Name |
tongue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tongue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tongue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the tongue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
Tongue-tongue muscle cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-tongue muscle cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue Gene SetFrom BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles genes with high or low expression in Tongue relative to other cell types and tissues from the BioGPS Human Cell Type and Tissue Gene Expression Profiles dataset. |
Tongue Neoplasms Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Tongue Neoplasms from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
hairy tongue Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease hairy tongue in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue cancer Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease tongue cancer in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue disease Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease tongue disease in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
fissured tongue Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease fissured tongue in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
geographic tongue Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease geographic tongue in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue diseases Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease tongue diseases in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
carcinoma, squamous cell; gingival neoplasms; mandibular neoplasms; maxillary neoplasms; mouth neoplasms; tongue neoplasms Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease carcinoma, squamous cell; gingival neoplasms; mandibular neoplasms; maxillary neoplasms; mouth neoplasms; tongue neoplasms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
carcinoma, squamous cell; gingival neoplasms; mandibular neoplasms; mouth neoplasms; squamous cell carcinoma; tongue neoplasms Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease carcinoma, squamous cell; gingival neoplasms; mandibular neoplasms; mouth neoplasms; squamous cell carcinoma; tongue neoplasms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue neoplasms Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease tongue neoplasms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
carcinoma, squamous cell; mouth neoplasms; papillomavirus infections; squamous cell carcinoma; tongue neoplasms Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease carcinoma, squamous cell; mouth neoplasms; papillomavirus infections; squamous cell carcinoma; tongue neoplasms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
cleft palate; tongue diseases Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease cleft palate; tongue diseases in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
carcinoma, squamous cell; neoplasm invasiveness; neoplasm recurrence, local; tongue neoplasms Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease carcinoma, squamous cell; neoplasm invasiveness; neoplasm recurrence, local; tongue neoplasms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term tongue in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
tongue morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tongue morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
abnormality of the tongue Gene SetFrom GWASdb SNP-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the abnormality of the tongue phenotype in GWAS datasets from the GWASdb SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
bifid tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the bifid tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue atrophy Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the tongue atrophy phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue fasciculations Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the tongue fasciculations phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
furrowed tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the furrowed tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
difficulty in tongue movements Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the difficulty in tongue movements phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue nodules Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the tongue nodules phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue telangiectasia Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the tongue telangiectasia phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
abnormality of the tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the abnormality of the tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
protruding tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the protruding tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
self-mutilation of tongue and lips due to involuntary movements Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the self-mutilation of tongue and lips due to involuntary movements phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
tongue thrusting Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the tongue thrusting phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
movement abnormality of the tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the movement abnormality of the tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
aplasia/hypoplasia of the tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the aplasia/hypoplasia of the tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
lobulated tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the lobulated tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
smooth tongue Gene SetFrom HPO Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the smooth tongue phenotype by mapping known disease genes to disease phenotypes from the HPO Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Tongue, Fissured Gene SetFrom HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Tongue, Fissured phenotype by text-mining GWAS publications from the HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Neoplasms Gene SetFrom HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Tongue Neoplasms phenotype by text-mining GWAS publications from the HuGE Navigator Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
abnormal tongue muscle morphology Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue muscle morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
tongue hypoplasia Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the tongue hypoplasia phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
increased tongue size Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the increased tongue size phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
bifid tongue Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the bifid tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
decreased tongue size Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the decreased tongue size phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
bifurcated tongue Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the bifurcated tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
abnormal tongue squamous epithelium morphology Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue squamous epithelium morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
abnormal tongue epithelium morphology Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue epithelium morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
palatal shelf fusion with tongue or mandible Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the palatal shelf fusion with tongue or mandible phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
absent tongue Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the absent tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
tongue ankylosis Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the tongue ankylosis phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
protruding tongue Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the protruding tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
absent tongue squamous epithelium Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the absent tongue squamous epithelium phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
abnormal tongue morphology Gene SetFrom MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MPO Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
tongue epithelium Gene SetFrom TISSUES Curated Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins highly expressed in the tissue tongue epithelium from the TISSUES Curated Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue Gene SetFrom TISSUES Curated Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins highly expressed in the tissue tongue from the TISSUES Curated Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue cell line Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue cell line in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue muscle Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue muscle in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue cancer cell line Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue cancer cell line in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue epithelium Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue epithelium in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue cancer cell Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue cancer cell in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
tongue Gene SetFrom TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores proteins co-occuring with the tissue tongue in abstracts of biomedical publications from the TISSUES Text-mining Tissue Protein Expression Evidence Scores dataset. |
Tongue-basal cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-basal cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-capillary endothelial cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-capillary endothelial cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-endothelial cell of artery Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-endothelial cell of artery relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-epithelial cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-epithelial cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-fibroblast Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-fibroblast relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-immune cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-immune cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-keratinocyte Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-keratinocyte relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-pericyte cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-pericyte cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-schwann cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-schwann cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Tongue-vein endothelial cell Gene SetFrom Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations genes with high or low expression in Tongue-vein endothelial cell relative to other cell types from the Tabula Sapiens Gene-Cell Associations dataset. |
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Fissured Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Fissured Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Tongue Carcinoma Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Tongue Carcinoma in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Tongue Telangiectasia Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Tongue Telangiectasia in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Bifid Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Bifid Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Lobulated Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Lobulated Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Atrophy Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Atrophy Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Acquired Anomaly Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Acquired Anomaly Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Congenital Anomaly Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Congenital Anomaly Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Tongue Absent Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Tongue Absent in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Atrophy Of Tongue Papillae Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Atrophy Of Tongue Papillae in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Triangular Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Triangular Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Carcinoma Of Base Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Carcinoma Of Base Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Ulcer On Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Ulcer On Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Heart Defect, Tongue Hamartoma And Polysyndactyly Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease Heart Defect, Tongue Hamartoma And Polysyndactyly in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Fasciculation, Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Fasciculation, Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Difficulty In Tongue Movements Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Difficulty In Tongue Movements in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Numbness Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Numbness Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Protrusion Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Protrusion Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Short Frenulum Of Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Short Frenulum Of Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Aplasia/Hypoplasia Of The Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Aplasia/Hypoplasia Of The Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Thrusting Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Thrusting in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Thrusting When Swallowing, Abnormal Persistence Beyond Early Childhood Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Thrusting When Swallowing, Abnormal Persistence Beyond Early Childhood in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Abnormality Of The Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Abnormality Of The Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Nodules Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Nodules in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Abnormality Of The Tongue Muscle Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Abnormality Of The Tongue Muscle in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Biting Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Biting in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Symptoms Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Symptoms in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Movement Abnormality Of The Tongue Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Movement Abnormality Of The Tongue in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Tongue Pigmentation Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Tongue Pigmentation in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Exaggerated Median Tongue Furrow Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Exaggerated Median Tongue Furrow in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Self-Mutilation Of Tongue And Lips Due To Involuntary Movements Gene SetFrom DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the phenotype Self-Mutilation Of Tongue And Lips Due To Involuntary Movements in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the DisGeNET Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
