PMC175791__F10 Differential regulation of NFAT and SRF by the B cell receptor via a PLCG-Ca2+-dependent pathway
PMC1761701__F10 Proposed model of lacritin mitogenic signaling pathway lacritin signaling suggested by data outlined in the text
PMC1763171__F2 The inflammatory, coagulation, and fibrinolytic pathways are linked at many levels, leading to organ failure and eventually death
PMC1764624__F1 Synthesis and breakdown of proteins by amino acids
PMC1766780__F2 Cytokine signalling and the pathogenesis of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
PMC1766919__F1 Signalling footprints of the TNF/TNF-R superfamily
PMC1767116__F3 Mitochondrial death signalling pathways
PMC1768457__F1 CD14/toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) intracellular signalling complex
PMC1769518__F1 Complement system consists of about 30 proteins that can be activated by 3 different cascades
PMC1769521__F2 Senescence via tumor suppressor pathways
PMC1773546__F3 The key proinflammatory pathway induced by enteric pathogens results in nuclear factor kappa B (NFKB) mediated transcription of interleukin 8 (IL-8)
PMC1774081__F6 Math1 signalling pathway
PMC1774101__F4 Proposed framework for recruitment of T cells into the gut mucosa by activated CD40L+ platelets
PMC1774275__F2 Intrinsic, or mitochondrial, pathway (after Danial and Korsmeyer)
PMC1774275__F3 Extrinsic, or death receptor, pathway (see text for details)
PMC1774275__F4 The chromosomal instability (CIN) pathway (see text for details)
PMC1774275__F5 Mitogenic signals are transduced by Ras which inhibits the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein allowing E2F and Myc to promote cell cycle progression
PMC1774279__F1 Two major intracellular pathways cause apoptosis
PMC1774601__F2 Death receptor mediated (extrinsic) pathway of apoptosis
PMC1774670__F2 Interaction of JC virus (JCV) T-antigen with key growth regulatory pathways
PMC1774670__F6 P53 pathway
PMC1774677__F1 Diagrammatic indication of the cytokines, transcription factors, and signalling molecules which polarise virgin CD4 cells into T helper cell type I cells
PMC1774725__F1 Tumour necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor signalling
PMC1775040__F2 Signaling Pathways in Yeast
PMC1779520__F3 Signaling pathways activated by serum and GF treatments
PMC1779567__F6 Functional dissection of signaling modules in human TReg cells
PMC1779657__F2 Recent observations on the regulation of fetal metabolism by glucose
PMC1779900__F6 Some signaling pathways that could mediate long-term changes in cellular plasticity as a function of sexual experience
PMC1781062__F1 CCM2 as a Scaffold for p38 MAPK Activation
PMC1781473__F3 Exploitation of Eukaryotic Ubiquitin Signaling Pathways by Effectors Translocated by Bacterial Type III and Type IV Secretion Systems
PMC1781924__F1 Thy-1-associated signaling pathways
PMC1782125__F2 (a)Signal transduction of TNFRI
PMC1782267__F1 TGFB1-Smad pathway
PMC1782267__F2 TGF-TAK1 pathway
PMC1782438__F2 Role of adaptors in T-cell signalling
PMC1782564__F6 Hypothesized asthma cascade in hapten immune contact sensitized mice, consist of B-1 cell- to immunoglobulin M- (IgM) to complement-driven airway responses
PMC1782589__F2 Signalling cascades of the LPS pathway and reported sites of IL-10 intervention
PMC1782589__F3 IL-10, IL-22 and IL-22 receptor signalling
PMC1782796__F7 Affinity maturation, a turning point between life and death for germinal centre (GC) B cells: a working hypothesis
PMC1783068__F1 Proximal B-cell receptor-mediated signalling pathways
PMC1783401__F6 Integration of Runx1 and the BMP signaling pathway into the SCL transcriptional network
PMC1783691__F1 Differential Roles of Costimulatory Signaling Pathways in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
PMC1783691__F2 Differential Roles of Costimulatory Signaling Pathways in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
PMC1783693__F3 Involvement of Oxidative Stress and the JNK Pathway in Glucose Toxicity
PMC1783813__F3 Physiology and immunology of the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway
PMC1785270__F6 A model illustrating the positive and negative regulation of PanK2 activity
PMC1785339__F4 Human and mouse mutations and the cognitive disorders affecting specific NRC/MASC signaling pathways and other postsynaptic proteins
PMC1794588__F3 Small subnetwork identified for the shift from glucose to ethanol as carbon source
PMC1796761__F1 Pathway of double-stranded break repair by homologous recombination and the factors involved
PMC1797301__F1 Flux distribution in D
PMC1797633__F1 Strategies of the different HCV proteins to antagonize IFN therapy
PMC1798432__F8 Mitochondria contribute to LPS-induced MAPK activation via uncoupling protein UCP2 in macrophages
PMC1800873__F1 Progression pathway network with w = 0.8, E = 0.8 and the LH algorithm
PMC1804347__F4 Systemic sclerosis: a prototypic multisystem fibrotic disorder
PMC1805736__F6 Pathways for synthesis of adrenal steroids
PMC1808970__F3 AIRE expression is controlled by the lymphotoxin pathway
PMC1815248__F5 Co-option of a developmental pathway by invasive tumors
PMC1817693__F4 MAPK pathway
PMC1817784__F2 Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in the liver: a new strategy for the management of metabolic hepatic disorders
PMC1817805__F2 AMPK and cell proliferation - AMPK as a therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and cancer
PMC1819569__F6 The signalling pathways involved in Pam3Cys-induced degranulation and cytokine/chemokine production in human LAD 2, MLMC and BMMC
PMC1820632__F1 Cytokine-Effects on Glucocorticoid Receptor Function: Relevance to Glucocorticoid Resistance and the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Major Depression
PMC1820751__F3 Ras signaling pathway relays growth signals from activated growth factor receptors to the nucleus
PMC1820908__F8 Schematic diagram of Suc pathway in N2-fixing Anabaena filament cells
PMC182218__F2 Osteoblasts express components necessary for coordinating mineralization of ECM and phosphate handling by the kidney
PMC1828071__F3 Diagrammatic representation of insulin on growth factor signaling through the Ras-Raf, MEK-ERK signaling pathway with downstream effects on gene transcription through ERK translocation
PMC1828071__F1a Intracellular Signaling in Insulin-mediated Regulation of Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Gene and Protein Expression
PMC1828071__F2 Insulin-mediated activation of PI3K signaling pathways
PMC1828075__F2 Diagram showing several factors involved in lens development
PMC1828403__F1 Representation of TLR4-signaling through the MyD88-dependent and MyD88-independent pathways
PMC1828869__F2 Regulation of induction and vesicle nucleation
PMC1829400__F5 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC1829419__F4 Hypothetical regulatory network influencing honeybee pollen foraging behavior modulated by insulin-like signaling and its effects on ovarian development
PMC1832150__F1 CoQ10biosynthetic pathway with eight known biosynthetic enzymes denoted as COQ1-8
PMC1832185__F2 Dose-dependent entry routes for the EGFR
PMC183833__F2 Canonical Wnt/Beta-catenin pathway
PMC1838573__F1 Mitochondrial pathway through Bcl-2 family members
PMC1838942__F1 gp130 receptor ligands as potential therapeutic targets for obesity
PMC1839818__F8 Model of activation of the 5-ASA-induced checkpoint responses in colon cells
PMC1839882__F9 Schematic illustration of the principal signaling pathways that are affected by sodium arsenite (As) treatment
PMC1839891__F1 Systems biology by the rules: hybrid intelligent systems for pathway modeling and discovery
PMC1839891__F10 In this model, the tumor growth process is replaced with the cell cycle model from figure 7
PMC1847380__F14 Signaling pathways leading to pseudohyphal growth
PMC1847380__F15 Signaling pathways mediating the roles of Rho1 in cell wall assembly and actin organization
PMC1847401__F4 Genes of the insulin/IGF-2 signaling pathway are required for induced stress resistance and induced life extension
PMC1847591__F1 Drugs that regulate hepatic bile acid and other organic solute uptake, synthesis, detoxification and secretion
PMC1850660__F1 Summary of established Beta-catenin pathways
PMC1850774__F5 Convergence of signaling pathways
PMC1851054__F6 SFK-dependent PI3K-ERK2 and phospholipase CG-JNK1 pathways
PMC1851929__F8 Proposed model for the activation of oligodendrocyte apoptosis by MHV infection
PMC1851974__F2 Regulation of cyclin D1 degradation
PMC1852210__F1 Diagram of folate and one-carbon metabolism in mammalian organisms
PMC1852238__F1 Role of the glutathione pathway and ABC-transporter family in drug elimination and defense from ROS-mediated oxidative stress
PMC185249__F3 Sprouty is a rapidly inducible negative regulator of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathway signaling
PMC185249__F4 Signal transduction in the Transforming Growth Factor B(TGFB) family pathway is finely regulated at many levels
PMC1852551__F4 Multiple estrogen-regulated steps in the metabolisms of prostaglandin J2 and retinoic acid are implicated in estrogen-dependent growth of human uterine fibroids
PMC1852708__F6 Illustration of key proteins in the Rho GTPase signal-transduction pathway, focusing on the KALRN, CDGAP, and MYLK genes
PMC1852742__F2 Retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway and CDH candidate genes
PMC1852756__F2 The small nuclear ribonucleoprotein biogenesis pathway
PMC1852792__F6 A hypothetical model for association of four subcomplexes in the FA core complex
PMC1852964__F2 Tyrosine phosphorylation of Beta-catenin, which transiently inactivates the E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion system and may stimulate the APC-Beta-catenin-Tcf (Wingless-Wnt signaling) pathway, in streak lesions at the invading front of a colorectal cancer
PMC1853294__F10 Cell injury to wound closure, including P2Y activation, intracellular Ca2+ release and EGFR signaling
PMC1854955__F7 Schematic depiction of the molecular mechanism for the progression from HPS to chronic active disease or T-cell lymphoma in EBV-infected T cells
PMC1855985__F1 Mutational Analysis of EGFR and Related Signaling Pathway Genes in Lung Adenocarcinomas Identifies a Novel Somatic Kinase Domain Mutation in FGFR4
PMC1855986__F9 ATM-Mediated Transcriptional and Developmental Responses to Gamma-rays in Arabidopsis .
PMC1856251__F3 Molecular characterisation of non-absorptive and absorptive enterocytes in human small intestine
PMC1856765__F3 Apoptosis of T cells and the control of inflammatory bowel disease: therapeutic implications
PMC1856765__F7 Apoptosis of T cells and the control of inflammatory bowel disease: therapeutic implications
PMC1856802__F5 Canonical Wnt signalling pathway and its APC partner in colon cancer development
PMC1857250__F2 Tregs and rethinking cancer immunotherapy
PMC1857267__F2 Altered macrophage differentiation and immune dysfunction in tumor development
PMC1857308__F9 The formation of peripheral myelin protein 22 aggregates is hindered by the enhancement of autophagy and expression of cytoplasmic chaperones
PMC1859939__F5 Signal transduction pathways involved in Ha-ras-mediated AEG-1 induction
PMC1860011__F2 PPARG as a new therapeutic target in inflammatory bowel diseases
PMC1860037__F1 Role of interleukin 6 in a murine model of Crohn's ileitis: are cytokine/anticytokine strategies the future for IBD therapies?
PMC1860592__F2 Biologic therapies: what and when?
PMC1862519__F1 Intracellular signaling cascades activated by BDNF-stimulated autophosphorylation of TrkB receptors may affect prominent pathways responsible for elevations of intracellular Ca2+ levels in neurons
PMC186326__F7 Model for Fgf18 regulation of long bone growth
PMC186370__F1 Spot 42 RNA mediates discoordinate expression of the E. coli galactose operon
PMC1866211__F1 Hedgehog signalling pathway
PMC1866250__F7 Upregulation of myocellular DGAT1 augments triglyceride synthesis in skeletal muscle and protects against fat-induced insulin resistance
PMC1867237__F3 ErbB/Ras pathway and Wnt pathway
PMC1869626__F2 Pathway analysis was performed using PathwayStudio software by importing three of the 32-up-regulated genes in our list
PMC1869627__F2 Pathway diagram developed using the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis and Knowledge Base in which all genes changed by more than 1.5 fold were queried
PMC1874671__F2 Genomic organization of the CDKN2A locus and description of involvement of its transcripts (p16INK4a and p14ARF) in the Rb and p53 pathways
PMC187486__F8 Effects of Cdk4 disruption on the pathways controlling senescence and transformation
PMC1876599__F3 Functional and biological properties of the nuclear receptor coregulator PELP1/MNAR
PMC1876696__F1 Pathways for the synthesis of the major phospholipids in S
PMC1877048__F1 Nutritional Route Affects ERK Phosphorylation and Cytokine Production in Hepatic Mononuclear Cells
PMC1877091__F15 PDCD10/MST4 signaling pathway and CCM protein function
PMC1878539__F1 Unchecked thrombin is bad news for troubled arteries
PMC1884140__F11 Schematic representation of the differentially expressed genes and how they are induced upon injection by (A) pristane or (B) phytol
PMC1885790__F3 Diagram illustrating how the Rb and p53 pathways are linked to form a complex tumor suppressor network
PMC1885811__F4 Web-accessible pathway navigator
PMC1885837__F6 Obstructive nephropathy: insights from genetically engineered animals
PMC1885990__F1 Scheme depicting a molecular pathway by which cell-cycle-related molecules promote cell death in neurons in development and disease
PMC1890373__F2 Molecular system bioenergetics: regulation of substrate supply in response to heart energy demands
PMC1890551__F1 Eumelanin synthesis pathway and gene duplications in vertebrates
PMC1890551__F4 Pteridine synthesis pathway and gene duplications in vertebrates
PMC1891745__F1 Diagram illustrating Functional JAK STAT PathwayThis "JAK STAT" pathway appears to be ubiquitous amongst vertebrates
PMC1892100__F1 Image showing the human insulin signaling pathway from BioCarta
PMC1892626__F3 Regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1A (HIF-1A) and drug interventions currently in use
PMC1894940__F5 Inhibition of COX-2 modulates multiple functional pathways during acute inflammation and pain
PMC1894978__F5 The secretory pathway under different ER stress conditions (t-PA secretion, tunicamycin and DTT) together with examples of genes that are transcriptionally induced or repressed
PMC1895551__F1 Prosurvival signaling pathways and their downstream targets
PMC1895802__F1 TGFB signaling pathway and mechanisms of inhibition during leukemogenesis
PMC1895816__F2 Identification of a Bcr-Abl kinase signature
PMC1896000__F3 Diagram of common stress response pathway genes
PMC1896004__F4 Signaling pathways downstream of the Toll/TLRs
PMC1899305__F7 GM-CSF Regulates a PU.1-Dependent Transcriptional Program Determining the Pulmonary Response to LPS
PMC1899380__F1 Late steps in corrin ring biosynthesis in serovar Typhimurium
PMC1899901__F6 A schematic model depicting the role of Artemis in the cellular response to IR
PMC1899924__F8 Signaling pathways activated by mitogenic concentrations of TNFA and roles of furin, MT1-MMP, and MMP2 in the activation of the nSMase in mesenchymal cells
PMC1899931__F8 Theoretical model depicting potential interactions in the intra-S checkpoint signaling pathway
PMC1899986__F8 A model for cyclin E degradation regulated by two E3 ligases
PMC1900132__F1 HCMV MIE promoter/enhancer and its cis-acting elements
PMC1904229__F12 Schematic model of Zfra/WOX1 involvement in TNF signaling
PMC1904333__F2 Hepcidin regulation: ironing out the details
PMC1904449__F3 In silico modeling derived from Pathway Assist software analysis of differential gene expression in JRA neutrophils compared with healthy control subjects
PMC1905066__F5 CRP and mannan-binding lectin (MBL) on complement activation
PMC1905373__F7 Mechanism of complement-dependent haemolysis via the lectin pathway: role of the complement regulatory proteins
PMC1905729__F1 Binding of IL-12 to the IL-12RB1 and B2 chains induces phosphorylation of the kinases Tyk2 and Jak2, which associate with the cytoplasmic tails of the B1 and B2 chains, respectively
PMC1905845__S1 Schematic representation showing the plausible signaling events from uPAR integrin complex
PMC1913098__F1 Sensitivity Analysis of Intracellular Signaling Pathway Kinetics Predicts Targets for Stem Cell Fate Control
PMC1913583__F1 The methionine and folic acid cycles and the metabolic pathway of arsenic
PMC1914109__F8 The p110D →RhoA →PTEN signalling pathway described in the text
PMC1919358__F5 WNT signalling KEGG pathway consisting of three subpathways with the genes on the microarray encircled (A) and expression profiles of genes during porcine myogenesis (B)
PMC1924866__F5 Striped view of multiple time-point comparisons
PMC1924866__F6 Striped view of multiple data types
PMC1929113__F6 Upregulation of cyclins and CDKs in melanoma cells
PMC1933158__F6 A hypothetical model for the dual roles of insulin signaling in human brain
PMC1933372__F3 RAN regulation pathway constituents exhibiting abundance changes, with a figure adapted from the GeneGo MetaCore database
PMC1934395__F2 Combined Effects of Thrombosis Pathway Gene Variants Predict Cardiovascular Events
PMC1934514__F2 Mechanisms of Action of GLP-1 in the Pancreas
PMC1934514__F4 Schema outlining the signaling mechanisms reported to be involved in GLP-1R-induced differentiation/neogenesis of pancreatic precursor cells, proliferation and in the prevention of apoptosis
PMC1934518__F2 Ligands identified for EpCAM and possible functions related to them
PMC1936363__F1 Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway
PMC1937523__F3 Comparison between the gene expression profiles and predicted substrate uptake rates
PMC1937548__F4 Comparison of nonsynonymous substitution rates among members of RB and p53 signaling pathways
PMC193774__F3 Metabolic map showing relative expression ratios (intensity of TF5015 versus that of W3110) of transcript levels in the central metabolic pathway (A) and the threonine biosynthetic pathway (B)
PMC19384__F10 A model of thymic differentiation
PMC193872__F3 Conserved longevity-regulatory pathways in S
PMC1939900__F6 Different signaling pathway mediated by A3(IV)NC1
PMC1940051__F2 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC1948012__F10 Action for AICAR in human leukemia ALL cells
PMC1949901__F1 Current understanding of the pathways of fatty acid synthesis which are known to occur within the Brassicaceae
PMC1951379__F6 IFN signaling during the clinical evolution of SARS
PMC1951533__F14 Proline-Rich Tyrosine Kinase 2 Mediates Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Signaling
PMC1951751__F10 A model for the regulation of AJC disassembly in calcium-depleted cells
PMC1951772__F8 PI3K activation by eIF2A kinases
PMC1952166__F1 Signaling cascades required for TCR-mediated integrin activation
PMC1952230__F1 Regulation of CXCR4 Signaling
PMC1952634__F4 Evolving biology and treatment of prostate cancer
PMC1952636__F9 Beta-Arrestin-mediated B1-adrenergic receptor transactivation of the EGFR confers cardioprotection
PMC1952644__F1 Alternative signaling: cardiomyocyte B1-adrenergic receptors signal through EGFRs
PMC1952649__F2 Two tales concerning skeletal muscle.
PMC1955177__F3 Cell death in the cardiovascular system
PMC1955758__F2 How both apoptotic death and immunity may be triggered by dsRNA
PMC1958996__F2 Transcriptional control of adipocyte formation
PMC1959234__F1 Schematic model for the "error-free" BRCA double strand break repair pathway Brief overview of components within the BRCA pathway used here as a working model that was tested here
PMC195990__F5 A model of Hip1's role in lung branching morphogenesis
PMC196255__F1a Control of cell number by Drosophila FOXO: downstream and feedback regulation of the insulin receptor pathway
PMC1963413__F1 Oval of iNOS-inducing signaling pathways
PMC1963416__F1 Signaling mechanisms for the activation of HAT and HDAC
PMC1964512__F3 Type I IFN innate immune response to adenovirus-mediated IFNG gene transfer contributes to the regression of cutaneous lymphomas
PMC1964754__F6 Furin in development, homeostasis and disease
PMC1965265__F6 A schematic representation of differential testosterone action on morphoregulatory gene expression in the rat VP and LP lobes
PMC1971124__F4 BDCA2/FcERIG Complex Signals through a Novel BCR-Like Pathway in Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells.
