Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations Dataset

Description Gene expression data from Tabula Sapiens scRNA-seq counts
Measurement gene expression by RNA-seq
Association gene-cell type associations by differential expression of gene across cell types
Category transcriptomics
Resource Tabula Sapiens
Last Updated 2023 Mar 06
  1. 8184 genes
  2. 469 cell types
  3. 46900 gene-cell type associations

Data Access



  • Gene Attribute

  • Gene Similarity

  • Attribute Similarity

  • UMAP

cell type Gene Sets

469 sets of genes with high or low expression in each cell type relative to other tissue samples from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset.

Gene Set Description
Bladder-b cell b cell from bladder associated with CL_0000236
Bladder-bladder urothelial cell bladder urothelial cell from bladder associated with CL_1001428
Bladder-capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell from bladder associated with CL_0002144
Bladder-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from bladder associated with CL_0002138
Bladder-fibroblast fibroblast from bladder associated with CL_0000057
Bladder-macrophage macrophage from bladder associated with CL_0000235
Bladder-mast cell mast cell from bladder associated with CL_0000097
Bladder-myofibroblast cell myofibroblast cell from bladder associated with CL_0000186
Bladder-nk cell nk cell from bladder associated with CL_0000623
Bladder-pericyte cell pericyte cell from bladder associated with CL_0000669
Bladder-plasma cell plasma cell from bladder associated with CL_0000786
Bladder-plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell from bladder associated with CL_0000784
Bladder-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from bladder associated with CL_0000192
Bladder-t cell t cell from bladder associated with CL_0000084
Bladder-vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell from bladder associated with CL_0002543
Blood-basophil basophil from blood associated with CL_0000767
Blood-cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell from blood associated with CL_0002394
Blood-cd24 neutrophil cd24 neutrophil from blood associated with CL_0000775
Blood-cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from blood associated with CL_0000624
Blood-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from blood associated with CL_0000624
Blood-cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell from blood associated with CL_0000625
Blood-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from blood associated with CL_0000625
Blood-classical monocyte classical monocyte from blood associated with CL_0000860
Blood-erythrocyte erythrocyte from blood associated with CL_0000232
Blood-granulocyte granulocyte from blood associated with CL_0000094
Blood-hematopoietic stem cell hematopoietic stem cell from blood associated with CL_0000037
Blood-macrophage macrophage from blood associated with CL_0000235
Blood-memory b cell memory b cell from blood associated with CL_0000787
Blood-monocyte monocyte from blood associated with CL_0000576
Blood-myeloid progenitor myeloid progenitor from blood associated with CL_0000049
Blood-naive b cell naive b cell from blood associated with CL_0000788
Blood-naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from blood associated with CL_0000900
Blood-nampt neutrophil nampt neutrophil from blood associated with CL_0000775
Blood-neutrophil neutrophil from blood associated with CL_0000775
Blood-nk cell nk cell from blood associated with CL_0000623
Blood-non-classical monocyte non-classical monocyte from blood associated with CL_0000875
Blood-plasma cell plasma cell from blood associated with CL_0000786
Blood-plasmablast plasmablast from blood associated with CL_0000980
Blood-plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell from blood associated with CL_0000784
Blood-platelet platelet from blood associated with CL_0000233
Blood-t cell t cell from blood associated with CL_0000084
Blood-type i nk t cell type i nk t cell from blood associated with CL_0000921
Bone_Marrow-cd24 neutrophil cd24 neutrophil from bone marrow associated with CL_0000775
Bone_Marrow-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000624
Bone_Marrow-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000625
Bone_Marrow-erythrocyte erythrocyte from bone marrow associated with CL_0000232
Bone_Marrow-erythroid progenitor erythroid progenitor from bone marrow associated with CL_0000038
Bone_Marrow-granulocyte granulocyte from bone marrow associated with CL_0000094
Bone_Marrow-hematopoietic stem cell hematopoietic stem cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000037
Bone_Marrow-macrophage macrophage from bone marrow associated with CL_0000235
Bone_Marrow-memory b cell memory b cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000787
Bone_Marrow-monocyte monocyte from bone marrow associated with CL_0000576
Bone_Marrow-myeloid progenitor myeloid progenitor from bone marrow associated with CL_0000049
Bone_Marrow-naive b cell naive b cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000788