tongue morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the tongue morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
positive regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the positive regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
PITX1-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC Gene SetFrom ChEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 target genes of the PITX1-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC transcription factor in low- or high-throughput transcription factor functional studies from the CHEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 dataset. |
SOX2-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC Gene SetFrom ChEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 target genes of the SOX2-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC transcription factor in low- or high-throughput transcription factor functional studies from the CHEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 dataset. |
TP63-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC Gene SetFrom ChEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 target genes of the TP63-30713093-EPITHELIAL-HUMAN-TONGUE-SCC transcription factor in low- or high-throughput transcription factor functional studies from the CHEA Transcription Factor Targets 2022 dataset. |
tongue hypoplasia Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the tongue hypoplasia phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal intrinsic tongue muscle morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal intrinsic tongue muscle morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
bifid tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the bifid tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
bifurcated tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the bifurcated tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal tongue muscle morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue muscle morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
absent tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the absent tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
absent tongue squamous epithelium Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the absent tongue squamous epithelium phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
protruding tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the protruding tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal tongue epithelium morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue epithelium morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal tongue morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
decreased tongue size Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the decreased tongue size phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
palatal shelf fusion with tongue or mandible Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the palatal shelf fusion with tongue or mandible phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
increased tongue papilloma incidence Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the increased tongue papilloma incidence phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal tongue position Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue position phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
increased tongue size Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the increased tongue size phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
tongue ankylosis Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the tongue ankylosis phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
short tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the short tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
tongue inflammation Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the tongue inflammation phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal tongue squamous epithelium morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal tongue squamous epithelium morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormal extrinsic tongue muscle morphology Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormal extrinsic tongue muscle morphology phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
abnormally deep median sulcus of tongue Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the abnormally deep median sulcus of tongue phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
tongue muscle hypoplasia Gene SetFrom MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 gene mutations causing the tongue muscle hypoplasia phenotype in transgenic mice from the MGI Mouse Phenotype Associations 2023 dataset. |
protruding tongue Gene SetFrom IMPC Knockout Mouse Phenotypes gene knockouts causing the protruding tongue phenotype in mic from the IMPC Knockout Mouse Phenotypes dataset. |
cardiac neural crest cell development involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac neural crest cell development involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of vasculature development involved in avascular cornea development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the negative regulation of vasculature development involved in avascular cornea development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
cardiac neural crest cell development involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 genes participating in the cardiac neural crest cell development involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. |
Mammary gland development pathway Embryonic development Stage 1 of 4 Gene SetFrom WikiPathways Pathways 2024 proteins participating in the Mammary gland development pathway Embryonic development Stage 1 of 4 pathway from the WikiPathways Pathways 2024 dataset. |
il12 and stat4 dependent signaling pathway in th1 development Gene SetFrom Biocarta Pathways proteins participating in the il12 and stat4 dependent signaling pathway in th1 development pathway from the Biocarta Pathways dataset. |
hop pathway in cardiac development Gene SetFrom Biocarta Pathways proteins participating in the hop pathway in cardiac development pathway from the Biocarta Pathways dataset. |
lissencephaly gene (lis1) in neuronal migration and development Gene SetFrom Biocarta Pathways proteins participating in the lissencephaly gene (lis1) in neuronal migration and development pathway from the Biocarta Pathways dataset. |
melanocyte development and pigmentation pathway Gene SetFrom Biocarta Pathways proteins participating in the melanocyte development and pigmentation pathway pathway from the Biocarta Pathways dataset. |
Growth retardation, developmental delay, coarse facies, and early death Gene SetFrom ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Growth retardation, developmental delay, coarse facies, and early death phenotype from the curated ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Myopathy, mitochondrial progressive, with congenital cataract, hearing loss, and developmental delay Gene SetFrom ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Myopathy, mitochondrial progressive, with congenital cataract, hearing loss, and developmental delay phenotype from the curated ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Obesity, hyperphagia, and developmental delay Gene SetFrom ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Obesity, hyperphagia, and developmental delay phenotype from the curated ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Sideroblastic anemia with b-cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers, and developmental delay Gene SetFrom ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Sideroblastic anemia with b-cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers, and developmental delay phenotype from the curated ClinVar Gene-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE HIP 1 Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE HIP 1 from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Child Development Disorders, Pervasive Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Child Development Disorders, Pervasive from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Developmental Disabilities Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Developmental Disabilities from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
46, XY Disorders of Sex Development Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease 46, XY Disorders of Sex Development from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Bone Diseases, Developmental Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Bone Diseases, Developmental from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
MICROCEPHALY, SEIZURES, AND DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease MICROCEPHALY, SEIZURES, AND DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Language Development Disorders Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Language Development Disorders from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Myopathy, Mitochondrial Progressive, With Congenital Cataract, Hearing Loss, And Developmental Delay Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Myopathy, Mitochondrial Progressive, With Congenital Cataract, Hearing Loss, And Developmental Delay from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
46, XX Disorders of Sex Development Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease 46, XX Disorders of Sex Development from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Malformations of Cortical Development Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Malformations of Cortical Development from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Disorders of Sex Development Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Disorders of Sex Development from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
Growth Retardation, Developmental Delay, Coarse Facies, And Early Death Gene SetFrom CTD Gene-Disease Associations genes/proteins associated with the disease Growth Retardation, Developmental Delay, Coarse Facies, And Early Death from the curated CTD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
bone development disease Gene SetFrom DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes involed in the disease bone development disease from the DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
pervasive developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes involed in the disease pervasive developmental disorder from the DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
specific developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes involed in the disease specific developmental disorder from the DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
developmental disorder of mental health Gene SetFrom DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes involed in the disease developmental disorder of mental health from the DISEASES Curated Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
specific developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes associated with the disease specific developmental disorder in GWAS datasets from the DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
developmental disorder of mental health Gene SetFrom DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes associated with the disease developmental disorder of mental health in GWAS datasets from the DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
pervasive developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes associated with the disease pervasive developmental disorder in GWAS datasets from the DISEASES Experimental Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
pervasive developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease pervasive developmental disorder in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
bone development disease Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease bone development disease in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
developmental disorder of mental health Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease developmental disorder of mental health in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
developmental coordination disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease developmental coordination disorder in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
specific developmental disorder Gene SetFrom DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Association Evidence Scores genes co-occuring with the disease specific developmental disorder in abstracts of biomedical publications from the DISEASES Text-mining Gene-Disease Assocation Evidence Scores dataset. |
mental development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease mental development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
increased development of adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease increased development of adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
malformations of cortical development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease malformations of cortical development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
haptoglobin development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease haptoglobin development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
development of coronary artery lesions Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease development of coronary artery lesions in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
anodontia; developmental absence of tooth Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease anodontia; developmental absence of tooth in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
language development disorders; mental retardation Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease language development disorders; mental retardation in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
primary tooth development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease primary tooth development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
nephropathy development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease nephropathy development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
bone diseases, developmental; osteoarthritis, hip Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease bone diseases, developmental; osteoarthritis, hip in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
breast cancer development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease breast cancer development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
azoospermia; chromosome deletion; infertility, male; oligospermia; sex chromosome aberrations; sex chromosome disorders of sex development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease azoospermia; chromosome deletion; infertility, male; oligospermia; sex chromosome aberrations; sex chromosome disorders of sex development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
hypertriglyceridemia and the development of fatty liver Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease hypertriglyceridemia and the development of fatty liver in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
abnormal urogenital development Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease abnormal urogenital development in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
apraxias; hearing loss, sensorineural; language development disorders; mutism; sensorineural hearing loss Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease apraxias; hearing loss, sensorineural; language development disorders; mutism; sensorineural hearing loss in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
language development disorders Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease language development disorders in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
46, xx disorders of sex development; pof - premature ovarian failure; primary ovarian insufficiency Gene SetFrom GAD Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease 46, xx disorders of sex development; pof - premature ovarian failure; primary ovarian insufficiency in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
developmental Gene SetFrom GAD High Level Gene-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease developmental in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GAD High Level Gene-Disease Associations dataset. |
developmentof Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentof in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentreview Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentreview in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentmaintenance Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentmaintenance in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentprogression Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentprogression in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmental Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmental in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentally Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentally in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developments Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developments in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentrelated Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentrelated in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentprogresion Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentprogresion in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentfunction Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentfunction in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
developmentseverity Gene SetFrom GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations genes co-occuring with the biological term developmentseverity in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations dataset. |
midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during brain development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during brain development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vagina development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vagina development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of anterior head development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of anterior head development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cochlear nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cochlear nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
optic nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the optic nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of neuron projection development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of neuron projection development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebellum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebellum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dorsal aorta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dorsal aorta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of dendritic spine development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of dendritic spine development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
astrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the astrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trachea development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trachea development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tendon development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tendon development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
efferent axon development in a lateral line nerve Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the efferent axon development in a lateral line nerve biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory lobe development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory lobe development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
head development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the head development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
putamen development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the putamen development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
retina development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the retina development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
otic vesicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the otic vesicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere 3 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere 3 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular visceral epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular visceral epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
amygdala development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the amygdala development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric nephron tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric nephron tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
limbic system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the limbic system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endocardial cushion cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endocardial cushion cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic ectodermal digestive tract development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic ectodermal digestive tract development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skeletal muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skeletal muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of ovarian follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of ovarian follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hair follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hair follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental maturation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental maturation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dendritic spine development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dendritic spine development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
postganglionic parasympathetic fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the postganglionic parasympathetic fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pericardium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pericardium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of myotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of myotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
face development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the face development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
aorta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the aorta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bronchus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bronchus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
common bile duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the common bile duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell differentiation involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell differentiation involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
striated muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the striated muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
osteoclast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the osteoclast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
adrenal gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the adrenal gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal/distal pattern formation involved in nephron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal/distal pattern formation involved in nephron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
oculomotor nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the oculomotor nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of oocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of oocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac chamber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac chamber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development of primary female sexual characteristics Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development of primary female sexual characteristics biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trigeminal nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trigeminal nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pronephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pronephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
uterine epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the uterine epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pyramidal neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pyramidal neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
reproductive system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the reproductive system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebellar granular layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebellar granular layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
soft palate development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the soft palate development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cervix development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cervix development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
respiratory tube development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the respiratory tube development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesonephric epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesonephric epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
muscle structure development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the muscle structure development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of muscle organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of muscle organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of developmental growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of developmental growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ammon gyrus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ammon gyrus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
caudate nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the caudate nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
stromal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the stromal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
adult heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the adult heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammary gland epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammary gland epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bmp signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bmp signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
axon development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the axon development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric interstitial fibroblast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric interstitial fibroblast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
thalamus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the thalamus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrioventricular node development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrioventricular node development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
blood vessel development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the blood vessel development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of sclerotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of sclerotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
paramesonephric duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the paramesonephric duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
