HGNC Family Non-coding RNAs
Name RNA, U4atac small nuclear (U12-dependent splicing)
Description The small nuclear RNA (snRNA) encoded by this gene is part of the U12-dependent minor spliceosome complex. In addition to the encoded RNA, this ribonucleoprotein complex consists of U11, U12, U5, and U6atac snRNAs. The U12-dependent spliceosome acts on approximately 700 specific introns in the human genome. Defects in this gene are a cause of microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type 1 (MOPD). [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2011]
NCBI Gene ID 100151683
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Functional Associations

RNU4ATAC has 2,297 functional associations with biological entities spanning 6 categories (molecular profile, functional term, phrase or reference, chemical, disease, phenotype or trait, cell line, cell type or tissue, gene, protein or microRNA) extracted from 20 datasets.

Click the + buttons to view associations for RNU4ATAC from the datasets below.

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Dataset Summary
CCLE Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles cell lines with high or low copy number of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other cell lines from the CCLE Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles dataset.
CHEA Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles transcription factor binding site profiles with transcription factor binding evidence at the promoter of RNU4ATAC gene from the CHEA Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles dataset.
CHEA Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors binding the promoter of RNU4ATAC gene in low- or high-throughput transcription factor functional studies from the CHEA Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
COSMIC Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles cell lines with high or low copy number of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other cell lines from the COSMIC Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles dataset.
ENCODE Histone Modification Site Profiles histone modification site profiles with high histone modification abundance at RNU4ATAC gene from the ENCODE Histone Modification Site Profiles dataset.
ENCODE Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles transcription factor binding site profiles with transcription factor binding evidence at the promoter of RNU4ATAC gene from the ENCODE Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles dataset.
ENCODE Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors binding the promoter of RNU4ATAC gene in ChIP-seq datasets from the ENCODE Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations biological terms co-occuring with RNU4ATAC gene in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Gene Perturbations gene perturbations changing expression of RNU4ATAC gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Gene Perturbations dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules small molecule perturbations changing expression of RNU4ATAC gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules dataset.
GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other tissues from the GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
GTEx Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles tissue samples with high or low expression of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other tissue samples from the GTEx Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HPO Gene-Disease Associations phenotypes associated with RNU4ATAC gene by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset.
JASPAR Predicted Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors regulating expression of RNU4ATAC gene predicted using known transcription factor binding site motifs from the JASPAR Predicted Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles cell lines with high or low copy number of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other cell lines from the Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles dataset.
KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations transcription factor perturbations changing expression of RNU4ATAC gene from the KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.
MotifMap Predicted Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors regulating expression of RNU4ATAC gene predicted using known transcription factor binding site motifs from the MotifMap Predicted Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
OMIM Gene-Disease Associations phenotypes associated with RNU4ATAC gene from the curated OMIM Gene-Disease Associations dataset.
Roadmap Epigenomics Histone Modification Site Profiles histone modification site profiles with high histone modification abundance at RNU4ATAC gene from the Roadmap Epigenomics Histone Modification Site Profiles dataset.
TCGA Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Tumors tissue samples with high or low expression of RNU4ATAC gene relative to other tissue samples from the TCGA Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Tumors dataset.