Bone_Marrow-nampt neutrophil nampt neutrophil from bone marrow associated with CL_0000775
Bone_Marrow-neutrophil neutrophil from bone marrow associated with CL_0000775
Bone_Marrow-nk cell nk cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000623
Bone_Marrow-plasma cell plasma cell from bone marrow associated with CL_0000786
Eye-adipocyte adipocyte from eye associated with CL_0000448
Eye-b cell b cell from eye associated with CL_0000236
Eye-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from eye associated with CL_0000624
Eye-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from eye associated with CL_0000625
Eye-ciliary body ciliary body from eye associated with UBERON_0001775
Eye-conjunctival epithelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell from eye associated with CL_1000432
Eye-corneal epithelial cell corneal epithelial cell from eye associated with CL_0000575
Eye-corneal keratocyte corneal keratocyte from eye associated with CL_0002363
Eye-dendritic cell dendritic cell from eye associated with CL_0000451
Eye-endothelial cell endothelial cell from eye associated with CL_0000115
Eye-epithelial cell of lacrimal sac epithelial cell of lacrimal sac from eye associated with CL_1000436
Eye-erythroid lineage cell erythroid lineage cell from eye associated with CL_0000764
Eye-eye photoreceptor cell eye photoreceptor cell from eye associated with CL_0000287
Eye-fibroblast fibroblast from eye associated with CL_0000057
Eye-lacrimal gland functional unit cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell from eye associated with CL_0000315s
Eye-limbal stem cell limbal stem cell from eye associated with CL_0000034
Eye-limbal stromal cell limbal stromal cell from eye associated with CL_0000499
Eye-macrophage macrophage from eye associated with CL_0000235
Eye-mast cell mast cell from eye associated with CL_0000097
Eye-melanocyte melanocyte from eye associated with CL_0000148
Eye-microglial cell microglial cell from eye associated with CL_0000129
Eye-monocyte monocyte from eye associated with CL_0000576
Eye-muller cell muller cell from eye associated with CL_0000636
Eye-ocular surface cell ocular surface cell from eye associated with UBERON_0010409
Eye-plasma cell plasma cell from eye associated with CL_0000786
Eye-radial glial cell radial glial cell from eye associated with CL_0000681
Eye-retina horizontal cell retina horizontal cell from eye associated with CL_0000745
Eye-retinal bipolar neuron retinal bipolar neuron from eye associated with CL_0000748
Eye-retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell from eye associated with CL_0002585
Eye-retinal ganglion cell retinal ganglion cell from eye associated with CL_0000740
Eye-retinal pigment epithelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell from eye associated with CL_0002586
Eye-t cell t cell from eye associated with CL_0000084
Fat-endothelial cell endothelial cell from fat associated with CL_0000115
Fat-fibroblast fibroblast from fat associated with CL_0000057
Fat-leucocyte leucocyte from fat associated with CL_0000738
Fat-macrophage macrophage from fat associated with CL_0000235
Fat-mast cell mast cell from fat associated with CL_0000097
Fat-mesenchymal stem cell mesenchymal stem cell from fat associated with CL_0000134
Fat-myofibroblast cell myofibroblast cell from fat associated with CL_0000186
Fat-neutrophil neutrophil from fat associated with CL_0000775
Fat-nk cell nk cell from fat associated with CL_0000623
Fat-plasma cell plasma cell from fat associated with CL_0000786
Fat-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from fat associated with CL_0000192
Fat-t cell t cell from fat associated with CL_0000084
Heart-cardiac endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell from heart associated with CL_0010008
Heart-cardiac muscle cell cardiac muscle cell from heart associated with CL_0000746
Heart-fibroblast of cardiac tissue fibroblast of cardiac tissue from heart associated with CL_0002548
Heart-hepatocyte hepatocyte from heart associated with CL_0000182
Heart-macrophage macrophage from heart associated with CL_0000235
Heart-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from heart associated with CL_0000192
Kidney-b cell b cell from kidney associated with CL_0000236
Kidney-cd4-positive helper t cell cd4-positive helper t cell from kidney associated with CL_0000624
Kidney-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from kidney associated with CL_0000625
Kidney-endothelial cell endothelial cell from kidney associated with CL_0000115
Kidney-kidney epithelial cell kidney epithelial cell from kidney associated with CL_0002518
Kidney-macrophage macrophage from kidney associated with CL_0000235
Kidney-nk cell nk cell from kidney associated with CL_0000623
Large_Intestine-b cell b cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000236
Large_Intestine-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000624
Large_Intestine-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000625
Large_Intestine-enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine from large intestine associated with CL_0002071
Large_Intestine-fibroblast fibroblast from large intestine associated with CL_0000057
