STAT3_01_334 Gene Set

Dataset KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations
Category transcriptomics
Type transcription factor perturbation
Description STAT3 siRNA knock from liver cell line (KnockTF, DataSet_01_334)
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200 genesdifferentially expressed following the STAT3_01_334 trascription factor perturbation from the KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.

increased expression

Symbol Name Standardized Value
ALDH1L2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L2 2.20226
B3GALT2 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 2 1.84668
ACTA2 actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta 1.60887
ITGB3 integrin, beta 3 (platelet glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61) 1.56504
PSAT1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 1.53583
HIST1H2BN histone cluster 1, H2bn 1.52171
ZCCHC5 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 5 1.50605
EDN1 endothelin 1 1.45779
S1PR1 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 1.44577
TRIM58 tripartite motif containing 58 1.44154
FAM35A family with sequence similarity 35, member A 1.41584
SLC24A3 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 3 1.40095
SRPX2 sushi-repeat containing protein, X-linked 2 1.3873
SLC7A11 solute carrier family 7 (anionic amino acid transporter light chain, xc- system), member 11 1.37273
NTN4 netrin 4 1.34823
MMP1 matrix metallopeptidase 1 1.33746
KLHDC3 kelch domain containing 3 1.28853
PRMT6 protein arginine methyltransferase 6 1.25553
NPPB natriuretic peptide B 1.25302
SERTAD4 SERTA domain containing 4 1.24365
GBP1 guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible 1.16418
PSG2 pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 2 1.13654
ARHGEF9 Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 9 1.12601
COL4A1 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 1.12257
BICD2 bicaudal D homolog 2 (Drosophila) 1.11391
CDK14 cyclin-dependent kinase 14 1.11078
DENND2A DENN/MADD domain containing 2A 1.10084
HABP4 hyaluronan binding protein 4 1.09407
COL1A2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 1.08435
TMEM45A transmembrane protein 45A 1.08227
TNFAIP6 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 6 1.08145
EPHA5 EPH receptor A5 1.0813
COL3A1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 1.08126
IGFBP7 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 1.06796
HAS2 hyaluronan synthase 2 1.05877
STK32B serine/threonine kinase 32B 1.03967
LOC152225 uncharacterized LOC152225 1.03862
PPP1R3B protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3B 1.02792
TPM4 tropomyosin 4 1.0269
ATXN1L ataxin 1-like 1.02605
COL15A1 collagen, type XV, alpha 1 1.02573
SYNPO2 synaptopodin 2 1.02406
FAP fibroblast activation protein, alpha 1.01983
MED11 mediator complex subunit 11 1.01639
ZNF367 zinc finger protein 367 1.01092
IL6R interleukin 6 receptor 1.00525
CASP7 caspase 7, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase 1.00192
INHBA inhibin, beta A 0.99443
MAMDC2 MAM domain containing 2 0.99088
OGFR opioid growth factor receptor 0.97789
ASNS asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.96678
TPCN1 two pore segment channel 1 0.96377
MYOCD myocardin 0.95933
NLRP10 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 10 0.94508
NOLC1 nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 0.94368
TBC1D9 TBC1 domain family, member 9 (with GRAM domain) 0.9433
IRS1 insulin receptor substrate 1 0.93917
C1ORF110 chromosome 1 open reading frame 110 0.93554
GCNT4 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 4, core 2 0.91792
LPP LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma 0.91751
PALM2-AKAP2 PALM2-AKAP2 readthrough 0.91513
SKP2 S-phase kinase-associated protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 0.91127
CD22 CD22 molecule 0.89952
ABCC2 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2 0.89812
PDE7B phosphodiesterase 7B 0.89809
PDE5A phosphodiesterase 5A, cGMP-specific 0.89716
LNP1 leukemia NUP98 fusion partner 1 0.89559
ALOX5AP arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein 0.89232
JPH2 junctophilin 2 0.88782
CLSTN2 calsyntenin 2 0.88227
PLCB4 phospholipase C, beta 4 0.87658
PDCD1LG2 programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 0.86998
ANGPTL2 angiopoietin-like 2 0.86818
ACTG2 actin, gamma 2, smooth muscle, enteric 0.86729
FOXP4 forkhead box P4 0.86581
CD274 CD274 molecule 0.85465
CGNL1 cingulin-like 1 0.85262
NEGR1 neuronal growth regulator 1 0.84551
COL5A1 collagen, type V, alpha 1 0.84068
ECM2 extracellular matrix protein 2, female organ and adipocyte specific 0.84003
TNFSF15 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 15 0.83204
SAT1 spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1 0.82733
RGS19 regulator of G-protein signaling 19 0.82551
INPP5A inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, 40kDa 0.81702
CDK6 cyclin-dependent kinase 6 0.81189
RHOBTB1 Rho-related BTB domain containing 1 0.81124
SSX1 synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 1 0.807
CSNK1G1 casein kinase 1, gamma 1 0.80568
ZC3H6 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 6 0.80527
ARHGAP31 Rho GTPase activating protein 31 0.80425
ANKRD11 ankyrin repeat domain 11 0.80419
GNAO1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha activating activity polypeptide O 0.80414
KCNH1 potassium channel, voltage gated eag related subfamily H, member 1 0.79537
IL1R1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 0.79449
PIP5K1A phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, alpha 0.78535
MTSS1L metastasis suppressor 1-like 0.78146
BNC2 basonuclin 2 0.78129
MKNK2 MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 0.78082
RND3 Rho family GTPase 3 0.77932
FAM32A family with sequence similarity 32, member A 0.77658

