
PPP4C Gene

protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit

PPP4C Gene Set

From DEPOD Substrates of Phosphatases

substrates of the phosphatase PPP4C from the curated DEPOD Substrates of Phosphatases dataset.

PPP4C Gene Set

From Pathway Commons Protein-Protein Interactions

interacting proteins for PPP4C from the Pathway Commons Protein-Protein Interactions dataset.

PPP4C-PPP4R2-Gemin3-Gemin4 complex Gene Set

From CORUM Protein Complexes

proteins in the PPP4C-PPP4R2-Gemin3-Gemin4 complex protein complex from the CORUM Protein Complexes dataset.

ppp4cr2r3a Gene Set

From GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations

genes co-occuring with the biological term ppp4cr2r3a in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset.

BL3923 (PPP4C) Gene Set

From NURSA Protein Complexes

proteins in the BL3923 (PPP4C) protein complex recovered by IP-MS from the NURSA Protein Complexes dataset.