Large_Intestine-goblet cell goblet cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000160
Large_Intestine-gut endothelial cell gut endothelial cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000131
Large_Intestine-immature enterocyte immature enterocyte from large intestine associated with CL_1000334
Large_Intestine-intestinal crypt stem cell intestinal crypt stem cell from large intestine associated with CL_0002250
Large_Intestine-intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine from large intestine associated with CL_0009016
Large_Intestine-intestinal enteroendocrine cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell from large intestine associated with CL_1001516
Large_Intestine-intestinal tuft cell intestinal tuft cell from large intestine associated with CL_0019032
Large_Intestine-large intestine goblet cell large intestine goblet cell from large intestine associated with CL_1000320
Large_Intestine-mast cell mast cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000097
Large_Intestine-mature enterocyte mature enterocyte from large intestine associated with CL_1000334
Large_Intestine-monocyte monocyte from large intestine associated with CL_0000576
Large_Intestine-neutrophil neutrophil from large intestine associated with CL_0000775
Large_Intestine-paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine from large intestine associated with CL_0009009
Large_Intestine-plasma cell plasma cell from large intestine associated with CL_0000786
Large_Intestine-transit amplifying cell of large intestine transit amplifying cell of large intestine from large intestine associated with CL_0009011
Liver-endothelial cell endothelial cell from liver associated with CL_0000115
Liver-endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid from liver associated with CL_1000398
Liver-erythrocyte erythrocyte from liver associated with CL_0000232
Liver-fibroblast fibroblast from liver associated with CL_0000057
Liver-hepatocyte hepatocyte from liver associated with CL_0000182
Liver-intrahepatic cholangiocyte intrahepatic cholangiocyte from liver associated with CL_0002538
Liver-liver dendritic cell liver dendritic cell from liver associated with CL_2000055
Liver-macrophage macrophage from liver associated with CL_0000235
Liver-monocyte monocyte from liver associated with CL_0000576
Liver-neutrophil neutrophil from liver associated with CL_0000775
Liver-nk cell nk cell from liver associated with CL_0000623
Liver-plasma cell plasma cell from liver associated with CL_0000786
Liver-t cell t cell from liver associated with CL_0000084
Lung-adventitial cell adventitial cell from lung associated with CL_0002503
Lung-alveolar fibroblast alveolar fibroblast from lung associated with CL_4028004
Lung-b cell b cell from lung associated with CL_0000236
Lung-basal cell basal cell from lung associated with CL_0000646
Lung-basophil basophil from lung associated with CL_0000767
Lung-bronchial smooth muscle cell bronchial smooth muscle cell from lung associated with CL_0002598
Lung-bronchial vessel endothelial cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell from lung associated with CL_0000071
Lung-capillary aerocyte capillary aerocyte from lung associated with CL_4028003
Lung-capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell from lung associated with CL_0002144
Lung-cd4-positive alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive alpha-beta t cell from lung associated with CL_0000624
Lung-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from lung associated with CL_0000624
Lung-cd8-positive alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive alpha-beta t cell from lung associated with CL_0000625
Lung-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from lung associated with CL_0000625
Lung-classical monocyte classical monocyte from lung associated with CL_0000860
Lung-club cell club cell from lung associated with CL_0000158
Lung-dendritic cell dendritic cell from lung associated with CL_0000451
Lung-endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery from lung associated with CL_1000413
Lung-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from lung associated with CL_0002138
Lung-fibroblast fibroblast from lung associated with CL_0000057
Lung-intermediate monocyte intermediate monocyte from lung associated with CL_0002393
Lung-lung ciliated cell lung ciliated cell from lung associated with CL_1000271
Lung-lung microvascular endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell from lung associated with CL_2000016
Lung-macrophage macrophage from lung associated with CL_0000235
Lung-mesothelial cell mesothelial cell from lung associated with CL_0000077
Lung-myofibroblast cell myofibroblast cell from lung associated with CL_0000186
Lung-neutrophil neutrophil from lung associated with CL_0000775
Lung-nk cell nk cell from lung associated with CL_0000623
Lung-non-classical monocyte non-classical monocyte from lung associated with CL_0000875
Lung-pericyte cell pericyte cell from lung associated with CL_0000669
Lung-plasma cell plasma cell from lung associated with CL_0000786