schwann cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the schwann cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell proliferation involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell proliferation involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric distal convoluted tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric distal convoluted tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
substantia nigra development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the substantia nigra development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development of primary sexual characteristics Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development of primary sexual characteristics biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tricuspid valve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tricuspid valve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
syncytiotrophoblast cell differentiation involved in labyrinthine layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the syncytiotrophoblast cell differentiation involved in labyrinthine layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
retinal pigment epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the retinal pigment epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
corpus callosum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the corpus callosum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
diaphragm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the diaphragm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammary gland lobule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammary gland lobule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular mesangial cell proliferation involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular mesangial cell proliferation involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
spongiotrophoblast layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the spongiotrophoblast layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of muscle organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of muscle organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of dendrite development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of dendrite development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
limb epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the limb epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
venous blood vessel development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the venous blood vessel development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
male genitalia development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the male genitalia development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vestibular nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vestibular nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pattern specification involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pattern specification involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
somite development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the somite development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural tube development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural tube development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trachea cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trachea cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell migration involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell migration involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
labyrinthine layer blood vessel development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the labyrinthine layer blood vessel development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
forebrain development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the forebrain development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development of secondary sexual characteristics Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development of secondary sexual characteristics biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric nephron epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric nephron epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal/distal pattern formation involved in metanephric nephron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal/distal pattern formation involved in metanephric nephron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
germ cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the germ cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lateral semicircular canal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lateral semicircular canal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pallium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pallium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sinoatrial node cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sinoatrial node cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
heart valve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the heart valve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kidney epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kidney epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere 4 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere 4 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
anatomical structure development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the anatomical structure development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of bone development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of bone development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
maternal placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the maternal placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
visceral mesoderm-endoderm interaction involved in midgut development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the visceral mesoderm-endoderm interaction involved in midgut development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hypothalamus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hypothalamus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
adenohypophysis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the adenohypophysis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cranial ganglion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cranial ganglion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of type b pancreatic cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of type b pancreatic cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
eyelid development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the eyelid development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
intrahepatic bile duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the intrahepatic bile duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
spermatid development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the spermatid development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of dendrite development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of dendrite development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of ovarian follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of ovarian follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory bulb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory bulb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skeletal muscle organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skeletal muscle organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
telencephalon development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the telencephalon development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of biomineral tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of biomineral tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
muscle organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the muscle organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
outer medullary collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the outer medullary collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
fat pad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the fat pad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of hair follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of hair follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endocrine pancreas development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endocrine pancreas development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of dermatome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of dermatome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
respiratory system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the respiratory system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
peyer's patch development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the peyer's patch development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of type b pancreatic cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of type b pancreatic cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
digestive tract development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the digestive tract development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
noradrenergic neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the noradrenergic neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pharyngeal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pharyngeal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
chordate embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the chordate embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
microglia development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the microglia development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
central nervous system neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the central nervous system neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
anterior/posterior pattern specification involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the anterior/posterior pattern specification involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lens fiber cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lens fiber cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
optic cup morphogenesis involved in camera-type eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the optic cup morphogenesis involved in camera-type eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pancreas development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pancreas development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
stem cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the stem cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
secretory columnal luminar epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the secretory columnal luminar epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
branchiomeric skeletal muscle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the branchiomeric skeletal muscle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac pacemaker cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac pacemaker cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebral cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebral cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of osteoclast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of osteoclast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
connective tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the connective tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development of secondary male sexual characteristics Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development of secondary male sexual characteristics biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
habenula development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the habenula development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell migration to the midline involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell migration to the midline involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
squamous basal epithelial stem cell differentiation involved in prostate gland acinus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the squamous basal epithelial stem cell differentiation involved in prostate gland acinus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sertoli cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sertoli cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
immune system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the immune system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
thyroid gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the thyroid gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
chondrocyte development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the chondrocyte development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
compound eye corneal lens development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the compound eye corneal lens development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric distal tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric distal tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cornea development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cornea development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory bulb mitral cell layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory bulb mitral cell layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal capsule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal capsule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
coronary vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the coronary vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
apoptotic process involved in development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the apoptotic process involved in development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory pit development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory pit development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic heart tube development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic heart tube development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere 2 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere 2 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebellar molecular layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebellar molecular layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of dermatome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of dermatome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vestibulocochlear nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vestibulocochlear nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