PMC1974879__F1 Transcriptional profile of Rous Sarcoma Virus transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts reveals new signaling targets of viral-src
PMC1974887__F1 Endogenous Synthesis of Coenzyme Q in Eukaryotes
PMC1975829__F1 Viral infections: beneficial role of eosinophils
PMC1976331__F1 Linking Metabolic QTLs with Network and cis-eQTLs Controlling Biosynthetic Pathways
PMC1978064__F4 MiR-103/107 and PANKs may constitute coordinated transcription units with synergistic cellular effects concerning cellular acetyl-CoA levels and other metabolic pathway elements
PMC198547__F8 Leptin action on the TRH neuron
PMC1986651__F1 Regulation of cell proliferation and cell death by PKCE
PMC1986780__F2 Role of XIAP in the extrinsic and intrinsic cell death signaling pathways
PMC1988867__F7 Ingenuity pathway analysis showing regulatory relationships among differentially expressed transcripts
PMC1991338__F1 ZIP1 expression and zinc accumulation in the pathway and bioenergetics of citrate production and citrate oxidation in normal versus malignant prostate cells
PMC199181__F1 Biochemistry of NFKB activation
PMC199181__F2 Proposed mechanisms of NFKB activation in HIV-1-infected cells
PMC199181__F3 The NFKB pathway by viruses
PMC1992444__F3 Interaction map of the Notch signaling pathway
PMC1992519__F2 Signaling on the endocytic pathway
PMC1993849__F7 Ischemic/hypoxic effects on cardiac myocytes and stem cells
PMC1993861__F7 Model summarizing the hypothesis on narciclasine-mediated apoptosis
PMC1993906__F16 Adenylyl cyclases are targets of multiple regulatory signaling pathways and respond differently, depending on which group they belong to
PMC1994616__F1 New molecularly targeted therapies for lung cancer
PMC1994616__F2 New molecularly targeted therapies for lung cancer
PMC1995566__F7 Oxidative stress initiates a cascade of reactions leading to cell death via one or more sequences of molecular events
PMC1998879__F2 Molecular pathway associated with neuronal migration
PMC1998884__F1 Pathways involved in GSIS
PMC1999497__F2 Flow diagram of the P53/apoptosis pathway
PMC2000337__F7 An Essential Role for 14-3-3 Proteins in Brassinosteroid Signal Transduction in Arabidopsis
PMC2000831__F3 Proliferation induced by androgen independent pathways
PMC2002564__F1 Arterial-venous specification in the developing embryo
PMC2002614__F9 N-Acylethanolamine Metabolism Interacts with Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings
PMC20092__F5 A model for the v-Crk-mediated signaling pathway
PMC2013735__F4 GenMapp pathway showing the impact of 1 week of STZ-DM on transcription in pathways related to cytokines and the inflammatory response
PMC2013861__F4 Signalling pathways activated by the RXFPs
PMC2014644__F2 PGE2-EP receptor signaling pathways
PMC2039930__F7 Signal transduction pathways involved in Ha-ras-mediated AEG-1 induction
PMC2040891__F5 UVB acts at both the switch and the switched pathway to trigger UV-induced apoptosis
PMC2042021__F6 Contrasting Infection Strategies in Generalist and Specialist Wasp Parasitoids of Drosophila melanogaster
PMC2042025__F3 Notch pathway is a frequent target of insertion
PMC2042178__F2 PTEN/PI3K/mTOR/STAT3 signaling involved in breast cancer stem-like cell survival and proliferation
PMC2043390__F9 Biphasic expression and up-regulation of HWP1 at the bud-hypha transition
PMC2043401__F1 Schematic outline of fatty acid synthesis in apicomplexans
PMC20438__F5 Schematic diagram of possible Rad6-mediated metabolic pathways
PMC20445__F6 Schematic diagram showing steps in the signaling pathway by which P
PMC2045534__F6 Schematic model of the role played by GADD34 and the mTOR pathway in the suppression of viral replication
PMC2045624__F1 OX40 signaling directly triggers the antitumor effects of NKT cells
PMC2048738__F1 Reactions of the Calvin cycle, starch synthesis, photosynthetic carbon oxygenation pathway, triose-P export, and Suc synthesis represented in the model (Supplemental Appendix S1, A and B)
PMC2063513__F6 Gene Expression in Human Hippocampus from Cocaine Abusers Identifies Genes which Regulate Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
PMC2063536__F7 ES cell-based model describing the ontogeny of NSCs
PMC2063755__F1 Signaling events during EMT
PMC2063819__F7 The newly identified NT3-activated signaling pathway
PMC2064427__F10 Schematic diagram illustrating the signaling mechanisms that control the bidirectional responses of the growth cone to BMP7 gradients
PMC2064670__F5 Model integrating calcium mobilization into the Fas signaling pathway
PMC2064840__F9 Divergent TGFB signaling pathways induce transcriptional regulation through Smads and translational regulation through the mTORC1 pathway
PMC2066195__F10 IL-1R1/MyD88 signaling and the inflammasome are essential in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in mice
PMC206993__F9 SPARC-mediated regulation of and coupling to the TGFB signaling system
PMC2075035__F2 Scheme of the Leloir pathway
PMC2075035__F4 Scheme of the LNB/GNB pathway in B
PMC2075101__F1 5-HT2A receptor agonists cause activation of GAq/11 proteins which in turn activate the second messenger enzyme PLC
PMC2075270__F1 Exercise improves phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate responsiveness of atypical protein kinase C and interacts with insulin signalling to peptide elongation in human skeletal muscle
PMC2077852__F3 Dmp1 links the Rb and p53 pathways
PMC2077853__F9 Role of Src family kinases and N-Myc in spermatogonial stem cell proliferation
PMC2078333__F1 Summary of known actions of activated ras-p21 in cells, beginning (top, left) when a growth factor binds to its cell receptor
PMC2080843__F5 Simulation of the Apoptosis pathway under FasL stimulation (black starred line), bacterial only (red circled line) and both (blue triangled line)
PMC2080907__F8 Myc and Ca2+signaling events downstream of the pre-BCR/BCR
PMC2082051__F5 Networks of pathways unique in the HIV-1 regulated mPBMCs
PMC2082128__F7 Biosynthetic pathway for the ganglio-series of glycosphingolipids
PMC2083698__F6 Promiscuous Mutations Activate the Non-Canonical NF-kB Pathway in Multiple Myeloma
PMC208733__F1 Regulation of the Foxa and Foxo transcription factors through PI3-kinase signaling
PMC2089068__F3 Relative transcript levels for genes from carbon central metabolism for PB12 (first value) and PB13 (second value), as compared to JM101
PMC2089068__F4 Relative transcript levels for genes from carbon central metabolism for L-Phe overproducing strains
PMC209288__F1 The biosynthetic pathway for the fibrillar collagens expressed in skin, identifying steps that are affected in different forms of EDS
PMC2093951__F9 NOVEL VIP SIGNALING PATHWAY IN T CELLS cAMP→Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (SHP-2?)→JAK2/STAT4→Th1 differentiation
PMC209410__F1 The EXT proteins and HS biosynthesis
PMC209410__F2 A working model of mammalian bone development
PMC2094118__F1 The HIF1 pathway in normoxia (A) and hypoxia (B)
PMC2094129__F2 Respective balance between Gi- and Gs-dependent signalling pathways and their roles in the modification of FcARI-mediated mast cell degranulation
PMC209413__F1 The TGF-&bgr;/Smad pathway and its interrelationship with mediators of inflammatory signals
PMC209477__F2 gp130 cytokine family pathways on anterior pituitary cells
PMC209479__F1 Corticotroph SOCS-3 as an intracellular suppressor of cytokine signaling
PMC209479__F2 Inhibitory effects of SOCS-3 and SHP-1 on LIF-mediated gene expression
PMC2096753__F1 Summary of purinergic pathways involved in microglial response
PMC2099483__F1 Circadian oscillation in leptin signaling pathway in mouse brown fat
PMC2099624__F9 Schematic model of Nrf2 regulation by Keap1
PMC2100073__F6 Filamentation signaling pathway recovered completely
PMC2100342__F3 Activation of NFKB via the classical and the alternative pathway
PMC2100400__F2 Innate and Adaptive Immune Response to Apoptotic Cells
PMC2100434__F2 Growth hormone-mediated JAK/STAT signal transduction
PMC2106361__F1 Current model of the Fanconi anemia pathway
PMC2106369__F1 Schematic overview of the RANK-NFKB signalling pathway
PMC2118167__F7 Proposed model for the intersection of innate and adaptive immunity during polysaccharide-induced abscess formation in the peritoneal cavity
PMC2118421__F7 Proposed model of RasGRP1 in FcɛRI-mediated signaling
PMC2121320__F2 MTA family of coregulators in nuclear receptor biology and pathology
PMC2128044__F12 Hierarchical representation of the JAK-STAT pathway with SOCS1 subsystem as a coordinator
PMC2131730__F4 LPS signals the TLR4 pathway on an APC (i.e., monocyte or dendritic cell)
PMC2133163__F6 Anchorage-dependent cell growth
PMC2134905__F2 The p53 pathway and IGFBP3
PMC2136409__F7 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation during lens development
PMC2136409__F8a Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation during lens development
PMC213796__F7 EZH2 is downstream of the pRB-E2F pathway, essential for proliferation and amplified in cancer
PMC2140184__F2 The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 pathway
PMC2147077__F4 A High Quality Draft Consensus Sequence of the Genome of a Heterozygous Grapevine Variety.
PMC2147675__F1 Antimalarial therapy prevents Myc-induced lymphoma
PMC2148057__F5 GenMAPP view of energy production pathway in MCF-7 and ZR75-1 cells
PMC2148057__F6 Sugar metabolism pathways in MCF-7 and ZR75-1 cells profiled by GenMAPP
PMC2148057__F8 Proteosomal degradation pathway
PMC2148066__F6 GenMAPP pathway showing changes in expression of the transcription factor PPARA and fatty-acid degrading enzymes upon fasting
PMC2149843__F1 A pro-adhesive PPARGamma-mediated chemokine receptor switch, CCR2→CX3CR1, in atherosclerosis
PMC2150790__F9 The signaling pathways activated by N
PMC2151350__F2 Model for renal pathology in Dent's disease (due to a loss of ClC-5) The small peptide PTH (parathyroid hormone) and various forms of vitamin D (VitD; bound to their binding protein) pass the glomerular filter into the early proximal tubule (A)
PMC2151384__F2 CON and NR samples; black/white boxes denote genes not detected on the human genechip with baboon RNA generated probe
PMC2151841__F4 Signal transduction pathway in the UPR
PMC2151969__F4 Genes up-regulated and down-regulated by FGF-2 in IGF-I signaling pathway
PMC2151969__F5 Genes up-regulated and down-regulated by FGF-2 in TGFB signaling pathway
PMC2153436__F4 Immune Response and Cell Cycle Networks
PMC2168342__F7 Matrilysin and stromelysin-2 differentially control apoptotic transcriptional response
PMC2168724__F1 Coenzyme B12 biosynthesis in serovar Typhimurium
PMC2168916__F7 Regulation of the AHR-XRE pathway by NRF2
PMC2169053__F6 Model for SCF-mediated regulation of hFBH1 and Srs2 turnover in response to DNA damage
PMC2169177__F10 Schematic view of Ras- and calcineurin-dependent pathways in T cells
PMC2171390__F7 Calcium-independent microtubule-dependent pathway is required for FcɛRI-mediated degranulation in mast cells
PMC2171731__F9 Invadopodium formation
PMC2172299__F8 A hypothetical model showing the roles of Fak and paxillin in motile HeLa cells
PMC2172900__F9 A model of how the Tor1/2 and Lst8 proteins affect amino acid biosynthesis and Gap1p sorting
PMC2173020__F1 Cross-talk between growth factors and integrins in endothelial cells
PMC2173577__F9 Proposed model for the roles of Sos-1 in the signaling pathway leading to activation of Rac
PMC2173691__F7 Mechanisms of E-cadherin regulation in sparse and dense cultures of colon cancer cells
PMC2173816__F3 Down-regulation of the inflammatory response
PMC2173906__F7 Hypothetical scheme of the mechanism by which Dkk1 promotes osteolytic lesions in vivo
PMC2174844__F8 The FN-dependent matrix survival pathway activated in primary RSF when serum is absent
PMC2174913__F2 Checkpoints activated upon rereplication
PMC2174972__F7 The Viral Oncoprotein LMP1 Exploits TRADD for Signaling by Masking Its Apoptotic Activity
PMC2175514__F5 Transcription regulatory network indicates utilization of various transcription factors following activation of TLR7
PMC2175514__F9 Protein regulatory network indicates importance of ISGylation pathway in TLR7-mediated activation of pDC
PMC2176131__F7 Collagen I Promotes Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Lung Cancer Cells via Transforming Growth Factor-B Signaling
PMC2180215__F1 Comparison of the protein kinase/phosphatase signaling pathways in flies, worms, and humans (see text for description)
PMC2180420__F9 Co-coculture system reveals the involvement of intercellular pathways as mediators of the lutropin receptor (LHR)-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation in Leydig cells
PMC2192627__F1 Signaling mechanisms involved in lifespan regulation and the cellular response to genotoxic stress
PMC2193446__F7 The hypothesized biochemical pathway responsible for the hyperproliferative phenotype of Nf1 +/- mast cells in response to SCF
PMC2193492__F1 Pathways initiating transcription from pIV of the CIITA gene
PMC2194118__F6 Molecular dissection of the signaling cascade underlying BCR-controlled integrin A4B1-mediated adhesion
PMC2194763__F5 Cell cycle pathway diagram obtained from GenMAPP (Gene Map Annotator and Pathway Profiler, Gladstone Institutes, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA [38]
PMC219483__F1 Biochemical pathways of TSH and folate metabolism in Leishmania
PMC2195651__F1 Fas (death receptor) signaling pathway and its inhibition
PMC2195865__F1 Extrinsic and intrinsic cell death signaling pathways
PMC2195911__F10 A molecular mechanism whereby cAMP inhibits T cell function
PMC2196458__F7 Fas-signaling pathways in relation to the cytoskeletal networks, the Golgi-sorting compartment, and the surface membrane
PMC2198843__F1 Adhesion regulation of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of signaling molecules
PMC2202913__F1 Control of Food Intake by the Hypothalamic Leptin-Melanocortin PathwayThe hypothalamus receives and integrates neural, metabolic, and hormonal signals to regulate energy homeostasis
PMC2203613__F10 Functional interacteome of all parietal cortex proteins
PMC2206000__F2 Molecules and pathways implicated in sulfur mustard (SM)-induced apoptosis
PMC2206598__F4 Regulatory networks sensitive to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in H3255 and MKN45 cells revealed by PhosphpScan-SILAC study
PMC2211462__F3 Tyrosinase (TYR) and Tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) processing and the melanin biosynthetic pathway in the melanocyte and in the melanosome, respectively
PMC2211634__F3 Models for the dual roles of KLF4 and KLF5 in tumor suppression and oncogenesis
PMC2212135__F6 Prolactin Receptor Signaling Is Essential for Perinatal Brown Adipocyte Function: A Role for Insulin-like Growth Factor-2
PMC2212359__F5 HToll and TNFR-1 signaling pathways
PMC2212850__F2 Major signaling pathways for type I IFN gene transcription
PMC2213034__F8 Our model for the mechanism of anti-CD63 inhibition
PMC2213056__F1 AID-initiated SHM pathways
PMC2213208__F1 Activation of the vagus nerve leads to the release of acetylcholine (Ach) that binds to Alpha-7 nicotinic receptors (A7 nAChR) on cytokine producing cells
PMC2213224__F8 Interaction of CagA with Crk plays an important role in Helicobacter pylori-induced loss of gastric epithelial cell adhesion
PMC2214701__F3 Building bone to reverse osteoporosis and repair fractures
PMC2215765__F1 Schematic overview of the LPS TLR4 signaling pathway
PMC2217489__F4 F igure 4
PMC2219351__F1 Gluten affects epithelial differentiation-associated genes in small intestinal mucosa of coeliac patients
PMC2219551__F7 Signaling Pathway Involved in Neutrophil Elastase-Stimulated MUC1 Transcription
PMC2220082__F2 Rosilitazone stimulates NSCLC proliferation by affecting the Akt/mTOR pathway through PPARGamma-dependent and PPARGamma-independent mechanisms
PMC2223843__F2 TLR3 signaling pathways
PMC2224366__F9 Innate immune modulation of CTL response to LCMV through MyD88 signaling
PMC2224586__F3 HCMV regulates the expression of multiple components of the NFKB signaling pathway (see Table and Table S1 in the supplemental material for abbreviations)
PMC2224766__F3 Proposed metabolic pathway for PSI-6130
PMC2225459__F2 Schema illustrating the effects of (a) metformin- or AICAR-induced AMPK activation, (b)adiponectin, and (c) TZDs or PPAR alpha ligands on the rat granulosa cell steroidogenesis
PMC2225983__F3 PI3K-AKT pathway is transcriptionally regulated throughout the lactation cycle
PMC2228275__F3 A signaling network links genes regulated by GCs in CEM cells
PMC2230095__F8 Proposed model for the cAMP-dependent signaling events involved in the neurotrophic actions of PACAP-38 on SH-SY5Y cells
PMC2230579__F10 Left, the mechanism, described by , for the proapoptotic function of TSP1 or 2
PMC2233667__F6 Computational and Experimental Analysis of Redundancy in the Central Metabolism of Geobacter sulfurreducens
PMC2233890__F4 Multiple ERK scaffold regulate growth factor and adhesion signaling
PMC2234347__F2 CNX/CRT cycle
PMC2234385__F10 Model of TLR ligand activation of Kupffer cell-NK cell cross talk in co-culture
PMC2234434__F3 Genes involved in apoptotic pathways were altered in type II cells isolated from Stat3Δ/Δ mice
PMC2234581__F8 Working Model for Multifunctional Proteins PHB and REAPHB and REA are able to interact with each other to form hetero-oligomers
PMC2235195__F1 RA synthesis pathway
PMC2235216__F1 Arsenic-induced acquired androgen independence
PMC22365__F5 Evolutionary conservation of the DNA damage and the replication checkpoints
PMC2238720__F2 Monarch-1/PYPAF7 and other CATERPILLER (CLR, NOD, NLR) proteins with negative regulatory functions
PMC2238789__F2 a Cell processes predicted to be influenced by the top up-regulated priority genes (164 genes showing a differential expression >1 log2) based on in silico analysis employing the ResNet database (PathwayStudio 5.0, Ariadne)
PMC2238789__F3 Hypothetical 'super pathway' not stratified for cell type illustrating known direct interactions between the 892 PD priority genes (regulation, expression and promoter binding only)
PMC2238789__F4 Neuronal pathway containing proteins found in Lewy bodies []
PMC2238789__F5 Interactions of known PD genes (marked yellow) with the priority genes of this study
PMC2238877__F4 PharmGKB Irinotecan Pathway
PMC2241839__F3 Cholesterol biosynthesis pathway
PMC2242658__F8 Wingless and integration site growth factor (WNT)-induced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) transactivation
PMC2242712__F1 Phenolic lipid synthesis in A
PMC2242750__F1 Schematic representation of GADS-related signaling in T cells
PMC2245955__F5 Gene expression changes observed in Sema3A signaling pathway
PMC2246131__F7 Schematic diagram showing the possible effects of the reelin pathway in protection from CM
PMC2246264__F9 Proposed mechanism for MnSOD-mediated mitochondria to nucleus signaling and crosstalk with the IIS pathway
PMC2247392__F2 Growth factors trigger local and long distance signalling
PMC2248159__F2 A part of the yeast cell cycle pathway available from KEGG [26]
PMC2253531__F5 Induction of immune response to Wolbachia infection in S2 cells
PMC2254474__F1 P2Y receptor-mediated signalling cascades in C6 cells
PMC2254485__F5 Tumour growth and metastasis: Role of NPP2-catalyzed reactions
PMC2254585__F5 In silico knockout of PLCG1 in the HGF stimulated signalling network
PMC2254980__F3 Contribution of de novo fatty acid synthesis to hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance: lessons from genetically engineered mice
PMC2254980__F4 Contribution of de novo fatty acid synthesis to hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance: lessons from genetically engineered mice
PMC2257939__F2 Bimodal genes highlighted in KEGG ECM-receptor interaction diagram
PMC2258259__F1 Metabolic pathways involved in pyrimidine metabolism
PMC2258669__F1 Genomic and functional context of glycerate kinase enzymes in bacteria
PMC2258669__F3 Enzymatic reactions and assays
PMC2258989__F6 Schematic presentation of the signaling pathway induced by HCV core protein for insulin resistance in human hepatocytes
PMC2259254__F2 Balance between muscle hypertrophy and atrophy depends on whether protein synthesis is more active than degradation or vice versa
PMC2259386__F1 Prototypical myelin-derived neurite growth inhibitors, their receptors and intracellular signaling pathway
PMC2259464__F2 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC2259464__F3 The Hedgehog signaling pathway
PMC2262896__F4 TCR signaling pathway
PMC2262896__F6 Interferon signaling
PMC2263022__F6 Superposition of 'omics' data on maps
PMC2265304__F1 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Aberrant Recapitulation of Developmental Programs?