Lung-plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell from lung associated with CL_0000784
Lung-pulmonary ionocyte pulmonary ionocyte from lung associated with CL_0017000
Lung-respiratory goblet cell respiratory goblet cell from lung associated with CL_0002370
Lung-respiratory mucous cell respiratory mucous cell from lung associated with UBERON_0004785
Lung-serous cell of epithelium of bronchus serous cell of epithelium of bronchus from lung associated with CL_1000331
Lung-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from lung associated with CL_0000192
Lung-type i pneumocyte type i pneumocyte from lung associated with CL_0002062
Lung-type ii pneumocyte type ii pneumocyte from lung associated with CL_0002063
Lung-vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell from lung associated with CL_0000359
Lung-vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell from lung associated with CL_0002543
Lymph_Node-b cell b cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000236
Lymph_Node-cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell from lymph node associated with CL_0002394
Lymph_Node-cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell from lymph node associated with CL_0002399
Lymph_Node-cd4-positive alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive alpha-beta t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000624
Lymph_Node-cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000624
Lymph_Node-cd8-positive alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive alpha-beta t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000625
Lymph_Node-cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000625
Lymph_Node-classical monocyte classical monocyte from lymph node associated with CL_0000860
Lymph_Node-endothelial cell endothelial cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000115
Lymph_Node-erythrocyte erythrocyte from lymph node associated with CL_0000232
Lymph_Node-hematopoietic stem cell hematopoietic stem cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000037
Lymph_Node-innate lymphoid cell innate lymphoid cell from lymph node associated with CL_0001065
Lymph_Node-intermediate monocyte intermediate monocyte from lymph node associated with CL_0002393
Lymph_Node-macrophage macrophage from lymph node associated with CL_0000235
Lymph_Node-mast cell mast cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000097
Lymph_Node-mature conventional dendritic cell mature conventional dendritic cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000841
Lymph_Node-mature nk t cell mature nk t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000814
Lymph_Node-memory b cell memory b cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000787
Lymph_Node-naive b cell naive b cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000788
Lymph_Node-naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000900
Lymph_Node-neutrophil neutrophil from lymph node associated with CL_0000775
Lymph_Node-nk cell nk cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000623
Lymph_Node-non-classical monocyte non-classical monocyte from lymph node associated with CL_0000875
Lymph_Node-plasma cell plasma cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000786
Lymph_Node-plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000784
Lymph_Node-regulatory t cell regulatory t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000815
Lymph_Node-stromal cell stromal cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000499
Lymph_Node-t cell t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000084
Lymph_Node-type i nk t cell type i nk t cell from lymph node associated with CL_0000921
Mammary-b cell b cell from mammary associated with CL_0000236
Mammary-basal cell basal cell from mammary associated with CL_0000646
Mammary-endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery from mammary associated with CL_1000413
Mammary-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from mammary associated with CL_0002138
Mammary-fibroblast of breast fibroblast of breast from mammary associated with CL_4006000
Mammary-luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland from mammary associated with CL_0002326
Mammary-macrophage macrophage from mammary associated with CL_0000235
Mammary-mast cell mast cell from mammary associated with CL_0000097
Mammary-nk cell nk cell from mammary associated with CL_0000623
Mammary-pericyte cell pericyte cell from mammary associated with CL_0000669
Mammary-plasma cell plasma cell from mammary associated with CL_0000786
Mammary-t cell t cell from mammary associated with CL_0000084
Mammary-vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell from mammary associated with CL_0000359
Mammary-vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell from mammary associated with CL_0002543
Muscle-capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell from muscle associated with CL_0002144
Muscle-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from muscle associated with CL_0000624
Muscle-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from muscle associated with CL_0000625