subthalamus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the subthalamus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sebaceous gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sebaceous gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
striated muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the striated muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell maturation involved in salivary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell maturation involved in salivary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung alveolus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung alveolus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of bone development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of bone development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrial cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrial cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental programmed cell death Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental programmed cell death biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dendrite development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dendrite development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial-mesenchymal signaling involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial-mesenchymal signaling involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of striated muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of striated muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
visceral serous pericardium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the visceral serous pericardium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
retinal rod cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the retinal rod cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
forebrain astrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the forebrain astrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of male gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of male gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of dendritic spine development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of dendritic spine development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
keratinocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the keratinocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric cortical collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric cortical collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
salivary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the salivary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell-cell signaling involved in mammary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell-cell signaling involved in mammary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventricular system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventricular system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular mesangial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular mesangial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental growth involved in morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental growth involved in morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
striatum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the striatum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of hair follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of hair follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventral spinal cord development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventral spinal cord development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of oocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of oocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
camera-type eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the camera-type eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
single-organism developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the single-organism developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
central nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the central nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development involved in symbiotic interaction Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development involved in symbiotic interaction biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of neural retina development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of neural retina development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
oligodendrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the oligodendrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
female gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the female gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lobar bronchus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lobar bronchus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of myotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of myotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lateral ventricle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lateral ventricle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
branching involved in open tracheal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the branching involved in open tracheal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mitral valve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mitral valve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of hair follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of hair follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell migration involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell migration involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
adipose tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the adipose tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
placenta blood vessel development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the placenta blood vessel development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal inner medulla development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal inner medulla development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ureter urothelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ureter urothelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric nephron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric nephron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nephron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nephron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
photoreceptor cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the photoreceptor cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hippocampus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hippocampus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
right lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the right lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ganglion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ganglion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
somatotropin secreting cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the somatotropin secreting cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sinoatrial node development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sinoatrial node development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
axial mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the axial mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebellar purkinje cell layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebellar purkinje cell layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
appendage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the appendage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cerebellar cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cerebellar cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kidney mesenchyme development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kidney mesenchyme development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kidney smooth muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kidney smooth muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
chondrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the chondrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of development, heterochronic Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of development, heterochronic biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell-cell signaling involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell-cell signaling involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
semicircular canal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the semicircular canal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
harderian gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the harderian gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
midbrain-hindbrain boundary development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the midbrain-hindbrain boundary development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere 5 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere 5 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
visceral muscle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the visceral muscle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell migration involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell migration involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nail development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nail development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
notochord cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the notochord cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
reproductive structure development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the reproductive structure development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammary gland fat development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammary gland fat development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in metanephric kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in metanephric kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
artery development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the artery development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic camera-type eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic camera-type eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
blastocyst development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the blastocyst development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of dendrite development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of dendrite development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kidney vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kidney vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endothelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endothelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammillothalamic axonal tract development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammillothalamic axonal tract development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
septum secundum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the septum secundum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
notch signaling involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the notch signaling involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammary gland alveolus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammary gland alveolus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pons development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pons development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endocardial cushion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endocardial cushion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of endothelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of endothelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vascular smooth muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vascular smooth muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
distal tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the distal tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung-associated mesenchyme development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung-associated mesenchyme development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kupffer's vesicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kupffer's vesicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
myotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the myotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
retina vasculature development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the retina vasculature development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in orbitofrontal cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in orbitofrontal cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of neuron projection development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of neuron projection development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lymph node development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lymph node development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
alveolar secondary septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the alveolar secondary septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
inner medullary collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the inner medullary collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lymph vessel development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lymph vessel development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell-cell signaling involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell-cell signaling involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
septum primum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the septum primum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in cardiac neural crest cell differentiation involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in cardiac neural crest cell differentiation involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nucleus accumbens development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nucleus accumbens development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proepicardium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proepicardium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric descending thin limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric descending thin limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cellular developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cellular developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