PMC2266095__F2 Schematic presentation of the NFKB signaling network in radiation-induced adaptive radioresistance
PMC22667__F1 Pheromone response pathway in yeast and summary of epistatic interactions with STE4 and STE11
PMC2266794__F4 Integrative Genome-Wide Expression Analysis Bears Evidence of Estrogen Receptor-Independent Transcription in Heregulin-Stimulated MCF-7 Cells
PMC2267714__F3 Gene expression changes detected in selected pathways in M group
PMC2267731__F2 BL module: A network visualization of the top 25 scoring genes in BL
PMC2268054__F1 Role of glycoprotein 130 (gp130) downstream signalling in the heart
PMC2268054__F2 Mutations in the glycoprotein 130 (gp130) receptor lead to an imbalance in downstream signalling pathways
PMC2268064__F2 Signalling pathways leading to the phosphorylation and inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)
PMC2268661__F2 The diagram of GSH redox cycle
PMC2268699__F1 p38 MAPK canonical signalling pathway
PMC2268699__F2 FGF canonical signalling pathway
PMC2268740__F1 Neuroarchitecture of Aminergic Systems in the Larval Ventral Ganglion of Drosophila melanogaster
PMC2268796__F6 The signaling pathways regulating cell cycle and differentiation in tumor cells in response to shear stress
PMC2268956__F3 The major pathways leading to apoptosis
PMC2268988__F3 Life and death decisions by the E2F transcription factors
PMC2269037__F3 PI3K/AKT signaling pathway activated by 3Alpha-diol
PMC2270353__F4 NPTX2 pathway obtained by means of the Resnet 5.0 eukaryotic database of molecular interactions (Ariadne) overlayed with microarray expression values
PMC2270852__F5 Schematic of signaling pathways in PDAC
PMC2274947__F6 Acrolein-Activated Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Contributes to Persistent Mucin Production
PMC22753__F6 A signal transduction pathway leading to the phosphorylation and activation of mTOR in response to insulin
PMC2275788__F2 Mapping Genetically Compensatory Pathways from Synthetic Lethal Interactions in Yeast
PMC2276341__F3 Network analysis of target genes
PMC2276649__F8 GSK-3B Targets Cdc25A for Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis and GSK-3B Inactivation Correlates with Cdc25A Overproduction in Human Cancers
PMC2276852__F7 Schematic representation of the proposed events triggered by exposure to replication inhibitors such as APH
PMC2276871__F1 Steroid receptor expression in postnatal day 5-10 developing prostates from oil-treated control rats (A) and neonatally estrogenized rats (B)
PMC2277216__F1 Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and type I IFN: 50 years of convergent history
PMC2277398__F1 MAP kinase pathway analysis of the meta-modes
PMC2277413__F4 Gene Network A
PMC2277413__F5 Gene Network B
PMC2277498__F3 Pharmokinetic Limitations of Antioxidant Treatment for COPD
PMC2278039__F2 FIP200, a key signaling node to coordinately regulate various cellular processes
PMC2278091__F1 F igure 1.–
PMC2279152__F1 Apoptosis signalling pathways
PMC2279300__F6 Chlamydial Entry Involves TARP Binding of Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors
PMC2287275__F2 Mesenchymal stem cell dysfunction in HGPS
PMC2288663__F6 Nucleotide excision repair pathway
PMC2290973__F2 Pathway Studio diagram of common regulators of differentially expressed genes
PMC2291030__F3 EGF signaling pathway generated by the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software
PMC2291295__F1 Keratinocyte Apoptosis in Epidermal Development and Disease
PMC2291295__F2 Keratinocyte Apoptosis in Epidermal Development and Disease
PMC2292467__F6 DNA replication and damage checkpoint regulation
PMC2293084__F8 PARP-1 in NFAT signaling pathway
PMC2293256__F4 Reannotation processes
PMC230332__F7 Extracellular and intracellular antagonism of BMP signaling by myostatin and TGFB
PMC2311275__F4 Following biological functions (central carbon pathway, redox and respiration coordination, phosphate starvation, nitrogen gestion, carbohydrates, nucleotide and amino acids metabolism, ribosome activity)
PMC2311292__F2 Pathway representation of all the tryptophan related genes analyzed
PMC2312359__F4 Composite list of expressed genes and enriched transcription factors implicates specific regulatory networks
PMC2315681__F8 Leptin's roles in the endocardial cushion
PMC2315691__F1 Complement system and complement regulatory proteins (CRegs)
PMC2322867__F2 Rapid Signaling Mechanisms of Estrogens in the Developing Cerebellum
PMC2323197__F1 Immunosuppression in islet transplantation
PMC2323406__F4 Stimulus Design for Model Selection and Validation in Cell Signaling
PMC2324124__F1 The core Notch signalling pathway
PMC2329845__F2 IPA of the genes encompassed by the conserved 166 signatures and belonging to the Wnt signal transduction pathway
PMC2330230__F9 Candidate interactors and their putative postion in the Frizzled signaling pathway
PMC2342468__F1 Cardiac contraction, relaxation and rate by the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS): lessons from genetically modified mice
PMC2346559__F1 An Allosteric Mechanism for Switching between Parallel Tracks in Mammalian Sulfur Metabolism
PMC2349095__F2 Triggering and amplification of the Wnt/Beta-catenin pathway in osteocytes in response to load
PMC2358943__F1 Metabolism of PtdIns(4,5)P2 by PLCG and PI3K
PMC2358953__F2 Network diagram showing the checkpoint response to uncapped telomeres
PMC2360352__F1 Schematic depicting the central role of HER3 in mediating PI3K/Akt signalling downstream of the HER family
PMC2360544__F2 Novel therapeutic targets and proposed mechanisms of androgen resistance (text in red) in hormone refractory prostate cancer
PMC2360674__F8 Schematic of porphyrin-synthetic pathway to illustrate potential control points for increased PpIX accumulation
PMC2361115__F1 Cytoplasmic/traditional and nuclear modes of the EGFR signalling pathway
PMC2361211__F2 Overview of signal transduction pathways and role of selective inhibitors
PMC2361340__F5 Differential targets of copy number-induced expression changes in key biochemical pathways between SCLC and NSCLC
PMC2364238__F1 SMAD4 is a predictive marker for 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy in patients with colorectal cancer.
PMC2366099__F1 Folate and one-carbon metabolic pathway
PMC2367054__F5 Uncovering Genes with Divergent mRNA-Protein Dynamics in Streptomyces coelicolor
PMC2373983__F1 Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Blunts Signaling by Interferon Alpha
PMC2374452__F5 Molecular pathways of rheumatoid arthritis-related cartilage destruction as reflected by the in vitro model
PMC2374589__F1 Programmed cell death can be executed via extrinsic and intrinsic pathways depending on the stimulus leading to apoptosis
PMC2374711__F5 Proposed model of APL pathogenesis induced by PML-RARA
PMC2374962__F2 Regulation of glycolysis and fatty acid synthesis
PMC2374972__F8 A proposed mechanism for p,p'-DDE-induced proliferation of hormone-dependent cells
PMC2375563__F1 Muscle growth: no IGFs, ands, or buts
PMC2375600__F2 From feeding one to feeding many: hormone-induced changes in bodyweight homeostasis during pregnancy
PMC2376243__F8 Schematic mechanism of AB oligomer-mediated aberrant PAK activation and translocation in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis
PMC2376838__F8 LRG-Accelerated Differentiation Defines Unique G-CSFR Signaling Pathways Downstream of PU.1 and C/EBPE That Modulate Neutrophil Activation
PMC2377014__F10 BDNF enhancement of glutamate-induced phase shifting in the SCN, and potential locations in the signaling pathway where ethanol could inhibit this process
PMC2377356__F2 Involvement of IRAK-2, M, and 4 in the differential regulation of NFkB pathway
PMC2383880__F1 Manual layout of Type II interferon signalling (IFNG) taken from the integrated pathway diagram (Figure 2)
PMC2383880__F7 A logic-based diagram of signalling pathways central to macrophage activation.
PMC2383925__F9 MiRNA model for the molecular pathogenesis of recurrent ovarian cancer
PMC2384123__F8 Possible model for CCL5-mediated mRNA translation in CD4+ T cells
PMC2386284__F5 The mechanism of retinoic acid stimulation of NIS expression by modifying signal transduction pathways in breast cancer and thyroid cells, based on the results of the inhibitor studies
PMC2386416__F1 Illustrations of the 5 Alpha-reductase action and the pathway of androgen action on target gene expression
PMC2386920__F7 IRF-5 in the innate antiviral response
PMC2387053__F2 Aging of the brain, neurotrophin signaling, and Alzheimer's disease: is IGF1-R the common culprit?
PMC2387183__F4 Autocrine/paracrine induction of osteogenesis in hMSCs by PKA signaling
PMC2390552__F11 ERK1 and ERK2 knockdown differently affect signals involved in patterning of the early embryo
PMC2390552__F6 Analysis of Nodal signaling processes in ERK1MO and ERK2MO gene expression profiles
PMC2390552__F7 Analysis of FGF signaling processes in ERK1MO and ERK2MO gene expression profiles
PMC2390552__F8 Analysis of Wnt signaling processes in ERK1MO and ERK2MO gene expression profiles
PMC2390552__F9 Analysis of BMP signaling processes in ERK1MO and ERK2MO gene expression profiles
PMC2390572__F10 MCF10A Pathway 2 affected by TFIIS knockdown
PMC2390572__F8 Major pathways affected by TFIIS knockdown in MCF7
PMC2390572__F9 MCF10A Pathway 1 affected by TFIIS knockdown
PMC2391069__F1 Overindulgence and metabolic syndrome: is FoxO1 a missing link?
PMC2391280__F1 A signaling pathway AKTing up in schizophrenia
PMC2393790__F3 Citrate cycle genes are up-regulated in the brains of nurse bees
PMC2394659__F3 Aged Retinal Pigment Epithelium/Choroid: A Potential Substratum for the Pathogenesis of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
PMC2394714__F10 TGFB1-induced PAI-1 expression in VSMC
PMC2394752__F4 Contextual organization of the NFKB positive modulators
PMC2394768__F4 Network diagram comprising genes and functional processes associated with regulated AS events in the CNS
PMC2395193__F3 Gene networks identified in both recEbo-VP35/WT- and recEbo-VP35/R312A-infected cells compared to mock-infected and irradiated controls
PMC2395337__F1 5-Fuorouracil drug pathway demonstrating the interaction of multiple gene products
PMC2396219__F2 PPARA and AMPK activities in the cancer cells exposed to energetic stress
PMC2396493__F1 P53 on the IGF-1 signaling pathway
PMC2397440__F8 Possible role of AICAR and compound C on the AMPK pathway and on glycolysis in CT-2A and astrocytes under low glucose conditions
PMC239898__F6 Activation of the MAPK signaling pathway by FSH, ATP and GnRH in ovarian cancer
PMC2405801__F2 Description of possible involved signalling pathways
PMC2405914__F4 Catenins: Keeping Cells from Getting Their Signals Crossed
PMC2408406__F1 Microvasculature in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
PMC2408433__F1 Glucose transport regulation by the Akt/TSC pathway
PMC2408969__F8 Deciphering the Ubiquitin-Mediated Pathway in Apicomplexan Parasites: A Potential Strategy to Interfere with Parasite Virulence
PMC2409554__F1 PC12 cell model of neuronal differentiation
PMC2409614__F3 Development of tamoxifen (TAM)-resistant breast cancer and the changing role of oestradiol (E2) in the life and death of ER-positive cancer cells
PMC2409816__F1 Schematic representation of the major pathways of ganglioside biosynthesis
PMC2410042__F2 Diasporin Pathway: a tumor progression-related transcriptional network that predicts breast cancer survival
PMC2410087__F1 Example of EGFR-mediated signaling changes, a commonly disrupted pathway in lung cancer
PMC2413058__F7 Myopic acts in the endocytic pathway to enhance signaling by the Drosophila EGF receptor
PMC2413267__F1 Wnt Signaling and Skeletal Development
PMC2413330__F3 Working hypothesis on the mechanism by which plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) causes hepatic steatosis
PMC2417166__F8 Wnt signaling pathways in INS-1 cells
PMC2417187__F7 Activation of the UPR in the absence of H6PD
PMC2423292__F6 Musashi1 signaling in mammary progenitor cell proliferation
PMC2423434__F5 Dynamically asserted instances of interactions
PMC2423615__F4 A Regulatory Role for NBS1 in Strand-Specific Mutagenesis during Somatic Hypermutation
PMC2423668__F1 Two branches of TLR downstream signaling
PMC2424193__F6 Chemical Rescue of ΔF508-CFTR Mimics Genetic Repair in Cystic Fibrosis Bronchial Epithelial Cells
PMC2424235__F1 Auxin signaling
PMC2424294__F2 Induction and lifetimes of signal transduction proteins (and their mRNAs) at various positions in signal transduction networks
PMC2424295__F2 Feedback loops in NFKB signaling
PMC2427336__F9 A schematic summarizing ER stress response pathways in cells compensating for deficiency of the ER stress response kinase, PERK
PMC2427358__F8 Summary of GRTH impact in apoptotic pathways in germ cells
PMC2430411__F2 Mechanisms by which docosahexaenoic acid and related fatty acids reduce colon cancer risk and inflammatory disorders of the intestine
PMC2430503__F1 Resistance to ErbB-targeted cancer therapeutics
PMC2430594__F1 Cartoon of two of the most promising DNA repair pathways for cancer therapeutics
PMC2430620__F1 Broccoli Consumption Interacts with GSTM1 to Perturb Oncogenic Signalling Pathways in the Prostate
PMC2430694__F2 Inflammatory Pain: The Cellular Basis of Heat Hyperalgesia.
PMC2430908__F8 Notch-Deficient Skin Induces a Lethal Systemic B-Lymphoproliferative Disorder by Secreting TSLP, a Sentinel for Epidermal Integrity
PMC2432084__F9 p27Kip1 nuclear localization and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory activity are regulated by glycogen synthase kinase-3 in human colon cancer cells
PMC2433332__F3 T-cell polarizing factors
PMC2435243__F9 Several signaling pathways work together in the TGFB1-induced expression of CCN2/CTGF in primary human gingival fibroblasts
PMC2435278__F2 The Aedes aegypti Toll Pathway Controls Dengue Virus Infection
PMC2435380__F1 Methionine metabolic pathway
PMC2435382__F11 Hypothetical scheme illustrates the putative intracellular signaling cascades serving as the context for the data collected in the current study
PMC2435603__F8 Potentiation of Nerve Growth Factor-Induced Neurite Outgrowth by Fluvoxamine: Role of Sigma-1 Receptors, IP3 Receptors and Cellular Signaling Pathways
PMC2435618__F2 Pathways involved in cell differentiation, homeostasis and apoptosis in the adult intestinal epithelium, Beta-catenin and TCF4 are expressed in the proliferative compartment, where are located the intestinal epithelial stem cells
PMC2438299__F6 Regulation of G1/S transition by the Cdh1/APC-Skp2-p27 cascade in colon cancer Cdh1/APC is critical in regulating Skp2-p27-cyclin E/CDK2 axis, resulting in averting abnormal entry of S phase
PMC2440410__F3 Regulation of post-cushion valve maturation to thin fibrous leaflets also includes EGF receptor signalling in addition to differential signalling of the pathways in c
PMC2440498__F1 Signaling cascades initiated via TLR2- and TLR4-dependent activation
PMC2441985__F3 The regulation of the insulin signaling pathway by miRNA cluster mmu-mir-183-96-182
PMC2442829__F1 Targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway: effective combinations and clinical considerations
PMC2442829__F2 Targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway: effective combinations and clinical considerations
PMC2442833__F1 Metabolic network of oryza sativa L
PMC2443667__F1 Connections between the SAM cycle, transsulfuration pathway, and glutathione production
PMC2443854__F1 The Essential Components of Nodal SignalingTGFB proteins are synthesized as pre-pro-proteins requiring cleavage of the signal peptide (black) and prodomain (orange) prior to dimerization of active ligand (red diamonds)
PMC2446520__F1 The GNB/LNB pathway and related enzymes
PMC2447903__F8 TWEAK killing
PMC2448841__F5 Proposed model of arrest of maturation/activation of DCs via ILT4 receptor and HLA-G ligand
PMC2453072__F3 The relationship between dNTP pool levels and mutagenesis in an Escherichia coli NDP kinase mutant
PMC2453100__F7 The activated PI3K-AKT pathway and its downstream effectors that contribute to the tumorigenesis of TSHomas in TRBPV/PV mice
PMC2453756__F1 Pathway of murine Th17 differentiation
PMC2453768__F8 The regulation of catabolic and anti-anabolic actions of FGF2 in intervertebral disc cells
PMC2455793__F1 Interaction between two known Egr1 target genes, PTEN and fibronectin achieves a delicate balance between attachment and apoptosis of detached cells (anoikis)
PMC2464594__F4 Oct-4 Targets in the Wnt Signalling Pathway
PMC2469272__F2 LPS signaling [modified from O'Neill and Bowie () with permission]
PMC2474812__F1 Classical and back-door pathways of androgen biosynthesis
PMC2474943__F3 Points of action of flavonoids within ERK pathway
PMC2474943__F4 Points of action of flavonoids within JNK pathway
PMC2474943__F5 Points of action of flavonoids within p38 pathway
PMC2474943__F7 Points of action of flavonoids within PI3K/Akt signalling pathway
PMC2474948__F1 Integration of the TGFB1 apoptotic signal by the lipid oxidation end-product 4-hydroxynonenal
PMC2475560__F3 Adult stem cell maintenance and tissue regeneration in the ageing context
PMC2475804__F1 The Role of UbiX in Escherichia coli Coenzyme Q Biosynthesis
PMC2476215__F3 Brick by brick: metabolism and tumor cell growth
PMC2477698__F1 Examples of the molecular mechanisms by which phytochemicals activate hormetic stress response pathways
PMC2480606__F1 An outline of major signaling pathways leading to NFKB activation
PMC2480606__F2 NFKB pathway in skeletal muscles
PMC2481274__F2 Type I Interferon: Potential Therapeutic Target for Psoriasis?
PMC2483283__F2 Coexpression of genes within three core metabolic pathways
PMC2483283__F4 Coexpression of the genes for fatty acid biosynthesis
PMC2483283__F5 Leucine degradation pathway in mitochondria
PMC2483757__F1 Kinetic model of the EpoR/GATA-1 network implicated in erythrocyte progenitor commitment
PMC2484121__F2 Small Integrin-Binding LIgand N-linked Glycoproteins (SIBLINGs): Multifunctional proteins in cancer.
PMC2490739__F8 Scheme summarizing the differential effect of PARP-1 inhibition versus silencing on SSB repair via the BER pathway
PMC2490815__F2 Regulation of neuroinflammation by PPAR agonists in CNS diseases
PMC2490815__F3 Regulation of NFKB pathway by PPAR agonists in CNS diseases
PMC2490815__F4 IL-12, IL-23 and IL-27 are heterodimeric cytokines signals through Jak-Stat pathway and induce Th1/Th17 differentiation and T-bet expression in T cells
PMC2491599__F2 Wnt canonical signaling pathway
PMC2491599__F3 Wnt signaling pathwhay in cervical cancer
PMC2491602__F6 TNFA signaling pathway
PMC2491640__F5 Regulatory network of important genes involved in EBV-dependent NPC
PMC2491704__F3 Recycling pathway of acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis, release, action and breakdown at a cholinergic nerve terminal
PMC2491722__F4 Gdnf signaling pathways within the mammalian spermatogonial stem cell niche
PMC2491722__F6 Gdnf signaling pathways within the mammalian spermatogonial stem cell niche
PMC2492871__F4 Networks top-ranked by Ingenuity Pathway analysis after knockdown of TP53 (A) and LSR1+TP53 (B)
PMC2492871__F5 Networks top-ranked by Ingenuity Pathway analysis after knockdown of LSR1 (A-B)
PMC2492871__F6 Networks top-ranked by Ingenuity Pathway analysis after knockdown of LSR2 (A-B)
PMC2493210__F1 Schematic diagrams of small intestine mucosa in normal and infected intestines
PMC2494808__F3 Graphical representation of connections between receptors and pathways implicated in NTS baroreflex modulation by pharmacological studies
PMC2494844__F2 Genomic dissection of the cytokine-controlled STAT5 signaling network in liver
PMC2495063__F3 Germline Mutations and Variants in the Succinate Dehydrogenase Genes in Cowden and Cowden-like Syndromes.
PMC2496917__F1 Interfering the PI3K/mTOR/p70S6K signaling pathway
PMC2500163__F4 HIV Replication Enhances Production of Free Fatty Acids, Low Density Lipoproteins and Many Key Proteins Involved in Lipid Metabolism: A Proteomics Study
PMC2504760__F1 Mechanisms by which diabetes increases cardiovascular disease
PMC2515131__F2 Signal transduction events initiated by Kit and FcERI leading to specific mast cell responses, and the integration of these pathways for the synergistic enhancement of mast cell mediator release
PMC2515306__F1 Wnt signaling pathway and its inhibition by AB aggregates
PMC2515336__F2 Representation of the two NFKB signaling pathways
PMC2515524__F8 Insulin/FoxO1, TGFB1/Smad, and TNFA/cJun signaling pathway crosstalk in coordinated regulation of bile acid synthesis in the cholestatic liver injury, fibrogenesis, and regeneration
PMC2515553__F1 Ischemic Preconditioning And Myocardial Infarction: An Update and Perspective
PMC2515624__F1 Implications of hedgehog signaling antagonists for cancer therapy
PMC2515871__F2 Roles of cis- and trans-Changes in the Regulatory Evolution of Genes in the Gluconeogenic Pathway in Yeast
PMC2516358__F7 Time ordered sequential events control cellular decision of migration
PMC2516940__F2 Sepsis and insights from clinical trials
PMC2517296__F1 The co-ordinated activation of pro-inflammatory signalling pathways by TLR ligands and the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFA, IL-1 and IFN
PMC2517590__F2 Schematic overview of the integrin signaling
PMC2517664__F2 A simplified diagram of the key type-1 cytokine/receptor interactions relevant for immunity against intracellular bacteria, derived from published gene knockout mouse studies
PMC2517702__F3 Signal transduction in the CD95 pathway
PMC2517789__F1 Cytokines and their receptors in cardiovascular diseases
PMC2517789__F2 Two pathways from gp130 to hypertrophic gene expression
PMC2518073__F8 Inhibition of mTORC1 leads to MAPK pathway activation through a PI3K-dependent feedback loop in human cancer
PMC2518078__F1 Cotargeting survival signaling pathways in cancer
PMC2518081__F3 The pathways involved in polycystic kidney disease
PMC2518463__F2 Binding of specific signalling proteins to phosphorylated tyrosine residues on KIT following receptor activation and the subsequent signalling events leading to mast cell responses
PMC2518687__S2 Total synthesis of rac-cinnabaramide A (4)
PMC2518687__S3 Total synthesis of rac-salinosporamide A (3)
PMC2518924__F9 The CEBPD network
PMC2519092__F2 Cellular responses after six hours exposure to L
PMC2519122__F1 Role of mTOR in anticancer drug resistance
PMC2519541__F2 Integration of the AinS-AinR and LuxI-LuxR quorum sensory pathways
PMC2519632__F6 Proposed model of KSHV-induced lymphatic reprogramming of endothelial cells
PMC2522268__F1 Interferon-inducible antiviral effectors
PMC2522278__F2 Comparative Analysis of mRNA Targets for Human PUF-Family Proteins Suggests Extensive Interaction with the miRNA Regulatory System
PMC2525561__F4 Schematic diagram of in vivo n3 VLC-PUFA biosynthetic pathway mediated by ELOVL4 and other ELO families [modified after Suh and Clandinin ()]
PMC2527273__F2 The signaling pathway of Type II, FasL signaling-induced apoptosis, adapted from Bagci et al
PMC2527618__F4 Graphic illustrating the roles of 8 genes implicated in the present study in lithium-sensitive signaling pathways
PMC2528242__F1 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorG and ligands: pathways and functions
PMC2528845__F2 Intracellular signaling activated through FGFRs
PMC2528845__F4 Opposing signals regulate sex determination in the bipotential gonad
PMC2528847__F2 Integration of genomic and nongenomic/rapid ER signaling and its crosstalk with growth factor receptor and cell kinase pathways in endocrine resistance: a working model
PMC2528859__F2 The UPR sensors PERK, IRE1A, and ATF6 control mRNA translation and transcriptional induction of UPR-regulated genes
PMC2529154__F4 Four components to yield MDP chromophore
PMC2529314__F7 Interactions of KEGG pathways for differentially expressed genes in different stages of PAD
PMC2529314__F8 Over-representation of Toll-like receptor signaling pathway genes
PMC2530034__F1 Transcriptional regulation and the pathway of RNA polymerase II transcription
PMC2531163__S3 Developmental signaling pathways
PMC2533023__F5 Response of A549 cells exposed to crocidolite
PMC2533092__F1 Metabolic pathways for the synthesis of phospholipids and neutral lipid classes in S
PMC2533145__F10 Rap1 and glycolytic/TCA cycle reaction
PMC2533280__F1 Wnt, Activin, and BMP Signaling Regulate Distinct Stages in the Developmental Pathway from Embryonic Stem Cells to Blood
PMC2533786__F9 PI 3-kinase/AKT-dependent pathways involved in IL-1 induction of IL-6
PMC2536507__F2 Pathogen recognition systems
PMC2536824__F4 Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) of genes specifically overexpressed in B1-Arg389 transgenic mouse hearts
PMC2536868__F7 Pathways for major lipid metabolism
PMC2537559__F3 Glycolysis pathway
PMC2537559__F4 Alterations in extraceullular matrix and secreted proteins associated with metastatic cancer
PMC2537559__F5 Alterations in adhesion-mediated signaling and cytoskeleton remodeling in metastatic cancer
PMC2537575__F5 NFKB canonical signaling pathway from IPA
PMC2538513__F2 The involvement of death receptor pathway (right half) and mitochondrial pathway mediated (left half) apoptosis in nurse cell formation
PMC2538513__F4 Schematic illustration of the involvement of c-Ski and TGFB signaling pathway in nurse cell formation
PMC2538516__F1 Biosynthetic relationships between amino acids, as defined by their biosyntheses and their relationships with the glycolytic pathway and the citric acid cycle
PMC2542903__F6 Proposed EphB2 signaling network
PMC2543934__F5 PPARG in Type 1/Type 2 T (NK) cell differentiation
PMC2546860__F2 Glycerol biosynthesis and other major pathways contributing to cytosolic NAD+/NADH balance in S
PMC2546909__F1 Signal transduction pathway elicited by Env interaction with CCR5 required for Rac-1 activation and membrane fusion
PMC2547491__F1 IL-6 signaling and therapeutic targets in CCA
PMC2547860__F6 Networks among genes involved in milk fat synthesis
PMC2552992__F9 Egr-1 Regulates Autophagy in Cigarette Smoke-Induced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
PMC2553363__F1 Extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of hepatocyte apoptosis
PMC2553363__F2 ER stress pathway
PMC2553572__F2 DSB repair pathways
PMC2553712__F1 Design, Synthesis and Characterization of A Potent, Non-Peptide, Cell-Permeable, Bivalent Smac Mimetic that Concurrently Targets both the BIR2 and BIR3 Domains in XIAP
PMC2556095__F4 TGFBeta-related signalling pathway controlling Myc activity in keratinocytes
PMC2556095__F6 In the canonical TGFB signalling pathway, ligands signal through type I and II transmembrane protein kinase receptors
PMC2556249__F2 Insulin receptor signaling
PMC2556273__F8 Peptides identified in the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 signaling pathway can be used as proteotypic peptides in future targeted analyses
PMC2556276__F1 Display of differentially expressed genes in the uterine cervix after term spontaneous labor mapped on the PLAU signaling pathway
PMC2556568__F2 Molecular processes that handle – and mishandle – dietary lipids
PMC2556809__F5 Metabolic model used for the determination of intracellular fluxes
PMC2556866__F1 Telomere structure and DSB processing
PMC2559887__F2 Ingenuity pathway analysis on AP-1 related gene network
PMC2559887__F3 Ingenuity pathway analysis on NFKB related gene network
PMC2559911__F7 Model for the function of SHC-1 in IIS and JNK signaling
PMC2561291__F1 Signaling Flux Redistribution at Toll-Like Receptor Pathway Junctions
PMC2561291__F5 Signaling Flux Redistribution at Toll-Like Receptor Pathway Junctions
PMC2561962__F1 Ischemia induces cell death by several distinct pathways, and Hsp70 reduces all of these
PMC2562038__F3 The Shh signaling pathway
PMC2562925__F8 Schematic depicting the roles of p53 and wnt7b in proposed pathway for NGF-mediated neurite outgrowth in PC12 differentiation
PMC2562939__F1 The diphthamide modification on elongation factor-2 renders mammalian cells resistant to ricin
PMC2563180__F3 The cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome
PMC2564730__F3 Use of MIMO models to infer regulatory interactions in breast cancer cells
PMC2564980__F5 Genes with differential expression in the carcinoma and papillary adenocarcinoma tumors were assembled into distinct metabolic pathways
PMC2564980__F7 Higher expression of genes involved in O-glycan synthesis in the carcinoma compared to the papillary adenocarcinoma tumors
PMC2565686__F6 Merger of the interaction maps for the three human proteins ING1, MEKK, and p38a (p38MAPK) based on empirical data retrieved from the STRING database
PMC2566006__F2a A Defect in Menadione Biosynthesis Induces Global Changes in Gene Expression in Staphylococcus aureus .
PMC2566525__F8 Schematic view of part of the IGF-1 and integrin signaling pathway genes transcribed by hNCC
PMC2566927__F2 Essence of retrograde signaling in model organisms
PMC2567351__F1 T Cell Receiptor Signaling Pathway
PMC2567351__F2 MAPK Signaling Pathway
PMC2567408__F8 NCAM upregulation leads to a functional switch
PMC2567511__F1 The tetrapyrrole pathway in plants showing intermediates and genes analyzed in this study
PMC2570214__F8 Anti-EGFR Antibody Efficiently and Specifically Inhibits Human TSC2-/- Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation. Possible Treatment Options for TSC and LAM
PMC2570299__F3 Role of GalGlyNAcPVv in V
PMC2570545__F2 EGFR signalling pathway in lipid rafts
PMC2570554__F4 Anti-apoptotic mechanism of survival and growth of serum-starved 5637 human bladder carcinoma cells
PMC2570606__F6 Proposed model for the effects of hypoxia-induced energy stress on them TOR pathway in HNSCC cells
PMC2570709__F1 Rogue proliferation versus restorative protection: Where do we draw the line for Wnt and Forkhead signaling?
PMC2571037__F1 Anticancer therapy: boosting the bang of Bim
PMC2572128__F1 Simplified model of translation initiation
PMC2572856__F1 Aging of signal transduction pathways, and pathology
PMC2572865__F1 Hematopoietic niche and bone meet
PMC2573957__F1 Association of Interacting Genes in the Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Pathway and the Antibody Response to Pertussis Vaccination
PMC2574011__F1 Store-operated Ca2+ entry in T cells
PMC2574672__F2 Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster biogenesis in eukaryotes
PMC2574839__F1 Therapeutic targets of the AR pathway
PMC2574839__F2 Androgen synthesis pathway and therapeutic targets
PMC2575163__F8 Signaling pathway for proceeding from FosB toward thrombospondin 1/TGFB1
PMC2575183__F7 Proposed signaling mechanism that stimulates EMT
PMC2575400__F2 MiRNA Signature of Prion Induced Neurodegeneration
PMC2575467__F5 A model of KCNQ1/KCNE1 function in embryogenesis
PMC2575513__F2 Diversification of the innate immune arsenal in amphioxus
PMC2575530__F2 Insulin-like growth factor-I signaling pathway involved in breast cancer
PMC2575612__F4 Inter-individual mRNA expression variances in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared with normal control (NC)
PMC2575629__F3 Alternative pathway of NFKB activation
PMC2575728__F2 Following the cytokine signaling pathway to leukemogenesis: a chronology
PMC2575803__F1 Most prominently involved biological pathways in OSCC
PMC2575825__F4 Glutathionine (GSH) redox network
PMC2575825__F9 Redox-sensitive steps in hypothetical redox signaling pathways
PMC2575845__F1 RLR signaling pathway and its negative regulatory molecules
PMC2575905__F1 Current concepts of the amino acid signaling pathway leading to protein synthesis
PMC2576041__F9 The role of the IGF-1/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway and atrogin-1 and MuRF-1 in SI-induced atrophy and in the amelioration of atrophy by high-load isometric contractions
PMC2576557__F10 Schematic diagram showing the pathway involved in high glucose- and high insulin-induced extracellular matrix protein synthesis mediated by GSK3B and eIF2BE
PMC2576563__F7 Tight regulation of MUC5AC mucin induction by pneumolysin via PAK4-JNK and MKP1 signaling pathways
PMC2577004__F1 Oncogenic NOTCH1 control of MYC and PI3K: challenges and opportunities for anti-NOTCH1 therapy in T-ALL
PMC2577137__F1 Cross talk between PKA, PI3K/AKT and WNT/CTNNB1 intracellular signaling pathways
PMC2577435__F9 Signaling from LMP1 and TLR to IRF7 activation
PMC2577687__F1 Metabolic scheme
PMC2577715__F15 Notch, Wnt, and SHH signaling pathways
PMC2577715__F4 NFKB signaling and MDR gene expression
PMC2577715__F9 Nrf2 and transcriptional regulation of Gamma-GCSh expression
PMC2577794__F1 Uncovering cryptic genetic variation in C
PMC2578840__F8 Proposed signaling pathway
PMC2579334__F3 Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics and the Muscle Transcriptome in ICU Patients Suffering from Sepsis Induced Multiple Organ Failure
PMC2579774__F4 HIV-1 infected astrocytes and the microglial proteome
PMC2581573__F1 The IL-1 signaling pathway
PMC2581748__F2 Activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway can result from numerous glioma-associated genetic changes
PMC2581770__F3 TNFR and LTBR signaling pathways for NFKB activation
PMC2581785__F1 Genetics Meets Metabolomics: A Genome-Wide Association Study of Metabolite Profiles in Human Serum
PMC2581798__F3 Information flow through the JNK network
PMC2582196__F2 Classic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) pathway and angiotensin II (Ang II)/insulin signaling in the vascular smooth muscle cell
PMC2582888__F8 Two parallel pathways are required for Abl-dependent cell detachment
PMC2583475__F1 Simplified native E
PMC2583496__F2 Global regulation of the E
PMC2583931__F1 Migrating D-loop model of recombination
PMC2584013__F23 TNF-induced and ROS-dependent events in target cells: the role of JNK activation in mediating cell death
PMC2584013__F25 ER stress and ROS in NAFLD/NASH
PMC2584165__F2 Highly simplified diagram of signaling pathways involving Beta-catenin that may be relevant for RPE cell morphogenesis and susceptibility to age-related oxidative stress
PMC2584809__F6 Schematic model illustrating constitutive vs
PMC2585009__F4 HIV-1 Activates Macrophages Independent of Toll-Like Receptors
PMC2585009__F7 HIV-1 Activates Macrophages Independent of Toll-Like Receptors
PMC2585593__F1 Diagrammatic representation of pathways associated with aroma production and links to associated metabolic activities
PMC2585609__F1 A schematic representation of the functional domains of Stim and Orai proteins
PMC2586109__F1 Protein kinase C isozymes as therapeutic targets for treatment of human cancers
PMC2586270__F6 Furin action in pituitary gonadotrope cells
PMC2586335__F1 Ras signalling pathways
PMC2586899__F4 The involvement of TNFAlpha-mediated signaling pathways in insulin resistance
PMC2586935__F4 TGFB pathway as affected by IGF2 administration based on Pathway-Express
PMC2587085__F1 Targeting EGFR and Src Pathways in Head and Neck Cancer
PMC2587278__F1 Oxidative and alkylation DNA damage is effectively repaired by the DNA BER pathway
PMC2587303__F1 mTOR inhibition as a Therapeutic Strategy in the Management of Urologic Malignancies
PMC2588608__F2 Pathway Annotation and Summary Hit Table
PMC2590699__F1 Current model for Okazaki fragment maturation
PMC2592633__F1 RNAi pathways in Drosophila
PMC2592774__F1 TLR signalling pathways
PMC2592794__F1 Monosodium urate (MSU) crystals activate monocytes via the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway and the inflammasome
PMC2592809__F9 Scheme summarises different intracellular pathways during osteoblast differentiation which include promoting (blue) and inhibiting (red) factors and are mainly mediated by Smad proteins
PMC2593006__F3 Signalling pathways underlying neuronal survival and cognitive performance
PMC2593012__F3 Gene expression data mapped on the mouse insulin signaling pathway
PMC2593023__F1 Unexpected pieces to the senescence puzzle
PMC2593077__F2 Hepatitis C and Innate Immunity - Recent Advances
PMC2593123__F1 A simplified schematic of the core left-right signaling pathway in the e8.5 (6 somite) mouse embryo
PMC2593438__F7 AKT reduces the growth-inhibitory function of TGFB1
PMC2593440__F3 Network of differentially expressed genes in the cell cycle control pathway in sorted R1/R2 Eklf-/- E13.5 fetal liver cells
PMC2593475__F1 PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR Pathway
PMC2593565__F3 Epithelial barrier function by lactobacilli
PMC2593566__F3 JAK/STAT signaling pathway and SARS-CoV
PMC2594010__F2 Regulation of metastasis in colorectal adenocarcinoma: A collision between development and tumor biology
PMC2596245__F3 EET- or sEHI-mediated antihyperalgesia occurs through 2 distinct mechanisms
PMC2596750__F8 TNFR1 and LTBR ligation-induced signaling in vascular EC
PMC2596919__F2 Obesity and Free Fatty Acids (FFA)
PMC2597184__F2 Nuclear Factor-kappa B Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Atrophy
PMC2597223__F1 Pathways of apoptosis
PMC2597498__F2 TORrid affairs of viruses: effects of mammalian DNA viruses on the PI3K-Akt-mTOR signalling pathway
PMC2597730__F7 Cascade between VEGFA, a direct target of BP1, and its downstream target genes in cell proliferation
PMC2597805__S12 Completion of the lipid II synthesis
PMC2597805__S3 Chemical synthesis UDP-N-acetylmuramyl pentapeptide (Park nucleotide)
PMC2597811__F1 Molecular Genetics of Colorectal Cancer: An Overview
PMC2597859__F1 Role of Programmed Cell Death in the Immunopathogenesis of Sepsis
PMC2600414__F1 The PTEN/AKT Pathway in NOTCH1-induced leukemia
PMC2600462__F5 Morphoproteomic Evidence of Constitutively Activated and Overexpressed mTOR Pathway in Cervical Squamous Carcinoma and High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions.
PMC2600469__F4 Genes regulated by SHP in PPAR signaling pathway
PMC2600644__F4 Pathway schematic of significantly regulated genes in (A) NFKB signalling and (B) MAP kinase signalling
PMC2600878__F6 Syk signaling is necessary for E-selectin-induced LFA-1-ICAM-1 association and rolling but not arrest
PMC2601639__F1 Membrane Recruitment as a Cancer Mechanism: A Case Study of Akt PH Domain
PMC2601664__F1 Membrane-initiated Estrogen Signaling in Hypothalamic Neurons.
PMC2601665__F1 Hh-Gli pathway and the Gli code in tissue patterning and stem-cell lineages
PMC2603035__F3 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: current views on genetics and mechanisms of disease
PMC2603135__F5 Integrated Bioinformatics for Radiation-Induced Pathway Analysis from Proteomics and Microarray Data
PMC2603135__F6 Integrated Bioinformatics for Radiation-Induced Pathway Analysis from Proteomics and Microarray Data
PMC2603427__F5 Hierarchical layout of the EGFR1 pathway downloaded from the HPRD pathway database []
PMC2603427__F6 Hierarchical layout of the B-cell receptor pathway downloaded from the HPRD pathway database []
PMC2603471__F1 Ageing, oxidative stress and cancer: paradigms in parallax
PMC2603552__F10 Role of oxysterol sulfation in lipid metabolism
PMC2604897__F2 Putative biochemical pathways involving MGAT3
PMC2605486__F3 Progressive changes in progenitor cells during motor neuron development
PMC2605486__F4 Olig2 and the transcription factor network controlling motor neuron differentiation
PMC2605487__F2 Signalling pathways involved in the induction of astrocyte specification/differentiation
PMC2605641__F2 Nrf2-ARE Pathway: An Indicator and Modulator of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegeneration
PMC2605643__F6 Working model of the Smac-mimetic IAP-inhibitors in radiosensitization
PMC2605957__F7 Unsaturated fatty acid regulation of cytochrome P450 expression via a CAR-dependent pathway
PMC2606015__F9 Schematic view of the Vav family-regulated signaling pathways of DT40 B-cells
PMC2607021__F4 Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel and Functionally Related Susceptibility Loci for Kawasaki Disease
PMC2607051__F7 ATR and Chk1 Suppress a Caspase-3-Dependent Apoptotic Response Following DNA Replication Stress
PMC2607114__F1 TFPI anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory activities
PMC2610122__F1 Classical view of three independent Wnt signalling pathways
PMC2610259__F1 Chronic colon colitis model
PMC2610675__F6 Arrestin-3 is essential for the activation of Fyn by the luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) in MA-10 cells
PMC2612083__F1 Cascading effects of stressors and inflammatory immune system activation: implications for major depressive disorder
PMC2612524__F7 A potential model for contributions of F-BAR-containing adaptor proteins and PTKs in regulating FcɛRI signaling during internalization
PMC2612755__F5 A theoretical pancreatic endocrine tumor cell, smooth muscle cell (pericyte) or endothelial cell demonstrating the sites and mechanism of action of novel agents for the management of metastatic PETs
PMC2612938__F2 Pathways by which Mgrn1-mediated ubiquitination could modulate melanocortin receptor regulation of pigment production and energy metabolism
PMC2613033__F1 Genome-Wide Association Study of Plasma Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the InCHIANTI Study
PMC2613061__F1 IGFs in the peripheral nervous system
PMC2613125__F6 Interleukin-6 and Neural Stem Cells: More Than Gliogenesis.
PMC2613456__F9 TLR9 regulates the mycobacteria-elicited pulmonary granulomatous immune response in mice through DC-derived Notch ligand delta-like 4
PMC2613471__F1 Revisiting Notch in remyelination of multiple sclerosis lesions
PMC2613484__F3 Targeting lymphocyte activation through the lymphotoxin and LIGHT pathways
PMC2613484__F7 Targeting lymphocyte activation through the lymphotoxin and LIGHT pathways
PMC2613770__F1 Canonical and noncanonical NFKB signaling pathways
PMC2613883__F1 Simplified schematic drawing of the TGF-Beta-Smad pathway
PMC2613930__F4 Genes that contain the 100 most differentially methylated CpG sites between normal and lung cancer tissue samples (p-value < 0.005)
PMC2614485__F6 A simplified Hh signaling pathway, constructed from combined Drosophila and mammalian data
PMC2615236__F1 Regulation of IGF-I Function by Proinflammatory Cytokines: At the Interface of Immunology and Endocrinology
PMC2615463__F1 Arc function in mGluR-LTD
PMC2615542__F2 Luteolin, a flavonoid with potentials for cancer prevention and therapy
PMC2615558__F4 Genomic analysis of increased host immune and cell death responses induced by 1918 influenza virus
PMC2617762__F6 Impaired Nuclear Nrf2 Translocation Undermines the Oxidative Stress Response in Friedreich Ataxia
PMC261890__F8 T Cell Receptor-Independent Basal Signaling via Erk and Abl Kinases Suppresses RAG Gene Expression
PMC2620272__F4 Bimodal genes that were switched "on" as a result of HIV infection in KEGG T-cell receptor signalling pathways
PMC2621002__F3 Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of Macrophage Rafts Reveals Compartmentalized Activation of the Proteasome and of Proteasome-mediated ERK Activation in Response to Lipopolysaccharide
PMC2623309__F1 Multiple feedback loops of p53 pathway
PMC262380__F9 Free p65 can protect against TNF-Alpha-induced apoptosis in the absence of IKK activity
PMC2624576__F1 Alternative splicing in the NFKB signaling pathway
PMC2626169__F1 A simplified view of the sex-determination pathway in XX animals (A) and XO animals (B)
PMC262680__F1 Microarray summary of proteasome subunits induced in mouse liver by D3T
PMC2627520__F2 Biosynthesis of Natural and Hyperelongated Chondroitin Sulfate Glycosaminoglycans: New Insights into an Elusive Process
PMC2627788__F5 Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway in leukemia
PMC2628375__F7 Hypothetical scheme of activation of the murine Hamp1 promoter
PMC2628394__F15 Biological network representing the schizophrenia p-value ranking
PMC2628394__F16 Biological network representing the bipolar disorder p-value ranking
PMC2629585__F7 Local Inflammation Induces Complement Crosstalk Which Amplifies the Antimicrobial Response
PMC2629979__F1 Molecular Mechanisms in COPD pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets
PMC2630373__F1 Regulation of G1/S transition by growth factor (insulin and IGF-I) signaling in Beta-cells
PMC2630471__F5 DAF-2 Insulin-like Signaling Pathway Independently Regulates Aging and Immunity
PMC2631022__F1 ECM-receptor interaction pathway enriched by human switch-like genes
PMC2631033__F1 Tumor necrosis factor and cancer, buddies or foes?
PMC2631307__F1 Glucocorticoids and neonatal brain injury: the hedgehog connection
PMC2631308__F1 Insulin resistance
PMC2631376__F3 Hypothalamic Malonyl-Coenzyme A and the Control of Energy Balance.
PMC2631402__F4 The Legionella pneumophila replication vacuole: making a cozy niche inside host cells
PMC2631405__F1 Role of the GH/IGF-1 axis in lifespan and healthspan: lessons from animal models
PMC2631600__F1 The HMGCR pathway
PMC2633067__F2a Beyond Good and Evil in the Oral Cavity: Insights into Host-Microbe Relationships Derived from Transcriptional Profiling of Gingival Cells
PMC2633249__F3 Enzymatic function of multiple origins regulates the progression of colorectal cancer and the development of metastases
PMC2633299__F11 UVB light upregulates prostaglandin synthases and prostaglandin receptors in mouse keratinocytes
PMC2633398__F9 An epistatic pathway and genetic model for replication slowing in fission yeast
PMC2633485__F8 Proposed mechanism of PDGF signaling in the lens epithelial cells
PMC2633625__F2 Toll-like receptors in skin
PMC2633716__F1 Genetic Variation in Calcium Sensing Receptor (CASR) and Risk of Colon Cancer
PMC2634014__F1 Possible mechanisms of tip cell selection through modulation of different components of the VEGF signalling pathway following Notch signalling
PMC2634101__F1 Model summarizing some of the pathways described in this review leading to chemotaxis and cell motility
PMC2634254__F2 Embryonic liver development
PMC2634254__F4 Upstream regulators and downstream targets of Beta-catenin during embryonic liver development
PMC2634369__F1 Ethylene signaling and salt stress response
PMC2634657__F2 Leptin Neuroprotection in the Central Nervous System: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potentials
PMC2634670__F1 Strategies to inhibit the VEGF signalling pathway
PMC2634812__F3 Stepwise respecification of ETP and DN2 cells by GATA-3 overexpression
PMC2634812__F4 Myeloid diversion pathways for advanced pro-T cells by re-introduction of C/EBPA or PU.1
PMC2634812__F5 Schematic of counterbalancing and dose-dependent regulatory forces that act on T-cell precursors through the ETP and DN2 stages
PMC2634914__F1 Pathway design
PMC2634968__F2 Identification of Potential Pathway Mediation Targets in Toll-like Receptor Signaling.
PMC2634968__F5 Identification of Potential Pathway Mediation Targets in Toll-like Receptor Signaling
PMC2634968__F6 Identification of Potential Pathway Mediation Targets in Toll-like Receptor Signaling
PMC2634968__F7 Identification of Potential Pathway Mediation Targets in Toll-like Receptor Signaling
PMC2634987__F1 The GEP100-Arf6 pathway to invasion
PMC2635018__F1 Amino acid transporters and nutrient sensing mechanisms
PMC2635127__F1 Erk non-Smad pathway
PMC2635127__F2 JNK/p38 non-Smad pathway
PMC2635127__F3 Small GTPase non-Smad pathway
PMC2635127__F4 PI3K/Akt non-Smad pathway
PMC2635340__F2 Kinetic Scheme for the 5-HT1AR and 5-HT2AR mediated MAP kinase activation pathway
PMC2635620__F2 Inhibition of each signaling molecules by natural products in insulin signaling
PMC2635670__F1 Apoptosis pathways: The extrinsic or death receptor pathway (left) is triggered by members of the death receptor superfamily such as Fas
PMC2636986__F1 Adaptor protein containing pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, and leucine zipper motif (APPL1)-mediated adiponectin and insulin-signaling pathways
PMC2637179__F2 Role of IRS-1 in insulin and IGF-1 signaling
PMC2637184__F1 New central scaffold for metastasis: parsing HEF1/Cas-L/NEDD9
PMC2637474__F7 Hypothetical pathway involved in general cerebellum-mediated motor learning
PMC2637552__F1 TGFB/SMAD signaling pathway
PMC2637651__F3 Transcriptomes in Healthy and Diseased Gingival Tissues
PMC2637758__F5 Pathways and networks associated with HSPA9, PHB, and ABCB6
PMC2637783__F1 Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling
PMC2637898__F2 EGFR signaling pathways
PMC2637898__F3 EGFR signal transduction pathways
PMC2637898__F4 VEGF signaling pathways
PMC2639036__F1 Single-strand break repair pathways
PMC2639448__F1 Intrafollicular predictors and regulators of oocyte quality within the oocyte-somatic cell regulatory loop
PMC2639705__F9 Two Chromogranin A-Derived Peptides Induce Calcium Entry in Human Neutrophils by Calmodulin-Regulated Calcium Independent Phospholipase A2
PMC2639747__F1 Smad3 in TGFB-induced antiproliferative transcriptional responses
PMC2639747__F2 Smad3 in TGFB-mediated proapoptotic transcriptional responses
PMC2639789__F9 Summary diagram of E2 regulation of Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway after cerebral ischemia and proposed role in E2 ischemic neuroprotection
PMC2640319__F1 Insulin and amino acid signaling pathway leading to the stimulation of translation initiation
PMC2640456__F1a Meta-analysis of microarray-derived data from PACAP-deficient adrenal gland in vivo and PACAP-treated chromaffin cells identifies distinct classes of PACAP-regulated genes
PMC2640984__F3 Distribution between short and long flap removal pathways
PMC2641000__F4 Cell-Autonomous Requirement for Rx Function in the Mammalian Retina and Posterior Pituitary
PMC2642591__F1 Retinoic acid dependent regulation of immune responses by dendritic cells and macrophages
PMC2642659__F2 Visualization of molecular interaction and reaction networks in the KEGG database
PMC2642890__F2 Posttranscriptional regulation of gene networks by GREs
PMC2643067__F1 De novo purine biosynthesis pathway
PMC2643298__F11 Herpes simplex virus type 2 gene ICP10PK protects from apoptosis caused by NGF deprivation through inhibition of caspase-3 activation and XIAP upregulation
PMC2643336__F3 From the diet to the nucleus: Vitamin A and TGFB join efforts at the mucosal interface of the intestine
PMC2643928__F1 Activation of the transcription factors IRF3 and NFKB in response to infection with a single-stranded RNA virus
PMC2643977__F4 Proposed integrated model for local water transport inhibition by activation of P2Y2 and adenosine A1 receptors (A1R) in inner medullary collecting duct principal cell
PMC2644070__F2 Homologies between mammalian and insect immune defense pathways
PMC2645295__F1 Airway Smooth Muscle Cell as an Inflammatory Cell
PMC2645305__F3 Airway Smooth Muscle Growth in Asthma
PMC2645538__F5 Possible neuroprotective mechanisms of mild mitochondrial uncoupling and caloric restriction in neurodegenerative diseases
PMC2645860__F2 Pathogenetic mechanisms of CCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPA) dysfunction
PMC2645904__F3 Schematic representations of potential signaling pathways involved in serum-deprived retinal ganglion cell-5 cells
PMC2645908__F5 Model showing RBR3 role in the RBR/E2F pathway controlling the expression of MCM2-7 genes, DNA replication, and cell transformation
PMC2646065__F8 Proposed model involving GSK-3 inhibition and the mTOR pathway to stimulate human Beta-cell growth and proliferation
PMC2646147__F6 A model for three pathways of TLS in mammalian cells
PMC2646278__F5 Pathways of global genome nuclear excision repair (GG-NER) and transcription-coupled nuclear excision repair (TC-NER)
PMC2647162__F1 APP processing and the production of the amyloidB peptides
PMC2647163__F3 Advances on the Understanding of the Origins of Synaptic Pathology in AD.
PMC2647614__F2 Novel Insights into Lung Transplant Rejection by Microarray Analysis
PMC2647628__F1 CATERPILLER (NLR) Family Members as Positive and Negative Regulators of Inflammatory Responses
PMC2647780__F1 Signaling Logic of Activity-Triggered Dendritic Protein Synthesis
PMC2647860__F7 p53, Cyclin-dependent Kinase and Abnormal Amplification of Centrosomes
PMC2648232__F6 Pathway mapping of OPC differentiation inducer genes
PMC2648516__F1 SKN-1 and the Wnt effector TCF/POP-1 reveals differences in endomesoderm specification
PMC2648546__F8 A new feedback loop for p53 pathway
PMC2648620__F2 Insights into the Roles of Gut Microbes in Obesity.
PMC2649086__F7 KLF14-mediated TGFBRII silencing
PMC2649208__F2 Molecular interaction map displaying the functional interaction of genes in the MEK/ERK output profile with established roles in ERK signaling
PMC2649265__F8 Insulin-PI3K-Akt signaling in AD
PMC2649302__F2 Wnt/-catenin signaling pathway
PMC2649302__F3 Conversations between Wnt/Beta-catenin and MAPK signaling pathways
PMC2649808__F5 Comparative Proteomic Phenotyping of Cell Lines and Primary Cells to Assess Preservation of Cell Type-specific Functions
PMC2649968__F4 Participation of DNA repair in the response to 5-fluorouracil
PMC2650010__F1 Akt-dependent and independent mechanisms of mTOR regulation in cancer
PMC2650010__F2 Akt-dependent and independent mechanisms of mTOR regulation in cancer
PMC2650010__F3 Akt-dependent and independent mechanisms of mTOR regulation in cancer
PMC2650409__F6 c-Src Regulates Akt Signaling in Response to Ghrelin via Beta-Arrestin Signaling-Independent and -Dependent Mechanisms
PMC2650609__F6 Top network of upregulated genes in quadriceps muscles of COPD patients, compared with control subjects
PMC2650802__F7 The Elg1-RFC Clamp-Loading Complex Performs a Role in Sister Chromatid Cohesion
PMC2651172__F7 Possible site for alcohol-induced inhibition of muscle protein synthesis
PMC2651433__F2 A nuclear SIRT1 mechanism for delaying NAD-ATP depletion through inhibition of PARP-1 is presented
PMC2651433__F4 The Importance of NAD in Multiple Sclerosis.
PMC2651582__F1 Metabolic reprogramming in tumor cells
PMC2651818__F3 Activity motifs reveal principles of timing in transcriptional control of the yeast metabolic network
PMC2652039__F8 Tumor Necrosis Factor-like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis (TWEAK) activates proinflammatory signaling pathways and gene expression through the activation of TGF-beta activated kinase 1
PMC2652310__F1 Anaerobic metabolic pathways in C
PMC2652397__F1 Dual Roles of Nrf2 in Cancer
PMC2652403__F1 Signalling through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) affects cell growth, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation
PMC2652645__F1a Detailed qualitative dynamic knowledge representation using a BioNetGen model of TLR-4 signaling and preconditioning
PMC2652867__F1 PML regulon model is used to explain the effects of the PML protein and PML nuclear bodies on survival signaling as described in the text
PMC2653092__F5 Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Factor Hand2 Regulates Autonomic Nervous System Development
PMC2653380__F3 Schematic representation of bile acid synthesis by the classical neutral pathway
PMC2654353__F5 From nutrients to HIF and from HIF to metabolism
PMC2654353__F7 From the extracellular matrix to HIF and from HIF to the extracellular matrix
PMC2654411__F3 Time-course Comparison of Xenobiotic Activators of CAR and PPARα in Liver
PMC2654411__F6 Time-course Comparison of Xenobiotic Activators of CAR and PPARA in Mouse Liver
PMC2654418__F6 Crosstalk between the Androgen Receptor and Beta-Catenin in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer
PMC2654747__F2 Summary of enzyme-catalyzed thyronamine deiodinase reactions
PMC2654975__F1 Down-regulation of the Notch Pathway in Human Airway Epithelium in Association with Smoking and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
PMC2655244__F8 Proposed model for the signaling pathway of Cao-induced keratinocyte differentiation
PMC2655360__F7 Pathway maps generated using GenMapp depicting increased glycolytic protein expression in differentiated intestinal epithelial cells relative to crypt cells
PMC2655379__F8 Potential role for Akt/FOXO signalling in both protein loss and the impairment of muscle carbohydrate oxidation during sepsis in rodent skeletal muscle
PMC2655678__F1 ATM activation in response to DNA DSBs
PMC2655983__F3 Simplified version of colorectal-cancer biological pathway in KEGG database for genes with mutation data in COSMIC
PMC2656226__F6 Mitochondrial regulation of the apoptotic pathway is altered in disease and modulated by sirolimus treatment
PMC2656226__F9 Complement pathway altered in disease
PMC2657106__F1 Activation of the G2/M checkpoint after DNA damage
PMC2657416__F6 A proposed model for the effect of ABA on BR signaling outputs
PMC2657476__F1 ErbB Receptors in the Biology and Pathology of the Aerodigestive Tract
PMC2657775__F6 Enrichment of Wnt signaling pathway
PMC2657775__F7 Enrichment of TGF-beta signaling pathway
PMC2657775__F9 Enrichment of Jak-STAT signaling pathway
PMC2657945__F1 The TSC-mTOR signaling
PMC2657945__F2 Regulation of the mTORC1 pathway by two distinct small GTPases
PMC2658089__F1 The de novo and salvage pathways for purine nucleotide biosynthesis
PMC2658537__F1 Sample signalling scheme showing pathways known to be active in melanoma
PMC2658783__F2 The erbB family and the IGF/IGF-1R system
PMC2659375__F2 MET as a target for treatment of chest tumours
PMC2659383__F3 SHH signaling pathway components that have been employed in the production of genetically engineered mouse models
PMC2659402__F3 Interleukin-31 acts through three signaling pathways: Jak/STAT pathway, PI3K/AKT pathway and MAPK pathway
PMC2659592__F7 Lysophosphatidic Acid Induces Interleukin-13 (IL-13) Receptor A2 Expression and Inhibits IL-13 Signaling in Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
PMC2660327__F2 Network analysis using Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) software
PMC2660380__F3 Lysophosphatidic Acid Signaling in Airway Epithelium: Role in Airway Inflammation and Remodeling
PMC2660752__F6 Metabolic origin of glyoxylate in M
PMC2660918__F2 Hypothetical model for the end-joining mechanisms during CSR
PMC2661541__F1 Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFB) signaling pathway
PMC2661568__F6 Schematic model of sequential hippocampal aging changes
PMC2661789__F1 In endothelial cells, after activation, VEGFR2 is able to stimulate the AKT/mTOR signalling pathway through PI3K
PMC2661888__F3 Hypergraph representation of the Boolean model for yeast glucose repression
PMC2661962__F1 Where Do MAIT Cells Fit in the Family of Unconventional T Cells?
PMC2662295__F5 TRAF6- and MEKK1-mediated signal for IFNB production in the RLH/IPS-1 signaling pathway
PMC2662368__F2 T cell differentiation proceeds along distinct pathways following antigen presentation by DCs
PMC2662467__F6 Cell proliferation and apoptosis
PMC2662567__F2 Genetic and neurobiologic compass points toward common signaling dysfunctions in autism spectrum disorders
PMC2662567__F3 Genetic and neurobiologic compass points toward common signaling dysfunctions in autism spectrum disorders
PMC2662580__F1 Wnt therapy for bone loss: golden goose or Trojan horse?
PMC2662697__F6 Chlamydia pneumoniae-Induced Foam Cell Formation Requires MyD88 Dependent and Independent Signaling and is Reciprocally Modulated by LXR Activation
PMC2663056__F3 Fuzzy Logic Analysis of Kinase Pathway Crosstalk in TNF/EGF/Insulin-Induced Signaling.
PMC2663056__F4 Fuzzy Logic Analysis of Kinase Pathway Crosstalk in TNF/EGF/Insulin-Induced Signaling
PMC2663399__F2 DNA Damage Tolerance: When It's OK to Make Mistakes
PMC2663399__F5 DNA Damage Tolerance: When It's OK to Make Mistakes
PMC2663408__F15 The Aldo-Keto Reductase Superfamily and its Role in Drug Metabolism and Detoxification
PMC2663527__F1 The formation of leukotrienes (LTs) through the 5-lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, and the effects of LT inhibitors in different contexts
PMC2663984__F5 Expanded canonical Wnt/GSK3 signaling pathway
PMC2664745__F1 Molecular and cellular biology of enhanced cognition
PMC2665727__F5 Ty retrotransposition cycle
PMC2665873__F1 Fatty acid synthesis pathways in C
PMC2666018__F12 Differential Requirement for MEK/ERK and SMAD Signaling in PAI-1 and CTGF Expression in Response to Microtubule Disruption
PMC2666381__F1 TLR signaling and the role of epithelium in corneal innate defense
PMC2666387__F7 Proposed Src involvement in HCEC wound healing
PMC2666388__F1 DHA, NPD1, and BAPP-derived AB peptide signaling circuits in homeostatic aging and in AD
PMC2666391__F2 Toll-Like Receptors and Corneal Innate Immunity
PMC2666503__F1 F igure 1.–
PMC2666541__F1 (panel A) ODC expression is regulated by a number of signaling pathways
PMC2666548__F1 Reactions and proteins of the mitochondrial FAS pathway
PMC2666844__F3 In the absence of Wnt stimulation, the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) forms a trimeric complex, known as the "destruction complex," with glycogen synthase kinase-3B (GSK) and Axin
PMC2666844__F5 Simplified schematic of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/MET signaling pathway
PMC2666844__F6 Simplified schematic diagram of transforming growth factor-alpha/epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway (TGFA/EGFR)
PMC2667705__F7 Regulation of hepatic HNF4A expression by insulin: involvement of SREBPs and proposed liver impairments
PMC2667750__F8 Proposed pathway for polyoxin biosynthesis
PMC2667788__F3 Paracrine mechanisms in adult stem cell signaling and therapy
PMC2667897__F1 TGFB superfamily signaling: notes from the desert
PMC2667932__F1 Model for TGFB1-induced PAI-1 expression
PMC2667944__F1 Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 in the brain
PMC2667983__F4 Winter Temperature and UV Are Tightly Linked to Genetic Changes in the p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway in Eastern Asia.