Muscle-endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery from muscle associated with CL_1000413
Muscle-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from muscle associated with CL_0002138
Muscle-endothelial cell of vascular tree endothelial cell of vascular tree from muscle associated with CL_0002139
Muscle-erythrocyte erythrocyte from muscle associated with CL_0000232
Muscle-fast muscle cell fast muscle cell from muscle associated with CL_0000190
Muscle-macrophage macrophage from muscle associated with CL_0000235
Muscle-mast cell mast cell from muscle associated with CL_0000097
Muscle-mature nk t cell mature nk t cell from muscle associated with CL_0000814
Muscle-mesenchymal stem cell mesenchymal stem cell from muscle associated with CL_0000134
Muscle-mesothelial cell mesothelial cell from muscle associated with CL_0000077
Muscle-pericyte cell pericyte cell from muscle associated with CL_0000669
Muscle-skeletal muscle satellite stem cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell from muscle associated with CL_0008011
Muscle-slow muscle cell slow muscle cell from muscle associated with CL_0000189
Muscle-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from muscle associated with CL_0000192
Muscle-t cell t cell from muscle associated with CL_0000084
Muscle-tendon cell tendon cell from muscle associated with CL_0000388
Pancreas-b cell b cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000236
Pancreas-endothelial cell endothelial cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000115
Pancreas-fibroblast fibroblast from pancreas associated with CL_0000057
Pancreas-mast cell mast cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000097
Pancreas-myeloid cell myeloid cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000763
Pancreas-nk cell nk cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000623
Pancreas-pancreatic acinar cell pancreatic acinar cell from pancreas associated with CL_0002064
Pancreas-pancreatic alpha cell pancreatic alpha cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000171
Pancreas-pancreatic beta cell pancreatic beta cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000169
Pancreas-pancreatic delta cell pancreatic delta cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000173
Pancreas-pancreatic ductal cell pancreatic ductal cell from pancreas associated with CL_0002079
Pancreas-pancreatic pp cell pancreatic pp cell from pancreas associated with CL_0002275
Pancreas-pancreatic stellate cell pancreatic stellate cell from pancreas associated with CL_0002410
Pancreas-plasma cell plasma cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000786
Pancreas-t cell t cell from pancreas associated with CL_0000084
Prostate-basal cell of prostate epithelium basal cell of prostate epithelium from prostate associated with CL_0002341
Prostate-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from prostate associated with CL_0000625
Prostate-cd8b-positive nk t cell cd8b-positive nk t cell from prostate associated with unmapped
Prostate-club cell of prostate epithelium club cell of prostate epithelium from prostate associated with CL_0002231
Prostate-endothelial cell endothelial cell from prostate associated with CL_0000115
Prostate-epithelial cell epithelial cell from prostate associated with CL_0000066
Prostate-erythroid progenitor erythroid progenitor from prostate associated with CL_0000038
Prostate-fibroblast fibroblast from prostate associated with CL_0000057
Prostate-hillock cell of prostate epithelium hillock cell of prostate epithelium from prostate associated with CL_0002231
Prostate-hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium from prostate associated with CL_0002231
Prostate-luminal cell of prostate epithelium luminal cell of prostate epithelium from prostate associated with CL_0002340
Prostate-macrophage macrophage from prostate associated with CL_0000235
Prostate-mast cell mast cell from prostate associated with CL_0000097
Prostate-myeloid cell myeloid cell from prostate associated with CL_0000763
Prostate-neutrophil neutrophil from prostate associated with CL_0000775
Prostate-nkt cell nkt cell from prostate associated with CL_0000921
Prostate-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from prostate associated with CL_0000192
Prostate-sperm sperm from prostate associated with CL_0000019
Prostate-t cell t cell from prostate associated with CL_0000084
Salivary_Gland-acinar cell of salivary gland acinar cell of salivary gland from salivary gland associated with CL_0002623
Salivary_Gland-adventitial cell adventitial cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0002503
Salivary_Gland-b cell b cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000236
Salivary_Gland-basal cell basal cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000646
Salivary_Gland-cd4-positive helper t cell cd4-positive helper t cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000624
Salivary_Gland-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000625
Salivary_Gland-duct epithelial cell duct epithelial cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000068
