Predicted funtional terms: GO | ChEA | Mouse Phenotype | Human Phenotype | KEA | KEGG
Most similar genes based on co-expression: Pearson correlation
Expression levels across tissues and cell lines: Tissue Expression | Cell Line Expression

Description: No gene information available for this gene. NCBI Entrez Gene | GeneCards | Harmonizome

Functional Annotation Prediction

Predicted biological processes (GO)

RankGene SetZ-score

Predicted upstream transcription factors (ChEA)

RankGene SetZ-score

Predicted mouse phenotypes (MGI)

RankGene SetZ-score

Predicted human phenotypes

RankGene SetZ-score

Predicted kinase interactions (KEA)

RankGene SetZ-score

Predicted pathways (KEGG)

RankGene SetZ-score

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