PMC2668232__F5 Principles in TLR signaling
PMC2668236__F2 Major pathway and inflammatory mediators of sepsis and its related conditions
PMC2668926__F1 EGFR Signaling Pathway
PMC2668982__F2 CCN1 signaling and crosstalk with TNFA
PMC2669301__F1 Tyrosine kinase network regulating mast cell activation
PMC2669548__F1 Generalized schematic presentation of signaling pathways targeted by molecular therapies in malignant glioma
PMC2670002__F7 Pathway in colorectal cancer (CRC) progression from normal colon to late-stage cancer
PMC2670022__F1 Pharmacological targeting of the serotonergic system for the treatment of obesity
PMC2670105__F1 IMP impedes Ras mitogenic signaling by limiting KSR1 complexes
PMC2670521__F9 New Microbicidal Functions of Tracheal Glands: Defective Anti-Infectious Response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis
PMC2670612__F2 Tumor resistance to EGFR-targeted therapies
PMC2670830__F4 Signaling in pterygium
PMC2670967__F2 Schematic (simplified) representation of enzymatic and metabolite components of the liver methionine metabolic pathway, and the influence of ethanol consumption
PMC2670969__F4 PBT-1 induced genes in different pathways according to the KEGG and BIOCARTA pathway databases
PMC2671025__F6 Role of adiponectin in human skeletal muscle bioenergetics
PMC2671376__F7 Signaling in the PI3K/Akt pathway and deregulations detected in GRMD skeletal muscle
PMC2671566__F7 Wnt signals organize synaptic prepattern and axon guidance through the zebrafish unplugged/MuSK receptor
PMC2671631__F1 The L-arginine biosynthetic pathway and its association to proline and polyamine biosynthesis
PMC2671642__F5 Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways
PMC2671717__F7 Schematic Overview of Pyrimidine de Novo Synthesis, Salvage, and Degradation.Nucleotides synthesized de novo enter the nucleotide pool and become further converted to nucleic acids and other metabolic intermediates
PMC2671802__F1 ALPS and CEDS illustrate signaling pathways for lymphocyte apoptosis and activation
PMC2671916__F6 Novel functional modules with dynamic gene expression changes potentially linked to prion pathophysiology: (A) androgen metabolism, (B) iron metabolism, (C) arachidonate/phospholipid metabolism
PMC2671988__F2 Autism-specific copy number variants further implicate the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and the glutamatergic synapse in the etiology of the disorder.
PMC2672430__F2 Prodeath or Prosurvival: Two Facets of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 in Perinatal Brain Injury
PMC2672935__F2 Regulated molecules in canonical signalling pathways identified by IPA
PMC2673236__F1 Schematic illustration of one-carbon metabolism pathway
PMC2673242__F1 Loss of PTEN function results in accumulation of PIP3, which activates a cascade of signaling molecules
PMC2673422__F6 Hypoxia-invoked response of the glycolysis gene network
PMC2673908__F2 Unifying model of Wnt signaling with regard to cardiomyogenesis
PMC2673912__F6 Activin Modulates the Transcriptional Response of LBT2 Cells to Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone and Alters Cellular Proliferation
PMC2673912__F8 Activin Modulates the Transcriptional Response of LBT2 Cells to Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone and Alters Cellular Proliferation
PMC2674015__F2a Toll-like Receptors: Novel Pharmacological Targets for the Treatment of Neurological Diseases
PMC2674123__F10 Signaling cascade of PI3K/AKT pathway
PMC2674225__F2 Repression of TGFB-RII and abrogated signaling through the Smad pathway
PMC2674579__F1 GST-MDA-7 causes PERK-dependent vacuolization and JNK pathway activation in transformed cells that leads to cell death
PMC2674698__F1 Structures and metabolic pathway of gangliosides ()
PMC2674702__F1 Metabolism of extracellular and intracellular bioactive lipids
PMC2674738__F1 Circulating blood monocytes adhere to activated endothelium at sites of disease or injury
PMC2674743__F2 Altered insulin signaling by lipid intermediates
PMC2674747__F1 Illustration of differences in the expression of genes for early steps of sphingolipid metabolism using a KEGG-based microarray analysis tool (GenMapp v2.1) that has been modified to display this pathway more completely (
PMC2674807__F2 Common polymorphisms in the genes associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
PMC2675004__F1 Crosstalk via the NFKB Signaling System
PMC2675030__F3 Steps in the generation of Th17 cells
PMC2675214__F1 Thymidine biosynthetic pathway
PMC2675492__F1 Biochemical schematics: This figure maybe regarded as the biochemical underpinning of our model
PMC2675552__F3 Mechanism of action of toll-like receptors (TLRs)
PMC2675653__F1 CART analysis of NER pathway and esophageal cancer risk
PMC2675709__F5 Comparison of metabolites and transcripts in glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and pH-regulating pathways between the wild type (WT) and the stop1 mutant
PMC2675987__F1 Calmodulin-dependent nuclear import and disease
PMC2676302__F5 Major trends in mRNA expression at 56 days on experimental diets and summary network analysis among genes
PMC2676446__F1 Regulation of p53 and MDM2 and the outcomes of p53 activation
PMC2676714__F4 Pathways analysis on the set of genes contained in the SNP component
PMC2676892__F3 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and B and T Cells Differ in Their Response to Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
PMC2677061__F1 Postnatal Roles of GDNF Family Members in Nociceptors Plasticity.
PMC2677203__F7 Signaling via the TgfB type I receptor Alk5 in heart development
PMC2677387__F1 mTORC1 activation by nutrients and growth factors
PMC2677399__F2 Nuclear Factor KB, Airway Epithelium, and Asthma
PMC2677410__F2 Novel signaling network as a critical rheostat for the biology and maintenance of the normal stem cell and the cancer-initiating cell
PMC2677440__F7 Rhinovirus-Induced Major Airway Mucin Production Involves a Novel TLR3-EGFR-Dependent Pathway
PMC2677552__F3 PharmGKB pathway diagrams
PMC2677763__F7a Gene expression profiling analysis reveals arsenic-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in p53-proficient and p53-deficient cells through differential gene pathways
PMC2678071__F1 Graphical representation of the gp130/JAK/STAT pathway
PMC2678157__F9 The steroid synthesis pathway showing genes regulated in this study
PMC2678244__F1 Abl Tyrosine Kinases in T-cell signaling
PMC2678718__F1 Conversion of subendothelial macrophages into cholesterol-laden foam cells is believed to constitute the foundation of the atherosclerotic lesion
PMC2678743__F1 Modifying skin pigmentation - approaches through intrinsic biochemistry and exogenous agents
PMC2678983__F4 IFN-gamma signaling pathway
PMC2679052__F7 Diagram summarizing differences in expression of interaction genes enriched within the KEGG p53 signaling pathway, and possible interactions of corresponding proteins with the androgen receptor
PMC2679127__F2 PRRs and their corresponding ligands
PMC2679155__F1 Integrin-RTK signaling
PMC2679172__F1 Crosstalk at the initial encounter: Interplay between host defense and ameba survival strategies
PMC2679302__F2 Network contains downregulated genes and identified around NFKB gene
PMC2679403__F4 PRO mapping to the Reactome TGF-beta signaling pathway
PMC2679427__F1 Regulation of rat GSTA2 and NQO1 gene expression
PMC2679749__F3 Control of autophagy
PMC2679751__F7 Proposed model for functional interaction between Ncs-1a, Pi4kB, and Arf1 in trafficking and secretion
PMC2679770__F3 Proposed saxitoxin biosynthetic pathway
PMC2679904__F1 TLR mediated signaling
PMC2679989__F1 Function of Nod-like Receptors in Microbial Recognition and Host Defense
PMC2680180__F1 Mitochondria–A Nexus for Aging, Calorie Restriction, and Sirtuins?
PMC2680287__F1 Unraveling the complexities of the interferon response during SARS-CoV infection
PMC2680291__F1 Illustration of some of the key enzymes involved in the metabolism of methotrexate (MTX)
PMC2680597__F1 Methylobacterium Genome Sequences: A Reference Blueprint to Investigate Microbial Metabolism of C1 Compounds from Natural and Industrial Sources
PMC2680672__F2 Regulation mechanisms for Itch-mediated Th2 differentiation.TCR triggering plus CD28-mediated costimulation results in the activation of MEKK1-JNK signaling pathway, which induces the serine/threonine phosphorylation of Itch
PMC2681001__F1 Biosynthetic Pathway of Coenzyme Q10
PMC2681266__F1 NFKB activation in cancer
PMC2681728__F8 Proposed model of the role of p47 in E
PMC2682019__F9 A link between glucose and insulin signaling in Beta-cells
PMC2682028__F9 Changes in metabolism in Prx1-Cre; PORlox/lox limb bud cells and levels of cholesterol
PMC2682038__F8 An integrated model for the function of TopBP1 in the normal cell cycle and in cancer cells
PMC2682371__F2 ErbB proteins are type I transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases
PMC2682514__F1 Nodes with the highest relative betweenness centrality (in orange) and their interacting partners (blue) in the pancreatic cancer pathway
PMC2682636__F4 The comorbidity of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and Alzheimer's disease: a foreseeable medical challenge in post-HAART era
PMC2683106__F5 Promoting cell proliferation and repressing differentiation
PMC2683291__F4 Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signalling cascade
PMC2683382__F2 Welcome to the neighborhood: epithelial cell-derived cytokines license innate and adaptive immune responses at mucosal sites
PMC2683584__F1 Control of Cell Number in the Sexually Dimorphic Brain and Spinal Cord
PMC2683622__F9 Protein kinase D1 is essential for MyD88-dependent TLR signaling pathway
PMC2683667__F4 Induction of IFN-signaling pathways in HCV-infected uPA-SCID mice (A) and patients (B)
PMC2683723__F6 Insulin-EGF signal integration
PMC2683725__F3 A subnetwork that illustrates the effect of homocystinuria on the metabolism and transport of methionine
PMC2683871__F6 p53-regulated pathway analysis using the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base (IPKB)
PMC2684021__F1 The fungal cell wall and downstream cellular responses following engagement of Dectin-1 and TLRs on antigen presenting cells (APC)
PMC2684140__F7 The HIPPO (hpo)-Large tumor suppressor (Lats) pathway validated in Drosophila melanogaster and its similar pathway recently postulated in mammals
PMC2684140__F9 Schematic representation of the S
PMC2684502__F2 CLR-based networks of genes whose expression changed significantly due to aminoglycoside (gentamicin or kanamycin) treatment
PMC2684527__F2 Stochasticity in Protein Levels Drives Colinearity of Gene Order in Metabolic Operons of Escherichia coli
PMC2684550__F2 In MSTN-null mice, regulators of the PI3K pathway and cell survival/apoptosis likely contribute to muscle hypertrophy
PMC2684656__F1 Diagrammatic representation of the signalling pathways activated in the unfolded protein response following ER stress
PMC2684849__F3 Transcriptional regulation of human small nuclear RNA genes
PMC2684867__F1 VHL Loss of Function and Its Impact on Oncogenic Signaling Networks in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
PMC2685460__F7 Induction of Distinct TLR2-Mediated Proinflammatory and Proadhesive Signaling Pathways in Response to Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae
PMC2685579__F1 Synthetic pathways for polar lipids
PMC2685661__F10 NO/cGMP and calcium signaling in osteoblast mechanotransduction
PMC2685877__F1 Combined Yeast-derived Beta-Glucan with Anti-tumor Monoclonal Antibody for Cancer Immunotherapy.
PMC2685917__F9 Cooperation of amphiregulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 inhibits Bax- and Bad-mediated apoptosis via a protein kinase C-dependent pathway in non-small cell lung cancer cells
PMC2685981__F1 Gene Expression Profiling of Lymphoblasts from Autistic and Nonaffected Sib Pairs: Altered Pathways in Neuronal Development and Steroid Biosynthesis
PMC2685981__F3 Gene Expression Profiling of Lymphoblasts from Autistic and Nonaffected Sib Pairs: Altered Pathways in Neuronal Development and Steroid Biosynthesis
PMC2686112__F1 VHL gene complex targets hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) for ubiquitin-mediated degradation
PMC2686461__F1 BCR signaling pathway
PMC2686679__F12 Signaling pathway leading to Egr-1 biosynthesis in thrombin or carbachol-stimulated 39M1-81 cells
PMC2686735__F5 Map of BCR-pathway
PMC2687355__F7 The signaling pathway MyD88 ‡’ p38 ‡’ EGR-1/AP-1 is essential for GBS-induced transcriptional activation of TNF
PMC2688381__F4 Azithromycin Treatment Alters Gene Expression in Inflammatory, Lipid Metabolism, and Cell Cycle Pathways in Well-Differentiated Human Airway Epithelia
PMC2688657__F1 Antigrowth signaling pathway and cluster around SMAD proteins
PMC2688657__F3 Apoptosis pathway
PMC2688657__F5 Growth signal pathway
PMC2688747__F4 Fgf and Sdf-1 Pathways Interact during Zebrafish Fin Regeneration
PMC2688755__F2 Network of Conserved Damage Survival Pathways Revealed by a Genomic RNAi Screen
PMC2688935__F3 Networks used to generate simulated data
PMC2689134__F4 Pathogenesis of holoprosencephaly
PMC2689231__F6 Purine biosynthetic pathway, showing protein abundance changes for the P
PMC2689781__F7 Grade-dependent Proteomics Characterization of Kidney Cancer
PMC2690004__F3 Metabolic reconstruction of H
PMC2690232__F6 Conserved Toll-proximal signaling mechanism
PMC2690394__F2 Molecular targets of natural chemopreventive agents
PMC2690586__F1 Maintenance of the G1/S DNA damage checkpoint in the presence and absence of Cdk2
PMC2690992__F2 Signaling control of mesenchymal and amoeboid cell phenotypes
PMC2691147__F1 Hh signalling–a simplified model
PMC2691592__F7 Caenorhabditis elegans Protein Arginine Methyltransferase PRMT-5 Negatively Regulates DNA Damage-Induced Apoptosis
PMC2691779__F1 Schematic overview of the human tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) apoptosis pathway
PMC2691965__F2 Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation
PMC2692221__F1 BER subpathways for damaged bases and DNA strand breaks
PMC2692251__F2 HuR and/or AUF1 differentially regulate mRNAs encoding cell cycle and Erk1/Erk2 Mapk signaling-related genes in MCT-1-transformed cells
PMC2692400__F1 Hormone and nutrient signaling pathways modulating leptin translation
PMC2692402__F1 Glycerol phosphate pathway for de novo triacylglycerol (TAG) and glycerophospholipid synthesis
PMC2692823__F2 Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and their roles in pulmonary hypertension: new findings for an old problem
PMC2693146__F8 Model depicting the dual role of cGKI in BMP signalling pathway cGKI regulates BMP signalling through (light blue) modulation of BMP receptors at the cell surface and enhancement of R-Smad phosphorylation and thus Smad activation
PMC2693232__F2 Unifying model of TGFB signaling in breast epithelium
PMC2693384__F2 Regulation of Vascular Permeability by Sphingosine 1-Phosphate
PMC2693450__F3 Lipodystrophies: Disorders of adipose tissue biology
PMC2694412__F6 Somatic mutations affect key pathways in lung adenocarcinoma
PMC2694443__F8 BMP signaling negatively regulates bone mass through sclerostin by inhibiting the canonical Wnt pathway
PMC2694487__F5 Human presenilin 1 and 2 (PSEN1 and PSEN2) subnetworks
PMC2694580__F2 Biological actions of isoprenoids
PMC2694616__F1 Genomic Strategy to Elucidate Modules of Oncogenic Pathway Signaling Networks
PMC2694804__F2 Summary of the pathways transduced by the primary cilium
PMC2694962__F1 Schematic illustration of overview of one-carbon metabolism pathway, linking to methylation reactions and nucleotide synthesis
PMC26952__F7 Activation of specific target genes by TGFB and Wnt pathways
PMC2695202__F2 Emerging anti-inflammatory therapy
PMC2695499__F10 Changes in OSM signaling
PMC2695762__F2 Caspase recruitment domain-containing sensors and adaptors in intestinal innate immunity
PMC2695822__F10 Display of genes with high expression in CT embryos
PMC2695822__F9 Display of genes with high expression in IVF embryos
PMC2695826__F1 Ingenuity pathway analysis identified a network of genes down regulated in response to 60 minutes of ischemia in aged mouse liver
PMC2695826__F2 Age-Related Decrease in Proteasome Expression Contributes to Defective NFKB Activation during Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion
PMC2695927__F4 Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) in infection and inflammatory disease
PMC2696125__F2 Docosanoids are multifunctional regulators of neural cell integrity and fate: significance in aging and disease
PMC2696130__F3 Liquid Movement Across the Surface Epithelium of Large Airways
PMC2696130__F4 Liquid Movement Across the Surface Epithelium of Large Airways
PMC2696288__F7 Protein Acetylation Microarray Reveals NuA4 Controls Key Metabolic Target Regulating Gluconeogenesis
PMC2696319__F1 Sites of mutation which can result in activation of the Raf>MEK>ERK pathway
PMC2696328__F5 Proposed model for the effect of HPTE in the granulosa cell
PMC2696359__F1 TNF-Induced MAP Kinase Activation Oscillates in Time
PMC2696553__F1 Store-operated Ca2+ entry in T cells
PMC2696566__F1 Synergistic combinations of signaling pathway inhibitors: Mechanisms for improved cancer therapy
PMC2696566__F2 Synergistic combinations of signaling pathway inhibitors: Mechanisms for improved cancer therapy
PMC2696814__F1 Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Disease
PMC2697061__F2 Endoplasmic reticulum stress in disorders of myelinating cells
PMC2697172__F8 Sub-network associated with the Wnt signaling pathway
PMC2697290__F1 Phenomics of cardiac chloride channels: the systematic study of chloride channel function in the heart
PMC2697617__F1 Live Longer Sans the AT1A Receptor
PMC2697619__F5 Proposed signaling pathways by which the Tec kinases regulate JNK activation, actin polymerization, and cytokine expression in LPS-stimulated neutrophils
PMC2697824__F3 Improving gemcitabine-mediated radiosensitization using molecularly targeted therapy: A review
PMC2698322__F3 Complex relationship between PI3-K, mTOR and PKB signalling
PMC2698322__F4 Key proteins regulated by PKB that are involved in metabolism (yellow); cell cycle progression (green); cellular growth (red); cell survival and apoptosis (blue); angiogenesis (orange) and neurological processes (purple)
PMC26984__F1 Proposed pathway of EGF-induced cell proliferation of ER- breast cancer cells
PMC2698574__F9 The VACV- and CPXV-stimulated PI3K/Akt pathway of biological relevance in spontaneously immortalized A31 and MEF cells
PMC2698645__F1 Simplified schematic representation of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway driven by muscle contraction, insulin, essential amino acids (leucine), and/or energy
PMC2698645__F2 Simplified schematic representation of the interaction between the mTORC1 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways following muscle contraction and/or insulin stimulation
PMC2698768__F9 Model of CD28 signaling pathways initiated by the distal and proximal motifs
PMC2698936__F2 Integrins in Lens Development and Disease
PMC2699281__F2 Appetite for destruction: E3 ubiquitin-ligase protection in cardiac disease
PMC2699281__F3 Appetite for destruction: E3 ubiquitin-ligase protection in cardiac disease
PMC2699361__F1 The ER-mitochondria apoptotic signalling pathway operating in cells devoid of mitochondrial BAK and BAX, and of ER-located BAX
PMC2699768__F3 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway as a regulatory pathway for cell adhesion and matrix metabolism
PMC2699853__F1 Diabetes alters the expression of multiple genes of the TGFB pathway (left side of the panel) and BMPs pathway (right side) in rat retinal vessels
PMC2699904__F7 Inter-relationships of genes associated with apoptosis differentially expressed in the lacrimal glands of C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 mice
PMC2699904__F8 Schematic showing inter-relationships of clustered genes associated with fatty acid, lipid and lipoprotein homeostasis based on differentially-expressed genes identified in lacrimal glands of C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 mice
PMC2699967__F2 Signaling pathways initiated by TLR-2 and TLR-4 activation
PMC270001__F2 Chemoresistance in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
PMC2700035__F6 Load-driven signaling pathways predicted with ankle loading at 1 h after the last loading
PMC2700095__F10 Alternative kinetic model incorporating unknown transcription factor (TFx) activation by Eda/Edar signaling
PMC2700213__F1 Genetic variants in pigmentation genes, pigmentary phenotypes, and risk of skin cancer in Caucasians
PMC2700405__F1 The canonical Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway
PMC2700428__F2 Some cellular processes implicated in the pathogenesis of PAH
PMC2701191__F4 Regulation of cell junction dynamics by cytokines in the testis - a molecular and biochemical perspective
PMC2701885__F2 Hepatitis C virus versus innate and adaptive immune responses: a tale of coevolution and coexistence
PMC2702319__F4 Distributions of the orthologous gene groups containing duplicate genes that arose through 3R-WGD (shown as gray boxes) in the network diagrams
PMC2702500__F1 Metabolic reconstruction of Db
PMC2702690__F9 Molecular Mechanisms of HIF-1A Modulation Induced by Oxygen Tension and BMP2 in Glioblastoma Derived Cells
PMC2702844__F2 Cell biology of autophagy in metazoans: a developing story
PMC2703803__F1 The Heme Biosynthetic Pathway of the Obligate Wolbachia Endosymbiont of Brugia malayi as a Potential Anti-filarial Drug Target
PMC2703816__F3 Identification of neuronal target genes for CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Proteins.
PMC2704234__F3 Immune activation induced by Beta-glucans
PMC2704251__F1 Porphyromonas gingivalis-Host Interactions: Open War or Intelligent Guerilla Tactics?