Salivary_Gland-endothelial cell endothelial cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000115
Salivary_Gland-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from salivary gland associated with CL_0002138
Salivary_Gland-fibroblast fibroblast from salivary gland associated with CL_0000057
Salivary_Gland-ionocyte ionocyte from salivary gland associated with CL_0005006
Salivary_Gland-macrophage macrophage from salivary gland associated with CL_0000235
Salivary_Gland-memory b cell memory b cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000787
Salivary_Gland-monocyte monocyte from salivary gland associated with CL_0000576
Salivary_Gland-myoepithelial cell myoepithelial cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000185
Salivary_Gland-naive b cell naive b cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000788
Salivary_Gland-neutrophil neutrophil from salivary gland associated with CL_0000775
Salivary_Gland-nk cell nk cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000623
Salivary_Gland-pericyte cell pericyte cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000669
Salivary_Gland-plasma cell plasma cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000786
Salivary_Gland-salivary gland cell salivary gland cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0009005
Salivary_Gland-t cell t cell from salivary gland associated with CL_0000084
Skin-cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell from skin associated with CL_0002394
Skin-cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell from skin associated with CL_0002399
Skin-cd4-positive helper t cell cd4-positive helper t cell from skin associated with CL_0000624
Skin-cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from skin associated with CL_0000624
Skin-cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell from skin associated with CL_0000625
Skin-cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from skin associated with CL_0000625
Skin-cell of skeletal muscle cell of skeletal muscle from skin associated with CL_0000188
Skin-endothelial cell endothelial cell from skin associated with CL_0000115
Skin-epithelial cell epithelial cell from skin associated with CL_0000066
Skin-langerhans cell langerhans cell from skin associated with CL_0000453
Skin-macrophage macrophage from skin associated with CL_0000235
Skin-mast cell mast cell from skin associated with CL_0000097
Skin-melanocyte melanocyte from skin associated with CL_0000148
Skin-memory b cell memory b cell from skin associated with CL_0000787
Skin-muscle cell muscle cell from skin associated with CL_0000187
Skin-naive b cell naive b cell from skin associated with CL_0000788
Skin-naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from skin associated with CL_0000900
Skin-naive thymus-derived cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from skin associated with CL_0000900
Skin-nk cell nk cell from skin associated with CL_0000623
Skin-nkt cell nkt cell from skin associated with CL_0000921
Skin-plasma cell plasma cell from skin associated with CL_0000786
Skin-regulatory t cell regulatory t cell from skin associated with CL_0000815
Skin-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from skin associated with CL_0000192
Skin-stromal cell stromal cell from skin associated with CL_0000499
Skin-t cell t cell from skin associated with CL_0000084
Small_Intestine-b cell b cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000236
Small_Intestine-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000624
Small_Intestine-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000625
Small_Intestine-duodenum glandular cell duodenum glandular cell from small intestine associated with CL_1001589
Small_Intestine-enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine from small intestine associated with CL_1000334
Small_Intestine-fibroblast fibroblast from small intestine associated with CL_0000057
Small_Intestine-goblet cell goblet cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000160
Small_Intestine-gut endothelial cell gut endothelial cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000131
Small_Intestine-immature enterocyte immature enterocyte from small intestine associated with CL_1000334
Small_Intestine-intestinal crypt stem cell intestinal crypt stem cell from small intestine associated with CL_0002250
Small_Intestine-intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine from small intestine associated with CL_0009017
Small_Intestine-intestinal enteroendocrine cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell from small intestine associated with CL_1001516
Small_Intestine-intestinal tuft cell intestinal tuft cell from small intestine associated with CL_0019032
Small_Intestine-mast cell mast cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000097
Small_Intestine-mature enterocyte mature enterocyte from small intestine associated with CL_1000334
Small_Intestine-monocyte monocyte from small intestine associated with CL_0000576
Small_Intestine-neutrophil neutrophil from small intestine associated with CL_0000775
