SILAC Phosphoproteomics Resource

Description The SILAC Phosphoproteomics Collection is a collection of data from published SILAC experiments that measured protein phosphorylation levels in cell lines in control and experimental conditions
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Dataset Description Category Attribute Views
Signatures of Differentially Phosphorylated Proteins for Drugs Phosphorylation levels of proteins in cell lines following drug treatment proteomics drug perturbation 4196
Signatures of Differentially Phosphorylated Proteins for Gene Perturbations Phosphorylation levels of proteins in cell lines following genetic perturbation (knockdown, knockout, over-expression, mutation) proteomics gene perturbation 2701
Signatures of Differentially Phosphorylated Proteins for Protein Ligands Phosphorylation levels of proteins in cell lines following ligand treatment proteomics ligand (protein) perturbation 3507