PMC2704458__F2 Histone Acetylation in Drug Addiction
PMC2704469__F8 Scheme indicating expression of Tcf4 proteins and effects of Wnt-Beta-catenin signaling to inhibit the transition from premyelinating to mature oligodendrocyte
PMC2704571__F2 Diagrammatic representation of hormone therapy-induced changes in gene expression in the dorsal raphe block
PMC2704572__F1 Complement effectors generated during activation contribute to various mechanisms that limit tumor growth
PMC2704572__F2 Some complement proteins can accelerate tumor growth
PMC2704867__F5 Darpp-32 and Its Truncated Variant t-Darpp Have Antagonistic Effects on Breast Cancer Cell Growth and Herceptin Resistance
PMC2705117__F3 Role of peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor B/D (PPARB/D) in gastrointestinal tract function and disease
PMC2705893__F1 Protein kinase Cι: human oncogene, prognostic marker and therapeutic target
PMC2705999__F3 Castration-Adapted Prostate Cancer: Targeting Androgen Metabolic Pathways in Recurrent Disease
PMC2706143__F2 The Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Unfolded Protein Response
PMC2706143__F3 Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Unfolded Protein Response
PMC2706303__F2 Bioelectric mechanisms in regeneration: unique aspects and future perspectives
PMC2706609__F1 ERK1/2 pathway in airway epithelial cell responses to cigarette smoke
PMC2707240__F2 Proposed model for As2O3-dependent activation of the mTOR pathway in a negative feedback regulatory manner in malignant cells
PMC2707261__F1 Regulation of glycolysis, glutaminolysis and de novo nucleotide biosynthesis in tumor cells
PMC2707271__F5 Proposed mechanism for MAP4K3 cell death signaling
PMC2707344__F4 Metabolic implication of leaf mitochondria during water stress
PMC2707511__F6 DNA Topoisomerase I Inhibitors: Chemistry, Biology and Interfacial Inhibition
PMC2707763__F6 PROK1 induction of RCAN1-4 and IL-8
PMC2707780__F1 Model of the role of MAPK cascades in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
PMC2708714__F2 Direct targets of WT1 identified in the Wnt signaling pathway
PMC2708980__F8 Proposed signaling pathway
PMC2709066__F1 De novo purine synthesis pathway
PMC2709272__F1 Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling in adipogenesis and metabolism
PMC2709380__F7 Hypothetical model of transcriptional regulation of the p21 gene and p53 pathway
PMC2709429__F11 Production of Superoxide Anions by Keratinocytes Initiates P. acnes-Induced Inflammation of the Skin
PMC2709856__F1 It's all in the family: multiple Toll-like receptors offer promise as novel therapeutic targets for stroke neuroprotection
PMC2710138__F2 Phosphatidylinositol 3–kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway
PMC2710138__F8 Feedback inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3–kinase (PI3K) pathway
PMC2710522__F1 Logic of EGFR/ErbB Signaling: Theoretical Properties and Analysis of High-Throughput Data
PMC2710681__F4 Model describing TLS across CPD in human cells
PMC2711321__F2 Wiring diagrams for a three-module decomposition of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway
PMC2711664__F1 Signal transduction mechanisms implicated in leptin action
PMC2712099__F2 The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) signalling pathway
PMC2712453__F2 G1-phase signaling pathways inferred with different heuristics
PMC2712453__F3 S-phase signaling pathways inferred with different heuristics
PMC2712453__F5 Erb-associated signaling pathways
PMC2712453__F6 TLR-mediated innate immune signaling pathway
PMC2712453__F7 Signaling pathway inferred from a gene regulatory network
PMC2712597__F1 Ubiquitin-like protein activation by E1 enzymes: the apex for downstream signalling pathways
PMC2712597__F6 Ubiquitin-like protein activation by E1 enzymes: the apex for downstream signalling pathways
PMC2712626__F1 The Double Life of Irs
PMC2712666__F3 TNF superfamily: costimulation and clinical applications
PMC2712786__F1 Pathways of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis, highlighting roles of Bcl-2 family members
PMC2713245__F1 Signal transduction through activin receptors
PMC2713319__F1 Apoptosis and Epithelial Injury in the Lungs
PMC2713319__F3 Apoptosis and Epithelial Injury in the Lungs
PMC2713330__F1 Innate Immunity in the Lungs
PMC2713346__F1 Crz1 enters the nucleus in short stochastic bursts lasting about 2 min after undergoing dephosphorylation in the cytoplasm by the calcium-activated phosphatase calcineurin (Cn) (, )
PMC2713381__F8 MMP-9 controls Schwann cell proliferation and phenotypic remodeling via IGF-1 and ErbB receptor-mediated activation of MEK/ERK pathway
PMC2713566__F1 Mitochondrial pathways of electron flow resulting from the substrates and inhibitors used in this study
PMC2713571__F1 Proposed cuticle pigmentation and sclerotization metabolic pathway in T
PMC2713831__F5 Local Network Topology in Human Protein Interaction Data Predicts Functional Association
PMC2714185__F1 Role of ATM in cellular responses
PMC2714185__F3 Major regulatory steps in the process of DNA damage response (DDR)
PMC2714639__F6 MT1-MMP expression in first trimester trophoblasts is stimulated by insulin, IGF1 and IGF2 by different signalling pathways
PMC2714846__F6 Estradiol-17B, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and the prostaglandin E2 receptor are involved in PGE2 positive feedback loop in the porcine endometrium
PMC2715000__F8 Summary of caspase 2-mediated signaling cascades in heat-induced germ cell apoptosis
PMC2715236__F6 Model for the role of FANCM in the DNA damage response
PMC2715245__F7 Comparison of models for FRAXA and APC-inducible chromosome fragility
PMC2715501__F1 Study background
PMC2715808__F8 Regulation of mTORC1 signaling by mTOR S1261 phosphorylation
PMC2715810__F7 Model of PERK pathway controlling rRNA transcription and translation in comparison to mTOR
PMC2715958__F1 One possible pathway which regulates cell proliferation in response to strain on collagen
PMC2715958__F2 One possible pathway which regulates cell migration in response to strain on fibronectin
PMC2715971__F2 Interaction between insulin and interferon-alfa signaling pathway
PMC2716072__F4 mTOR signaling pathway
PMC2716493__F1 Two main pathways involved in apoptosis regulation
PMC2716541__F6 Apoptosis of CD4+CD25high T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes May Be Partially Mediated by IL-2 Deprivation
PMC2716750__F1 Gene regulatory networks in kidney development
PMC2716751__F2 The concept of angiotensin II-growth factor cross-talk in ureteric bud morphogenesis
PMC2716793__F3 Spatial complexity and control of a bacterial cell cycle
PMC2716801__F1 Schematic illustration of the Warburg effect in tumor cells and in early asymptomatic endothelial cell dysfunction
PMC2717722__F2 Blocking the myostatin pathway
PMC2717887__F2 Clusterin as a critical signaling node
PMC2718282__F8 The role of Mal connecting PI3K to TLR2/6
PMC2718437__F2a Gene Expression Changes during the Development of Acute Lung Injury Role of Transforming Growth Factor B
PMC2718437__F4a Gene Expression Changes during the Development of Acute Lung Injury Role of Transforming Growth Factor B
PMC2718491__F3 Multiple regulatory pathways for N-WASP and WAVE2 activation
PMC2718504__F5 Predicted general metabolism and solute transport in T
PMC2718747__F10 A model of EGF/EGFR-induced inhibition of a Luminal-A phenotype in MCF-7 cells
PMC2719108__F2 Schematic representation of the renin angiotensin system
PMC2719424__F8 DUOX1 involvement in TLR-mediated IL-8 production in response to bacterial stimuli
PMC2719559__F2 Paracrine and autocrine mechanisms of Akt-mediated tumor-stromal interactions
PMC2719801__F2 Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle Biopsies from People with Type 2 Diabetes and Relatives: Differential Regulation of Insulin Signaling Pathways
PMC2719801__F3 Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle Biopsies from People with Type 2 Diabetes and Relatives: Differential Regulation of Insulin Signaling Pathways
PMC2719943__F1 Reduced levels of neurotransmitter-degrading enzyme PRCP promote obesity
PMC2720031__F1 GR signal transduction pathway
PMC2720036__F1 Selective Raf Inhibition in Cancer Therapy
PMC2720036__F5 Selective Raf Inhibition in Cancer Therapy.
PMC2720065__F8 Proposed signaling pathway of mmLDL-induced, TLR4/Syk-dependent ROS generation and proinflammatory cytokine expression
PMC2720262__F1 Summary of consequences on signal transduction and brain architecture of conditional Pten or Pdk1 deletion, alone or in combination
PMC2720375__F7 Genome-Wide Screen of Genes Required for Caffeine Tolerance in Fission Yeast
PMC2720436__F1 Hippo pathway, a vital growth regulator of cell proliferation and apoptosis was initially identified by mosaic screens in Drosophila melanogaster (,)
PMC2720607__F2 Principal enzymes and substrates of the folate pathway involved in formation of tetrahydrofolate (THF) and its utilisation in the thymidylate cycle
PMC2720726__F1 IFNB activated pathway
PMC2721253__F2 Modes of neurite growth inhibition of molecules expressed on CNS myelin and oligodendrocytes
PMC2721285__F1 RAS/MAP kinase signaling pathway
PMC2721345__F1 Simplified scheme of the VEGF/VEGFR pathway
PMC2721360__F2 Colorectal cancer cells share the WNT pathway in response to growth suppression by APHS-mediated COX-2 inhibition
PMC2721377__F1 Molecular toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract which act as sensors and are the first responders in the major pathway by which the immune system detects infection or damaged tissue
PMC2721397__F2 Key pathways in hepatocarcinogenesis and molecularly targeted agents currently under investigation in treatment of advanced HCC
PMC2721475__F1 Downstream targets of IGF-1R
PMC2721684__F1 Signaling pathways triggered by TLR3, TLR4 and TLR1-TLR2
PMC2721689__F1 Structural and functional modules in RNA interference
PMC2721821__F6 Graphical representation of the Hh signaling pathway in its activated state and possible sites of HPI action
PMC2721971__F3 EGFR-GEP100-Arf6-AMAP1 Signaling Pathway Specific to Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis†
PMC2722023__F4 Genome-Wide mRNA Expression Analysis of Hepatic Adaptation to High-Fat Diets Reveals Switch from an Inflammatory to Steatotic Transcriptional Program
PMC2722148__F1 MAPK transduction signaling pathway
PMC2722219__F1 The TSC/mTOR signaling pathway
PMC2722250__F2 Silent chromatin assembly in budding and fission yeast
PMC2722335__S1 Adipocyte lineage commitment and terminal differentiation
PMC2722767__F3 Application of SysPTM tools
PMC2722780__F8 Putative BK-BKAP interactions derived from the BK interactome in mouse cochlea
PMC2723150__F1 Eukaryotic gene expression is controlled by multiple mechanisms, and its regulation is central for physiological responses to extracellular and intracellular signals
PMC2723760__F4 HERPUD1 Ingenuity Pathway Analysis illustrates interactions between indicated proteins
PMC2723786__F1 BCL6 represses CHEK1 and suppresses DNA damage pathways in normal and malignant B-cells
PMC2723817__F1 Targeting lung inflammation: novel therapies for the treatment of COPD
PMC2723867__F1 Dynamics of Membrane Trafficking Downstream of B and T Cell Receptor Engagement: Impact on Immune Synapses
PMC2724002__F2 Controlling Hair Follicle Signaling Pathways through Polyubiquitination
PMC2724029__F4 Signaling networks upregulated in migrating neuroblasts
PMC2724029__F5 Signaling networks upregulated in migrating neuroblasts
PMC2724047__F5 Major cell signaling pathways activated by bile acids in hepatocytes
PMC2724047__F6 Activation of the Akt (insulin signaling pathway) and FXR by bile acids in hepatocytes
PMC2724105__F2 The postreceptor insulin signaling pathway and insulin-independent 5'-adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) beginning from insulin binding to its receptor to GLUT4 translocation via vesicular trafficking
PMC2724271__F4 Metabolic map of HIF-target genes
PMC2724309__F2 Steroidogenesis pathway: Steroids are in bold; enzymes and cholesterol transport proteins are in italics
PMC2724661__F1 Complement system in AD
PMC2724778__F3 Hypothesis-driven two-factor common pathway model path diagram of the metabolic syndrome
PMC2724779__S1 Complexity of sphingolipid biosynthetic pathways
PMC2724780__F1 Bile acid modulation of death and survival transduction pathways
PMC2724989__F1 Macrophage activation by endogenous danger signals
PMC2725207__F3 Tale of two tails: Activation of DNA damage checkpoint kinase Mec1/ATR by the 9-1-1 clamp and by Dpb11/TopBP1
PMC2725215__F3 Behind the wheel and under the hood: functions of cyclin-dependent kinases in response to DNA damage
PMC2725405__F6 Regulation of IFN response genes by TLR3 signaling
PMC2725709__F7 Mechanistic model of unloading-mediated muscle atrophy
PMC2725943__F7 A model of mammalian Hh signaling
PMC2725945__F1 Stabilization, degradation, and activation of the Ci/Gli proteins by the Hh signaling pathway
PMC2726710__F2 Intracellular signaling consequences of calpain-mediated substrate cleavage
PMC2726720__F3 Interplay of TGFB, Wnt/Beta-catenin, Hedgehog, and Notch in stem cell differentiation and tumorigenesis
PMC2726781__F1 Retromer sorting pathway is made up of a coat complex that binds and transports transmembrane receptors between the endosome and the trans-Golgi network (TGN)
PMC2726954__F2 Quest for genetic determinants of human longevity: challenges and insights
PMC2727126__F1 Noteworthy, the inhibition of this pathway through COX-inhibitors leads to induction of apoptosis and tumor growth reduction (Figure )
PMC2727282__F7 Proposed coloboma mechanism in Lrp6-null eyes and a possible signaling network during early eye development
PMC2727431__F1 Various states of pluripotency
PMC2727567__F1 Unwelcome Complement
PMC2727709__F1 Multiple previously established signaling cascades in activated mast cells with quantitative proteomic data from MCP5 cells represented as heatmap bars beside individual proteins
PMC2727866__F1 EGFR-dependent MAPK activation
PMC2727867__F1 Representation of some zinc-induced apoptotic pathways
PMC2727884__F2 Mechanism of action of sorafenib
PMC2727910__F1 Map of arachidonic acid (AA) cascade
PMC2727911__F1 Activation pathways of the complement system and complement regulatory proteins
PMC2727921__F1 Genetic polymorphisms, their allele combinations and IFNB treatment response in Irish multiple sclerosis patients
PMC2728081__F2 Regulation of B-cell entry into the cell cycle
PMC2728144__F6 Schematic diagram depicting our findings on the post-transcriptional regulation of CXCR4 in MCF7-HER2 cells as a result of estrogen and HER2 cross-talk and the involvement of activated PI3K and MAPK pathways and TSC2 (tuberin)
PMC2728430__F1 How ERK1/2 Activation Controls Cell Proliferation and Cell Death Is Subcellular Localization the Answer?
PMC2728746__F7 Proposed model for the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MEK4) regulation of human prostate cell motility and for its inhibition by genistein
PMC2728865__F2 Transcriptional Regulation of Metabolism Associated With the Increased Desiccation Resistance of the Cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis.