facial nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the facial nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
oviduct epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the oviduct epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pituitary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pituitary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal smoothened signaling pathway involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal smoothened signaling pathway involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular basement membrane development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular basement membrane development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric mesenchyme development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric mesenchyme development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerulus vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerulus vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of oocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of oocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
granulosa cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the granulosa cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter involved in mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bronchiole development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bronchiole development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
floor plate development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the floor plate development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
inner ear receptor cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the inner ear receptor cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryo development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryo development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hepatic duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hepatic duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cranial nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cranial nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cuticle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cuticle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nephron tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nephron tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of root development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of root development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sclerotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sclerotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
forebrain neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the forebrain neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of endothelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of endothelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
oocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the oocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of developmental pigmentation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of developmental pigmentation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
peripheral nervous system neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the peripheral nervous system neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
development of secondary female sexual characteristics Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the development of secondary female sexual characteristics biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neuron projection development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neuron projection development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
digestive system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the digestive system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventricular septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventricular septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bone development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bone development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neurohypophysis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neurohypophysis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
oviduct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the oviduct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
inner ear development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the inner ear development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
liver development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the liver development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of neuron projection development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of neuron projection development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endothelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endothelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lens development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lens development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
orbitofrontal cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the orbitofrontal cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nephron epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nephron epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
multicellular structure septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the multicellular structure septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vestibular receptor cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vestibular receptor cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ear development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ear development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nephrogenic mesenchyme development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nephrogenic mesenchyme development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerulus vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerulus vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of developmental growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of developmental growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric part of ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric part of ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
labyrinthine layer development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the labyrinthine layer development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
auditory receptor cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the auditory receptor cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of endothelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of endothelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
somatic muscle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the somatic muscle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
fungiform papilla development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the fungiform papilla development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pattern specification involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pattern specification involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
otolith development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the otolith development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nephric duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nephric duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrial septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrial septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
spleen development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the spleen development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
connecting tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the connecting tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of female gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of female gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
multicellular organismal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the multicellular organismal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
subthalamic nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the subthalamic nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in renal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in renal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
taste bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the taste bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
posterior mesonephric tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the posterior mesonephric tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
retinal cone cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the retinal cone cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
parasympathetic nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the parasympathetic nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of multicellular organismal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of multicellular organismal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesonephric tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesonephric tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
gall bladder development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the gall bladder development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric capsule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric capsule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cloaca development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cloaca development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skin development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skin development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of metanephric glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of metanephric glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of developmental pigmentation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of developmental pigmentation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neuromuscular junction development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neuromuscular junction development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
midbrain development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the midbrain development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
subpallium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the subpallium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of biomineral tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of biomineral tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
descending thin limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the descending thin limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric loop of henle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric loop of henle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric macula densa development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric macula densa development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
extraocular skeletal muscle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the extraocular skeletal muscle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrioventricular node cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrioventricular node cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of female gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of female gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ascending thin limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ascending thin limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mammillary body development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mammillary body development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of male gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of male gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
in utero embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the in utero embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesangial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesangial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
seminiferous tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the seminiferous tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchyme development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchyme development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
diencephalon development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the diencephalon development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lateral mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lateral mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural crest cell migration involved in autonomic nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural crest cell migration involved in autonomic nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventral midline development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventral midline development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal interstitial fibroblast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal interstitial fibroblast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glycogen cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glycogen cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of striated muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of striated muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac ventricle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac ventricle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sympathetic nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sympathetic nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
rhombomere 6 development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the rhombomere 6 development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
exocrine system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the exocrine system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular endothelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular endothelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