Small_Intestine-paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine from small intestine associated with CL_1000343
Small_Intestine-plasma cell plasma cell from small intestine associated with CL_0000786
Small_Intestine-small intestine goblet cell small intestine goblet cell from small intestine associated with CL_1000495
Small_Intestine-transit amplifying cell of small intestine transit amplifying cell of small intestine from small intestine associated with CL_0009012
Spleen-cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell from spleen associated with CL_0002394
Spleen-cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell from spleen associated with CL_0002399
Spleen-cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000624
Spleen-cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000625
Spleen-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000625
Spleen-classical monocyte classical monocyte from spleen associated with CL_0000860
Spleen-endothelial cell endothelial cell from spleen associated with CL_0000115
Spleen-erythrocyte erythrocyte from spleen associated with CL_0000232
Spleen-hematopoietic stem cell hematopoietic stem cell from spleen associated with CL_0000037
Spleen-innate lymphoid cell innate lymphoid cell from spleen associated with CL_0001065
Spleen-intermediate monocyte intermediate monocyte from spleen associated with CL_0002393
Spleen-macrophage macrophage from spleen associated with CL_0000235
Spleen-mature nk t cell mature nk t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000814
Spleen-memory b cell memory b cell from spleen associated with CL_0000787
Spleen-naive b cell naive b cell from spleen associated with CL_0000788
Spleen-naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000900
Spleen-naive thymus-derived cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell naive thymus-derived cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000900
Spleen-neutrophil neutrophil from spleen associated with CL_0000775
Spleen-nk cell nk cell from spleen associated with CL_0000623
Spleen-plasma cell plasma cell from spleen associated with CL_0000786
Spleen-plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell from spleen associated with CL_0000784
Spleen-platelet platelet from spleen associated with CL_0000233
Spleen-regulatory t cell regulatory t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000815
Spleen-type i nk t cell type i nk t cell from spleen associated with CL_0000921
Thymus-b cell b cell from thymus associated with CL_0000236
Thymus-capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell from thymus associated with CL_0002144
Thymus-cd4-positive helper t cell cd4-positive helper t cell from thymus associated with CL_0000624
Thymus-cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell from thymus associated with CL_0000625
Thymus-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from thymus associated with CL_0000625
Thymus-dendritic cell dendritic cell from thymus associated with CL_0000451
Thymus-dn1 thymic pro-t cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell from thymus associated with CL_0000894
Thymus-dn3 thymocyte dn3 thymocyte from thymus associated with CL_0000807
Thymus-dn4 thymocyte dn4 thymocyte from thymus associated with CL_0000808
Thymus-endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery from thymus associated with CL_1000413
Thymus-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from thymus associated with CL_0002138
Thymus-erythrocyte erythrocyte from thymus associated with CL_0000232
Thymus-fast muscle cell fast muscle cell from thymus associated with CL_0000190
Thymus-fibroblast fibroblast from thymus associated with CL_0000057
Thymus-immature natural killer cell immature natural killer cell from thymus associated with CL_0000823
Thymus-innate lymphoid cell innate lymphoid cell from thymus associated with CL_0001065
Thymus-macrophage macrophage from thymus associated with CL_0000235
Thymus-mast cell mast cell from thymus associated with CL_0000097
Thymus-mature nk t cell mature nk t cell from thymus associated with CL_0000814
Thymus-medullary thymic epithelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell from thymus associated with CL_0002365
Thymus-memory b cell memory b cell from thymus associated with CL_0000787
Thymus-mesothelial cell mesothelial cell from thymus associated with CL_0000077
Thymus-monocyte monocyte from thymus associated with CL_0000576
Thymus-myeloid dendritic cell myeloid dendritic cell from thymus associated with CL_0000782
Thymus-naive b cell naive b cell from thymus associated with CL_0000788
Thymus-naive regulatory t cell naive regulatory t cell from thymus associated with CL_0002677
Thymus-nk cell nk cell from thymus associated with CL_0000623
Thymus-plasma cell plasma cell from thymus associated with CL_0000786
Thymus-t follicular helper cell t follicular helper cell from thymus associated with CL_0002038
Thymus-thymocyte thymocyte from thymus associated with CL_0000893
Thymus-vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell from thymus associated with CL_0000359