PMC2729268__F2 Map of protein interactivity (binding, regulation, modification) between genes revealed to be significantly associated with bladder cancer in urothelial cell samples
PMC2729314__F2 Wnt signaling network
PMC2729321__F3 Is NFKB a good target for cancer therapy? Hopes and pitfalls
PMC2729336__F3 Transcriptional control of HC and amacrine cell development
PMC2729380__F6 Expression and Functional Studies of Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 Regulated Genes
PMC2729687__F2 Immunological synapse or the interface between an antigen presenting cell and a T-cell
PMC2729812__F1 Proposed pathway from pressure overload to LV hypertrophy and fibrosis
PMC2729932__F2 ES-EB system has made possible the identification of multipotent progenitors for both hemato-vascular and cardio-vascular derivatives
PMC2729995__F1 Apoptosis and the main anti-apoptotic molecules: Binding of death receptors (Fas, TNF-R, TRAIL-R) to their ligands (Fas-L, TNF, TRAIL) initiates the extrinsic apoptotic pathway
PMC2730119__F3 Scheme showing the role of different signaling pathways in mediating the effect of high K intake on ROMK and BK channels in the CCD
PMC2730524__F3 Translating insights from the cancer genome into clinical practice
PMC2730725__F1 Nm23-H1suppression of tumor metastasis may depend on at least three pathways
PMC2730990__F2 TGFB can leave you breathless
PMC2731131__F10 Schematic summary of LPS-triggered programmed cell death in human endothelial cells
PMC2731164__F7 Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation
PMC2731241__F1 Modeling Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Human Disease using the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
PMC2731267__F1 Some putative molecular mechanisms that underlie the antineoplastic activity of mesalazine
PMC2731678__F3 PAK Signaling in Oncogenesis
PMC2731733__F5 Cytoskeletal Remodeling: FAK Signaling pathway is enriched for HeLa and TOV edge hits using PIPA but not node hits using HGA enrichment
PMC2732336__F1 Outline of the major cell surface receptor-mediated signaling pathways important in the differentiation, survival, and function of melanocytes
PMC2732416__F5 Roles of the ILS pathway and HSF1 in aggregation toxicity and longevity
PMC2732569__F2 The role of PTEN-induced kinase 1 in mitochondrial dysfunction and dynamics
PMC2733081__F4 MAPK Signaling Cascade is a Central Hub in the Regulation of Cell Cycle, Apoptosis and Cytoskeleton Remodeling by Tripeptidyl-Peptidase II
PMC2733082__F2 InterferonG signaling pathway and mutations in its components found in human uterine leiomyosarcoma
PMC2733092__F4 Intersection sets of the differentially expressed miRNAs constitute complex interaction networks.A Venn diagram illustrating the production of intersection sets from three miRNA target prediction algorithms
PMC2733244__F2 Bridging the gap between high-throughput genetic and transcriptional data reveals cellular pathways responding to alpha-synuclein toxicity
PMC2733795__F4 Regulation of STAT3 signal transduction pathway
PMC2733936__F1 Targeting the ASK1/MKK4/JNK pathway upstream of mitochondrial prodeath signaling
PMC2734563__F2 Possible mechanisms of UbcH7 regulation of Chk1 levels sand S phase
PMC2735047__F3 Graft-versus-Host Disease
PMC2735125__F7 HP1 Proteins Form Distinct Complexes and Mediate Heterochromatic Gene Silencing by Non-Overlapping Mechanisms
PMC2735334__F1 Carcinogenesis of Bcr-Abl in CML
PMC2735462__F3 Ubiquitin in NFKB Signaling
PMC2735600__F7 Contribution of Rho to canonical Wnt3A signaling
PMC2735864__F1 Genetic Variation in TNF and the NFKB Canonical Pathway and Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
PMC2735908__F8 Aldosterone mediates activation of the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter through an SGK1 and WNK4 signaling pathway
PMC2736107__S2 In addition to the hypothesis outlined in , a number of other mechanistic pathways could potentially lead to the formation of products 3-5 ()
PMC2736203__F2 Impact of a mixed microbial challenge on cell cycle control in HIGK
PMC2736291__F2 Diagram shows the cell signaling pathways, which were involved in postconditioning
PMC2736328__F2 Transcriptional regulation of cytokine function in airway smooth muscle cells
PMC2736391__F2 Simplified model of the leptin signaling pathway
PMC2737000__F4 TNF-induced NFKB and apoptosis pathways
PMC2737000__F5 Arachidonic acid metabolism pathway
PMC2737000__F6 Androgen receptor pathway
PMC2737093__F6 Schematic view of PPARG activation in VSMCs
PMC2737270__F1 Autophagy pathway and machinery.A
PMC2737513__S1 IMP Dehydrogenase: Structure, Mechanism and Inhibition
PMC2737689__F2 Multiple isoforms catalyze each step in the glycerol-3-phosphate pathway of TAG synthesis
PMC2737697__F2 Genetic Susceptibility to Lupus: New Insights from fine mapping and genome-wide association studies
PMC2737901__F1 Putative biosynthetic pathway of PUFAs in Mortierella alpina 1S-4
PMC2738133__F3 Molecular Aspects of Moraxella catarrhalis Pathogenesis
PMC2738707__F1 Regulatory pathways in hepcidin expression
PMC2739295__F6 Gene Expression Profiling in Cells with Enhanced Gamma-Secretase Activity
PMC2739389__F2 Malignant Melanoma in the 21st Century: The Emerging Molecular Landscape
PMC2739389__F3 Malignant Melanoma in the 21st Century: The Emerging Molecular Landscape
PMC2739756__F1 Bile acid synthesis
PMC2739756__F3 FXR regulation of enterohepatic circulation of bile acid
PMC2739756__F4 FXR-independent and bile acid-activated cell signaling pathways in regulation of CYP7A1 transcription
PMC2740411__F8 Transcriptional regulation of cell cycle arrest gene p21 by ZBTB5
PMC2740793__F2 TGFB signaling pathway
PMC2741134__F2 Inteferons pen the JAK-STAT pathway
PMC2741634__F2 How location governs Toll like receptor signaling
PMC2742086__F2 Functional and structural organization of migratory mesenchymal cells
PMC2742089__F3 A biochemical pathway of secreted proteins that regulate D-V patterning in Xenopus
PMC2742090__F4 Negative feedback loops in the SHH signaling pathway driven by SHH-binding proteins
PMC2742468__F1 Metabolic cooperativity between oocytes and cumulus cells, and the role of oocyte-derived paracrine factors in promoting metabolism in cumulus cells
PMC2742584__F7 Interaction networks of As sensitivity in yeast
PMC2742684__F1 Key signaling pathways between amino acids, inflammatory cytokines, and tumor-specific factors gr1Amino acids stimulate muscle protein synthesis through the mTOR pathway
PMC2742785__F8 Cluster 2 genes significantly overlapped with those in the eicosanoid signaling pathway (P = 4.6E-05)
PMC2743116__F1 Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and associated developmental syndromes (indicated by dashed lines)
PMC2743144__F1 mTORC1 signaling governs hematopoietic stem cell quiescence
PMC2743241__F1 Hedgehog-Gli Signaling Pathway Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents
PMC2743272__F1 Mechanisms underlying the pleiotropic effects of statins in stroke
PMC2743287__F5 Time-Resolved Transcriptome Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Responding to Valine, Glutamate, and Glutamine
PMC2743399__F3 Improved readability and performance with multi-scale information integrated in pathway visualization using metagraph
PMC2743781__F3 NAD biosynthetic pathways from nicotinamde and nicotinic acid in yeast, invertebrates, and mammals
PMC2743934__F8 Elongation Factor 2 and Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Control the Dynamic Translation of Arc/Arg3.1 Essential for mGluR-LTD
PMC2743935__F5 Calcium signalling and cell-fate choice in B cells
PMC2744278__F3 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways
PMC2744356__F1 Toll-like receptors in skin infectious and inflammatory diseases
PMC2744640__F4 Regulation of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Biogenesis by Estrogens/Estrogen Receptors and Physiological, Pathological and Pharmacological Implications
PMC2744654__F5 ProMeTra visualization of relative metabolite pools and transcript abundances during fermentation of the l-lysine producer C
PMC2744676__F2 Diagram depicting proliferative and survival signaling pathways in cells
PMC2745153__F2 Multi-Target Approaches in Colon Cancer Chemoprevention Based on Systems Biology of Tumor Cell-Signaling
PMC2745384__F6 RCAN1 mediated regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis: Schematic shows that GC-dependent GR activation and subsequent MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation enables GR binding to GRE sequences on target genes
PMC2745765__F3 Linking the MGI and MouseCyc databases
PMC2745891__F6 Tuberous sclerosis complex suppression in cerebellar development and medulloblastoma: separate regulation of mTOR activity and p27Kip1 localization
PMC2746202__F1 Pathway from PI3K to TOR
PMC2746238__F2 Induction of autoimmunity by pristane and other naturally-occurring hydrocarbons
PMC2746245__F2 Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway
PMC2746245__F6 Injury-induced changes in the nociceptive pathway
PMC2746247__F1 Pathway Engineered Enzymatic de novo Purine Nucleotide Synthesis
PMC2746747__F1 Molecular ablation of TGFB signaling pathways by tyrosine kinase inhibition: The coming of a promising new era in the treatment of tissue fibrosis
PMC2746948__F1 Apoptosis pathway
PMC2747008__F12 Induction of IFNB and the Innate Antiviral Response in Myeloid Cells Occurs through an IPS-1-Dependent Signal That Does Not Require IRF-3 and IRF-7
PMC2747034__F1 MTDH/AEG-1 promotes tumor progression through the integration of multiple signaling pathways
PMC2747168__F1 Acp-group transfer catalyzed by PhTYW2
PMC2747343__F1 Ingenuity pathway analysis shows 17 genes from the 180 genes associated with the NF-E2-related factor-2 (NRF-2)-mediated oxidative stress response pathway
PMC2747759__F1 Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of pancreatic cancer
PMC2747760__F1 Leptin signaling: A key pathway in immune responses
PMC2748726__F1 Therapeutic targeting of the BCL6 oncogene for diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
PMC2748802__F18 Hypothesized descending pathway for translating emotional states or appetitive need for food, salt or water into goal-directed motor tasks
PMC2749258__F3 Approaches to biomarkers in human colorectal cancer
PMC2749259__F2 Hypothetical diagram of possible sites of action of non-opioids in the regulatory pathway of IL-6
PMC2749270__F1 Sphingosine-1-phosphate synthesis and functions in mast cells
PMC2749448__F1 Transcriptional Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Human Pathogen Candida albicans
PMC2749675__F1 Scheme of the Wnt signaling pathway
PMC2749695__F4 Guanylyl cyclase C in colorectal cancer: susceptibility gene and potential therapeutic target
PMC2749695__F5 Guanylyl cyclase C in colorectal cancer: susceptibility gene and potential therapeutic target
PMC2749725__F1 Coverage of the insulin receptor signaling pathway
PMC2749862__F5 Most prominently affected gene network in response to DEX in TM 86 cells
PMC2749862__F6 Most prominently affected gene network in response to FA in TM 93 cells
PMC2750148__F2 NFKB signal transduction
PMC2751538__F7 Proposed VEGF-C/D cell signaling pathway to transduce LAM cell proliferation
PMC2751658__F1 Diagrammatic representation of intracellular pathways of receptor-mediated endocytosis and trafficking: The ligand binding to specific cell surface receptor leads to a selective recruitment of ligand-receptor complexes into clathrin-coated pits
PMC2751986__F7 Rev-erbA/PGC-1A pathway regulating heme homeostasis
PMC2751999__F6 LPA effect and signal transduction pathway
PMC2752022__F3 Akt-FoxO pathway in regulation of heart size
PMC2752373__F1 Selected transformation pathways of tamoxifen and the main CYP enzymes involved
PMC2752535__F4 Common features of host-Flaviviridae interactions
PMC2752832__F7 Scheme for up-regulation of the PAI-1 gene by EGF in glioblastoma
PMC2752847__F1 Type I interferon production by dendritic cells in host defense
PMC2753670__F3 Integration of ITAM and cytokine Jak-STAT signaling
PMC2753833__F4 Transition to endocycles in Drosophila
PMC2753863__F1 Examination of Association of Genes in the Serotonin System to Autism
PMC2754046__F1 Hypothetical schematic of a DAergic synapse
PMC2754156__F3 LPS signal transduction via the MyD88-dependent pathway
PMC2754156__F4 LPS signal transduction via the MyD88-independent pathway
PMC275444__F7 Beta-casein-derived peptides, produced by bacteria, stimulate cancer cell invasion and motility
PMC2754444__F5 T-Cell Activation Pathways Generated by HIV-Modulated Proteins
PMC2754479__F4 Genomic position of the FGFRL1, FGF8/17/18 and FGFR orthologues in several metazoan species
PMC2754507__F1 Hypothetical view of the pathogenic effects of IL-15 and IL-21 in celiac disease
PMC2754694__F1 Transcriptional regulation of human CYP17
PMC2754696__F1 CIE and CDE pathways showing lipid content and regulatory molecules
PMC2754915__F1 Schematic illustration of different pathways of glucose metabolism in cancer cells
PMC2754915__F3 Signalling events which determine glucose utilization within the cell
PMC2754932__F6 Model of Udu function in DNA damage response
PMC2755046__F1 Adiponectin-mediated regulation of inflammatory responses in different cell types
PMC2755611__F1 Regulation of aging: does autophagy underlie longevity?
PMC2755790__F1 Network analysis of differentially expressed proteins (red symbols) involved in arteriogenesis
PMC2756021__F3 Neuroprotective Effects of the Complement Terminal Pathway During Demyelination: Implications for Oligodendrocyte Survival
PMC2756045__F2 LKB1-AMPK pathway: metabolism and growth control in tumor suppression
PMC2756045__F3 LKB1-AMPK pathway: metabolism and growth control in tumor suppression
PMC2756045__F4 LKB1-AMPK pathway: metabolism and growth control in tumor suppression
PMC2756058__F1 Pathway of cellular processing of cobalamin (OH-cbl) and location of main enzyme defects in the pathway leading to methylmalonic acidemias and cobalamin metabolic disorders
PMC2756316__F5 Proposed model for the interaction between PyVmT and IR or IGF-IR
PMC2756331__F1 Trk receptor tyrosine kinases and major signal transduction pathways
PMC2756474__F7 CREB Mediates Prostaglandin F2Alpha-Induced MUC5AC Overexpression
PMC2756491__F8 PPARA/p16INK4a Pathway inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation by repressing Cell Cycle-dependent Telomerase Activation
PMC2756670__F3 Potential mechanisms of estrogen-mediated signaling through estrogen receptor (ESR) and G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30)
PMC2756670__F4 The proposed model underlying the potential lithogenic mechanisms of estrogen through the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) pathway in the liver
PMC2756763__F1 Aromatase: synthesis of estrogen in postmenopausal women and its inhibition by aromatase inhibitors
PMC2756767__F2 Use of nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics in detecting drug resistance in cancer
PMC2756767__F3 Use of nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics in detecting drug resistance in cancer
PMC2756960__F8 Effect of DLK1 and RTL1 but Not MEG3 or MEG8 on Muscle Gene Expression in Callipyge Lambs
PMC2757047__F3 Alternative functions of core cell cycle regulators in neuronal migration, neuronal maturation, and synaptic plasticity
PMC2757120__F1 Canonical PI3K signaling pathway
PMC2757135__F1 Cholesterol transport in steroid biosynthesis: Role of protein-protein interactions and implications in disease states
PMC2757227__F1 Regulation of ENaC and CFTR by SGK1/Nedd4-2
PMC2757291__F6 The SLAM-Associated Protein (SAP)/Fyn/PKCθ Pathway is Required for Thymocyte-mediated CD4 T Cell Development
PMC2757293__F2 Innate immune evasion by hepatitis C virus and West Nile virus
PMC2757549__F6 Diagram depicting the inhibitory and activating effects of OSU-A9 on the Akt-NFKB signaling axis and stress response signaling, respectively
PMC2757632__F1 O-GlcNAc cycling: Implications for Neurodegenerative disorders
PMC2757648__F3 Interferon response genes are coordinately upregulated relative to the rs17445836[G] allele of IRF8
PMC2757699__F1 Metabolic fate of the 13C-label from [1-13C]-glucose
PMC2757940__F2 Major components of FGF and HH signaling pathways
PMC2757955__F10 Proposed model of IGFBP-3 modulation of growth factor receptor activation mediated by S1P
PMC2758290__F1 The SIAE (sialic acid acetylesterase)-Siglec pathway for inhibitory signaling
PMC2758293__F2 An intracellular trafficking pathway in the seminiferous epithelium regulating spermatogenesis: A biochemical and molecular perspective
PMC2758485__F1 Wnt/PCP signaling and its effects on organogenesis
PMC2758554__F3 Deacetylases and NFKB in Redox Regulation of Cigarette Smoke induced Lung Inflammation: Implications in Pathogenesis of COPD
PMC2758611__F6 Schematic presentation of the proposed TGFB signaling alteration that promotes HNSCC in mice
PMC2758708__F2 Diagrammatic representation of non-canonical Wnt signalling in a mammalian cell
PMC2759052__F1 Signal transduction pathway mediated by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
PMC2759143__F3 Different signaling pathway mediated by A3(IV)NC1
PMC2759144__F4 Model depicting the E2Fs-FA/BRCA axis in the control of cell fate
PMC2759177__F3 Survival signals generated by PI3K and PLD that target mTOR
PMC2759942__F5 Analyses of regenerative wave patterns in adult hair follicle populations reveal macro-environmental regulation of stem cell activity.
PMC2759974__F1 MMTV mouse models and the diagnostic values of MMTV-like sequences in human breast cancer
PMC2760069__F1 Brothers and Sisters: Molecular insights into arterial-venous heterogeneity
PMC2760340__F2 Representation of NF1 interactions with the Ras and PI3K pathways
PMC2760836__F2 New concepts in herpes simplex virus vaccine development: notes from the battlefield
PMC2760938__F13 Regulation of Lysophosphatidic Acid-induced Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Transactivation and Interleukin-8 Secretion in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by Protein Kinase CD, Lyn Kinase, and Matrix Metalloproteinases
PMC2761008__F2 Minimum spanning tree of the network associated with cancer pathway genes
PMC2761008__F3 Cliques or near cliques from the cancer pathway related network Gp
PMC2761106__F8 BMP7 signaling in the NZ
PMC2761108__F8 Roles of BMP signaling pathways during SNS development
PMC2761115__F2 Gonad function and sexual differentiation
PMC2761207__F1 Major pathway of the conversion of propionyl-CoA into succinyl-CoA in human cells
PMC2762009__F1 The Tripartite Glutamatergic Synapse in the Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of Mood Disorders
PMC2762102__F5 Tim-Tipin dysfunction creates an indispensible reliance on the ATR-Chk1 pathway for continued DNA synthesis
PMC2762604__F11 Proteomic and Phospho-Proteomic Profile of Human Platelets in Basal, Resting State: Insights into Integrin Signaling
PMC2762706__F3 Hypoxia signaling pathway in DM patients 4d post-CPB/C
PMC2762943__F1 Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway
PMC2762943__F3 P53 pathway
PMC2763047__F2 The Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Pathway in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
PMC2763047__F3 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Pathway as a Mediator of Intrinsic Resistance to EGFR-specific Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
PMC2763495__F1 Metabolic pathways of growth and proliferation
PMC2763495__F4 AMPK-p53 pathway in metabolic adaptation
PMC2763507__F1 Bipolar disorder: involvement of signaling cascades and AMPA receptor trafficking at synapses
PMC2763943__F2 Nox proteins in signal transduction
PMC2764313__F1 Running on empty: how p53 controls INS/IGF signaling and affects lifespan
PMC2764428__F4 MiRNA/TF-mediated regulatory pathway associated with tumorigenesis
PMC2764635__F1 The EGF activated ERK pathway: This is a schematic of the EGF activated ERK pathway beginning at the level of EGF binding to EGFR and finishing at the level of ERK; see the text for more details on the features and functions of the pathway
PMC2764635__F3 New model of EGF activated ERK pathway: This is a schematic of our new model of the EGF activated ERK pathway which was developed from the original [] EGF model
PMC2764635__F7 Experimental results of Rap1 pathway knockout from Falco et al
PMC2764635__F8 Comparison of growth factor receptor signalling: This figure shows a comparison of ERK signalling from the EGF and Insulin receptors
PMC2765277__F3 Scheme of part of the central metabolism of E
PMC2765277__F4 Alternative pathways in the central metabolism of E
PMC2765277__F5 Amino acid producing elementary flux patterns
PMC2765277__F6 Elementary flux pattern belonging to an aspartate-producing pathway
PMC2766052__F8 The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Triad3A Negatively Regulates the RIG-I/MAVS Signaling Pathway by Targeting TRAF3 for Degradation
PMC2766659__F4 Signaling molecules and pathways regulating the fate of spermatogonial stem cells
PMC2766677__F7 Proposed scheme of the signaling pathway leading to immature dendritic cell chemotaxis upon exposure to M-tropic gp120
PMC2766863__F2 Signalling crosstalk in B cells: managing worth and need
PMC2766922__F2 Signaling pathways downstream of HVEM, LIGHT, and their binding partners are shown
PMC2767105__F2 Intracellular ascorbate (Asc) modulates redox-sensitive signaling pathways in microvascular endothelial cells during sepsis
PMC2768039__F2 Genetic Basis for Kidney Cancer.
PMC2768486__F10 Possible mechanism by which BMPs and estrogen regulate GNRH production by GT1-7 cells
PMC2768529__F8 Proposed interplay between IL-15 and TNFA signaling in skeletal muscle
PMC2768581__F2 Role of Cross Talk between PI3-Kinase and ERK/MAP Kinase Pathways in Artery-Vein Specification
PMC2768836__F1 Role of clathrin adaptor proteins in melanosome biogenesis
PMC2768990__F2 BANs of differentially expressed genes in common between cell lines
PMC2768997__F1 Human protein-protein interaction network of aging-associated genes
PMC2769052__F9 Schematic representation of a potential mechanism of IFN-Gamma- and STAT3-dependent cell growth modulated by TSC2/mTOR signaling pathway
PMC2769196__F4 Acromegaly pathogenesis and treatment
PMC2769198__F2 Smad4: gatekeeper gene in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
PMC2769199__F8 Selective modulation of TLR4-activated inflammatory responses by altered iron homeostasis in mice
PMC2769250__F3a Trafficking of Heme and Porphyrins in Metazoa
PMC2769253__F3 MicroRNAs in cancer
PMC2769253__F4 MicroRNAs in cancer
PMC2770326__F2 Mammalian sialic acid metabolism
PMC2770326__F4 Pathway options for sialic acid glycoengineering
PMC2770326__F6 Selective pathway utilization of analogs is ensured by the nonpermissivity of enzymes at critical junctures
PMC2770887__F1 ER stress-induced signaling pathways that mediate autophagy
PMC2770888__F2 Targeting EGFR resistance networks in Head and Neck Cancer
PMC2771153__F9 Schematic presentation of a model of induction of beta cell apoptosis during viral infections
PMC2771222__F1 Recent reports have suggested that the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is activated in lesional psoriatic skin (; ; ; ), and that pharmacological inhibition of this pathway using cyclopamine may lead to rapid resolution of the disease (; ; )
PMC2771360__F4 Microglia Are Mediators of Borrelia burgdorferi-Induced Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y Neuronal Cells
PMC2771724__F3 Dopamine Receptor Signaling: Genes differentially expressed in the NAC of LE vs
PMC2771724__F4 Synaptic Long-Term Potentiation: Genes differentially expressed in the NAC of LE vs
PMC2772137__F4 Temporal Profiling of Rat Transcriptomes in Retinol-Replenished Vitamin A-Deficient Testis
PMC2772702__F6 The PI3k/Akt signaling pathway depicting the possible sites of action by the PI3k inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin and the Akt inhibitors Akt-VIII, Akt-V, and Akt-IV
PMC2772826__F1 Apoptosis in animal models of virus-induced disease
PMC2772998__F3 Gemfibrozil, stretching arms beyond lipid lowering
PMC2773007__F8 Integration of the Beta-Catenin-Dependent Wnt Pathway with Integrin Signaling through the Adaptor Molecule Grb2
PMC2773299__F2 Schematic representations of the activated RAS-MAPK, RASSF1A/NORE1A, and Dab2IP/ASK1 pathways, iNOS signalling, and FOXM1-related pathways involved in the dysregulation of cell growth and apoptosis in HCC
PMC2773416__F6 Diagrammatic representation of intracellular pathways that lead to the production of IL-12p40 and the mechanisms of azithromycin (AZM) to inhibit the expression of IL-12p40 upon the stimulation of LPS/IFNG
PMC2773630__F6 Molecular interactions during pheromone induced cell polarization
PMC2773638__F4 Coordination of extracellular and intracellular signaling regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and axon formation
PMC2773646__F1 Nodal signaling pathway
PMC2773711__F1 Canonical TCR signaling pathway
PMC2773833__F3 Drivers of senescence and therapeutic opportunities in WS and HGPs
PMC2773962__F6 Model of Tbx2 function for the EC formation in the AVC
PMC2774072__F7 Proposed consequences of impaired insulin signaling in AD brain and in the STZ-injected rat brain
PMC2774076__F7 Current working model of the signaling pathway components (shaded areas) that are differentially regulated in C57 and CD-1 pup brain tissues and cultured NSCs under normoxic and hypoxic (Hx) conditions
PMC2774487__F2 Pathway showing genes involved in Parkinson's disease (Courtesy: KEGG pathway)
PMC2774738__F3 Specification of cell fate in the mammalian cochlea
PMC2774752__F1 Puzzles, promises and a cure for ageing
PMC2774770__F1 IL-4 induces an alternate pathway for BCR signalling
PMC2774790__F6 Proteome Profile of Functional Mitochondria from Human Skeletal Muscle Using One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS
PMC2774854__F1 Schematic overview about TCR-dependent signalling pathways
PMC2774878__F2 The role of circulating mesenchymal progenitor cells (fibrocytes) in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis.
PMC2775047__F1 TLR Mediated Immune Responses in the Urinary Tract
PMC2775119__F3 Ciliary functions of cystoproteins: mechanosensation and cell cycle control
PMC2775177__F1 Branches of the UPR signalling pathway
PMC2775236__F1 The effect of neuronal activity on the function of the miR379-410 cluster member miR-134
PMC2775805__F6 Molecular pathway analysis of genes regulated in the NAc by the HDAC inhibitor MS-275 after chronic social defeat stress
PMC2775888__F2 Cellular mechanisms by which flavonoids and their metabolites protect against neuroinflammation and neuronal injury induced by 5-S-Cys-DA, DHBT-1 and related ROS
PMC2775948__F2 Integrated Proteomic Analysis of Human Cancer Cells and Plasma from Tumor Bearing Mice for Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Discovery
PMC2776023__F6 Metabolic network model
PMC2776288__F1 Apoptosis pathways in mammalian cells
PMC2776288__F2 Crosstalk between ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis and NFKB pathway
PMC2776288__F3 Crosstalk between apoptosis and NFKB signaling by IAP-antagonist
PMC2776679__F7 Egr-1 and Hipk2 are required for the TrkA to p75NTR switch that occurs downstream of IGF1-R
PMC2776723__F6 Integration of activated transcription factors with the upstream signaling network during CB1R-induced neurite outgrowth