third ventricle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the third ventricle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sensory organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sensory organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pattern specification involved in mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pattern specification involved in mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
thymus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the thymus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
alveolar primary septum development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the alveolar primary septum development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
changes to dna methylation involved in embryo development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the changes to dna methylation involved in embryo development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
enteric nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the enteric nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
wnt signaling pathway involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the wnt signaling pathway involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
enucleate erythrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the enucleate erythrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric cortex development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric cortex development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dorsal spinal cord development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dorsal spinal cord development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of dermatome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of dermatome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skeletal muscle fiber development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skeletal muscle fiber development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental cell growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental cell growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ovarian follicle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ovarian follicle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
medullary reticular formation development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the medullary reticular formation development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lateral geniculate nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lateral geniculate nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric thick ascending limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric thick ascending limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skin epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skin epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
left lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the left lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
exocrine pancreas development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the exocrine pancreas development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pancreatic a cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pancreatic a cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pulmonary myocardium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pulmonary myocardium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
skeletal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the skeletal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric ascending thin limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric ascending thin limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cochlea development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cochlea development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of osteoclast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of osteoclast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of metanephric glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of metanephric glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of ectoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of ectoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
female genitalia development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the female genitalia development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic skeletal system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic skeletal system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metencephalon development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metencephalon development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of metanephric glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of metanephric glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of male gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of male gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
thick ascending limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the thick ascending limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
macula densa development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the macula densa development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
parathyroid gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the parathyroid gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
biomineral tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the biomineral tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glandular epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glandular epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal straight tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal straight tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell-cell signaling involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell-cell signaling involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
facioacoustic ganglion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the facioacoustic ganglion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
intestinal epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the intestinal epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of sclerotome development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of sclerotome development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesonephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesonephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
posterior midgut development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the posterior midgut development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
purkinje myocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the purkinje myocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ureter development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ureter development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bone marrow development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bone marrow development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
post-embryonic organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the post-embryonic organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hindbrain development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hindbrain development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
paraxial mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the paraxial mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
vagus nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the vagus nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
inferior colliculus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the inferior colliculus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of retina development in camera-type eye Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of retina development in camera-type eye biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
fourth ventricle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the fourth ventricle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory bulb interneuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory bulb interneuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of anterior head development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of anterior head development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural crest cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural crest cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular endothelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular endothelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrioventricular canal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrioventricular canal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trigeminal ganglion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trigeminal ganglion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of osteoclast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of osteoclast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
anterior/posterior pattern specification involved in ureteric bud development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the anterior/posterior pattern specification involved in ureteric bud development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
anterior semicircular canal development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the anterior semicircular canal development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trabecular meshwork development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trabecular meshwork development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dna methylation involved in embryo development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dna methylation involved in embryo development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural retina development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural retina development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trigeminal sensory nucleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trigeminal sensory nucleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesendoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesendoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerulus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerulus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell proliferation involved in kidney development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell proliferation involved in kidney development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
loop of henle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the loop of henle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesonephric duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesonephric duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
erythrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the erythrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
olfactory nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the olfactory nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
brain development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the brain development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ectoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ectoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
myeloid cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the myeloid cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
non-canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the non-canonical wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
locus ceruleus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the locus ceruleus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
male gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the male gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
brainstem development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the brainstem development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic skeletal joint development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic skeletal joint development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tube development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tube development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
superior temporal gyrus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the superior temporal gyrus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of bone development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of bone development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac neural crest cell development involved in outflow tract morphogenesis Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac neural crest cell development involved in outflow tract morphogenesis biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
optic cup formation involved in camera-type eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the optic cup formation involved in camera-type eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
corneocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the corneocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hard palate development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hard palate development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
nose development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the nose development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pigment metabolic process involved in developmental pigmentation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pigment metabolic process involved in developmental pigmentation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular mesangial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular mesangial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental induction Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental induction biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
limb development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the limb development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
chorion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the chorion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
eye photoreceptor cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the eye photoreceptor cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
dentate gyrus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the dentate gyrus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
deltoid tuberosity development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the deltoid tuberosity development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric proximal tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric proximal tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