Thymus-vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell from thymus associated with CL_0002543
Tongue-basal cell basal cell from tongue associated with CL_0000646
Tongue-capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell from tongue associated with CL_0002144
Tongue-endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery from tongue associated with CL_1000413
Tongue-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from tongue associated with CL_0002138
Tongue-epithelial cell epithelial cell from tongue associated with CL_0000066
Tongue-fibroblast fibroblast from tongue associated with CL_0000057
Tongue-immune cell immune cell from tongue associated with unmapped
Tongue-keratinocyte keratinocyte from tongue associated with CL_0000312
Tongue-pericyte cell pericyte cell from tongue associated with CL_0000669
Tongue-schwann cell schwann cell from tongue associated with CL_0002573
Tongue-tongue muscle cell tongue muscle cell from tongue associated with CL_0002673
Tongue-vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell from tongue associated with CL_0002543
Trachea-b cell b cell from trachea associated with CL_0000236
Trachea-basal cell basal cell from trachea associated with CL_0000646
Trachea-cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell from trachea associated with CL_0000624
Trachea-cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta t cell from trachea associated with CL_0000625
Trachea-ciliated cell ciliated cell from trachea associated with CL_0000064
Trachea-connective tissue cell connective tissue cell from trachea associated with CL_0002320
Trachea-double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte from trachea associated with CL_0000809
Trachea-endothelial cell endothelial cell from trachea associated with CL_0000115
Trachea-fibroblast fibroblast from trachea associated with CL_0000057
Trachea-goblet cell goblet cell from trachea associated with CL_0000160
Trachea-ionocyte ionocyte from trachea associated with CL_0005006
Trachea-macrophage macrophage from trachea associated with CL_0000235
Trachea-mast cell mast cell from trachea associated with CL_0000097
Trachea-mucus secreting cell mucus secreting cell from trachea associated with CL_0000319
Trachea-neutrophil neutrophil from trachea associated with CL_0000775
Trachea-plasma cell plasma cell from trachea associated with CL_0000786
Trachea-secretory cell secretory cell from trachea associated with CL_0000151
Trachea-serous cell of epithelium of trachea serous cell of epithelium of trachea from trachea associated with CL_1000330
Trachea-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from trachea associated with CL_0000192
Trachea-t cell t cell from trachea associated with CL_0000084
Trachea-tracheal goblet cell tracheal goblet cell from trachea associated with CL_1000329
Uterus-b cell b cell from uterus associated with CL_0000236
Uterus-ciliated epithelial cell ciliated epithelial cell from uterus associated with CL_0000067
Uterus-endothelial cell endothelial cell from uterus associated with CL_0000115
Uterus-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel from uterus associated with CL_0002138
Uterus-epithelial cell epithelial cell from uterus associated with CL_0000066
Uterus-epithelial cell of uterus epithelial cell of uterus from uterus associated with CL_0002149
Uterus-fibroblast fibroblast from uterus associated with CL_0000057
Uterus-immune cell immune cell from uterus associated with unmapped
Uterus-macrophage macrophage from uterus associated with CL_0000235
Uterus-myometrial cell myometrial cell from uterus associated with CL_0002366
Uterus-nk cell nk cell from uterus associated with CL_0000623
Uterus-pericyte cell pericyte cell from uterus associated with CL_0000669
Uterus-t cell t cell from uterus associated with CL_0000084
Uterus-vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell from uterus associated with CL_0000359
Vasculature-artery endothelial cell artery endothelial cell from vasculature associated with CL_1000413
Vasculature-b cell b cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000236
Vasculature-endothelial cell endothelial cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000115
Vasculature-epithelial cell epithelial cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000066
Vasculature-erythrocyte erythrocyte from vasculature associated with CL_0000232
Vasculature-fibroblast fibroblast from vasculature associated with CL_0000057
Vasculature-lymphatic endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell from vasculature associated with CL_0002138
Vasculature-macrophage macrophage from vasculature associated with CL_0000235
Vasculature-mast cell mast cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000097
Vasculature-nk cell nk cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000623
Vasculature-pericyte cell pericyte cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000669
Vasculature-plasma cell plasma cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000786
Vasculature-smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000192
Vasculature-t cell t cell from vasculature associated with CL_0000084