decreased expression

Symbol Name Standardized Value
SRSF11 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 11 -0.65286
KIF5C kinesin family member 5C -0.65255
SMAD9 SMAD family member 9 -0.65201
ZFP36L2 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 2 -0.65159
FAM69B family with sequence similarity 69, member B -0.6505
LOC728392 uncharacterized LOC728392 -0.65036
PHC2 polyhomeotic homolog 2 (Drosophila) -0.64943
SNAR-C1 small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA C1 -0.64684
PTPN22 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 (lymphoid) -0.64671
PLK3 polo-like kinase 3 -0.64477
H1F0 H1 histone family, member 0 -0.64346
CNDP2 CNDP dipeptidase 2 (metallopeptidase M20 family) -0.6433
CTSW cathepsin W -0.64186
COPS4 COP9 signalosome subunit 4 -0.64165
DCDC2 doublecortin domain containing 2 -0.64126
ENPP4 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 4 (putative) -0.63976
C1D C1D nuclear receptor corepressor -0.63897
IL11 interleukin 11 -0.6389
GLT8D1 glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 1 -0.6385
ELOVL7 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 7 -0.63796
CDC6 cell division cycle 6 -0.63634
RGS17 regulator of G-protein signaling 17 -0.63615
POLR3G polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide G (32kD) -0.63607
HIST1H4D histone cluster 1, H4d -0.63397
BAZ2B bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 2B -0.63363
STEAP3 STEAP family member 3, metalloreductase -0.63316
DLX2 distal-less homeobox 2 -0.63206
C11ORF30 chromosome 11 open reading frame 30 -0.63204
SLC25A40 solute carrier family 25, member 40 -0.63169
REEP2 receptor accessory protein 2 -0.63128
RARS2 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial -0.63027
LOXL3 lysyl oxidase-like 3 -0.63002
SNAR-B1 small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA B1 -0.62987
EXPH5 exophilin 5 -0.62901
LOC727896 cysteine and histidine-rich domain (CHORD) containing 1 pseudogene -0.62857
LEF1 lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 -0.62631
B3GNT1 -0.62538
RHBDL2 rhomboid, veinlet-like 2 (Drosophila) -0.62481
NUDT19 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 19 -0.62449
ZNF808 zinc finger protein 808 -0.62325
MATN3 matrilin 3 -0.62287
SCN1B sodium channel, voltage gated, type I beta subunit -0.62236
PVRL2 poliovirus receptor-related 2 (herpesvirus entry mediator B) -0.62152
ATCAY ataxia, cerebellar, Cayman type -0.62077
LRRC8B leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member B -0.61916
DAAM1 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 -0.61837
SNAR-D small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA D -0.61773
HIST1H4F histone cluster 1, H4f -0.61567
FCHO2 FCH domain only 2 -0.61483
STXBP4 syntaxin binding protein 4 -0.61317
GFPT2 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2 -0.61239
CNOT6 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 6 -0.61172
LRRC49 leucine rich repeat containing 49 -0.61162
PSMA1 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 1 -0.61026
MVD mevalonate (diphospho) decarboxylase -0.60953
IFI30 interferon, gamma-inducible protein 30 -0.60886
ULBP2 UL16 binding protein 2 -0.60866
SLC12A7 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporter), member 7 -0.6083
SNAR-G2 small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA G2 -0.60816
PRR11 proline rich 11 -0.60713
SUCLA2 succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit -0.60709
RRP1B ribosomal RNA processing 1B -0.60682
PIGU phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class U -0.60666
VCAM1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 -0.6064
HIST1H2BE histone cluster 1, H2be -0.60602
TRUB1 TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 1 -0.60591
SELT selenoprotein T -0.60495
HIST1H3A histone cluster 1, H3a -0.6048
PTGES2 prostaglandin E synthase 2 -0.60408
PYGL phosphorylase, glycogen, liver -0.60367
DYNC2LI1 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, light intermediate chain 1 -0.60313
ARF1 ADP-ribosylation factor 1 -0.60289
TMEM65 transmembrane protein 65 -0.60289
SERTAD1 SERTA domain containing 1 -0.60192
HECA headcase homolog (Drosophila) -0.60116
PCDHB14 protocadherin beta 14 -0.60079
POLQ polymerase (DNA directed), theta -0.60025
FBXO36 F-box protein 36 -0.59957
ULBP3 UL16 binding protein 3 -0.59891
MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 -0.59762
TSNAX-DISC1 TSNAX-DISC1 readthrough (NMD candidate) -0.59762
TSPAN33 tetraspanin 33 -0.59504
CPSF4 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4, 30kDa -0.59438
SLC17A5 solute carrier family 17 (acidic sugar transporter), member 5 -0.59421
KLF10 Kruppel-like factor 10 -0.59375
MVP major vault protein -0.59352
ABI2 abl-interactor 2 -0.59275
LRRCC1 leucine rich repeat and coiled-coil centrosomal protein 1 -0.59274
SLC6A17 solute carrier family 6 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 17 -0.59266
XRCC4 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 4 -0.59213
DCAF11 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 11 -0.59024
FXN frataxin -0.58989
TMEM181 transmembrane protein 181 -0.58962
ARL17A ADP-ribosylation factor-like 17A -0.58905
SLC25A39 solute carrier family 25, member 39 -0.58776
FIG4 FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase -0.5875
ICA1L islet cell autoantigen 1,69kDa-like -0.58637
CRMP1 collapsin response mediator protein 1 -0.58591
PDXDC1 pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 1 -0.58544
MYPN myopalladin -0.58543