SLC22A18AS Gene

Name solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 18 antisense
Proteins BWR1B_HUMAN
NCBI Gene ID 5003
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Expression in Tissues and Cell Lines View SLC22A18AS's ARCHS4 Predicted Functions.

Functional Associations

SLC22A18AS has 3,011 functional associations with biological entities spanning 7 categories (molecular profile, organism, chemical, disease, phenotype or trait, functional term, phrase or reference, cell line, cell type or tissue, gene, protein or microRNA) extracted from 53 datasets.

Click the + buttons to view associations for SLC22A18AS from the datasets below.

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Dataset Summary
Allen Brain Atlas Adult Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissues from the Allen Brain Atlas Adult Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
Allen Brain Atlas Developing Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles by Microarray tissue samples with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissue samples from the Allen Brain Atlas Developing Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles by Microarray dataset.
Allen Brain Atlas Prenatal Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissues from the Allen Brain Atlas Prenatal Human Brain Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
BioGPS Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the BioGPS Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles cell types and tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell types and tissues from the BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
CCLE Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles cell lines with high or low copy number of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the CCLE Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles dataset.
CCLE Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the CCLE Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
CHEA Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles transcription factor binding site profiles with transcription factor binding evidence at the promoter of SLC22A18AS gene from the CHEA Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles dataset.
CHEA Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors binding the promoter of SLC22A18AS gene in low- or high-throughput transcription factor functional studies from the CHEA Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
CMAP Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules small molecule perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the CMAP Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules dataset.
dbGAP Gene-Trait Associations traits associated with SLC22A18AS gene in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the dbGAP Gene-Trait Associations dataset.
ENCODE Histone Modification Site Profiles histone modification site profiles with high histone modification abundance at SLC22A18AS gene from the ENCODE Histone Modification Site Profiles dataset.
ENCODE Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles transcription factor binding site profiles with transcription factor binding evidence at the promoter of SLC22A18AS gene from the ENCODE Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles dataset.
ENCODE Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors binding the promoter of SLC22A18AS gene in ChIP-seq datasets from the ENCODE Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
GAD Gene-Disease Associations diseases associated with SLC22A18AS gene in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset.
GDSC Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the GDSC Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations biological terms co-occuring with SLC22A18AS gene in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset.
GeneSigDB Published Gene Signatures PubMedIDs of publications reporting gene signatures containing SLC22A18AS from the GeneSigDB Published Gene Signatures dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Diseases disease perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Diseases dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Gene Perturbations gene perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Gene Perturbations dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules small molecule perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Small Molecules dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Transcription Factor Perturbations transcription factor perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.
GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Viral Infections virus perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the GEO Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Viral Infections dataset.
GO Biological Process Annotations biological processes involving SLC22A18AS gene from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations dataset.
GO Cellular Component Annotations cellular components containing SLC22A18AS protein from the curated GO Cellular Component Annotations dataset.
GO Molecular Function Annotations molecular functions performed by SLC22A18AS gene from the curated GO Molecular Function Annotations dataset.
GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissues from the GTEx Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
GTEx Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles tissue samples with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissue samples from the GTEx Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
GTEx Tissue-Specific Aging Signatures tissue samples with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissue samples from the GTEx Tissue-Specific Aging Signatures dataset.
GWASdb SNP-Disease Associations diseases associated with SLC22A18AS gene in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GWASdb SNP-Disease Associations dataset.
GWASdb SNP-Phenotype Associations phenotypes associated with SLC22A18AS gene in GWAS datasets from the GWASdb SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset.
Heiser et al., PNAS, 2011 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the Heiser et al., PNAS, 2011 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HPA Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the HPA Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HPA Tissue Gene Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissues from the HPA Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HPA Tissue Protein Expression Profiles tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS protein relative to other tissues from the HPA Tissue Protein Expression Profiles dataset.
HPA Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles tissue samples with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissue samples from the HPA Tissue Sample Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations phenotypes associated with SLC22A18AS gene by text-mining GWAS publications from the HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset.
JASPAR Predicted Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors regulating expression of SLC22A18AS gene predicted using known transcription factor binding site motifs from the JASPAR Predicted Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles cell lines with high or low copy number of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene CNV Profiles dataset.
Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles cell lines with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell lines from the Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Mutation Profiles cell lines with SLC22A18AS gene mutations from the Klijn et al., Nat. Biotechnol., 2015 Cell Line Gene Mutation Profiles dataset.
KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations transcription factor perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the KnockTF Gene Expression Profiles with Transcription Factor Perturbations dataset.
LINCS L1000 CMAP Chemical Perturbation Consensus Signatures small molecule perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the LINCS L1000 CMAP Chemical Perturbations Consensus Signatures dataset.
LINCS L1000 CMAP CRISPR Knockout Consensus Signatures gene perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the LINCS L1000 CMAP CRISPR Knockout Consensus Signatures dataset.
LOCATE Predicted Protein Localization Annotations cellular components predicted to contain SLC22A18AS protein from the LOCATE Predicted Protein Localization Annotations dataset.
MotifMap Predicted Transcription Factor Targets transcription factors regulating expression of SLC22A18AS gene predicted using known transcription factor binding site motifs from the MotifMap Predicted Transcription Factor Targets dataset.
MSigDB Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Cancer Gene Perturbations gene perturbations changing expression of SLC22A18AS gene from the MSigDB Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Cancer Gene Perturbations dataset.
Pathway Commons Protein-Protein Interactions interacting proteins for SLC22A18AS from the Pathway Commons Protein-Protein Interactions dataset.
Roadmap Epigenomics Cell and Tissue DNA Methylation Profiles cell types and tissues with high or low DNA methylation of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell types and tissues from the Roadmap Epigenomics Cell and Tissue DNA Methylation Profiles dataset.
Roadmap Epigenomics Cell and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles cell types and tissues with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other cell types and tissues from the Roadmap Epigenomics Cell and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
Roadmap Epigenomics Histone Modification Site Profiles histone modification site profiles with high histone modification abundance at SLC22A18AS gene from the Roadmap Epigenomics Histone Modification Site Profiles dataset.
TargetScan Predicted Nonconserved microRNA Targets microRNAs regulating expression of SLC22A18AS gene predicted using nonconserved miRNA seed sequences from the TargetScan Predicted Nonconserved microRNA Targets dataset.
TCGA Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Tumors tissue samples with high or low expression of SLC22A18AS gene relative to other tissue samples from the TCGA Signatures of Differentially Expressed Genes for Tumors dataset.