osteoblast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the osteoblast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental process involved in reproduction Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental process involved in reproduction biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
globus pallidus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the globus pallidus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
tendon sheath development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the tendon sheath development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell differentiation involved in salivary gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell differentiation involved in salivary gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
optic chiasma development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the optic chiasma development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
autonomic nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the autonomic nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
intermediate mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the intermediate mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric proximal convoluted tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric proximal convoluted tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiovascular system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiovascular system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental pigmentation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental pigmentation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of metanephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of metanephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pattern specification involved in pronephros development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pattern specification involved in pronephros development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung saccule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung saccule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of muscle organ development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of muscle organ development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
post-embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the post-embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
growth plate cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the growth plate cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trochlear nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trochlear nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell proliferation involved in heart valve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell proliferation involved in heart valve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural plate development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural plate development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
spinal cord development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the spinal cord development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neuron development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neuron development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
adult somatic muscle development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the adult somatic muscle development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric smooth muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric smooth muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
endocardium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the endocardium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of developmental growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of developmental growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
heart development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the heart development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of biomineral tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of biomineral tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of developmental pigmentation Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of developmental pigmentation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sympathetic ganglion development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sympathetic ganglion development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
compound eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the compound eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular basement membrane development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular basement membrane development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
proximal convoluted tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the proximal convoluted tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
embryonic digestive tract development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the embryonic digestive tract development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glossopharyngeal nerve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glossopharyngeal nerve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
hindgut development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the hindgut development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lacrimal gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lacrimal gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
urinary bladder development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the urinary bladder development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
notochord development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the notochord development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
urogenital system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the urogenital system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bundle of his development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bundle of his development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventricular cardiac muscle cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventricular cardiac muscle cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of ectoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of ectoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
developmental process Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the developmental process biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
genitalia development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the genitalia development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of dendritic spine development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of dendritic spine development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
distal convoluted tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the distal convoluted tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric proximal straight tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric proximal straight tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
post-embryonic camera-type eye development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the post-embryonic camera-type eye development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
smooth muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the smooth muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
atrioventricular valve development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the atrioventricular valve development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal outer medulla development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal outer medulla development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
palate development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the palate development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cardiac conduction system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cardiac conduction system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
peripheral nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the peripheral nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
ventricular cardiac muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the ventricular cardiac muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
bone cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the bone cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
midgut development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the midgut development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell differentiation involved in mammary gland alveolus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell differentiation involved in mammary gland alveolus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of type b pancreatic cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of type b pancreatic cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of female gonad development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of female gonad development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pronephric nephron tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pronephric nephron tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
trachea gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the trachea gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epidermis development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epidermis development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
lung development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the lung development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
spongiotrophoblast layer developmental growth Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the spongiotrophoblast layer developmental growth biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
neural crest cell migration involved in sympathetic nervous system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the neural crest cell migration involved in sympathetic nervous system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of striated muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of striated muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
gonadal mesoderm development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the gonadal mesoderm development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
positive regulation of cartilage development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the positive regulation of cartilage development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
epithelial cell maturation involved in prostate gland development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the epithelial cell maturation involved in prostate gland development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
uterus development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the uterus development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
cortical collecting duct development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the cortical collecting duct development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
type b pancreatic cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the type b pancreatic cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
sensory system development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the sensory system development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
regulation of chondrocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the regulation of chondrocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
glomerular parietal epithelial cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the glomerular parietal epithelial cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
metanephric connecting tubule development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the metanephric connecting tubule development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
renal system vasculature development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the renal system vasculature development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
pharynx development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the pharynx development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
seminal vesicle epithelium development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the seminal vesicle epithelium development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of embryonic development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of embryonic development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
negative regulation of muscle tissue development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the negative regulation of muscle tissue development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
myoblast development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the myoblast development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
myotube cell development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the myotube cell development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
megakaryocyte development Gene SetFrom GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 genes participating in the megakaryocyte development biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2015 dataset. |
Primary tooth development (number of teeth) Gene SetFrom GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Primary tooth development (number of teeth) phenotype in GWAS datasets from the GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Puberty onset (breast development) Gene SetFrom GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Puberty onset (breast development) phenotype in GWAS datasets from the GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Permanent tooth development Gene SetFrom GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Permanent tooth development phenotype in GWAS datasets from the GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
Primary tooth development (time to first tooth eruption) Gene SetFrom GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations genes associated with the Primary tooth development (time to first tooth eruption) phenotype in GWAS datasets from the GWAS Catalog SNP-Phenotype Associations dataset. |
bone development disease Gene SetFrom GWASdb SNP-Disease Associations genes associated with the disease bone development disease in GWAS and other genetic association datasets from the GWASdb SNP-Disease Associations dataset. |
specific developmental disorder Gene Set |