HGNC Family RNA binding motif containing (RBM)
Name nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2-like
Synonyms DJ820B18.1
Proteins NCB2L_HUMAN
NCBI Gene ID 392517
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Functional Associations

NCBP2L has 49 functional associations with biological entities spanning 3 categories (functional term, phrase or reference, disease, phenotype or trait, cell line, cell type or tissue) extracted from 12 datasets.

Click the + buttons to view associations for NCBP2L from the datasets below.

If available, associations are ranked by standardized value

Dataset Summary
COMPARTMENTS Curated Protein Localization Evidence Scores cellular components containing NCBP2L protein from the COMPARTMENTS Curated Protein Localization Evidence Scores dataset.
COSMIC Cell Line Gene Mutation Profiles cell lines with NCBP2L gene mutations from the COSMIC Cell Line Gene Mutation Profiles dataset.
GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 biological processes involving NCBP2L gene from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset.
GO Molecular Function Annotations 2023 molecular functions performed by NCBP2L gene from the curated GO Molecular Function Annotations 2023 dataset.
GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of NCBP2L gene relative to other tissues from the GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles 2023 tissues with high or low expression of NCBP2L gene relative to other tissues from the GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles 2023 dataset.
Heiser et al., PNAS, 2011 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of NCBP2L gene relative to other cell lines from the Heiser et al., PNAS, 2011 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HPA Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of NCBP2L gene relative to other tissues from the HPA Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
IMPC Knockout Mouse Phenotypes phenotypes of mice caused by NCBP2L gene knockout from the IMPC Knockout Mouse Phenotypes dataset.
LOCATE Predicted Protein Localization Annotations cellular components predicted to contain NCBP2L protein from the LOCATE Predicted Protein Localization Annotations dataset.
MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 phenotypes of transgenic mice caused by NCBP2L gene mutations from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset.
Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations cell types with high or low expression of NCBP2L gene relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset.